Assessment in Learning 2: Preliminary Examination

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Preliminary Examination

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze each direction carefully and answer the following

Direction: Discuss/define on your own word the word/phrase/sentences below.

A. Emergent Assessment (5pts)
- This assessment gives more importance to the effectiveness of instructions rather than
learning outcomes to students. This assessment model tends to be more qualitative in
B. Alternative Assessment (5pts)
- An alternative assessment and evaluation is a student-centered approach and it focuses
on the level of the application of knowledge and skills to real life, taking the individual
features of the students into consideration.
C. Developmental Assessment (5pts)
- From the word “Develop” , this assessment mainly focusing at students’ progress in
their skills, abilities, values rather than evaluating students final products.
D. Authentic Assessment (5pts)
- Authentic assessment is based on students’ abilities to perform meaningful tasks they
may have to do in the “real world.”
E. Using the given criteria in determining if an assessment task or activity is authentic or not,
choose a topic and design an activity. Discuss the details of the activity. (30pts)

Discussion of the activity:

- This Activity built the interest of students because of the images that I used in
the activity. It is based in the real-world situation. It is about sense organs and their
uses. This activity also requires creative use of language by how they express their
thinking about the given activity.
F. Choose a topic (related to your major), create a plan considering the Educational Objectives
in Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. For each domain, provide a learning target,
description and the learning outcome related to the content.
Sample template

Lesson Content Learning Target Description Learning

TitleA.of four major
states of
Cognitive Domain
Creating States of Matter I can determine Discussion of the The students
the four major lesson must enable would able to
states of Matter the learners to identify the
understand the 4 differences of
major states of four major
matter states of
Evaluating States of Matter I can evaluate Discussion of the The students
the 4 major lesson must enable would able to
States of Matter the learners to describe the
evaluate the 4 four major
major states of states of
matter and its matter.
Analyzing States of Matter I can categorize Discussion of the The students
the 4 major lesson must enable would able to
States of matter the learners to compares the
categorize the 4 different four
major states of major states
matter. of matter.
Applying States of Matter I can apply the 4 Discussion of the The students
major states of lesson must enable would able to
matter in real the learners to apply the
world situation. apply the 4 major different four
states of matter in major states
real life situation. of matter in
real world
Understanding States of Matter I can explain the Discussion of the The students
4 major states of lesson must enable would able to
matter in real the learners to explain the
world situation. explain the 4 major different four
states of matter major states
of matter .
Remembering States of Matter I can define the 4 Discussion of the The students
major states of lesson must enable would able to
matter in real the learners to define the
world situation. define the 4 major different four
states of matter major states
of matter .
G. Search for a performance assessment tool and check whether it is a good one or otherwise.
Paste the tool and write down your comments.

PEER REVIEW - Having students assess themselves and each other.

My Comments :
- It encourages collaboration to solve problems and generate innovative ideas.
Brainstorming helps teams generate a large number of ideas quickly, which can be
refined and merged to create the ideal solution. For me it is a good one, it empower
students to take responsibility for and manage their own learning. The teachers can
know the ideas of the students, she can know what to teach and what to explain to her
students. She can clarify some ideas that the students know.

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