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You are required to demonstrate your knowledge of counselling process based on the scenario below.
You will need to read the case study and answer the questions. This is for the following unit:
CHCCSL001 Establish and confirm the counselling relationship


● Access to your Structured Study Plan and Self-Directed Learning Plan
● Access to assessment template (Student Portal Area)
● Access to textbooks and other learning materials
● Access to a computer and the Internet

● Read the case scenarios below
● Answer the questions below the case scenario
● Research and include local services and their referral pathways to help each client.

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About You
You are a  counsellor / case manager at Live for Life working with clients across all ages. Live for Life is a   health
and wellness community centre that provides a range of services to local clients from surrounding suburbs.  The
counselling and case management team is a  small team of five workers.  You have been working at Live for Life
for  four (4) years  in a full-time capacity and live about ten minutes away from the centre.  You  often use skills
that are aligned with person-centred practice, strengths-based practice, along with  active listening and micro-
counselling skills. You specialise in narrative therapy, solution-focused brief therapy, and   Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy (CBT)  and are connected with a range of other support services to best meet client needs.  Whilst you
work with those who have experienced post-traumatic stress and suicidality, these are not your or the
organisation’s areas of expertise. 
Relevant Live for Life Policies and Procedures can be found in your Learning Portal under the ‘Assignments’ Tab.
Read the following scenario and answer the questions below.
Cameron Anderson is a 24-year-old male who has come to see you for regular, one-on-one counselling after
the death of his father from cancer, and the recent suicide of his close friend. Cameron lives with his mother
who is originally from Thursday Island in the Torres Strait. Cameron identifies very strongly with his Torres
Strait Island culture and feels conflicted that he went back to work so soon after his father’s death as his
cultural tradition allows for a longer period of mourning. A year ago, Cameron moved back in with his mother
to help care for his father, and he plans to stay until his mother is more settled. He sees this as an opportunity
to save money after he recklessly spent a large amount of his own savings. He is slightly concerned about his
financial situation, but at the moment, he has enough to live on.
Cameron is well kept, appears confident and makes good eye contact with you.
Cameron tells you that he has not been sleeping well since the death of his father. He describes a recent
incident when he was out with friends and felt panicked and short of breath. He thinks he might be
experiencing panic attacks. He says he knows what they are because his mother used to experience them and
was diagnosed with a panic disorder in the past.
Cameron says that he thinks his mother is trying to avoid burdening him with her own grief, and that she may
be feeling worse that she is letting on. He tells you that he is very worried about being able to care for his
mother. He is also concerned about her finding out about his own issues, because he does not wish to upset or
burden her.
He says that his fiancée is starting to get frustrated with his moods and the fact that he is tired all the time.
Cameron tells you, although he is embarrassed to do so, that he does not feel any sexual desire at the moment
and is masking this by telling his fiancée that he can’t stay overnight because he needs to be with his mother.
He says that he does not want to remain a frustration and disappointment to his fiancée.
Cameron works long hours as a bartender and is very concerned that his issues with anxiety may have an
impact on him at work, especially given that the recent panic episode happened in a crowded bar, not unlike
the one he works at. He tells you that the shift work makes it difficult to get into a good sleeping routine. He
also says that he does not currently have very much free time, because of the number of shifts he is working.
Cameron indicates that he is generally of good health but is worried that he has been smoking and drinking
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too much since his father and friend died. He says that he has had some unusual back pain and headaches
recently and takes the occasional analgesic to manage these. He usually tries to exercise once or twice a week
but has recently found it more difficult to motivate himself to do this.
Cameron admits that he has found the deaths of his friend and father very difficult to deal with, but that he is
worried that he is “wallowing” in his feelings. Cameron isn’t keen on medication and would like to avoid having
to take anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication. He tells you that he can see how his friend ended up
killing himself and doesn’t want it to get to that stage for him. He says that suicide is a cop-out and that he
wouldn’t have “the guts” to kill himself. Cameron is clear that he wants to get in control of whatever is
happening and is very keen for your assistance.

1. What are Cameron’s immediate issues and needs? List two (2). (50 words)
Cameron has experienced a complex trauma, the death of his father has led to a state of very serious anxiety. This type of
trauma happens when witnessing events of violence, abuse, death of close people, among many more.Part of the treatment is
to reach a phase of acceptance through medicines and help from psychologists.

Cameron experienced the death of two people very close to him, he is in a state where he fears losing someone else, which
could be classified as separation distress caused by a loss of someone important and in a traumatic way.

