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Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469

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Biomass torrefaction: Modeling of volatile and solid product evolution kinetics

Richard B. Bates ⇑, Ahmed F. Ghoniem 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

" Model developed to describe evolution of volatiles during willow torrefaction.

" Composition of volatiles defined in terms of nine identifiable chemicals.
" Solid residue composition defined in terms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen content.
" Coupled to solid mass loss kinetic rate equations.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this work is the development of a kinetics model for the evolution of the volatile and solid
Received 9 April 2012 product composition during torrefaction conditions between 200 and 300 °C. Coupled to an existing
Received in revised form 4 July 2012 two step solid mass loss kinetics mechanism, this model describes the volatile release kinetics in terms
Accepted 5 July 2012
of a set of identifiable chemical components, permitting the solid product composition to be estimated by
Available online 20 July 2012
mass conservation. Results show that most of the volatiles released during the first stage include highly
oxygenated species such as water, acetic acid, and carbon dioxide, while volatiles released during the sec-
ond step are composed primarily of lactic acid, methanol, and acetic acid. This kinetics model will be used
in the development of a model to describe reaction energy balance and heat release dynamics.
Pyrolysis Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the torrefied product retains 80–95% of the energy and 70–90%
of the mass of the original raw biomass. The remaining 10–30%
Torrefaction is a thermochemical pretreatment process which of the mass is released in the form of gaseous species. Prins
improves biomass utilization characteristics such as gravimetric (2005) and van der Stelt (2011) have analyzed the evolution of vol-
heating value, grindability as measured by the grinding energy atile species released during torrefaction utilizing gas chromatog-
per unit heating value, and hydrophobicity (Acharjee et al., 2011; raphy (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
van der Stelt et al., 2011). During torrefaction, biomass is treated While experimental work on torrefaction remains active, few
at temperatures between 200 and 300 °C, in an inert atmosphere models exist to comprehensively describe the evolution of the vol-
for a period usually between 15 and 60 min. atile products or solid composition and energy balance over a
The relevant process parameters during torrefaction include the range of conditions. To address this need, we have developed a ser-
temperature, reaction time, heating rate, feedstock, and particle ies of models to assist in the study of torrefaction according to the
size. The chemical characteristics – including ultimate analysis – following steps:
of biomass torrefied under numerous combinations of tempera-
ture, reaction time, and feedstock have been investigated experi- 1. A kinetics model to describe the release of volatiles and the
mentally by Prins (2005), Arias et al. (2008), Bridgeman et al. resulting change in composition of the solid product.
(2008), Almeida et al. (2010) and Medic et al. (2011). Typically, 2. A thermochemical model to estimate product properties (e.g.
specific heat and heat of formation) and reaction energy balance
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachu- based on the changes in chemical composition predicted by the
setts Institute of Technology, Room 3-339, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, volatile release model.
MA 02139-4307, USA. Tel.: +1 617 253 5365; fax: +1 615 253 5981. 3. Coupling of this thermochemical model to a single particle heat
E-mail addresses: (R.B. Bates), (A.F. Ghoniem). and mass transfer model of torrefaction to study process condi-
Present address: Room 3-344, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139,
tions and particle size effects.
USA. Tel.: +1 617 253 5981.

