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The mobile phone is becoming a practical direct marketing channel.

There are some factors playing a role in improving and increasing mobile
commerce. Besides mobile service quality. Moreover, one of the ways to
convince mobile phone users of the benefits of mobile commerce is the
price of products and services. Mobile devices are particularly appealing
to marketers due to their potential for targeting, interacting with an
establishing relationship with consumers.

Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a

target audience on their smartphones, tablets or other mobile devices,
websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media, and apps .Mobile
marketing is one of the fastest means of communication strategies in the
21th century. It helps out to reach at the target audience directly and make
them aware of certain products and services.

 As it is a two-way channel, the user can interact with the brand or the
advertiser who is sending the message if the consumer is interested in
their product or service.
Brands and advertisers can use different selection criteria to configure the
ideal target to which they want to get their message across to the

Mobile marketing has gained immense popularity in the business world

because of its convenience in sending promotional messages to individual
The study begins by exploring the concept of mobile marketing and its
effectiveness as a marketing media. The nature and potential of mobile
marketing are discussed and so are the issues affecting mobile marketing.
Given the level of popularity and convenience that mobile marketing
exudes, it can be established that mobile marketing is an effective form of
advertising in the market and that companies could tap this potential to
enhance profitability
Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce, Arts and Management
Malad (west), Mumbai 400064


This is to certify that Mr/Ms. RIA PHANASGAONKAR

has worked and duly completed his/her Project Work for the degree of
Bachelor of Management Studies under the Faculty of Commerce in the
subject of Marketing and his/her project entitled, “ Effect of mobile
marketing on youngsters ” under my supervision.
I further certify that the entire work has been done by the learner under
my guidance and that no part of it has been submitted previously for any
Degree or Diploma of any University.
It is his/her own work and facts reported by her personal findings and

Name of the guiding teacher


Date of submission:
Declaration by learner

I, the undersigned Mr/Miss RIA PHANASGAONKAR

here by, declare that the work embodied in this project title “ Effect of
mobile marketing on youngsters ”
forms my own contribution to the research work carried out under the
guidance of Prof. Gargi Dubey is a result of my own research work and
has not been previously submitted to any other University for any other
Degree/ Diploma to this or any other University.
Wherever reference has been made to previous work of others, it has been
clearly indicated as such and included in the bibliography.
I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been
obtained and presented in accordance with the academic rules and ethical

Name and signature of the student

Ria Phanasgaonkar

Certified by
Professor Gargi Dubey
(Project Guide)

Learning is a process that never ends. This research project has taught me
a lot of things and given many opportunities. First, I would like to thank
the College for granting me an opportunity to conduct this research. I
would like to express my Gratitude to the members of Nagindas
Khandwala College of Commerce, Science, Arts and Management
Studies and Principal Dr. Ms. Ancy Jose, Vice-Principal Dr. Mona Mehta
and Coordinator Prof. Gargi Dubey for providing me valuable insights on
complex areas of my research project.
I owe special thanks to my project guide Prof. Gargi Dubey. I am
thankful to her for providing constant support & guidance throughout the
project. It was an immensely rewarding working with her.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or
indirectly helped me in the completion of the project especially my
parents and peers who supported me throughout my project



1.1 Statement of research

1.2 Determining sample design

1.3 Source of data

1.4 Analysis of data

1.5 Objectives of study

1.6 Limitations of study

1.7 SWOT analysis


2.1 What is mobile marketing? 12

2.2 Advantages of mobile marketing 14

2.3 Disadvantages of mobile marketing 19


4.1 Strategies of mobile marketing 22

4.2 Types of mobile marketing 29

4.3 Scope of different industries 33

benefiting from mobile marketing
4.4 Importance of mobile marketing 35








Effect of mobile marketing on youngsters


a) Time and space boundary: 1 month
b) Research method: - Questionnaire
c) Sample population: -15 to 25


The data has been collected from 2 sources i.e. Primary and Secondary
Primary data was collected using questionnaire method. The questions
asked were tailored to elicit the data that will help for study
Secondary data was collected using newspaper, websites, social media.


