Diploma in Geomatics Engineering: Engineering Survey (EG 3201:GE) Unit 5: Site Survey

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Diploma In Geomatics Engineering

Engineering Survey(EG 3201:GE)

Unit 5: Site survey

Er. Nabin Raj Bhatt

Geomatics Engineer (Geomatics Instructor)
• Site surveys are inspections of an area where work is proposed
• to gather information for a design or an estimate to complete the
initial tasks required for an outdoor activity.
• It can determine a precise location, access, best orientation for the
site and the location of obstacles.
• The type of site survey and the best practices required depend on
the nature of the project and purpose of survey.
Site survey may include,
1. Building site survey
2. Bridge site survey
3. Dam site survey
4. Power house site survey
5. Canal survey etc.
Methods of site survey
On the basis of platform
• Ground based survey
• Aerial survey
• Satellite based survey
On the basis of instrument used
• Plane table survey
• Total station survey
• Theodolite survey
• Photogrammetry
• Lidar survey
• GNSS survey
Monumentation and control point/benchmark
Horizontal control point
• Control points with Known Easting and Northing Value
• Gives the planimetric position of points.
• Methods of horizontal control point establishment are:
• Traversing
• Triangulation
• Intersection
• Resection
• GNSS technology
• Aerial triangulation
• Accuracy of horizontal control points depends upon instrument
used, purpose of work, budget and time etc.
Monumentation and control point/benchmark
Vertical control point
• Control points with Known Elevation Value
• Gives the altimetric position of points.
• Methods of vertical control point establishment are:
• Levelling (sprit levelling, trigonometric levelling etc.)
• GNSS survey
Computation and plotting field data
• Computation for control points
• Computation for details
• Checking the completeness and accuracy of observed data
• Plotting of data