2. Based on the above information, describe any concerns that you believe Cameron has expressed,
implicitly or explicitly, that relate to the counselling process. (200 words)

Taking into account the scenario mentioned, there is an immense impression of the death of his father and suicide of his best
friend. He is managing with too much stress since those tragic events.

Because of this root problem Cameron has developed side effects that affect his daily life, for example, he doesn’t think it is
right to go back to work so quickly after someone so important had died, especially when his religion thinks he should take
more time, because of these negative thoughts, he thinks that he will not perform in the most appropriate way and that he
will fail in the activities, however, the fact of going back to work alleviates many of his financial worries, as he feels
trapped in so many expenses.

Another concern for Cameron is his mother, he is worried about what she’s feeling, he doesn’t want her to feel that pain
alone, he can’t express his feelings with her because he thinks she’s already feeling enough pain with his father’s death.

Additionally, he is very concerned in relation to his work, the way it will be affected by the tensions and besides those
worries there is a concern that the extent of the work hours will affect the sleeping routine he has. Cameron is extremely
worried as well that he is starting to experience panic attacks caused by this much stress.

There are some family worries, for example he is stressed that he can’t take care of his mother properly and that so much
stress and sadness is affecting his relationship with his fiancé, he is pushing away the person he is with because he doesn’t
want her involved in such a mess of emotions.

Some bad habits have been occurring, since the death of these two important people in his life Cameron has been hiding in
alcohol and cigarettes, also, he has been doing self-medication with analgesics because he has been feeling several
headaches and back pains. An urgent counselling is needed, secondary feelings will keep emerging if the root of the
problem is not treated.

The most important thing that needs to be done to be able to provide treatments to these people is to reach validation and
acceptance. A therapist’s clients need to feel the comfort and security of talking with this therapist and should feel free to
provide feedback from the processes. It is easier to create this kind of comfort when therapists are those who encourage and
give the first step to feedback, to the exchange of feelings and to the acceptance of these negative or positive feelings.

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3. List three (3) questions that you could ask Cameron to clarify and/or explore the above issues.
(100 words)

1. Tell me about a moment in time where you felt your life was stable, where you didn’t experience
this kind of overwhelming feeling and where you considered being happy? Specify what you had,
and what made you happy.
2. When you first open your eyes in the morning, what’s the first thing you think or feel? describe
every feeling, annoyed, sad, stressed, alone, anything will be valid, it is important that you specify if
the feeling that arose is related to any thought.
3. How does what you do affect the performance of your activities and relationships? What have
others told you about yourself? , what do you feel when a person asks you about your feelings?

4. Identify three (3) codes of conduct and/or practice and how each of these help you in supporting
and working with Cameron.

Code of Conduct / Practice How does this help you in supporting and working with Cameron?
Duty of care This is defined as the requirement of taking conscientious care to
provoke harm or damage to an individual whom, it can be
impacted, that person could be affected by the acts or omission of
acts of another individual.

Human rights The function of Human Rights in this context is to implement and
incentivize them as a duty of guarantying an offering of good
services and accompaniment.

There should always exist a promotion of rights in function of local

legislations and certify by international laws.

Work health and safety

There exists an extent of diverse safety factors that should be
contemplated, for example:
● An environmental safety factor : It is critical to guarantee
that all therapy rooms and settings where trauma is
treated, consists in a safe and comfortable environment.

● Physical safety of individuals: If a customer has a high

possibility of being violent, it is critical that extra staff with
correct instruments and resources are protecting the
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environment where this individual is, this not only
generates a safety factor for the one attending but also for
the client. Is essential that every act of violence is notified.

For questions 5 and 6, refer to this fact sheet for assistance:
5. At the moment, you are in the pre-counselling (or preparatory) stage with Cameron. As if you were
talking directly with Cameron, explain the following about the counselling process. (100 words each)

a) Purpose of counselling and how these fits within the helping services.
Counselling consists in creating a dialogue about personal and intimate problems with a counsellor.
The function of the counsellor is to assist and guide the person with these problems, for example, he has the objective of
clearing up and resolving the problems, also suggesting in a non-demanding way alternatives or solutions or the development
of different methods that could be useful to this individual.
For certain individuals by just communicating with the counsellor and getting everything of their chest, they feel much better.
Counselling contributes immense support and the key factor for creating trust is the confidentiality policy, meaning, all
information revealed while talking in the session can’t be discussed later by the therapist with anyone, is private information
and will never be revealed. There exist some few exceptions to the rule, if the counsellor has proof to believe that some client
could be harming himself or others, he has the legitimate right to report it and bring information discussed as evidence.

b) The nature of the services on offer to him.

