Pathfinder® For Savage Worlds Rise of The Runelords! Handouts (6 Sheets)

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Gala Alonso (Order #33578342)

Hello, Sis!
I hope this letter finds you well, and with some free time on your hands,
because we’ve got something of a problem. It’s to do with father. Seems that

Gala Alonso (Order #33578342)


he might have had something to do with Sandpoint’s recent troubles with the
goblins, and I didn’t want to bring the matter to the authorities because
we both know he’d just weasel his way out of it. You’ve got some pull here
in town, though. If you can meet me at the Glassworks at midnight tonight,

maybe we can figure out how to make sure he faces the punishment he
deserves. Knock twice and then three times more and then once more
at the delivery entrance and I’ll let you in.
In any case, I don’t have to impress upon you the delicate nature of this
request. If news got out, you know these local rubes would assume that you
and I were in on the whole thing too, don’t you? They’ve got no honor at all
around these parts. I still don’t understand how you can stand to stay here.
Anyway, don’t tell anyone about this. There are other complications as well,
ones I’d rather talk to you about in person tonight. Don’t be late!

Ripnugget seems to favor the
My love seems bent on going
The raid went about as overwhelming land approach,
but I don’t think it’s the through with it—nothing I can
planned. Few Thistletop
best plan. We should get say convinces her of her
goblins perished, and we
were able to secure Tobyn’s the quasit’s aid. Send her beauty. She remains obsessed
casket with ease while the freaks up from below via with removing what she calls

rubes were distracted by the smuggling tunnel in my her "celestial taint" and
the rest. I can’t wait until father’s Glassworks, and replacing it with her Mother’s

begins. Join the Pack and it will end.

the real raid. This town then invade from the river grace. Burning her father’s
deserves a burning, that’s and from the Glassworks remains at the Thistletop

I do as you command, master!

for sure. in smaller but more focused shrine seems to have started
strikes. The rest except the transformation, but I
Bruthazmus agree, and I’m can’t say her new hand is
pretty sure the bugbear’s just pleasing to me. Hopefully
being contrary to annoy me. when she offers

We have spoken of this before, my master. Now it

My love’s too distracted with Sandpoint to

did. Give yourself to the Pack and it shall all

the lower chambers to make Lamashtu’s
a decision. Says that once fires, her

Your Lordship
Your Lordship
Your Lordship
You will learn to love me, desire me in time as she Malfeshnekor’s new body
released and won’t be
under her as hideous.
command, we Maybe I’ll
won’t need luck out.
to worry
Succubi are
about being
subtle. I hope demons too,
she’s right. aren’t they?

Take the fever into you, my love—it shall be but the

first of my gifts to you.
Your Lordship HANDOUT 2–2

I fear you. I hate you. You must fear and hate me

as well. You may unmask me, so I must unmask

Messrs. Mortwell, Hask, and Tabe—

A deal has come about that I need capital for. It involves
Barn on Cougar Creek tonight. We can meet there to discuss our

property and gold, and though I am not at liberty to tell you

the exact details, it will make us all rich. Come to Bradley’s
you first.
Your Lordship
You, and you alone, have brought this fearful harvest.
They are dead because of you, and more shall join
them soon.
Your Lordship


You continue to ignore my invitations, my love. Did

you not sense my need for you that evening after we
Your Lordship
Your Lordship
Can this be? Can the fox be outfoxing the hunter?
Strange—you seemed so confident against the boars of
Your Lordship
You’ve let them all die! Their lives could have been spared, but your
foolishness doomed them all! Just as you let my dog die on that
goblin’s blade, I let them die upon my own!
Your Lordship

Gala Alonso (Order #33578342)


You have served us quite well. The delivery you harvested from the caverns far exceeds what I had hoped
for. You may consider your debt to the Brothers paid in full. Yet I still have need of you, and when you

Gala Alonso (Order #33578342)

awaken from your death, you should find your mind clear and able to understand this task more than in the
state you lie in as I write this.
You shall remember the workings of the Sihedron ritual, I trust. You seemed quite lucid at the
time, but if you find after your rebirth that you have forgotten, return to your townhouse in Magnimar. My
agents shall contact you there soon—no need for you to bother the Brothers further. I will provide the list
of proper victims for the Sihedron ritual in two days’ time. Commit that list to memory and then destroy it
before you begin your work. The ones I have selected must be marked before they die; otherwise they do my
master no good and the greed in their souls will go to waste.
If others get in your way, though, you may do with them as you please. Eat them, savage them,
or turn them into pawns—it matters not to me.
—Xanesha, Mistress of the Seven

remain apart from this or any other document.