Preparation of plans and profiles for different

components of construction site
• Preparation of Topographical map and plan
• L section and cross-section
• Detail design
Steps for site survey
• Planning
• Recconnaince
• Monumentation and control point establishment
• Detail survey
• Computation plotting and drawing
• Detail design
• Stake out survey or layout or construction survey
• As-built survey
Bridge site survey
• The strong structure over any water channel or other
obstacles for crossing
• A bridge is just something that helps us cross an obstacle,
whether that be a river, ocean, canyon, or highway
• Types of bridge
• Beam bridge
• Truss bridge
• Cantilever bridge
• Arc bridge
• Tied arc bridge
• Cable stayed bridge
• Suspension bridge
1. Caisson/Raft Foundation
2. Bridge Pier
3. Bearing
4. Slab
5. Roadway
6. Railing
7. Abutment
According to international rule,
• bridge over the water way of 6- 30 m are called minor
bridge and over 30 m are major bridge
• Most of the bridges require a topographical survey as
well as a contour plan of the bridge site and approaches
to the bridge
Bridge Survey
➢Bridge surveying is necessary to locate a site, obtain information for design,
and furnish lines and grades for construction.
➢A reconnaissance survey is made at all possible sites.
➢A preliminary survey is made at the best site to establish horizontal and
vertical control and to obtain information for the bridge design and
construction planning.
➢A location survey is made to lay out the bridge according to the bridge
➢During the actual construction, the surveyor established any additional
lines and grades required by the construction foreman.
➢The accuracy of measurements and the number and type of survey markers
vary with the degree of precision demanded and the type of construction.
➢Tentative bridge sites are selected by reconnaissance and the
more suitable site is investigate in detail.
➢The selection of a bridge site is governed by both tactical and
technical considerations.
➢Tactical requirements fix the general area for the bridge site.
➢Technical requirements fix the exact location and may
sometimes eliminate sites that are tactically acceptable. For
permanent construction, technical considerations govern the
bridge location.
➢Major and minor bridge axis are fixed.
Access Roads
➢Maps or prepared overlays show existing roads and the
distances of railheads from the bridge site.
➢Descriptive symbols indicate the width, condition, and
types of roads.
➢The surveyor draws sketches of approach roads to be
constructed on overlays and includes them in the
reconnaissance report.
Bridge Length
• The surveyor determines the length of the bridge crossing
to estimate the materials required for construction.
• Depending on the distance and equipment available, the
surveyor measures this distance with a tape, an electronic
measuring device, triangulation, or by stadia method.
• The Length of the center line of a short bridge may be
measured directly with the standard steel tape. But in case
of a long bridge the length is usually determined by
➢The surveyor reports on the character and shape of the riverbanks.
This includes the amount and type of vegetation; the slope, height,
and composition of the banks
➢The surveyor selects tentative abutment positions and measures the
size and location of any usable abutments or piers for possible use in
the proposed construction.
Character of the river
Character of the Flow
➢The surveyor determines ➢The surveyor observes the
stream velocity by timing a character of the river bottom for
floating object over a each site and reports information
measured course. High- on the design of intermediate
water levels are supports.
determined by noting drift
and marks on vegetation
or piers, questioning local
inhabitants, and consulting
tide tables and local flood
Detail survey and plotting
➢In preliminary survey, control points are established by a
system of traverse, triangulation or trilateration. DGPS
technologies are also used these days
➢The change in topography and the features are measured as
per the requirement of the project.
➢Upstream and downstream survey is also done. Mainly
upstream and downstream is taken as 300m and 200m for
suspension bridge and 500m and 300m in case of RCC bridge.
➢In detail survey we also mark alternative bridge axis
Detail survey and plotting
➢ Topographic map, L-section and Cross-section of the river are prepared, based
on which some changes in the position of the bridge axis can be done
➢And overall design of the bridge in carried out along with the placement of
abutment and piers according to the span of the bridge, the discharge, flood
level and the traffic volume.
➢According to design we have to set out those points on the ground and finally
construction survey is conducted
➢The contour interval may be 0.5 m to 2 m and scale should be taken as 1 in
1000 or 1 in 500 depending upon the nature of the ground
➢Relevant details such as width of the river, the width of the proposed bridge
and hydraulic and soil investigation particulars have to be shown on the maps
➢A hydrographic survey is also required when we conduct bridge survey
➢A continuous profile of bed is obtained by sounding or other techniques
Some points to be noted are:
• Bridge should cross from the river where span is minimum
• Bridge should be made above the high flood level
• Bridge should not be made on turning of the road
• Bridge structure should be according to the traffic volume
and weight of vehicles
• Geological survey is more necessary in bridge survey to
locate piers and abutments
Hydro- Power Survey
• Hydropower is the form of clean energy where, electricity
is generated by conversion of potential energy on the
stored water to the kinetic energy and ultimately to the
electrical energy by rotation of turbine.
Hydropower Potential
•Gross Potential
•Technical Potential
•Economical Potential
Hydropower Potential
Gross Potential
• Total amount of energy that can be produced
theoretically with out consideration of feasibility of
practical implementation of it.
• For this a river is divided into different portion
• Potential at each portion is determined from its
discharge and head of that particular portion.
• Potential of all portion is added to find out
theoretical potential of that basin.
Hydropower Potential
Technical Potential
• It is impossible to generate all the capacity which is
calculated theoretically due to topographical,
geological or other factors.
• Technical potential of hydropower in Nepal is said
to be 42000 MW.
Hydropower Potential
Economical Potential
•Despite the good geological and topography, if
some projects fails to generate benefits, it is
not recommend for implementation.
•Only those projects that can generate benefits
are said to be economically feasible and the
corresponding potential is termed as
economical potential
Classification of hydropower projects
on the basis of available head
• Differ from nation to nation
• In case of our nation following standard has been used for
classification of hydro power projects.
S.N. Project Type Head
1 Low Head <50m