To generate an explicit and coherent explanation of the assistance being proposed, it could be offered to Cameron diverse
references with resources that explain or suggest some activities or programs useful for him.
It is very important that Cameron knows the types of services offered by the organization, that is why he should be suggested
to look at the website or other social networks and in the case that there are informational pamphlets it would also be useful to
give them.
In context of the critical information that Cameron must have, it should be added the benefit the organization could offer and
the changes he should be expecting, additionally the specification of politics and procedures that come with the service and
certain specifications that Cameron as a client need to understand.
It is also essential to mention to Cameron what processes and methods will be implemented and what they consist of, also the
risks and problems that can be caused by the service. Finally, Cameron and the organization should square the schedules of
sessions that will be required, while doing that it will also be explained the level of progress and that the most important thing
when seeking help is patience, tolerance and trust in the therapy process.

c) A clear description of the rights of the client, including what Cameron has a right to expect from
the service.
In reference to the policy and procedures of the service, it is important to communicate to Cameron what his
rights and duties are, when acquiring the service.
Is important to clearly establish the factor of confidentiality and explain to him what it consists of and the
exceptions, for example, for his own good if the organization detects that he is in danger the therapist will
immediately report it and call his family.
Additionally, Cameron must know that he could refuse service if he does not feel right that session or just
doesn't feel comfortable. Also, if any documentation is needed a request can be made for that delivery.

Finally, the organization compromises with Cameron to supply him with mature and serious professionals that
will attend to his needs.
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d) Your ethical responsibilities, boundaries and limitations as a counsellor.
As a counsellor for Cameron, I have some ethical responsibilities to follow, for example I will always create
boundaries between personal and professional life, my relation with Cameron is strictly professional’s, another
duty I must compromise with is always being objective, I will not guide wrongly Cameron through his decisions
just because I believe something from my personal life, I will always treat him with respect and fairness.

As another ethical duty I must clarify Cameron of the politics and procedures of the service, specially the client-
counsellor boundaries by his part as well, limits must be set, for example contact should only be made inside the
sessions while the service is happening.

6. You have received the following email from Cameron with some questions and concerns he has
about counselling. He is quite keen but feeling a little anxious about the process. Draft up an
email reply answering his questions (50 words each) and copy and paste it below.

Questions about Counselling

Hi there,

I am interested in getting some counselling but am feeling a little anxious. I

have a few questions that I’m hoping someone can answer for me?

My friend’s grandma said she used to have counselling 30 years ago,

but it sounded a lot different to what you are offering. Has counselling
always been like this?
How is a counsellor different to a case manager or a psychologist?
Are you able to help me with all of my problems?
Thanks, Cameron.

Good morning, Cameron,

I want to begin by saying is completely normal to feel anxious, and we are here for you, we will answer more questions
is you require them.

Following by the questions you just sent:

1. In theory counselling has always been the same, its function has always been the same, we are here to help our
clients to control and decrease the problems they bring, however it is important that I mentioned that just as all,
counselling has evolved, we are learning things constantly, and we are always looking for feedback and
learning more and more so that we can guide and advise in the best possible way.
2. Counselors recognize problems by creating a relation with individuals and analyzing the information given,
they generate diverse advice and plans to accomplish what the client came for. Case managers associate with
other types of health specialists in diverse types of studies to guarantee that the client obtains quality services.
A case manager could arrange medical consultation or surgery, reunite household caregivers and physicians to
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argue durable management or promote services. As a result of case management involving financial factors of a
client's care and services, a case manager could also associate with insurance businesses to establish what
services are accessible with a specific plan or policy.
3. I will be implementing different strategies in accordance with your specific issues, as well I will be constantly
searching and developing the best alternatives to generate a proper solution for you.

I hope this message helps you, I will be attentive to any other doubts,
I hope you have a great day,
Your counselled.

7. What documents need to be completed to begin a counselling relationship with Cameron?

As a counselor I recognize the critical factors that a session with a client must contain.

Purpose: Evidently establish the function of the counseling

Flexibility: accommodate the counseling method to the necessities of each customer and to the connection

Respect: Project the customer as a special, complicated person , with a diverse group of ethics, understandings
and attitudes.