0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469 461

This paper describes the kinetics model of solid and volatile (2) Application of fitting techniques to published experimental
product evolution, which was used as the basis for the subsequent data to enable the formulation of a volatile composition
models. Model predictions of solid and volatile product character- model describing the volatile pseudo components (V1 and
istics were compared with published experimental data. Models V2) in terms of nine major chemical components (acetic
for the thermochemistry and single particle torrefaction will be acid, water, formic acid, etc.) (Section 2.4).
published in follow up articles. (3) The application of mass conservation to enable formulation
Models for the evolution of the solid product characteristics of a solid composition model describing the ultimate analy-
have been developed based on experimental characterization un- sis of the solid product and its constituent pseudo compo-
der specific torrefaction conditions and feedstocks. One kinetics nents, B and C (Section 2.5).
model proposed and validated by Prins (2005) describes the solid
mass loss of willow during torrefaction. Based on corn stover tor- 2.2. Solid mass loss kinetics model
refaction experiments, (Medic et al., 2011) fitted quadratic regres-
sions relating process parameters such as initial moisture content, Prins showed that a competitive, two stage, first order mecha-
temperature, and residence time to solid product energy and mass nism accurately modeled the solid mass loss profiles during kinet-
yield. Based on eucalyptus torrefaction experiments (Almeida ically controlled torrefaction conditions of willow:
et al., 2010) showed that solid mass loss can be used as a quantita-
tive indicator of the extent of torrefaction. Several linear regres-
sions were developed relating the mass loss to solid product
characteristics such as the energy yield, heating value, and chemi-
cal composition). These empirical regressions do not describe the
composition of the volatile or solid torrefaction products. Using
the static dessicator technique, the effect of torrefaction on the
equilibrium moisture content of raw loblolly pine was represented where A is the raw biomass (willow), B is a solid intermediate reac-
by four empirical parameters (Acharjee et al., 2011). Increased deg- tion product, C is a residual solid product, and V1 and V2 represent
radation of the hemicellulose component of biomass was found to volatiles. This mechanism was originally proposed by Di Blasi and
correspond with an increasingly hydrophobic solid product. Lanzetta (1997) to describe pure hemicellulose decomposition.
A detailed multi-step chemical kinetic model of pyrolysis has The four Arrhenius kinetic parameters (k1, k2, kV1, kV2) were fitted
been developed by Ranzi et al. (2008). The validity of this long to experimentally measured mass loss data. At any moment in time,
mechanism under torrefaction conditions, which is associated with the mass of the solid product is described by the sum of masses of A,
slow heating rates and lower temperatures, is still underway. B, and C, while the total mass of volatiles is provided by the sum of
Neves et al. (2011) developed an empirical model for biomass V1 and V2. The equations describe the evolution of these pseudo
pyrolysis products based on fitting the trends of experimental data components:
between (200 and 1000 °C). However, of the seven modeled vola-
tile constituents, some pyrolysis products (‘‘CxHy’’) are not defined rA ¼ ¼ ðk1 þ kV1 Þ  mA ð1Þ
as readily identifiable chemicals. Additionally, the chemical com-
position of the resulting char depends only on a single parameter, dmB
the peak pyrolysis temperature. Therefore, this empirical model is rB ¼ ¼ ðk1 Þ  mA  ðk2 þ kV2 Þ  mB ð2Þ
unable to represent the effect of residence time on solid product
composition during torrefaction. dmC
rC ¼ ¼ ðk2 Þ  mB ð3Þ
2. Model dmV1
rV1 ¼ ¼ ðkV1 Þ  mA ð4Þ
2.1. Approach
The present approach built upon the existing mass loss kinetics rV2 ¼ ¼ ðkV2 Þ  mB ð5Þ
model for torrefaction published in (Prins, 2005). This kinetics
where mX is the mass of pseudo component (X = A, B, C, V1, V2),
model enables accurate prediction of the solid mass balance during
rX ¼ dm X
represent the net mass production rate, (the net rate of
torrefaction under kinetically limited conditions in the absence of dt
change of mass of the pseudo component X) in (kg X s1). The
transport limitations. Within the kinetics mechanism, solid and
parameters that Prins’ fitted during willow TGA mass loss experi-
volatile products are lumped into solid (A, B, C) and volatile (V1,
ments are:
V2) pseudocomponents; however, their composition in terms of
actual chemical species and the enthalpy of reaction for each step k1 ¼ 2:48  104 expð75976=RTÞ ð6Þ
has not been estimated or modeled previously.
Separate volatile composition experiments using HPLC also by kV1 ¼ 3:23  107 expð114214=RTÞ ð7Þ
Prins (2005) reported the cumulative yield of nine chemical species
including acetic acid, water, formic acid, methanol, lactic acid,
k2 ¼ 1:1  1010 expð151711=RTÞ ð8Þ
furfural, hydroxyacetone (acetol), carbon dioxide and carbon mon-
oxide which were generated during willow torrefaction under five
kV2 ¼ 1:59  1010 expð151711=RTÞ ð9Þ
torrefaction conditions.
The present approach to developing a simplified volatile com- 1
where the preexponential factor has units of s , the activation
position model was comprised of three steps: energy has units of J mol1, R is the universal gas constant in
J mol1 K1, and T is the particle temperature.
(1) Analysis of appropriate solid mass loss kinetics mechanism As was noted in Prins (2005) the first reaction phase
and volatile composition data for torrefaction from the liter- (A ? B + V1) is much faster than the second phase (B ? C + V2).
ature (Section 2.2 and 2.3). Solid mass loss kinetic experiments and analyses by van der Stelt
462 R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469