Once the important task of collecting the data is completed, it is required
that the data should be systematically analysed from all the aspects. The
data should be analysed by tabulating and drawing statistical inferences.
This makes the information collected appropriate and easy to understand.
 To check the awareness of the mobile marketing on the youngsters
 To know the attitude and preference of youngsters towards mobile
 To check the dependability of mobile marketing on the youngsters
 To understand the impact of consumer choices.
 To understand and estimate the perception of the youngsters and
the factors affecting their behavior towards mobile marketing
 To examine the positive and the negative effects of mobile
marketing on youngsters


 Survey was restricted to particular age group because respondents
willing to fill were the youngsters
 Due to this pandemic situation, it was difficult to collect
information in person, therefore mostly the information was
collected online through websites, social media etc.
 It was difficult to search about some topics due to lack of previous
study on the topic
 As some youngsters find mobile marketing beneficial on the other
hand some find it disturbing therefore, it was difficult to analysis
the survey and to interpret the data
• Most powerful loyalty marketing tool.
• Mobile marketing is personalized and interactive channel
• Provides opportunity to have direct conversation with
youngsters , anytime and anywhere
• Mobile marketing brings the awareness of certain product and
service through sms , emails , social media etc

• Very friendly mainly because of screen size, keypad, slow
network speed.
• Perception problem , underestimation of the effectiveness of
mobile marketing

• Effectiveness of mobile marketing is measurable compare to
TV and newspaper
• As publishers are launching mobile additions which results into
more quality content and more room for targeted ads
• Mobile marketing brings in the awareness of products and
service which is beneficial for its organization.
• Consumer’s laziness to not browse and ignore the ads/
notifications which pop up on the mobile screen.
• Sometimes youngsters take mobile marketing as spamming and
do not take it positively and tend to block such messages
• Legislation to enforce consumer privacy



Mobile phones helps the people to engage with brands easily. Everything
which was being done on a desktop computer is now available on a
mobile phone. From opening an email to visiting your website, to reading
your content, it's all handy through a small mobile screen. Mobile phones
are becoming very much handy and easy for daily use because everything
is available on just a click of your fingertip.

The mobile phone is becoming a practical direct marketing channel.

There are some factors playing a role in improving and increasing mobile
commerce. Besides mobile service quality. Moreover, one of the ways to
convince mobile phone users of the benefits of mobile commerce is the
price of products and services. Mobile devices are particularly appealing
to marketers due to their potential for targeting, interacting with an
establishing relationship with consumers.

Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy aimed at reaching a

target audience on their smartphones, tablets or other mobile devices,
websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media, and apps .Mobile
marketing is one of the fastest means of communication strategies in the
21th century. It helps out to reach at the target audience directly and make
them aware of certain products and services.
The brand manages also find it attractive to communicate with the
customers for marketing purposes using different forms of mobile
marketing mediums including sms, mms, and other websites. This
technology system allows increased mobility and extended service even
to remote areas. Due to wireless communication system, mobile phone
users are able to access their emails search, order and buy products and
service from everywhere without computers.
Besides the internet and personal computers, the mobile phone is the key
to marketers because it is extremely popular and offer people the
opportunity of mobility now.
Mobile Marketing provides marketers with a real opportunity to get high
response rate compared to traditional media

It is the fact that today’s youngsters are the consumers of tomorrow ,

while bearing in mind that becoming a wise spender there is even a need
to prepare youngsters to consider different consumption
pattern ,necessarily living a fulfilling and satisfying life . In this regard to
empower the young consumers helping them to access the market with
clear ideas on the pros and cons of each purchase and to develop their
capacity to select among existing products and services.

In business environment, it shapes not only commerce but also the way in
which companies implement their marketing strategies. Offering new
marketing channels to interact with customers is hard to increase sales for
Mobile devices allow marketers to deliver personalized context and
location specific messages to individual members of the target market
they note that global brands such as KFC, Burger King, Pepsi, MTV and
Converse are all advanced in the development of mobile marketing
communication initiatives. Almost 1/3 of Indians 21 year old use their
mobile phones to surf the internet at least once a day while a quarter use
them to take photographs every day. As mobile phones improve the
capacity for storing downloaded music and video content they are likely
to become even more necessary to young consumers. This proposes that
young people use of mobile phones and the factors driving this, is a topic
worthy of market

1. Always available:
Users bring their mobile devices with them all the time, making it the
first marketing channel available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and
they can use it anytime, anywhere, and it is easy to reach.