Communication: Settle an active communication with the client, using diverse types of communication, like
nonverbal or verbal. To be a quality counselor it is important to listen more than you speak, to understand better
the roots of the problems and the possible solution is critical to clearly understand what the client is going

Support: Incentivize the customers with actions while orienting them through their issues. Is important to
maintain documentation of the whole session. The importance of the documentation is at the moment that the
client expresses something that is not true, it is in these cases that the documentation is used as evidence to
prove that a correct evaluation and determination of the problems were made.

8. How do you record Cameron’s own identified priorities?

In order to identify the priorities, I kept all the relevant documentation, information revealed among the client-advisor

It is important that while the information is being documented, the person in charge does not generate cohesive questions, the
client must collaborate and want to do it, everything will depend on his will, the person inches should never force anyone, it is
critical that this rule is followed, since the people who arrive are emotionally broken, people who have been through a lot of
trauma, the organization should not contribute more to that damage, but the contrary, be patient and tolerant in the process.

Another reason why keeping a record is important is because you must determine the skills of the service being provided and
make sure it is the best for this specific customer.

In Cameron’s case, explicit information was recorded from counsellor-client talks, medical records, psychological evaluation
that determines mental health, tests to determine depression, staff recommendations, background and other types of files.

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9. Using the template below, create a brief counselling plan for Cameron based on the client information
you currently have.

Counselling Treatment Plan

Client Name: Cameron Anderson
Brief History/Background: Cameron has experienced a traumatic loss of his father by cancer and
his best friend committed suicide.
Strengths: The relation with his mother and fiancée
Goals: Cameron feels like he is losing control of his emotions to the point he
is experiencing panic attacks and can’t focus on important tasks. His
goal is to gain that control back and manage his emotions.
Safety or reporting issues Supply environmental, physical, emotional and practice safety to
Guarantying that the established standards and methods of trauma
informed care are being pursued, assure assistance and guidance to the
personnel. Those aspects are all associated and must be pursued and
honored so the transmittal of service can be outstanding for you, the
customer and the establishment.
Observations of client Cameron is experiencing a habit with alcohol and cigarettes which do
requirements not benefit his mental health, then becomes an obstacle , so it must be
treated urgently.
At the time that it is treated, it is expected that the patient can feel more
relaxed, calm and less stressed, these feelings are critical to have since
in sessions the patient tends to revive those traumatic situations and it
is necessary for the patient to be calm.
Involvement of other agencies / In the case where you need to reference another person for the client
referral information you must be very careful with how you communicate it, you must
always avoid large emotional reactions, the person in charge must
clearly explain his reasons and transmit them without
misunderstandings to the customer.
Special needs information With regard to special needs there can be many manifestations, autism,
delay, attention deficit, among many more, most of the time the patient
attends for a problem that is caused by this special need. As it is such a
sensitive issue, it is necessary to do an in-depth investigation, mental
health exams should be carried out, or examinations that analyze
Interventions: It is recommended affective interventions, that at the contrary
of behavioral interventions that focus on a client’s behavior,
these types of interventions concentrate on a client’s emotions.
With effective interventions, consumers who experience
extreme emotions can recognize and transmit those feelings
correctly, and discover how to control them.
How will you collaborate with Particular methods a counsellor could implement to cooperate
Cameron about this plan and involve welcoming the client to communicate their situation in
track progress? their own particular form and at their personal velocity and
showing authentic concern in their struggles. The counsellor has
to closely hear and answer back, acknowledge the verbal and
nonverbal transmission of messages , request the individual in
therapy whether their personal analysis of the situation is
correct, and pause, implementing silence to generate time for

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The analysis of the occurrence, the carrying out of correct
examinations to each specific case, the constant use of
feedback, the high attention paid to the consumers, all these
factors are critical for the success of an organization.

10. Complete the following table.

Information for the Client Brief Definition Why does this need to be included and
documented in a counselling contract?
Discrimination Discrimination is about treating Each individual needs to be treated with an
one person worse than others. equal amount of care and respect,
everyone must be treated equally no matter