(2011) also concluded that torrefaction can be modeled in two reported in Table 1. Batch experiments of 10 grams of biomass
stages. The dynamics of this mechanism can be explained by the with particle diameters between 0.7 and 2.0 mm accompanied by
pyrolysis behavior of pure lignocellulose components (hemicellu- slow heating rates of 10 °C min1 ensured that the torrefaction
lose, cellulose, and lignin) summarized next: was kinetically controlled (Prins, 2005). The condensable volatile
Hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin comprise 17–20%, 53–60%, products were liquefied in a cold trap at 5 °C while non-condens-
and 25%, respectively of a hardwood such as willow (Bergman able products were collected in a gas bag. All products were
et al., 2005; Bridgeman et al., 2008). During TGA mass loss exper- weighed to produce mass balance and the volatiles were analyzed
iments of pure components, hemicellulose has been found to be using gas chromatography and high performance liquid
the most reactive component, decomposing between 200 and chromatography.
300 °C while cellulose degrades between 275 and 350 °C (Biagini Torrefaction reactions initiate at 200 °C. Tfinal is the maximum
et al., 2006). Lignin is the least reactive and decomposes over the temperature the reactor reaches after the heating period. The hea-
range of 200 and 600 °C. tup period, which occurs between when the temperature is ramp-
Simulation of the solid mass loss (using the willow kinetic ing from 200 °C to Tfinal, is determined by the heating rate. The total
parameters) indicate that the first stage concludes within 15– time is the summation of the heatup period and the isothermal
60 min, and results in 16–30% solid mass loss for temperatures be- period (the time the sample is held at Tfinal). The total time does
tween 250 and 300 °C. The second stage takes up to several hours not include the time to heat the sample from ambient temperature
to reach completion and results in an additional 42–48% mass loss; to 200 °C, nor does it include the time when the particle is being
thus, the mass loss occurring during the faster first stage of torre- cooled. The solid and volatile mass yields are defined in terms of
faction is primarily attributable to the decomposition of hemicellu- the percent weight of the initial solid mass, which is taken when
lose (with an increasing contribution from cellulose decomposition the temperature is 200 °C.
at higher temperatures). The mass loss during the slower second It is clear from the experimental results in Table 1 that the aver-
stage is primarily due to cellulose decomposition, with minor lig- age composition of the total volatile yields changes with torrefac-
nin decomposition and charring of the remaining hemicellulose. tion temperature, residence time, and mass yield. For example in
Recent experimental analysis also supports this description. The experiment 1, methanol comprises 2.4% of the total volatile yield
torrefaction of loblolly pine at three levels of severity (16.5%, 24.1%, while in experiment 5 methanol comprises 11% of the total volatile
and 46.5% mass loss) demonstrated that the hemicellulose experi- yield.
enced almost complete degradation under the most severe condi- In order to verify the assumption that the experimentally mea-
tion (Meng et al., 2012). The cellulose experienced only partial sured volatiles did not undergo significant intra particle or extra
decomposition while the lignin fraction remained mostly intact. particle secondary decomposition, a characteristic time associated
Though the mechanistic description of torrefaction in terms of with the cracking of condensible volatile products was calculated
the pyrolysis of its pure lignocellulose components was originally from experimentally measured Arrhenius kinetic data for beech
propounded by several authors Bergman et al. (2005) and Prins wood (Rath et al., 2002):
(2005) it has been supported by further TGA experiments (Chen
and Kuo, 2011; van der Stelt, 2011).
tcrack ¼ 1=AeE=RT ð10Þ
5.14 1 1
where A = 10 (s )and E = 93.37 (kJ mol ). Even at 300 °C, the
2.3. Volatile composition experimental data characteristic time associated with cracking reactions is 2300 s –
far longer than the gas residence time within the reactor and sam-
In a separate analysis from his mass loss kinetics parameter fit- pling systems.
ting, Prins reported the average composition and mass of volatiles The overall mass balance during Prins’ volatile compositions
produced during five different experimental conditions during wil- experiments ranged from 95% to 98%. However, the total volatile
low torrefaction (see Table 1) with solid mass yields between and solid yields in Table 1 sum to 100%, therefore it was assumed
66.7% and 92.6%. The experimental conditions as well as the cumu- that any volatiles which leaked (<5%wtinitial) had the same average
lative yields of nine different chemical species collected are composition as those directly measured.

Table 1
Willow torrefaction volatile composition experimental conditions and yields. Experimental data from Prins (2005). Modeled yields determined using kinetic parameters from
Prins (2005) shown in Eqs. (6)–(9).

Experiment # 1 2 3 4 5
Experimental conditions Tfinal (°C) 230 250 270 280 300
Heating rate (°C min1) 10 10 10 10 10
Heatup period (min) 3 5 7 8 10
Isothermal period (min) 50 30 15 10 10
Total time (min) 53 35 22 18 20
Experimentally measured yields Acetic acid (%wtinitial) 0.85 1.5 3 3.05 5.1
Water (%wtinitial) 3.8 6.825 7.625 7.9 12.95
Formic acid (%wtinitial) 0.225 0.45 0.9 1.1 1.975
Methanol (%wtinitial) 0.175 0.4 1.05 1.8 3.65
Lactic acid (%wtinitial) 0.05 0.175 0.475 1.225 3.075
Furfural (%wtinitial) 0.05 0.125 0.225 0.25 0.25
Hydroxy acetone (%wtinitial) 0 0.025 0.1 0.45 1.075
Carbon dioxide (%wtinitial) 1.919 2.907 3.823 4.153 4.045
Carbon monoxide (%wtinitial) 0.165 0.315 0.544 0.881 1.217
Total volatile yield (%wtinitial) 7.234 12.72 17.74 20.81 33.34
Solid Yield (%wtinitial) 92.6 87.2 82.2 79.2 66.6
Modeled yields of pseudo components V1 (%wtinitial) 8.19 12.39 16.15 17.7 24.6
V2 (%wtinitial) 0.30 0.86 1.68 2.16 8.33
A + B + C (Solid yield) (%wtinitial) 91.5 86.75 82.17 80.1 67.07
R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469 463