2. Measurable and Informative:

Mobile marketing actions have a higher response rate. Consumers are
more likely to know what there is to know about a product and service
than they are in any other medium.

3. Immediacy:
The cell phone is a direct line of communication that is always accessible.
SMS messages, for example, are usually read within 15 minutes of
receipt. They are usually replied to within one hour, which is much
quicker than other channels like e-mail. 

4. Interactivity:
Since it is a two-way platform, users may interact with the brand or
advertiser sending the message if they are interested in their product or
service. Sellers can directly interact with his costumers.

5. Segmentation: 
Different selection parameters can be used by marketers and advertisers
to arrange the optimal target for their message to reach the youngsters.
6. Instant Results :
Youngsters always carry their cellphones. Most of the time, the receiver
is still using their cell phone, which ensures that he or she receives the
message as soon as it is sent. As a result, mobile marketing strategies are
almost always instant.

7. Easy to work with :

Drawing out content for mobile devices, whether it is text, images or
video, is simpler and less expensive as compared with the same for
desktops or laptops. The mobile phone also makes it easier to issue
promotions and marketing services to the user. Further, the user can keep
the virtual information with them and carry it around till the time they
need to use it.

8. Direct marketing :
The mobile platform interacts directly with users on their mobile phones.
This allows for personalized interaction to a large extent. Using this
benefit, marketers can even start a direct dialogue with the user, getting
instant feedback via SMS or Social media

9. Tracking user response :

Nowadays, every company wants a response or feedback from the
consumers for their benefit, user response can be tracked almost
instantaneously. This helps the mobile marketer better understand and
analyze user behavior, thus improving their own standards of service.
10.Huge viral potential :
Mobile marketing can have great viral benefits because mobile content is
easily shared among users. We all like to share things with our families
and friends, particularly if the advertisement or the content is good,
interesting, or useful in some way. Mobile marketing increases the
likelihood of anything going viral.
Youngsters share good information and offers with their friends and
family, so companies get a lot more exposure with no extra effort. Mobile
marketing helps the marketer reach a far wider and diverse audience.

11.Microblogging benefits :
Microblogging is an online broadcast medium that exists as a specific
form of blogging. Microblogging platforms like Twitter are becoming
increasingly popular among mobile users. This microblogging feature can
be extremely helpful to marketers, and as a result of such platforms,
young people are more aware of a specific brand, service, or product. 

12.Anytime, Anywhere
You can reach to people wherever they are, at any time, whether they are
at work, at home, or on vacation, using mobile marketing. And by using
location-based marketing, a lot of information can be gathered about user
preferences, all because of their phones. This helps with ad
personalization, targeted advertising that can be adjusted to speak directly
to one person, based on things like purchase history and location etc.
13.Cost effectiveness :
When compared to radio or television advertisements, mobile advertising
is much less expensive. Targeting plays a significant role in this as well.
To reach consumers who want and need to see your ads, you should
concentrate on targeted advertising. If it doesn't work, you can save
money by simply stopping your campaign.

1. First Impression
The importance of first impressions cannot be overstated. Unfortunately,
if your advertisements give viewers a negative first impression, that is the
one that will matter the most. As a result, make sure the advertisements or
content are error-free. Because mobile advertising is generally fast, it's
difficult to correct a mistake before it's noticed.

2. Potential for bad user experiences

You know how I said above to “let it go viral”? Well, bad ads or content
can go viral just as easily as good ones. Review your ad or content
carefully, perhaps even have multiple people review it and try to make
sure that your ad will not be received in a bad way.

3. User costs
This is an important disadvantage to consider. Although we see ads for
unlimited data plans, this does not imply that everyone has one. Some of
those who see your ads may be subject to standard data and texting
charges, and the user cost can be very high at times

4. Privacy issues
Users want their privacy online, and mobile marketers must understand
and respect this. As a result, they can only engage in promotional activity
with the user's consent
5. Ignorance: 
One of the main barriers to mobile marketing lies in its novelty. We are
still a long way from the marketing departments of companies, media
agencies, and advertisers, acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to
use mobile marketing strategies in their campaigns effectively. In such a
case, most ads may go untouched, as the user may find it too difficult to
look in detail through each one of them. Youngsters too ignore the spam
of sms and ads on social media and tend to block such ads.