The Antidiscrimination Act should be

followed when treating patients, in the
delivery of service and communication
with client’s families as well.
Duty of Care Duty of care is a legal This consists in the agreement on
responsibility to take assuming responsible care to evade
considerable concern in not damage to an individual.
provoking a harmful situation to
another individual that could
An organization needs to do everything in
have been considerably
their hands to protect customers and
anticipated. It is frequently
members of the organization
referred to as the 'neighbor
principle' for the reason that it is
formed on the concept that in
order to exist in a healthful and
operational society, everyone
has to assume certain
accountability in not harming
Human Rights Human rights are fundamental The objective with Human Rights is to
rights and freedoms that we all administer and advertise them in a certain
have simply because we exist. situation of an individual or group of
Respect for them creates the individuals with the central aim of
conditions necessary for human advertising their rights as supplied by local
beings to live with dignity in an legislation and ensured by international
environment of freedom, justice law.
and peace.
Mandatory Reporting Mandatory reporting is a The group of experts who are obligated to
legislative obligation for certain do required notation involve : nurses,
groups of professionals to medical staff, counsellors, psychiatrists,
address doubtful situations social employees, youth and welfare
where an individual could be in employees, police officers and much more.
a harmful situation and the case The mandatory reporting legislation over-
you are unsuccessful in acting, rules any licensed code of behavior or
legal action could emerge like ethical guidelines
some kind of penalty
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Practitioner / Client Boundaries Practice Standards are planned This record involves a group of principles
to orientate experts or in order to make the workforce more
specialists in order to make sure forceful and to highlight the behaviors ,
they accomplish correctly the attitudes, beliefs, abilities and expertise
professional they ensure they necessary for the line of work of mental
fulfil their professional health service.
Privacy, confidentiality and The factor of legality and Personal information is the right to
disclosure responsibility of privacy, manage the approach to private data.
confidentiality and disclosure
However, confidentiality and
requires health care experts to
take care of their clients against acknowledgement are only connected
improper revelation of exclusive to information.
and private information of the Is important to assure clients that by
client. acquiring the service their privacy will
still be respected.
Records management Record Management tasks
involve the generation,
acknowledgment of delivery,
support, implementation and Maintaining records of information of the
dumping of records. organization, the identification processes
in clients becomes much easier. You can
Notation could be in contracts,
manage information in many ways and
memos, physical files, online
also an organization deals with many types
files, reports, emails or database
of information that is why the best is
electronic data where there is more
Physical documentation is security to keep such sensitive
normally kept in boxes or information.
storage facilities.
Rights and responsibilities of Expectations of customers are to
workers and clients come to sessions frequently,
punctually, and be responsible
with payments. It is very important to know the duties and
rights of both a worker and a client, this
In addition, patients are
helps to avoid misunderstandings and in
expected to follow the
extreme cases legal problems.
recommendations provided as
part of the incentive to progress When each party has clear responsibilities,
with the established plan. the logistics of the services becomes more

Workers are expected to provide

a quality service specific to the
patient’s problem, in addition
the person is expected to
provide all the information
about policies and regulations or
relevant information that a
client needs to know.

Work health and safety Work health and safety are There are a wide variety of safety factors
extremely critical at the moment that need to be taken into consideration,
of implementing trauma therapy for example
in a patient, for both parts, the -Environmental safety: environments for
patient and the staff. sessions need to be risk free and harm free.
- Physical safety of all people: different
attitudes in clients need to be considered,
for example if a client tends to be violent
more staff should be present to avoid the
harm of the client and the therapist.
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11. Currently, your own level of skill and knowledge of counselling methods and resources are
appropriate to meet Cameron’s needs. At what point, however, might Cameron need to be referred
to another service? (50 words)

I consider that the skills I have are sufficient to deal with the problems that Cameron presents. There are great resources to
diagnose if he comes to have any emotional or psychological conditions, and I have different methods that can serve to
improve and control his moods, the key is to make him trust me as his counselor and get out of the denial stage he is in.
However, in the event that Cameron’s emotions get worse or he gets diagnosed with depression I feel that he is out of my
field of study and therefore it would be necessary to refer to a colleague who can better attend to his needs, it is also
considered the case where the methods provided do not work or cases where the patient does not trust my skills, in those
situations it would also be critical to recommend it to another professional.