2.4. Volatile composition model simulated V1 and V2 yields under torrefaction conditions which
parallel those in experiments #1–5 are shown in Table 1. The total
Based on the insights gained from the solid mass loss kinetics volatile yields YVtot and solid mass yield Ys are evaluated from the
and volatile composition experiments, a simplified volatile compo- simulated yields of V1 and V2:
sition model was developed. Torrefaction has been characterized
Y Vtot ¼ Y V1 þ Y V2 ð12Þ
by the fast (lasting 10–60 min) decomposition of the hemicellulose
and partial decomposition of the cellulose during the first stage fol-
Y S ¼ 1  Y Vtot ¼ Y A þ Y B þ Y C ð13Þ
lowed by the gradual (lasting 60–180 min) degradation of the
remaining cellulose in the second stage. The individual composi- where Yx represents the yield of X (A, B, C, V1, V2, Vtot, S) in units of
tions of the pseudo components V1 and V2 were each modeled (kg X/kg initial biomass).
with a fixed – but unique – mixture of nine chemical components. The kinetics simulation results indicate that pseudocomponent
Since V1 and V2 are produced in varying proportions depending on V1 comprises the vast majority of the total volatile yield under all
the temperature and reaction conditions, both the total mass and five experimental conditions. V2 comprises between 3.5% and 25%
average chemical composition of the volatiles varies with temper- of the total volatile yield while V1 comprises between 75% and
ature and time. 96.5%. Because V2 is associated with volatile release during the
The production rate of the nine chemical components (water, slower second stage, higher torrefaction temperatures and longer
acetic acid, etc.) depends on the production rates of V1 and V2 residence time lead to an increased ratio of V2 relative to V1.
and eighteen model parameters termed compositional coefficients
(Ya,V1, Yb,V1, Yc,V1. . ., etc.) as follows: Formulation of the inverse problem. The compositional coef-
dmx ficients (Ya,V1, Yb,V1, Yc,V1, . . .., etc.) nine describing V1 and nine
¼ r V1 Y x;V1 þ rV2 Y x;V2 ð11Þ describing V2 are used to relate YV1 and YV2 (obtained from the ki-
netic simulations) to those experimentally measured yields of the
Where dm dt
represents the volatile matter production rate in nine chemicals. This relation between the kinetically simulated V1
(kg x s1) of chemical specie (x = a, b, c,. . ., i) and r V1 and rV2 are and V2 yields and the nine experimentally measured total chemical
the mass production rate of V1 and V2 defined by Eqs. (4) and (5), volatile yields is summarized by the following system of equations:
respectively. Y x;VN is the mass fraction of pseudocomponent VN
(V1, V2) composed of chemical component (x = a, b, c,..., i), in (kg x Y nV1  Y x;V1 þ Y nV2  Y x;V2 ¼ Y nx ð14Þ
/kg VN). The nine subscripts (a, b, c, . . ., i) refer to acetic acid, water,
where Y nx
is the experimentally measured total yield of volatile spe-
formic acid, methanol, lactic acid, furfural, hydroxyacetone, carbon
cies (x = a, b, c,..., i) during experiment number (n = 1, 2, 3, .., 5) ex-
dioxide and carbon monoxide, respectively.
pressed as a mass fraction of the initial solid mass (kg x/kg initial
The chemical compositions of the pseudo components V1 and
biomass) (see Table 1). Y nVN is the simulated yield of VN (V1, V2)
V2 might be expected to be dependent on temperature. However,
for experiment (n=1, 2, 3,...,5) expressed as a mass fraction of the
given the limited temperature range of the above volatile compo-
initial solid mass (Kg VN/kg initial biomass) (see Table 1). This is
sition experiments between 230 and 300 °C, the individual compo-
represented in matrix form by the system:
sitions of V1 and V2 were assumed constant within this range. 2 3 2 3
Moreover, stage one volatiles (V1) are expected to represent pri- Y 1V1 Y 1V2 Y 1a Y 1b . . . Y 1i
marily (but not solely) hemicellulose decomposition products 6 2 7 6 2 7
6 Y V1
6 Y 2V2 7
7 Y  66 Ya Y 2b . . . Y 2i 7
and stage two volatiles (V2) should be representative of cellulose 6 3 7 a;V1 Y b;V1 . . . Y i;V1 6 7
decomposition products. 6 Y V1 Y 3V2 7 ¼ 6 Y 3a Y 3b . . . Y 3i 7
6 7 Y a;V2 Y b;V2 . . . Y i;V2 6 7
To summarize, the composition of V1 and V2 are modeled with
6 Y4 Y 4V2 7 6 Y4 Y 4b . . . Y 4i 7
4 V1 5 4 a 5
unique chemical mixtures of nine species which do not vary with Y 5V1 Y 5V2 Y 5a Y 5b . . . Y 5i
temperature (between 230 and 300 °C) and are fitted to experi-
mental data. where the first matrix on the left-hand side has dimensions of 5
rows by 2 columns and is composed of the V1 and V2 yields gener-
2.4.1. Volatile composition parameter fitting ated by the kinetics simulation, the second matrix has dimensions
The model required fitting 18 parameters. These parameters – of 2 rows by 9 columns and comprises of the 18 compositional coef-
referred to as compositional coefficients- represented the mass ficients, and the third matrix has dimensions of 5 rows by 9
fraction contribution to V1 and V2 of the nine volatiles (acetic acid, columns and consists of the experimentally reported yields of the
water, formic acid, etc.). Fitting these parameters required three nine chemical species.
steps: Least squares solution. The 18 compositional coefficients
(1) The estimation of the amounts of pseudocomponents V1 and were solved iteratively until the least squares solution was found.
V2 which would be expected during the five volatile compo- Additional constraints include:
sition experiments (see Table 1) through kinetic simulations.
(2) The formulation of an inverse problem which related the Y x;V1 ¼ 1 ð15Þ
experimentally measured total volatile yields to the kineti- a
cally simulated yields of V1 and V2.
(3) The solution for optimal set of 18 compositional coefficients X

through least squares regression. Y x;V2 ¼ 1 ð16Þ


Y x;V1 ; Y x;V2 P 0 ð17Þ Kinetics simulation. The evolution of pseudocomponents is
obtained by integrating Eqs. (1)–(5). By providing appropriate ini- These constrained the least squares solution of 18 composi-
tial conditions and imposing a particle temperature profile repre- tional coefficients to be physically meaningful by ensuring non-
sentative of the experimental conditions, the cumulative mass negative values. Also, since the compositional coefficients are mass
yields of A, B, C, V1, V2 were obtained as a function of time. The fractions, they are constrained to sum to 1.
464 R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469