6. Lack of professionals:
Similarly to how online marketing now has professionals who specialize
in planning, identifying strategies, designing, measuring, and campaigns,
mobile marketing also lacks a critical mass of educated, experienced

1. Mukherjee (2007) showed that advertisements have three different

kinds of effects on youngsters developing minds: cognitive, attitudinal,
and behavioural effects. Youngsters are easily drawn to advertise
products because of their visible features, but their consumer
understanding of those products does not extend beyond the basics.

2. Pine KJ, Nash A (2006) Dear Santa: The effects of television

advertising on youngsters. International Journal of Behavioural
Development 26: 529-539

3. Jam (2010) the effect of marketing activities (particularly advertising)

on youngsters was investigated, as it is a very important and sensitive
issue for society and marketers. The results revealed that advertisements
have no negative effect on youngster’s memory or behavior. It broadens
youngsters understanding, and advertisements aimed at youngsters are
very successful.

4. Kotwal (2008) felt that televisions and advertisings together present a

lethal combination and become an important part of modern society. The
result of their study revealed that advertisements played a vital role in
introducing a new product in the family list and making better choice
during shopping. Majority of the respondents, after watching an
advertisement, wanted to buy the new brand introduced in the market.
5. A study done by Heinonen & Strandvik (2003) showed that mobile
channels are perceived to be more personal than traditional and email
channels. This creates high expectations for relevance of marketing
communication messages.

6. Barnes (2002) stress the interactive nature of mobile marketing and the
ability to use contextual information to target the messages to individual
receivers, in other words to personalize the message

7. Okazaki (2005) contributed to filling this research gap by conducting

an empirical survey of multinational companies' (MNC) perceptions of
mobile advertising adoption. Mobile marketing has recently grown in
popularity across a wide range of disciplines and industries. However,
there is little perceived evidence of mobile marketing's diffusion and
adoption among large multinational corporations.

8. Han et al. (2004) proposed, in a conceptual paper, a framework which

addressed many of the issues that are characteristic of mobile gaming and


1. Location-based marketing
If your small business has a mobile app, you can use location-based
marketing techniques to market to mobile users in a specific area, it
brings in awareness about your store and products to the consumers.
This is especially useful for small businesses that have brick-and-mortar
stores. It can also be practical for local recommendations, like food
delivery or travel services.

2. Social media advertisements

Despite the fact that email is the most widely used platform for
marketing, small businesses must now rely on social media as a major
marketing channel. Create a profile on each of the most popular social
media platforms and use them all to promote your business and track how
your posts perform across platforms. Social media encourages people to
buy things from their favourite brands. When it comes to social media
strategy, brand awareness is the primary goal of most companies.

3. Mobile-friendly content
Consuming content on mobile devices is different than on a desktop.
You want shorter sentences, engaging headers, and relevant media, like
high-quality images and videos. People are more likely to search through
content, so make it easy for them to do that. When you’re creating videos,
you can use captions to help keep people engaged.
4. Voice search optimization
People are increasingly turning to voice search as smart devices with
voice capabilities become more common in homes. Voice search has the
potential to drive sales. Following are the most common actions that
people take.
Calling a business they discovered, investigating a company's website, or
visiting a local store are all examples of voice searches. These are all
sales-generating activities.
5. Text message marketing
A successful text message campaign starts with giving people the chance
to opt in to future messages.Many people have no problem receiving
SMS messages from companies they love, and people read those
messages within three minutes of receiving them.
When it comes to using text messaging in your mobile marketing
strategies, digital coupons are an effective technique. Coupons people
receive via text message are used ten times more often than coupons from
other sources.