12. Choose one of the issues raised by Cameron and explain how you would affirm the significance of
what he is saying. In your answer you should discuss four (4) micro-skills that could assist in this
process. (50 words)

The more crucial problem presented by Cameron that I could identify is in relation to his work issues, I will be analyzing his
concerns about not performing adequately because the anxiety factors does not permit him to.
The first thing I will do is listen carefully and analyze profoundly.
In addition to getting to the bottom of the problem with regard to the support of their bosses and the workload they normally
have, I will try to advise possible methods of organization and motivation of the work.
To analyze the inconvenience a little more , I will ask him to tell me a time where he was very passionate about his work and
where he performed excellently. The idea is to remember the things that inactivated him, keep going ahead and be able to
love his work again.
13. Explain how the following communication skills can assist in connecting with, and supporting
Cameron: (30 words each)

Communication Technique How this assist in your support of Cameron

Body language The body language most of the time says more than the verbal, the
things that Cameron does not tell me in the sessions I will discover
through what his body says involuntarily, I will be able to know if
he is nervous, comfortable, sad or angry.
Paraphrasing A strategy for building a relationship of trust and understanding is
by repeating what the patient says but in other words, an approval
factor comes in and they realize that they are truly being heard.
Reflecting feelings It is extremely critical for a patient to express their feelings that is
why counselors ask questions constantly hoping that one of them
will allow an emotional response, if a patient does not express their
feelings cannot begin the improvement and progress.
Open and closed questioning or probing A counselor will be able to know the state of mind of his client with
just a few questions. The questions that are asked do not necessarily
have to be long and complicated. for example: How are you? How
did it go today? or even questions of yes or no can provide too
much information about the person.
Summarizing Haciendo resúmenes de las sesiones le demuestra al cliente que el
consejero estuvo escuchando y entendió perfectamente el mensaje y
emociones que estaba transmitiendo.
Reframing The idea of this is to reformulate the way in which the client sees
the situation, to have the opinion of another person it will be able to
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change the global perspective of what was understood.

14. Explain how a person-centered approach might help Cameron. (100 words)

The person-centred approach concentrates on the customer as the most excellent individual that supervises their
personal occurrence, and it establishes them as being completely adequate at accomplishing their personal
possibility of achievements in a context of progress and evolution.

This method will be appropriate for Cameron because he voluntarily chose to look for assistance and
additionally, he desired to change his actual situation and emotions to keep on going.
If a counsellor chooses to implement the person-centered method it will incentivize Cameron to experience more
enabled and powerful in defeating what he is experiencing.
A person-centred method also boosts Cameron's spirits up in deciding alternatives of decisions in his life. The
counsellor will also be supplying Cameron with the possibility of finding his true-self and skills, this method
focuses on the emotions and thoughts of the patient.

It is recommended to use this type of approach because Cameron has the will to change and strength to fight,
despite the traumatic circumstances.

How could your own values impact, either positively or negatively, on the support you are able to
provide Cameron? (50 words)
15. Complete the following table. (30 words per issue)

Issue Does this issue fall within the Referral options

scope of counselling practice?
Alcohol and other drugs They are legality obligated to save An example of this could be Peer
information told as confidential. support, this will benefit a person
They will normally initiate by that is searching for support
determining the level of alcohol or through the process of abandoning
drug abuse and then recommend the the usage of alcohol or drugs.
client to an appropriate
establishment of aid and support.
Domestic and family violence When a person speaks to a An example of this could be
counselor about their stories, it is support groups for mothers-heads
critical that they feel listened and of households who have suffered
understood, a mature counselor will abuse.
never judge or criticize their issues.
Is additionally important to
recognize the validation in their
decisions and encounter ways and
methods to help them evolve.
Domestic and family violence a
typical situation of trauma and
these cases are more than common
in counselling.
Financial difficulty Although it’s not so common to An example of this could be a
hear about these kinds of problems financial advisor who gives
in counseling work, it can happen, a advice on how to improve a
factor like economic difficulty can resume or properly distribute
lead a person to extremes of financial resources.
depression or severe stress.
Homelessness It is very common to say that those An example of this could be
considered homeless come from government housing for the
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AS6 Case Planning v2.0 2021
homes full of abuse, with many homeless, or free medical care for
financial difficulties or extreme the uninsured.
violence, in addition some of these
individuals have problems with
addiction to alcohol or drugs. It
means they have too many traumas
to deal with.
Mental illness As counselors we try to diagnose For those with mental health
mental illness and help these conditions they can acquire
individuals with these conditions to services with various health
live a dignified life. professionals, therapists,
Constant therapy and medication counselors, psychologists,
have helped many people with psychiatrists and social workers.
mental illness feel more at ease.
Problem gambling Counselors are open to hearing any As an example, there are support
kind of problems and are actively groups or financial counsellors
waiting to help solve these that help treat this type of
problems. A gambling problem is addiction
considered an addiction like drugs
and alcohol and therefore has a
psychological component which
should be treated by counseling

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AS6 Case Planning v2.0 2021

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