2.5. Solid composition model r V2;2 kV2  mB kV2

n¼ ¼ ¼ ð22Þ
r B;2 ðk2 þ kV2 Þ  mB k2 þ kV2
The composition of A is fixed and known from the ultimate
where, rX,N represents the rate of change of mass (kgj X s1) of
analysis of the raw biomass. The compositions of V1 and V2 are
pseudocomponent X, (A, B, C, V1, V2) in step N (1, 2) kN are the
fixed and defined by the previously described volatile composition
Arrhenius rates with units of 1/s. Using the instantaneous fractional
model. The evolution of the average solid product composition de-
yields we can express the two step kinetic mechanism as:
pends only on:
A ! bB þ mV1 ð23Þ
- The initial solid product composition (i.e. ultimate analysis of
raw biomass) B ! cC þ nV2 ð24Þ
- The amount and composition of the volatiles which have left
the solid product (i.e. amount and composition of V1, V2). where b, m, c, n are the instantaneous fractional yields. These are
interpreted in the following way: For each gram of A which is react-
However, reaction thermochemistry depends on the composi- ing at temperature T, b, grams of B and m grams of V1 are formed.
tion of products and reactants generated at the instant at which Likewise, c and n represent the mass fraction of B transforming into
the reactions occur- not on the average composition of products C and V2, respectively. By definition, the sum of b and m and the sum
and reactants which exist in the system. This requires the compo- of equals c and n equals 1.
sition of the solid individual pseudo components (B and C) which
are reacting. 2.5.3. Composition of B and C
In summary, two types of solid product composition were From the instantaneous fractional yields defined previously, it is
relevant: possible to define the composition (ultimate analysis) of B and C.
The composition of B and C as a function of the instantaneous frac-
1) The average solid product composition described in tional yields and the compositions of A, V1, and V2:
Section 2.5.1 Y j;B ¼ ðY j;A  m  Y j;V1 Þ=b ð25Þ
2) The individual compositions of B, C which are reacting/form-
ing at an instant in time. The kinetic analysis regarding the Y j;C ¼ ðY j;B  n  Y j;V2 Þ=c ð26Þ
instantaneous product distribution is described in Sec-
tion 2.5.2. Section 2.5.3 relates these fractional yields to where, b, m, c, n are the instantaneous fractional yields, and Yj,x
the composition of B and C. denotes the mass fraction of pseudo component X (A, B, C, V1, V2)
composed of element (j=C, H, O, N, Ash) on a dry basis.
2.5.1. Average solid product composition
Combining mass conservation with the kinetics rate expres- 3. Results and discussion
sions, the rate of change of the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,
and ash content (in kg) of the solid product is written in terms of 3.1. Fitted compositional coefficients
the composition and formation rates of V1 and V2:
The 18 compositional coefficients obtained by fitting are
dðms Y j;S Þ
¼ r V1 Y j;V1  r V2 Y j;V2 ð18Þ summarized in Table 2.
The results show that V1 is composed primarily of acetic acid,
where, ms is the mass of the solid (in kg). water, and carbon dioxide. V2 is composed entirely of condensable
Yj,X denotes the mass fraction of pseudo component X (A, B, C, V1, volatiles including lactic acid, methanol, and acetic acid, water,
V2) composed of element (j = C, H, O, N, Ash) on a dry basis and rV1 hydroxyacetone, and formic acid.
and rV2 are previously defined reaction rates (Eqs. 4 and 5, These results show agreement with several experimentally ob-
respectively). served trends in the volatiles produced during wood pyrolysis. For
example, a zonal description of the products of wood pyrolysis was
2.5.2. Instantaneous fractional yields offered by Güllü and Demirbasß (2001). Zone A occurs at tempera-
In the present mass loss kinetics mechanism, the pseudocompo- tures below 200 °C and results in water, carbon dioxide, formic
nents are produced in two stages each with parallel reactions. In acid, acetic acid, glyoxal. Zone B occurs at temperatures between
each stage, decomposition occurs first-order with respect to the 200 and 260 °C and results in water, carbon dioxide, formic acid,
reactant (A and B for stage 1 and 2, respectively). The dependence glyoxal, and carbon monoxide. Zone C occurs at temperatures be-
of the product distribution on temperature is defined by the tween 260 and 500 °C and results in methane, formaldehyde, for-
instantaneous fractional yields. Based on this product distribution mic acid, acetic acid, methanol, hydrogen. In Zone D, which
analysis, the composition of B and C can then be defined from mass occurs above 500 °C, the final char product is formed. The fitted
balance. composition of V1 agree with that of zone A and B (200–260 °C),
The instantaneous fractional yields are positive, dimensionless, while the composition of V2 agree with that of Zone C (260–
and defined by the formation rate of product divided by the 500 °C).
decomposition rate of the reactant: The fitted results also agree with pyrolysis of pure lignocellu-
lose components. According to Demirbasß (2007) the condensable
r B;1 k1  mA k1 products of xylan (hemicellulose) degradation consists primarily
b¼ ¼ ¼ ð19Þ of eight products including water, methanol, formic acid, acetic
r A;1 ðk1 þ kV1 Þ  mA k1 þ kV1
acid, propionic acids, hydroxyacetone (C3H6O2), and 1-hydroxy-2-
rV1;1 kV1  mA k1 butanone (C4H8O2). Volatile products of the slow pyrolysis
m¼ ¼ ¼ ð20Þ (5 °C/min) of galactoglucomannan- the primary type of hemicellu-
rA;1 ðk1 þ kV1 Þ  mA k1 þ kV1
lose contained in softwoods- mainly includes water, carbon diox-
r C;2 k2  mB k2 ide, carbon monoxide and acetic acid (Aho et al., 2008). Fast
c¼ ¼ ¼ ð21Þ pyroylsis ash free hemicellulose derived from switchgrass at
r B;2 ðk2 þ kV2 Þ  mB k2 þ kV2
500 °C result in similar products including carbon dioxide
R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469 465

