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Total points53/60
Multiple Choice:

Directions: This is a 60-item test. Read each question carefully, and then select the answer that
best fits the question.
1. A man who suddenly casts sand upon the eyes of the victim and then stabs him to death is
liable for what offense? *
a. Murder 
b. Parricide
c. Physical Injuries
d. Homicide
2. He who kills an illegitimate grandfather or an illegitimate grandson is not guilty of parricide,
but of homicide or murder. *
a. The above statement is erroneous
b. The above statement is true
c. The above statement is partly correct
d. The above statement is inadmissible
3. What aggravating circumstance is present when the offended party was not given the
opportunity to make a defense? *
a. Employing means to weaken the defense
c. Means to afford impunity
b. Taking advantage of superior strength
d. Treachery
4. Produced by blunt instrument., this kind of wound is characterized by irregular or jagged
patterned wounds. *
a. Incised wound
b. Lacerated wound
c. Stabbed wound
d. Puncture wound
5.Mr. Police Officer, as a general rule, can you arrest a person with a warrant of arrest? *
a. No, because that would be a violation of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article III, Section
b. Yes, by means of In Flagrante Delicto or Caught in the act
c. No, because you must have a warrant of arrest to apprehend a suspect.
d. Yes
6. In R.A. 8353, Carnal knowledge refers to what? *
a. Knowledge of sex
b. Forcible sex
c. Sexual knowledge
d. Sexual Penetration
7. The following crimes provided below are included in the category of Destruction of Life,
a. Mutilation serious physical injuries and rape
b. Duel, abortion and infanticide
c. Homicide and murder
d. Parricide
8. Eduard killed Edna his Common Law Partner. What is the crime committed? *
A. Parricide
B. Homicide
C. Murder
D. Matricide
Correct answer
B. Homicide
9. A spouse of B conspires with C to kill B. C is the stranger in the relationship. C killed B by
poisoning. The means employed is made known to A and A agreed that the killing will be done
by poisoning. What crime is committed by A? *
A. Parricide
B. Homicide
C. Murder
D. Matricide
10. In the above scenario, C committed the crime of? *
A. Parricide
B. Homicide
C. Murder
D. Matricide
11. It usually takes _________ for the stomach to empty its contents after meals. *
A. 1-2 hours
B. 2-3 hours
C. 3-4 hours
D. 4-5 hours
12. Is one in which the muzzle of the weapon is away from the body at the time of discharge yet
is sufficiently close so that power grains emerging from the muzzle strike the skin producing
powder tattooing. *
A. Contact range
B. Distant range
C. Intermediate range
D. Maximum range
13. The "Anti-Cattle Rustling Law of 1974" *
A. PD 532
B. PD 533
C. PD 1612
D. PD 145
14. There is no such crime as Robbery with Attempted Rape, this statement is *
A. true
B. false
C. partially true
D. partially false
Correct answer
A. true
15. Evidence to show that the wound is accidental, except: *
A. Usually there is but one shot.
B. The fire is usually in contact or near contact
C. There is no special area of the body involved
D. Testimony of the witnesses
Correct answer
B. The fire is usually in contact or near contact
16. Killing of a child more than 3 hours of age. *
A. parricide
B. Infanticide
C. Abortion
D. Murde
Infanticide- Killing of a child less than 3 DAYS OF AGE/72 HOURS
17. Under RA 8353 which amended the Penal Code, on October 22, 1997, a male or female can
now commit rape. This statement is *
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No
18. Arturo wants to get an NBI clearance but he has been previously convicted for Murder
making it impossible to acquire a clearance. So he approached an NBI staff and offered a
considerable amount. The NBI staff accepts the money offered and issue him an NBI clearance.
