Tutorial 2: Click To Edit Master Title Style

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Click to edit Master title style

Tutorial 2
Basics of C

Click to edit Master title style

Online Compiler

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Click to edit
Content TitleMaster
01 title style

• C is the most commonly used programming language in industry. (operating

systems, games, robot control software)

• C is the language of choice for programming embedded and mechatronic systems

with hardware interfaces.
For example, automobiles, medical equipment, traffic light control, etc.

• C is the base for almost all popular programming languages: C++, Java, C#,
Python, etc… Once you have learned C, you can pick up any other languages
by yourself.

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Click charts
Flow to edit symbols
Master title
to Cstyle



Area = L * W
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Click to edit
General Structure
a C style

"stdio.h" • #include is a command to the C compiler
to include a library needed by the program
• stdio: C library for input/output.
void main() • Must be included in ALL your programs
{ • The program must contain a function called
. “main” from which execution starts.
• The statements of the program are included
. between braces “{ }”

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Click to edit
Content TitleMaster
03 title style

#include "stdio.h" • C is case sensitive, key words and C defined

identifiers must be written exactly as they are
void main(){ • Any statement in the program ends
with a ;
printf("Welcome to • Any text string constant in your program
CSE011\n"); printf("Have must be enclosed between two double
fun!!\n"); quotes " "
• The character sequence \n makes
} the printer start a new line

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Click to
Hello Program
edit Master title style
#include "stdio.h"

void main()
printf("Hello in England\n");
printf("Ciao in Italy\n");
printf("Hallo in Denmark\n");
printf("Bonjour in France\n");
printf("Hola in Spain\n");
printf("Merhaba in Turkey\n");

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Click to edit
Content TitleMaster
03 title style

This program has

Include stdio.h" syntax errors

Void main(
Printf('Hello in England\Z’);
printf("Ciao in Italy\n")
printf("Hallo in Denmark\n";
printf("Bonjour in France\n);
printf("Hola in Spain\n");
print f("Merhaba in Turkey\n");

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Click toCalculations
Making edit Master title style

#include "stdio.h"

void main()
int width = 100;
int height = 50;
int area;

area = width * height;

printf("Rectangle area equals %d\n", area);


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Click toCalculations
Making edit Master title style

#include "stdio.h"

void main()
printf("Rectangle area equals %d\n", 100 * 50);

Click toCalculations
Making edit Master title style

#include "stdio.h"

void main()
int width;
int height;
int area;

printf("Please Enter the Rectangle width:");

scanf("%d", &width);

printf("Please Enter the Rectangle height:");

scanf("%d", &height);

area = width * height;

printf("Rectangle area equals %d\n", area);

Click to edit Master title style

Thank You


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