Table 2
Fitted V1 and V2 composition (% mass) through least squares minimization. (a)
Calculated carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen content. Nitrogen and ash content assumed 1

Instantaneous fractional yield

to be negligible in volatiles.
Chemical Component Percentage β
V1 V2 0.6

Acetic acid Ya,V1 = 14.8% Ya,V2 = 16.1% 0.4
Water Yb,V1 = 48.1% Yb,V2 = 7.6%
Formic acid Yc,V1 = 5.3% Yc,V2 = 5.1% 0.2
Methanol Yd,V1 = 4.2% Yd,V2 = 30.1%
Lactic acid Ye,V1 = 1.3% Ye,V2 = 31.3%
Furfural Yf,V1 = 1.1% Yf,V2 = 0.0%
200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Hydroxy acetone Yg,V1 = 0.6% Yg,V2 = 9.7%
Carbon dioxide Yh,V1 = 20.4% Yh,V2 = 0.0% Temperature (°C)
Carbon monoxide Yi,V1 = 4.2% Yi,V2 = 0.1%
Sum 100% 100%
(b) 1.0
Carbon YC,V1 = 18% YC,V2 = 36% 0.9

Yj,B (kg j / kg B)
Hydrogen YH,V1 = 7% YH,V2 = 9%
Oxygen YO,V1 = 75% YO,V2 = 55% 0.7
0.6 C
Nitrogen YN,V1 = 0% YN,V1 = 0%
Ash YAsh,V1 = 0% YAsh,V1 = 0% 0.5 H
Sum 100% 100% 0.4
0.3 O
(18.8 wt%), water (15.1 wt%), formic acid (8.4 wt%), and char 0.0
(11 wt%), hydroxyacetone (3 wt%) and other dehydration products 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
including dianhydro xyloses(8 wt%) (Patwardhan et al., 2011). Temperature (°C)
Lower temperatures (300 °C) and the addition of minerals (alkali
and alkaline salts) caused increased char yields. The mechanism (c) 1
of acetic acid formation from hemicellulose is the elimination of
Yj,C (kg j / kg C)

acetyl groups from the xylose (C5H10O5) unit (Demirbasß, 2000).

As expected, V1 is highly representative of these products. 0.6
Acid catalyzed hydrolysis of hemicellulose results in a mixture O
of pentose (C5) and hexose (C6) sugars and the subsequent dehy-
dration of the pentose sugars results in furfural (C5H4O2) (Demi- 0.2
rbasß, 2000). Therefore, the presence of furfural in V1 (1 wt%) and
absence of furfural in V2 provides further evidence for the proposal 0
that V1 represents hemicellulose decomposition products. 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
The fast pyrolysis of cellulose primarily results in levoglucosan Temperature (°C)
(C6H10O5) and other anhydrosugar derivatives (Lu et al., 2011).
Fig. 1. (a) Willow torrefaction instantaneous fractional yields () versus final
However, levoglucosan is unstable and experiences subsequent
temperature (°C). Composition Yj,i of pseudocomponents B and C shown in (b and c),
decomposition and reactions to form volatiles including water, respectively in units of (kgj/kgi dry basis j = C, H, O i = B, C) versus final temperature
methanol, acetic acid, acetone, phenols, (Demirbasß, 2000). Formic (°C) as defined by Eqs. 25 and 26.
acid, acetic acid, and hydroxyacetone, glycoaldehyde, and phenols
have been attributed to the ash catalyzed decomposition of levo-
glucosan (Ponder et al., 1992; Patwardhan et al., 2010). Therefore 0.1 g of V1. However at 300 °C, A degrades to form only 0.7 g of B
the composition of V2 is representative of the pyrolysis of cellulose and 0.3 g of V1. This demonstrates the important effect of temper-
and its anhydrosugars. ature on the product distribution: higher temperatures shift the
The fitted compositions of pseudo components V1 and V2 sup- product distribution towards greater volatile product formation.
port the original assumption that their compositions are represen- The competitive nature of the first step of this kinetic mecha-
tative of hemicellulose (zone A, B) and cellulose (zone C) pyrolysis nism is representative of the pyrolysis characteristics of pure xylan
products, respectively. This strong coupling of the evolution of bio- (hemicellulose) demonstrated during TGA mass loss kinetics
mass pyrolysis products to constituent lignocellulosic components experiments by Di Blasi and Lanzetta (1997) and van der Stelt
agrees with the literature (Demirbasß, 2007; Aho et al., 2008). (2011). In these experiments, pure xylan was subjected to a 10–
70 °C/min heating rate until reaching a prescribed maximum tem-
perature (between 220 and 300 °C) after which it was held at this
3.2. Effect of temperature on product distribution temperature for up to 120 min. The maximum mass loss (i.e. vola-
tile formation) during this xylan pyrolysis exhibited temperature
The instantaneous fractional yields calculated based on the wil- dependence. For example, the final volatile yield of ranged from
low kinetics parameters are shown in Fig. 1a as a function of tem- 42 to 56%wtinitial after 120 min depending on the final temperature
perature. Each gram of B that reacts is converted into 0.59 g V2 and (240–300 °C, respectively) (van der Stelt, 2011). In other words,
0.41 g of C regardless of temperature. c and n are constant due to higher temperatures favors the formation of volatiles (relative to
the equal activation energies of k2, kV1 of that step. However, b solid product) during hemicellulose pyrolysis.
and m are temperature dependent due to the unequal activation Cellulose pyrolysis also demonstrates a competitive behavior
energies of k1, kV1. Although the vast majority of A converts into between volatile and char formation. In TGA experiments of cellu-
the intermediate product (B), increasing amounts of V1 (relative lose between 240 and 300 °C in (Cho et al., 2010), the final volatile
to B) are produced at higher temperatures. For example, at yield ranged between 70 and 90%wtinitial (increasing linearly with
220 °C, each gram of A which is reacting forms 0.9 g of B and temperature).
466 R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469