What is the crime committed by Arturo? *
A. Extortion
B. Favoritism
C. Bribery
D. Corruption of public official
19. Which of the following is not a crime against person? *
A. Parricide
B. Illegal discharge of firearm
C. Physical Injury
D. Direct Assault
20. Vince and Mark are cousins. One night, Mark (with the assistance of Vince) killed his father.
What crime was committed by Mark? *
A. Murder
B. Homicide
C. Parricide
D. All of these
21. One night, while high on drugs, Ana threw her three hours old baby down the stairs, which
caused the same to die. What crime has been committed? *
A. Infanticide
B. Parricide
C. Murder
D. homicide
22. Supposed Ana threw the three days old baby of her sister, what crime has been committed? *
A. Infanticide
B. Parricide
C. Murder
D. homicide
23. Instantaneous rigidity of the muscle of the body right after death. *
a. Rogor Mortis
b. Migor Rortis
c. Rigor mortis
d. Ragor Mortis
24. The term “Other Ascendants” in the crime of Parricide shall refer to what? *
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Grandchild
d. Grandparents
25. The transient loss of consciousness with temporary cessation of the vital functions of the
body is known as? *
a. death
b. state of suspended animation
c. coma
d. rigor mortis
26. The following will show that the gunshot wound is Homicidal, EXCEPT … *
a. Presence of suicide note
b. Signs of struggle / defense wounds may be present in victim
c. There maybe disturbance of the surrounding on the account of the previous struggle
d. Wounding firearm is not usually found at the scene of the crime
27. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength, with the aid of armed men, or
employing means to weaken the defense or of means or persons to insure or afford impunity are
some of the elements of the crime of Murder. As such, are all these circumstances necessary to
be present during the commission of the crime, for the killing to be considered a consumated
murder? *
a. Murder
b. Homicide
c. No
d. Definitely yes
28. These are spontaneous and unplanned remarks made by persons at the scene of the crime: *
A. Adverse testimony
B. Hearsay
C. Res Gestae
D. Dying declaration
29. When the gunshot wound of the victim is located in the area of the body that is relatively
inaccessible to the victim, it is an indication of: *
A. natural death
B. homicidal death
C. Accidental death
D. Suicide
30. Which of the following are the questions in incidents involving assaults that CANNOT be
answer by a medico legal? *
A. How many are the victims?
B. What is the position of the victim when he was assaulted
C. Was there evidence of defense mark or struggle
D. From what direction was the force applied coming from
31. Liquid Saliva samples should never be submitted in the laboratory. *
A. False
B. True
C. Partially False
D Partially True
32. The cracks produced in glass originate on the opposite surface of the glass and subjected to
stretching are known as: *
A. radial
B. Concentric
C. A and c
D. None
33. When a bullet is fired through a pane of glass, the side of the glass where concentric fractures
will MOST probably appear in the __________. *
A. the side where the bullet entered
B. the side where the bullet exited
C. neither of the side
D. Both side where the bullet entered
Correct answer
A. the side where the bullet entered
34. Gerald and Mateo, while having a drinking spree, had an argument on who among them is
more handsome. Mateo, in order to terminate the quarrel, stood up and went home. Without
Mateo’s knowledge, Gerald followed him to his house. When Mateo was already inside his
house, Gerald took it as an opportunity to kill him by burning his house which he did
successfully. What is the crime committed by Gerald? *
A. Arson only
B. Arson with Homicide
C. Arson and Murder
D. Murder only
Correct answer
D. Murder only
35.Rape is committed either by sexual intercourse or by sexual assault. Which of the following is