My sister—
I trust your little band of murderers is doing well, gathering the greedy souls for our Lord’s rise? Has
grounds, and all improvements placed upon it by any prior inhabitants to be subject to

defense have the best perpetual strength and security, we have affixed Magnimar’s seal to

Magnimar proven to be as sinful as you had hoped? It may interest you to know that my plan to nurture
the Brotherhood’s discretion. And so that our gift, concession, warranty, acquittance, and

the present charter, which shall serve in lieu of signatures, the names of the Brotherhood to
and forevermore reverts to the Brothers of the Seven, with the employment of the manor, its

greed here in this backwater has blossomed—the quality of greed in a soul is so much more refined
when it is given the proper care. Are you still simply carving the Sihedron on them as they expire?
How crude! My method of marking is so much more elegant. In any event, I’m sure that your plans for
harvesting greed where and when you can find it “in the wild” are progressing well enough—I just hope
now all men and women present and future that we, the members of the Brothers of the Seven, upon this day
the 6th. Abadius in the year of 4624, Absalom Reckoning, hereby concede and by this deed confirm upon

itself upon Kyver’s Islet of Magnimar, shall ensure only the physical and initial construction of the aforementioned

that your raw, ungroomed, and likely inferior victims don’t interact poorly when mixed with the purity of
manor, with any subsequent repair and maintenance to be the sole responsibility of Vorel Foxglove or his descendants
and coin of Vorel Foxglove to the amount of six and sixty percent, and partially
located north of Magnimar on the Lost Coast Road due west of Bleaklow Moor upon the promontory, for so long as

Construction of Foxglove Manor, having been financed partially on the holdings

Absalom Reckoning, ownership of Foxglove Manor, to include all lands within a mile around and below, immediately
and thirty percent, backed by collateral in the form of the Seven’s Sawmill, located
Vorel Foxglove provisional ownership of the holding to be known here and henceforth as Foxglove Manor,

he, Vorel Foxglove, shall live, or so long as his direct descendants shall live, to a period not to exceed one hundred years.

upon the coffers of the Brothers of the Seven to the amount of the remainder, four

for the aforementioned period of one hundred years. Upon the passing of this time, on the date of 6th Abadius of 4724,

my own subjects. If you tire of your little project there, know that you’re always welcome to come to
Turtleback Ferry and serve as my assistant, little sister! Fort Rannick should be in our control by the
time you receive this letter, in any event, so there’ll be plenty of room for you if you wish to take me up
on my generous offer.
Oh! Before I forget! Have you managed to harvest that lord-mayor yet? By all accounts, he might just
be the cream of the crop in Magnimar—his soul might even rival several from my hand-grown harvest!
Gala Alonso (Order #33578342)


To be presented to the clockwork librarian of the

Therassic Library for the securing of full access to all
archives held within.
Ware the shining guardians, for they guard the library
without bias, and any who would enter are counted thieves
and vandals to be slaughtered.
Speak aloud the name of the Master Architect, Viosanxi,
afore entry is attempted via the bronze doors, if thou wouldst
avoid their blinding wrath.
The runeforge pool awoke! I first took this as a sign that Runelord Xanderghul had
risen. When I arrived at the pool to investigate, it seemed that the others had come to
the same conclusion. The foolish Wardens of Envy thought to disrupt the recrudescence,
and with the aid of Azaven, Ordikan, Athroxis, and that lovely creature Delvahine, we
were able to defeat them utterly. Their Abjurant Halls lie in ruins. Our treaty was short-
lived, though. Azaven absconded with the bodies and that treacherous wench Athroxis
nearly burned me to death before I made it back here.
I was mistaken. Runelord Xanderghul still slumbers. It is that monster Karzoug who