(a) 100%

90% Ash
80% Oxygen

Solid yield (%weight initial)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (minutes)

(b) 50%


Volatile yield (%weight initial)

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon Dioxide
30% Hydroxyacetone
25% Furfural
Lactic Acid
Formic Acid
10% Acetic Acid

5% Water

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (minutes)

Fig. 2. Modeled solid yield composition (a) and volatile yield and composition (b) (% weight of initial) versus time (min).

This suggests that the mechanism of volatile formation during temperature limit for torrefaction) B has a very similar composi-
the first step (A ? B + V1) is primarily (but not solely) attributed tion to A (non torrefied willow). In both B and C, as temperature in-
to hemicellulose decomposition, with an increasing contribution creases the mass fraction of carbon increases while those of
from cellulose at higher temperatures. Based on the results of hydrogen and oxygen decreases. This trend of reduced hydrogen
TGA mass loss kinetic studies of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin and oxygen mass fraction in the char with higher peak tempera-
torrefaction for one hour at (230, 260, and 290 °C) (Chen and Kuo, ture has been noted in Neves et al. (2011) which performed a
2011) also drew this conclusion. Hemicellulose and cellulose structured collection of pyrolysis product composition data over
decomposition were classified as being as strongly active for above a range of pyrolysis peak temperatures (200–1000 °C).
temperatures of 260 and 290 °C, respectively. In summary, not only Based on the decomposition of the pure components, it can be
is the rate of torrefaction strongly more rapid at higher tempera- concluded that B chemically represents an intermediate solid con-
tures, but the product distribution shifts towards increased volatile taining the charred remnants of hemicellulose decomposition
formation. along with partially reacted cellulose and weakly degraded lignin
fraction. C represents a final charred product containing com-
pletely pyrolyzed hemicellulose and cellulose with a partially
3.3. Effect of temperature on solid product composition
decomposed lignin fraction. Thus, the application of higher torre-
faction temperature results in a more carbon dense solid product
Substituting the instantaneous fractional yields, the initial ulti-
than lower torrefaction temperatures.
mate analysis of willow (Yj,A = 0.472, 0.061, 0.451, 0.003, 0.013,
j = C, H, O, N, Ash) (Prins, 2005) and the composition of V1, V2
(Yj,V1 and Yj,V2, (see Table 2) into Eqs. 25 and 26 results in Fig. 1b 3.4. Effect of residence time on solid and volatile product composition
and c which summarize the instantaneous composition of B and
C as a function of temperature, respectively. At 300 °C (the upper The effect of residence time on the average solid product com-
temperature limit for torrefaction), C, which represents char, is position is obtained through integration of Eqs. 11 and 18. For this
composed almost entirely of carbon (94%). At the 200 °C (the lower integration, the solid product composition of willow (Prins, 2005)
R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469 467

1.8% 350


1.4% Water
Volatile production rate (% weight/min) Acetic Acid
1.2% Formic Acid

Temperature (ºC)
Lactic acid 200
Hydroxy Acetone
0.8% 150
0.6% Temperature


0.0% 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (minutes)

Fig. 3. Volatile production rate (% weight initial min1) versus time (minutes).