not a rape by sexual assault? *
A. Inserting penis into another person's anal orifice
B. Inserting penis while the woman is sleeping
C. Inserting any instrument or object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person
D. Inserting penis into another person's mouth
36. It is the intersection of two bloodstain paths, where the stains come from opposite sides of
the impact pattern *
A. Area of convergence
B. Points of convergence
C. Point of no escape
D. None of the above
37. In the following cases, defense wounds may be present, except: *
A. parricide
B. Infanticide
C. Physical injury
D. murder
38. The lifting or removal of a dead body from the grave for the conduct of medical examination:
A. interment
B. autopsy
C. inhumation
D. exhumation
39. Anyone who, with evident premeditation, shall kill another is guilty of: *
A. infanticide
B. murder
C. homicide
d. parricide
40. The investigation of major crimes thru the use of special investigative techniques *
a. Homicide investigation
b. Special crime investigation
c. Major crime investigation
d. Crime scene investigation
41. In what circumstances change murder to homicide? *
A. Lack of intent
B. Taking advantage of superior strength
C. Absence of qualifying circumstances
D. Treachery
42. Which of the following is not a crime against person? *
A. Parricide
B. Illegal discharge of firearm
C. Physical Injury
D. Direct Assault
43. Cherry red to pinkish color of lividity suggests that the person died due to? *
A. Racumin
B. Overdosed
C. Cyanide Poisoning
D. Phosphorus Poisoning
44. All of the following are evidence to show that the wound is homicidal, except: *
A. Wounding firearm is usually not found at the scene of the crime
B. Signs of struggle/ defense wound maybe present in the victim.
C. The site or sites of the wound of entrance has no point of election.
D. The fire is usually in contact or near contact, as shown by the presence of burning, singeing
and tattooing of the area around the gunshot wound.
Correct answer
D. The fire is usually in contact or near contact, as shown by the presence of burning, singeing
and tattooing of the area around the gunshot wound.
45. Under RA 8353, rape is considered as______. *
a. felony
b. offense
c. infraction
d. none of these
46.When two or more separate fires broke out within the building is an indication of: *
a. Arson
b. Terrorism
c. intentional fire
d. none of the above
47.After a long day at work, PO1 Ping Guerrero went home and caught her common-law wife,
Ms. Tina Moran having sex with their neighbor, Mr. Joe Tay. After having been caught, PO1
Guerrero immediately drew his gun and killed both of them. Based on the situation given, is PO1
Guerrero liable for the crime under Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) entitled, Death
or Physical injuries inflicted under exceptional circumstances. *
a. Yes
b. No
c. True
d. False
48. In connection with the previous question, what is the crime committed in the given situation?
A. Murder
b. Homicide
c. Infanticide
d. Parricide
49. The penalty for Article 247 shall be? *
a. Reclusion Perpetua
b. Reclusion temporal
c. Death
d. Destierro
50. Any person who, not falling within the provisions of Article 246, shall kill another without
the attendance of any of the circumstances enumerated under Article 248 will be liable for what
kind? *
a. Parricide
b. Infanticide
c. Murder
d. Homicide
51. A man who entered the dwelling through an open window and took the gold wrist watch
placed atop the table is liable for *
a. Trespassing
b. Theft
c. Robbery
d. Violation of Domicile
52. This refers to the act or practice of painlessly putting to death a person suffering from
incurable and distressing disease: *
A. euthanasia
B. homicide
C. Genocide
D. Uxoricide
53. If post-mortem rigidity would suggest approximate time of death, cadaveric spasm will
suggest ____________ *
A. age of the victim
B. duration of death
C. cause of death
d. none of the above
54. Robin killed George by shooting. In order to conceal the crime, Robin placed the corpse
inside a building and set fire to the body. The fire suddenly propagated and burned the building
itself. What is the crime committed by Robin? *
A. Arson with homicide
B. Arson only
C. Arson and Homicide
D. Murder only
Correct answer
C. Arson and Homicide
55. When the gunshot wound of the victim is located in the area of the body that is relatively
inaccessible to the victim, it is an indication of: *
A. natural death
B. homicidal death
C. Accidental death
D. Suicide
56. Which type of death by hanging is considered not common? *
A. Suicidal
B. Homicidal
C. Accidental
D. Both B and C
57. The first person to conduct autopsy *
A. Julius Caesars
B. Antistius
C. Hippocrates
D. Aristotle
58.The stiffening of the body caused by severe trauma to the nervous system of intense stress is *
A. livor mortis
B. Rigor mortis
C. Cadaveric spasm
D. Contusions
59. One of the following qualifies homicide into murder: *
A. Killing of a wife or spouse
B. Killing by means of fire
C. Killing of a victim without justification
D. Killing of a child who is younger than three days old
60. A blowfly almost always lays it eggs in ___________. *
A. manure
B. rotting flesh
C. water
D. canals
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