2 Medium head 50- 300 m

3 High Head >300

Classification of hydropower projects
on the basis of Storage capacity
1. Run off River type (RoR)
• No storage available
• Water from river directed to channel and electricity generated
• Power is altered due to variation in river flow.
2. Peaking Runoff River Type (PRoR)
• Short term storage to meet daily variation of electricity requirement.
3. Storage type
• Have large dams constructed and water is stored for a year or long on its upstream
4. Pumped-storage hydropower (PSH)
• It is a configuration of two water reservoirs at different elevations that can generate
power (discharge) as water moves down through a turbine; this draws power as
it pumps water (recharge) to the upper reservoir.
Technical Terms used in Hydropower
• Height difference available for power generation.
• Gross Head: difference between water level in headrace and
water level in tailrace canal. In case of water reservoir project, it is
equal to height difference between water top level in reservoir and
that in tailrace canal.
• Net Head: height difference of levels of RLs of water at forebay
and power house. Alternatively it is vertical length of penstock.
mathematically, Net head= Gross head – Head loss
Technical Terms used in Hydropower
Discharge: Discharge is the amount (volume) of water passing through
certain section of the river per unit time.
Watershed/ Catchment area: Area above dam axis or reservoir
that contribute the water to the dam or reservoir.
Reservoir: the natural or artificial pond formed by obstruction
the route of the river to certain height that is capable of storing
water on upstream side of its dam or obstruction.
Grid connected and isolated hydropower projects
Command Area: in isolated project area where the energy
generated from that project is distributed but the term is not
seem contextual for grid connected project.
Technical Terms used in Hydropower
Spillway: The structure provided on side of canal , that carries
back the excess water from the top of the canal to the
Flushing canal: Canal with gate, that is used to clean/sweep
the sediments on the gravel trap or desander.
Components of Hydropower
Weir: The barrier constructed across the river to raise water river according to
requirement for diversion to intake.
Intake: The structure, to pass required quantity of water from river to channel
for desired propose. Intake provided with gate and trash rack.
Gravel trap with flushing cannel: Intake immediately followed by a part of
lower elevation for sedimentation of particles that pass the intake. Flusing
cannel is provided to flush the gravels back when trap is full.
Approach canal with spillway: The channel after intake that convey water to
settling basin. In case of excess flow in to channel from intake , spillway is
provided with approach channel.
Desander/ Settling basin: the structure after approach channel, that sediments
sand and small particles before passing water to headrace canal or tunnel.
Components of Hydropower
Forebay: Generally, in projects with canal, the canal pours into a
structure that acts as temporary storage and a secondary settling
basin. So, forebay is the pond after headrace canal and at the top of
Surge Shaft: in project with tunnel a vertical structure is formed
upward from tunnel elevation.
Penstock: The pipe of appropriate diameter and material that convey
water from forebay to the power house. Penstock alignment is
preferably inclined at an inclination of 45 degree with horizon.
Anchor Block: Concrete structure provided to support penstock.
Power house:
Components of Hydropower Project
 Headworks: weir, intake with trashrack, gravel trap with
flusing canal, approach canal, desandar(settling basin)

 Water Conveyance System: Headrace canal/tunnel/pipe,

forebay/ surge tank, penstock

 Power house assembly: power house, turbine, generator,

Hydropower Survey: Stages

 Accomplished in four main stages as:

◦ Reconnaissance Survey
◦ Prefeasibility study
◦ Feasibility study
◦ Construction Survey

(The survey procedure in the following section is based on the

standard and guidelines published by DoED)

Activities performed in reconnaissance survey
◦ Available maps and aerial photographs
 Collect and use available largest scale contour maps and
aerial photographs of the project area
 Enlarge by photogrammetric method the available largest
scale topo map of the project area to 1:10000 scale.
Activities performed in reconnaissance survey
◦ Topographical Survey
 If the project is dam type:
 Conduct cross-section survey of potential dam sites of
the project area with fixing of bench marks
 Conduct survey to prepare contour plan covering
alternate dam, powerhouse and tailrace sites, spillways
areas, river diversion area and pondage impoundment
5/23/2015 38
Activities performed in reconnaissance survey
◦ Topographical Survey
 If the project is diversion type:
◦ Conduct longitudinal profile survey of the river stretch to cover
potential alternative weir and powerhouse sites of the project area
showing the confluence point on rivulets/ stream in between
◦ Conduct river cross section surveys of potential weir and powerhouse
sites showing highest flood marks and existing levels. This survey
should be coordinated in a manner to locate the cross sections on the
longitudinal profile of the river.

Activities performed in reconnaissance survey
◦ Mapping and Plotting
 If the project is dam type:
◦ Prepare contour plan in 1:10000 scale with 5 or 10 m contour interval
of the project area including impoundment area
◦ Prepare cross section of potential dam sites
 If the project is diversion type:
◦ Plot the river profile, plot cross-sections of potential weir sites
◦ Based on walkover survey, locate approximately the potential
desanding sites and forebay sites, make route alignment for
waterways(canal/tunnel, penstock) using the topo-map enlarged by
photogrammetric method to scale say 1:10000 from existing large
scale contour map. 40
Activities performed in reconnaissance survey
 Hydrology
◦ Carry out a discharge measurement at headworks site
during the driest period of the flow
◦ Carry out a cross section survey at intake site
covering the highest flood mark
◦ Asses the peak flood discharge
◦ Determine if there is any glacial lake in the catchment
through map study

Criteria for selection of reservior location
 Area of minimum percolation (process of a liquid slowly passing
through a filter)
 Water tight base rock available
 Narrow opening of basin
 Easily accessible by road and reduced construction cost
 Adequate storage without submerging excessive land and other
 Area with higher depth attainable in smaller area. Higher depth
lowers submerged area/unit capacity : smaller area reduces loss due
to evaporation
Criteria for selection of Intake
 Should be suitable to accommodate the construction of a weir
downstream of intake mouth
 Should be relatively permanent part of stream
 River Should not have large gradient upstream of intake
 Should be straight both upstream and downstream.

