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Managing Information Systems - Group Project Guidelines

Each group is expected to do an in-depth exploration and analysis of the role played by information
systems in a major firm, operating in a particular industry. Each group must select a different firm based
on mutual discussion.
Key expectations from the project
1. In-depth analysis of the industry chosen, in terms of aspects like the competitive landscape,
nature of competition, and others (Please use suitable strategic frameworks as deemed fit)
2. Competitive positioning of the firm chosen for analysis, within the industry
3. Identification of information and IS requirements of the firm using the suitable planning and
strategic approaches discussed in the course – such as strategic grid, CSFs, value chain, system
audit matrix, gap analysis, inside-out innovation, etc.
4. Analysis of the actual IS strategy and IS applications portfolio of the chosen firm (to the extent
possible – using annual reports, news articles, etc.) – and how the actual IS strategy and
applications portfolio compares to the analysis done by you (in #3 above)
5. Discussion of the firm’s organizational structure and the presence or absence of IT related roles
in the senior leadership (based on type of decisions and information requirements)
6. Compare the IT utilization/ under-utilization of the firm with respect to other competitors or
noteworthy players of the industry (or competitors from outside the industry). What are your
suggestions to the firm for how it can improve its IT utilization and benefit from IT?
7. Identify some challenges faced by the firm in the adoption and use of the information
technologies as well as in dealing with the consequences of the use of these technologies
Project scope
Note that the project carries only 15% of the total weightage. However, it is a good opportunity for
peer-learning working within a group as well as exchanging ideas across groups in the class
presentations. Keeping both of these in mind, I recommend that groups should keep the scope of the
project fairly narrow, while ensuring that the final presentation has some value-added output. I would
recommend that once you narrow down on an industry and a firm, pick a couple of consultancy reports
or a dozen newspaper articles on the same. Then build your presentation based on these reports and
reorganize the ideas to align with the philosophy of our MIS course.
The project should ideally take the shape of a pilot consultancy study with a bit of informed speculation
on the future trajectory and hence policy recommendations.
1. Project proposal: The Group has to submit a one slide (or one page) proposal on their project
plan, within a week after receiving these instructions. The proposal will carry 20% weightage.
2. Project Presentation: The Group has to do a 7-minute presentation on their project. The
presentation should be precise and coherent. The presentations will happen during the last
session of the course. The slides have to be submitted before the presentation session starts.
The presentation should not be mere statement of facts.
Groups that present coherent arguments on the strategic role (or the absence of such role) of information
systems for the firm(s) or the industry and exhibit clear decision-making abilities with regard to
management of information systems will be awarded higher marks. The presentation and the slides will
carry 80% weightage.

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