6. Videos and GIFs

Gone are the days when you had to go through long messages in your
inbox. People prefer entertaining and digestible content, so videos and
GIFs are ideal candidates for improving mobile strategies.
When learning about a new product, many professionals prefer to watch a
video, regardless of how long it takes.
Creating videos in your social media campaigns is an effective way to
encourage customer engagement. Over half of consumers will engage
with a brand after watching a video on social media.
7. On-site and in-app support
Customer experience is one of the top ways to maintain customer
retention rates. One way to improve their experience is to offer support
that’s easy to access. Whether it’s a live chat feature embedded in your
website or an in-app support feature that makes it easy to connect with
someone immediately, customer support is critical to your customer
Some people who visit your website are expecting to see a live chat
feature available. That number is closer to 50% for customers who visit
your website on a mobile device. It’s the preferred method of
communication for nearly half of all people.

8. Personalization Campaigns
It is one of the most effective targeting strategies for small businesses.
With just a little bit of information about your site visitors or customers,
you can put together campaigns based on where people live and how they
interact with your website. Customers expect to see this
Who receive emails that aren’t personalized say they’ll shop elsewhere.
Personalization extends beyond just email marketing, though people want
to see companies anticipate their needs and deliver digital ads based on
previous experiences, and some people are more likely to purchase from
companies that have personalized offers.
9. Opt-in forms
A key digital marketing best practise is obtaining people's permission to
communicate with them. Whether you're trying to expand your email list
or increase your text message marketing, opt-in forms are essential.
An opt-in form on your website can be as simple as a popup. It can also
be as complex as an offer for an eBook download that requires an email

4.2 Types of Mobile Marketing

Since Mobile Marketing refers to the different type of marketing that only

happens when a mobile phone technology is part of the strategy to
connect with the audience.

1) SMS marketing
It is a marketing approach in which companies send short text messages
to prospective customers. SMS marketing is not only the oldest form of
mobile marketing, but it is also the first of its kind. Since the early 1990s,
when mobile phones were first introduced, the only thing people could do
with them was send and receive text messages.
Years passed, and now technology is continuously developing, and
mobile phone can do much more than sending texts. But, SMS marketing
remains as the famous type of mobile because of these reasons.
First, short messages still are the most popular mode of communication
and also the majority of the mobile user immediately read all the
messages that they receive. Second, SMS marketing is popular both in
large and small business because it is extremely expensive compared to
other strategies.
2) MMS marketing
Some businesses choose to use MMS marketing instead of sending short
text messages. With the help of videos, sounds, and photographs, this
approach seeks to make a stronger impression. MMS marketing, to put it
another way, aims to have the same effect as television commercials.
When comparing MMS and SMS marketing, MMS is the more expensive

3) Bluetooth mobile marketing.

This is a strategy for mobile marketing that makes use of Bluetooth
technology. A marketer should use Bluetooth to send free MMS or SMS
messages to prospective customers who are in their vicinity.
marketing is
known in
places that
are focused
on local
business, despite the fact that this approach has some drawbacks. One
disadvantage is that users must be within the specific perimeter of a
Bluetooth-enabled computer to view the message, and users must accept
the message in order to view it.

4) Mobile Internet marketing.

It is a strategy that involves the use of phones and World Wide Web
(www). It is the classic web pop-out ads. However, mobile internet
marketing may include optimization of a website for it be mobile and
search engine friendly. Right now, most people use their phones to
connect to the Internet. Also, it makes mobile internet marketing the
fastest growing mobile marketing strategy.

5) Application Marketing. 
Companies are now jumping on the trend of creating apps since the
introduction of the Android Play Store and the iPhone App Store. App
development is a company's way of connecting with its clients. Some
apps are available for download for no cost. However, some apps are not
free. Along with mobile apps, companies have begun to develop various
types of mobile games that users can download directly to their phones.
Different marketing messages will appear on the users' screens when they
download mobile games, encouraging them to visit the company's
website or the game developer.

6) QR Codes (quick-response barcode)

QR codes can be scanned using a mobile device's camera. After being
scanned, customers will be directed to the linked website, where they will
learn more about a company. You can create a QR code for your
company for a low cost or find services that are completely free. A QR
code can help you grow while also increasing customer engagement.
Your code can be used to link to any page, including your website and
Facebook page.
QR codes can help you attract new customers no matter what you decide
to link. 
7) Mobile Wallet: 
Apple's Passbook is an example of a mobile wallet. Passbook is an iOS
app that allows users to digitally store personal information such as credit
cards, boarding passes, coupons, gift cards, and tickets. The user's
location is used to configure Passbook. If you're at the airport, for
example, your boarding pass will appear in your Passbook.
Users can also easily share these offers with their friends. Passbook gives
advertisers the ability to offer coupons to customers without requiring
them to print them. Passbook and other mobile wallet apps make it simple
to use and store all of your information in one place.