Selection of canal/tunnel alignment
 Path should be stable and not threatened by landslides or
falling rocks
 Should not contain obstructions that would hinder
construction, make construction expensive or shorten the
life of canal.

Selection of penstock alignment
 Preferred to minimize penstock length and choose forebay and
powerhouse location accordingly
 Should be feasible to layout penstock at the optimum
alignment ( while mild slope increases length, steep slope
reduces stability and raises difficulty in layout
 Should be preferably straight, both in plan and elevation
 Should have appropriate location at the toe for construction of
power house.

Activities performed in Prefeasibility Survey
◦ Available maps and aerial photographs
 collect and make use of available contour maps of the project area
including those maps/sections/ profiles prepared during
reconnaissance survey.

Activities performed in Prefeasibility Survey
 Topographical Survey
◦ Establish the control points and new benchmarks
◦ Conduct leveling and traverse survey for tying the control
points/benchmarks with triangulation points of the national grid established
by Survey department
◦ Carry out topographical survey of the project area as a whole with 5 m
contour interval and of the location of major structural components with
contour interval of 1 m. At least two promising alternatives should be
covered by topographical survey.

Activities performed in Prefeasibility Survey
 Topographical Survey
◦ Strip survey of water conveyance route (canal, aquaduct,
siphon) with detailed cross sections of cross drainage
lying across the canal route(s) and the penstock route
with coverage of most promising alternatives to produce
maps in 1:2000 scale with 2 m contour interval.
◦ Surveys for setting out boreholes , seismic refraction
lines, test pits, trenches need to be carried out

Activities performed in Prefeasibility Survey
 Topographical Survey
◦ River cross section survey should be carried out both at intake
and tailrace sites covering at least 500 m upstream and
downstream at each side. The interval should be 50 m to 100 m
depending upon river conditions.
◦ High flood marks and existing water levels must be shown in the
cross sections.
◦ The detailed cross-section survey of cross drainage works are
also needed to be carried out.

Activities performed in Prefeasibility Survey
Mapping and Plotting
 Prepare contour plan in 1:5000 with 5 m contour interval of the
whole project area. All the features such as rocky cliff, slide
zones, cultivated land, etc. must be shown in the contour plan
 Prepare map in 1:1000 scale with 1 m contour interval of dam/
weir sites, river diversion sites, desanding basin sites, forebay/
pondage basin sites, penstock alignment and powerhouse sites and
of canal/tunnel alignment in 1:2000 scale with 2 to 5 m contour
 The map in 1:1000 scale should include the area of spillway
location of dam type powerhouse, if the spillway location falls in
the terrain outside the main dam. 50
Activities performed in Feasibility Survey
Available maps and aerial photographs
◦ Topographical survey and mapping that are expected to be carried out at
pre-feasibility level correspond to the requirement of feasibility level.
However, some augmentation of survey works for selected alternative may
be needed, e.g.. For setting up additional geo-technical exploration
locations. These additional surveys and mapping should be compatible with
the recommendations made for further survey and investigation by pre-
feasibility level study
◦ Make use of all available maps, aerial photographs, sections/profiles and
maps prepared during previous level of studies particularly of pre-feasibility
level survey.

Activities performed in Feasibility Survey
Topographical survey
◦ Conduct strip survey of access road alignment with 5 m contour
interval to produce map in 1:5000 scale with fixing of
benchmarks in an interval of 500 m and at major crossing,
drainage locations.
◦ Conduct surveys to cover additional areas if prefeasibility study
has recommended for need of such surveys.
◦ Conduct walkover survey of transmission routes using available
1:25000 scale topo-sheets to compare with socio-environmental
hazards including forested areas to be crossed for potential
Activities performed in Feasibility Survey
 Mapping and Plotting
◦ Additional mapping and plotting will be required only if pre-
feasibility study has recommended for such works.
◦ Prepare access route map in scale of 1:5000 with 5 m contour
interval and cross- section along bridge/culverts lying in the
road alignment. The profile should be plotted in a scale ov V
1:500 and H 1:5000

Construction Survey: Headworks, Powerhouse
 Layout of structures as per design to the ground.
 Use of total station for position these days.
 Level run along with total station in precise works such as
approach canal and desander.


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