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This essay/ article attempts to provide those who are starting up a new business but

confused about B2B and B2C terms with a comparison between these two business
models. B2B is a business model that targets customers who are also businesses of
the same enterprise while the B2C model is directly aimed at consumers. There are
three significant differences between these two models. Firstly, B2B clients buy in
bulk (usually for companies and businesses) while B2C consumers purchase things
for individuals, friends, and family members. Secondly, the B2B sales cycle takes
longer compared with the other. In contrast, a B2C consumer is likely to purchase
the item at first encounter. Last but not least, the interest in content between the
two models is completely different. Businesses focus on information, terminology,
or other technical issues whereas individual buyers will aim for simplicity and fun.

When it comes to similarities, both B2B and B2C transactions require

comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the service offered. With the main
focus on customers, they aim to turn potential customers into long-term ones.
Another similarity between B2B and B2C sales is the fact that the customers of
both forms are considerably well-versed in the products or services they are
interested in, which is a stark contrast to the previous generations of buyers.
Customers these days tend to gather as much information as possible about the
products prior to purchasing them to guarantee that they make wise decisions.

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