4.3 Scope for different industries benefiting from Mobile Marketing:

1. Radio, TV & publishing:
Is one of the main objectives to increase the number of viewers? Then
SMS will come in handy. The importance of engagement in the
development of your brand cannot be overstated. You can use our SMS
Gateway tool to schedule and send bulk messages to audiences to inform
them of upcoming events

2. Real Estate:
Because the real estate industry is so competitive, timing and speed are
crucial. SMS is the fastest mode of communication; over 80% of the
population owns a cellphone, and the average time it takes to open a text
message is 90 seconds! Send confirmations of viewings or appointments,
such as survey appointments, via text message.

4. Banking & Finance:

Banks, insurance companies, and loan/mortgage companies will all use
SMS marketing to stay in touch with current and prospective customers.
Banks may send text messages to account holders informing them of
recent transactions or changes to their accounts.

5. Councils:
Having people turn up to elections are important for councils to make
sure everyone’s vote is collected. SMS can be used to remind people of
these elections or any important local updates. Councils and MP’s always
want to hear the public's opinion. Conducting a quick survey via SMS
Marketing means people are able to answer questions. 

6. Food establishments:
Restaurants should use SMS for branding that they want to promote right
now. Knowing when people like to eat means that when sending texts,
timing is crucial. Schedule mass SMS messages during these peak
periods to inform customers of any special offers they may have or to
send a promotional code for a special discount - hungry people think with
their stomachs.

Mobile marketing has helped many such industries to flourish and

increase the interaction with consumers and create many attractive ads
due to which he consumers purchase their product and services.

4.4 Importance of mobile marketing

People use their phones almost whole day. It is the reason why mobile
marketing is important for companies, because of people’s habit of
looking at their phones every hour.
Also, it became the main reason that marketers can reach their consumer
24/7. With the help of mobile marketing, marketers are ready to interact
with their customers anytime they want. It doesn’t matter if its service,
product information, complaints or shopping.

1. Because mobile commerce is a reality

Previously, e-commerce was only a desktop activity; however, people are
now using their mobile phones to conduct business. According to Hub
Spot, mobile commerce will account for at least 24.4 percent of total
profit by the end of 2017. Different patterns are emerging everywhere for
the same reason.
Instagram ads with "shop now" buttons, Google's "Buy" button, and
Pinterest's "Buyable Pins" are just a few examples. Now it's up to brands
to capitalize on the mobile trend and income stream. Mobile-specific
advertising, mobile-friendly web pages, and search engine marketing are
all effective ways to communicate with customers.

2. Because youngsters use their mobiles even in physical stores

The power of mobile marketing in physical stores should not be
underestimated by marketers. Some teenagers will use their cell phones to
conduct product research. When customers enter a store, however, this
does not stop.
They will continue to compare prices of different brands and products
while holding their smartphones. Retailers should think about how they
can integrate in-store experiences and improve customer engagement
while they're there. For retailers, mobile ads and SMS marketing can be a
good place to start.

3. Because Mobile Marketing Is Personal

Marketers and brands are constantly looking for new ways to get closer to
their customers. Marketers do not get the same effect with any other
forms of media because mobile phones are gadgets that people bring with
them all the time.
Because it allows advertisers to get closer to their customers, mobile
marketing is a personalised form of marketing. A personalised approach
to mobile marketing can go a long way toward turning viewers into
paying customers.