quickens and nears rebirth. Damnation! He must not be allowed to precede Xanderghul
into the world, for he would rebuild Thassilon in his own inferior image, a testament to
his own greed rather than one of pride in the work. He must be delayed or defeated!
I have managed to escape this place, to a certain extent. By astral projection I can
explore what the world outside has become. It is a brutish place, yet it pleases me to see
Thassilon’s mark endures in the shape of our monuments. Still, the wilderness of the
world vexes me. Gone is the empire I knew. Karzoug’s city of Xin-Shalast is now hidden
high in the mountains, and when I finally discovered it, I found the spires where his
body is hidden to be inaccessible, warded against astral travelers by the occlusion field
around the peak of Mhar-Massif. As long as his runewell is active, I fear even a physical
approach would be impossibly deadly. I must determine a way to pierce these wardings,
and to send an agent in my place. No need to risk my own life before my clone is
the mortal way In Runeforge long your And when you slough
work shall stay.
And now you’ve come and joined the forge upon rare lore your mind can gorge-
Keys turn twice in Sihedron- Occulted Runeforge
waits within.
On frozen mountain Xin awaits, His regal voice the yawning gates
If offered spells and proper prayer,
Take seven keys and climb the stair.
Each stone the grace of seven lords, One par t of key eac h rul er hoa rds ;
Where seven faces silent wait Encircled guards at Runeforge gate.
On eastern shores of steaming mirror, At end of day when dusk is nearer,

Gala Alonso (Order #33578342)

Receive its due and For only there does wizards’ art
prop er start.
If magic bright is your desire, To old Runeforge must you retire!
Karzoug’s return and turn back to the final development of my 205th clone. I only hope

component. Delvahine’s... equipment... should suffice for enchantment, although one might
to see to Karzoug myself, in which event I will need to use the master circle I built into

outside, and perhaps through them we can secure servants in the outer world. She seems
place, for she was not of the original blood. At the least, she can call upon agents from
components, and then anoint their chosen weapons with this raw power. The runeforged
than aiding me. Worse, the lapses and fevers are increasing. I fear that I will be forced

most potent against Karzoug’s defenses. They may even be pivotal in his defeat. For my
runeforged weapons, but those enhanced with enchantment and illusion magic will be
the Halls of Wrath to escape this place. Yet first, I must set aside my work on delaying

fortress in Xin-Shalast has a flaw. His lack of knowledge of the intricacies of Sorshen’s
The search for an agent goes poorly. Delvahine seems more interested in her own lusts

own part, fragments of any of the mirrors in the Peacock’s Hall should suffice for a

I have taken steps toward an alliance with Delvahine. She may be able to escape this
The runeforge pool is the key. As I suspected, the occlusion field around Karzoug’s
pool seems to have enough reserves to enhance no more than half a dozen or so

components infused with our lords’ virtues, extract the latent magic within these
and my own lord Xanderghul’s powers have left an opening. My agents must use

uninterested in Sorshen’s return; all the better for Xanderghul, that.

I have time to finish before the dementia takes hold...

be wise to cleanse them before they are handled.



Salutations, Mr. Quink!

Thank you again for the kind words and drink. It’s always a pleasure to speak with readers of my
work, especially those well read and civilized enough to know of my writing beyond Eidolon. Alas, I was
unable to procure a copy of the early draft from my personal files. It would seem that it has gone the way
of so much of my early work, lost forever to the gulfs of time and narrow-minded publishers unable to
grasp the import of a young Pathfinder’s work.
Fortunately, my mind is as quick now as it was in those early days of my explorations of your fantastic
homeland. I recall the evening I first heard the story of Xin-Shalast, while seated on a log in a Varisian camp,
sharing ruby mead with an enchanting young woman. Ah, but that’s a story for other times.
I was intrigued by the tale, though. All peoples have tales of “cities of gold,” yet with Xin-Shalast, the Varisians
had no tradition of explorers seeking it. They viewed the place as one of evil, a place to be feared and forsaken. As
far as I could tell, none of your indigenous people ever sought out the ruins before the advent of Chelish rule. But
there was mention, come to think of it, of two dwarven brothers. Vekker, I think their names were. Claimed to have
found the route to Xin-Shalast and convinced several tradesmen in Janderhoff to support and supply their plan to
establish a base of operations in the low Kodar Mountains along the Kazaron. Their vanishing into the Kodars
bankrupted all but one of their investors, I hear, and even today, the Vekker name is generally accompanied by a
litany of rousing dwarven profanity when it comes up in ’Hoffian taverns.
In the stead of enclosing a copy of the early, complete draft of my work, though, please find a signed
copy of Eidolon with this missive. I trust it will look quite handsome on your shelf.
In good health,

Gala Alonso (Order #33578342)

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