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CATEGORY MALOLOS 1935 1973 1987


Form of Free and The people live The people still live The Philippines is
Government independent. It sovereignty. sovereignty. now a democratic
and consists of three state.
Separation powers that are The Philippines is a The Philippines is
of Powers distributed to the republican state. still a Republican The people still live
executive, state. sovereignty.
legislative, and

Provisions Filipinos and People should not People should not People should not
on Civil foreign people can be taken out of also be taken out of also be taken out of
Liberties be imprisoned property, freedom, property, freedom, property, freedom,
when they did and life without and life without and life without
something that is going through a going through a going through a
against the law or if due process that is due process that is due process that is
they committed a stated by the law. stated by the law. stated by the law.
Provisions People are not Taxation should be The taxation Congress will
on Taxation required to pay fair to all people system’s evolve the taxation
or Revenue their taxes. progression should system. Taxation
Sharing be evolved by the should still be fair
house of and the same to all
representatives, people.
and the taxation
system should be
fair and the same
to all people.
Provisions None None None The relatives and
on Political partner of the
Dynasty president within the
4th degree should
not be appointed
as a member or
head on any of the

Provisions In four years terms, The country is still The Prime minister The Vice-President
on the country will be led by the should take over will be the new
Changing/ led by a president president. He/she the place of the president until the
Removing elected, and he/she has a six-year term president until a term ends in case
the Head of will not be eligible without any re- new president is the outgoing
State or the to be re-elected election elected in case the president resigns
President outgoing president or encounters an
has encountered issue that risks
an issue that risks his/her life and
his/her life and health.

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