4. Because Mobile Opens Virtual Reality and Other Possibilities

The developing technology like virtual reality is now in mobile ads. VR
ads make a mobile ad effective and engaging. The number of options
means that it is not easy to turn a profit from mobile marketing. However,
with proper usage, there is a place for every business in the different

5. Because Mobile is changing the Way People Consume Content

Because people use their mobile phones at all hours of the day, they are
also using them to consume more content. In addition, many brands are
attempting to discover and understand how they can use mobile to
communicate with their customers and tell their stories. It takes more than
just making content look good on a small screen to create content for
mobile. It must be a portable type of content structure that also has
experiences, such as games, for mobile content to be versatile and

 Through the research conducted ,92.7% youngster get ads on their

mobile phones whereas, 7.3% youngsters do not get any ads on
their device
 According to the research youngsters receive push notifications a
lot comparatively to other platforms on their mobile phones on
daily bases which can be easily accessible
 Many people like to respond to advertisement and also like to
purchase by analysing the features and schemes that are provided
so when the service is customized it becomes more useful to
 Most youngsters agree that, most ads they receive are about online
stores and services and even agree on when they see a certain ad
about something they like, they search for the product and buy it.
Therefore, 25.5% agree of buying after seeing an ad where as 34.5
% disagree and 40% are not sure.
 A sample was collected whether consumers purchase premium
music app, out of which 23.6% youngsters have purchased the app
by seeing the ad. Just like this example there are many other apps
which people purchase by seeing an advertisement
 The sample consist of consumer’s perspective towards mobile
marketing. 45.5% consumers agree that mobile marketing ads are
important. Many a times after seeing the ad, the perspective
changes of the consumer and it affects the buying behaviour of the
consumer too.


This sample consist of how many individuals have filled the

questionnaire. In total there are 110 responses out of which
61.8% are male, 37.3% are female and 1% prefer not to say

This sample consist of age group of the youngsters .47.3% is the

age group from 21-25 and 52.7% is the age group
From 15-20.

This sample consist of people who get ads on their mobile

phones through sms, mms, emails, social media etc

92.7% youngster get ads on their mobile phones and

7.3% youngsters do not get any ads on their device

This sample consist of ads which youngsters receive on their mobile

phones on daily bases. Hence the data is bifurcated as which mobile
marketing strategy ranks 1- 5 (from highest to lowest)
1 push notifications
2 google ads
3 sms
4 emails
5 In app ads
This sample consist on the impact caused by the ads on the consumer
choices. Many people buy products and services by seeing such ads, it
even brings in awareness for the consumers about a particular brands.
39.1% youngsters feel the impact of ads on their consumption choices

This sample consist of the youngsters whether to agree or disagree on the

given statements according to their preference. Most youngsters agree
that, most ads they receive are about online stores and services and even
agree on when they see ad about something they like, they search for the
product and contemplate buying it.

This sample consist of consumers who buy products or service after

seeing an ad on their mobile devices through sms, emails etc. .Therefore,
25.5% agree of buying after seeing an ad where as 34.5 % disagree and
40% are not sure .

This sample consist whether the youngsters find mobile marketing easy
to search any product or services. 68.2% have agreed that it is easy to find
products or service through mobile marketing.

At times consumers get influenced or manipulated by some attractive ad

and tend to purchase the product or the service , therefore this sample
consist of an premium music app out of which 23.6% youngsters have
purchased the app by seeing the ad .

This sample consist of cons of mobile marketing with respect to how

much troublesome it is. Following is the order according to the responses
1 ads while playing games is the most troublesome
2 ad notifications
3 website ad
4 ad sms
5 ad calls

This sample consist of consumer’s perspective towards mobile marketing.

45.5% consumers agree that mobile marketing ads are important.

 As the research was conducted it is known that mobile marketing is

a wide networking tool for any brand or company to boost it sales
and make people aware of their existing product or service.
Therefore I think even the small businesses should start using
mobile marketing for better results.

 The content or the ads should be attractive which will attract the
youngsters to search about the product or service in detail and they
will tend to buy it.

 Share a story, Storytelling works. Many users love emotional

stories that can prompt them to act. Spread a message that people
will connect with and also share. Start using photos to engage
mobile users. According to Hub spot, photos on Facebook generate
more engagement than other posts. Visual content will enhance
your brand via social media and mobile platforms.

 As many companies or brands can create multiple digital

campaigns for better interaction with their consumers and through
conducting such digital campaigns the company can get feedbacks
too which is very important for any company
 If companies want to take their business to next level in mobile
marketing then they should create QR codes for quick access .The
codes store a lot of data and can be transmitted digitally and
quickly, making them ideal for mobile device users.


As we know that Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy aimed

at reaching a target audience on their smartphones, tablets or other mobile
devices, websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media, and apps .
It is even an attractive medium for the brand managers to communicate
with the customers for marketing purposes using different forms of
mobile marketing mediums including sms, mms, and other websites.
Mobile Marketing provides marketers with a real opportunity to get high
response rate compared to traditional media, As this research has been
conducted on effects of mobile marketing on youngsters, many
advantages like Always available, Measurable and informative,
Immediacy, Interactive etc are too seen through the research as well as
there are some disadvantages of mobile marketing like First Impression,
Potential for bad user experience, Privacy issues, Ignorance etc.

Even mobile marketing has both cons and pros which impact the buying
behavior of the youngsters, the research has proven some facts that
youngsters at times buy products and services by seeing some attractive
ad, an attractive ad manipulates the consumers to purchase the products
or the services. Mobile marketing has helped many brands to bring
awareness among the consumers and their sales have increased too.
Nowadays , brands send online offers , promo codes etc to attract the
consumers through sms , emails , apps which indeed is one of the best
marketing strategy

It is the fact that today’s youngsters are the consumers of tomorrow, there
is a need to prepare youngsters to consider different consumption pattern
while bearing in mind that becoming a wise spender. Youngsters find
mobile marketing easy and handy for them as it is a quick access for
anything they want and can search according to their preferences , As the
research says, that most of the youngsters have their phones always with
them therefore any messages or email pop ups are very easily accessible
to them .
But at times, these ads can really be disturbing or annoying and at times
youngsters tend to ignore or block such ads, while this can be a
disadvantage to any brand.
Even some industries such as real estates, food establishments, banking
and finance etc. have a scope due to mobile marketing and their industries
are cherished in the term of sales. These industries promote about their
policies and about their firm through social media, emails, and sms etc.
which reach to the consumer directly.

Messages should be created in such a way that drives interest in new

products with additional information provided through mobile web
experiences, the sellers should provide outstanding customer services to
their customers. Mobile marketing is here to stay and it will continue to
change and grow as smartphones and other mobile devices develop.
Mastering mobile marketing is the key to success for any modern
business if their site isn’t already mobile friendly, then it’s time to stop
leaving money on the table and start marketing to mobile users the right
way .

disadvantages-of-mobile marketing/#:~:text=This%20is%20probably

 Bourke c. (2007), How to develop a mobile marketing strategy

 Bauer H., Barnes S., Reinhardt T., (2009) Driving consumer journal of
electronic commerce and research , Vol 6(3) , 181 - 192

 Dholakia , R.R, Dholakia N. (2009 ) Mobility markets , emerging

outlines of mobile commerce , Indian journal magazine , Vol 57 (12)
 Yunos et al. (2003) Wireless advertising, advertising and marketing
activities that deliver ads to mobile devices over a wireless network.


01. Name

02. Gender
 Female
 Male
 Prefer not to say

03. Age
 15-20
 21-25

04. Do you get ads on any of your devices through email, sms, websites
 Yes
 No

05. Please rank the following modes of advertisement with respect to how
frequently you receive them (1 = least received, 5 = most received)
(1 – 5 scale)
 Emails
 Push Notifications
 In-App Ads
 Social Media Ads
 Google Ads
06. How strongly do these ads impact your consumer choices? ( 1 – least ,
5 – most )
 1 – 5 scale

07. Answer the following set of questions based on your personal

experiences ((1 = Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree)
 I find about most new products through online ads
 I block or add the tele-marketing calls to my spam list
 Most ads I receive are about online stores and services
 When I see an ad about something I like, I search for the product
later and contemplate buying it

08. If you receive discounts on a product /service through a mobile

ad/sms/ code, would you be more likely to buy it soon?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe

09. Do you think mobile marketing has made it easier to search, research
and buy products/services?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe
10. Have you ever subscribed to the premium version of a music app
because of its ads?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

11. Rank the following cons of mobile marketing with respect to how
much troublesome it is: (1 = least troublesome, 5 = most troublesome)
(1- 5 scale)
 Ad calls
 Ad SMS
 Ad notifications
 Ads while playing a game
 Website Ads

12. Do you think mobile marketing ads are important from a consumer’s
 Yes
 No
 Maybe

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