Exp. (liquid) Exp. (gas)
Model (liquid) Model (gas)

Volatile yield (%weight initial)




0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Mass loss (kg/kg initial)

Fig. 4. Yield of gaseous and liquid (condensable) volatiles during willow torrefaction versus mass loss. Experimental data points from (Zanzi et al., 2002).

was used and the initial solid temperature was 200 °C ramping at tent). As the torrefaction proceeds, V2 is produced in greater quan-
10 (°C/min) to the final temperature of 300 °C, which is represen- tities resulting in increasing yields of lactic acid, methanol, and
tative of TGA conditions. acetic acid. Though the fitted compositions are fixed, the yield
Fig. 2 illustrates both the overall (solid mass loss) as well as the and composition of total volatiles varies because the pseudocom-
volatile product composition with time. This composition profile is ponents (V1 and V2) are produced in varying amounts and propor-
in line with the expected de-oxygenation of the solid product that tions as residence time increases. As the second stage begins to
occurs due to the decarboxylation and dehydration reactions (evi- predominate, the carbon content of the volatiles increases. More-
denced by the high carbon dioxide and water content present in over, the rate of mass loss also becomes slower. As a result of these
the volatile products). Also of importance is the relatively high car- two effects, the overall rate of de-oxygenation during the second
bon yield in the solid product throughout the process. After 15 min step is much slower than the first step. The behavior suggests that
of residence time, the torrefied product loses 40% of its original limited de-oxygenation is gained by increasing residence time
oxygen content but only 11% of the carbon content through the torrefying biomass beyond the time required to complete the first
evolution of volatiles. At 40 min this increases to 69% and 26%, stage. Similar conclusions regarding the optimal residence time
respectively. were drawn by Prins (2005).
Initially, the volatile composition is composed mostly of V1- The shift in composition of volatiles is demonstrated by the
characterized by high water, acetic acid and carbon dioxide con- time derivative of the volatile yields shown in Fig. 3. The present
468 R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469


Yield of element j (YS,,j /YA, j (kg j / kg j)






Carbon (Exp.) Carbon (Model)
Hydrogen (Exp.) Hydrogen (Model)
Oxygen (Exp.) Oxygen (Model)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Mass loss (kg/kg initial)

Fig. 5. Yield of element j retained in solid product per unit mass of element j in initial biomass, Ys,j/YA,j j = C, H, O on a dry ash free basis. Data points from Prins (2005), Arias
et al. (2008) and Medic et al. (2011).

results indicate a peak rate of volatile release at approximately yield and under predict the oxygen yield at higher levels of mass
10 min which is dominated by water, acetic acid, and carbon diox- loss.
ide production. From 20 min onwards, the volatile release is pri- One reason why the model may overpredict the carbon yield is
marily composed of lactic acid and methanol. These results share the assumption regarding the unaccounted or leaked volatiles dur-
qualitatively similar trends with the FTIR spectra of reed canary ing the volatile composition experiments. It was assumed that any
grass at 290 °C published in Bridgeman et al. (2008) which also leaked volatiles had the same composition as those measured;
demonstrates a single peak in volatile production occurring as however, certain carbon rich volatile products could have com-
the sample reaches the final temperature. Water and carbon diox- prised a greater portion of the unnaccounted volatiles than those
ide were found to be the primary volatile constituents during this measured in the HPLC and GC. The condensation of compounds
initial peak in release, agreeing with the present model results. within the tubing and fittings might cause this. If such experimen-
tal effects had occurred, the model would tend to underpredict the
3.5. Validation with experimental data carbon content of the volatile products and therefore over-predict
the solid product carbon yield.
Model predictions for the cumulative yield of non-condensable Another reason is that the kinetics and composition parameters
and condensable volatiles versus solid mass loss are compared do not explicitly account for variations and interactions of the lig-
with experimental data on willow torrefaction reported by Zanzi nocellulose components, mineral content, and heating rate effects
et al. (2002) in Fig. 4. The model predicts that the liquid (condens- which can have important effects on volatile yields Patwardhan
able components such as water, acetic acid, methanol, etc.) et al. (2010) and Wang et al. (2011). The experimental data repre-
volatiles comprise 70–80% of the total volatile yield. This agrees sented in Fig. 5 cover a range of feedstocks: corn stover has a dras-
with the data from Zanzi which observed that 80–90% of the tically different lignocellulose composition and ash content from
volatiles were condensable. Moreover, the CO2 to CO ratio willow and would certainly have unique solid mass loss kinetic
predicted by the model (4.85) is within experimentally measured parameters. The composition of volatiles could be expected to be
range between 3.3 and 7.7 (Zanzi et al., 2002). Thus the model different as well.
satisfactorily predicts the distribution of condensable and non- Despite feedstock specificity of the model parameters, the
condensable volatile products. methodology for fitting the parameters is feedstock general:
Using results shown in Fig. 2 we can evaluate the fraction of similar mass loss kinetics (using TGA) and volatile composition
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen retained by the solid product versus experimental data (using GC/HPLC) should be applied to other
the mass loss. In Fig. 5, model predictions for these quantities are biomass feedstocks.
compared with experimental data from Prins (2005), Arias et al.
(2008) and Medic et al. (2011) who measured the initial and final
ultimate analyses of torrefied willow, corn stover, and eucalyptus 4. Conclusion
samples, respectively over a range of torrefaction temperatures
between 200 and 300 °C and residence times up to 45 min. A model of the evolution of volatile and solid product composi-
The model predictions agree with the experimentally measured tion was proposed and the parameters for the model have been fit-
data which demonstrate the carbonizing effect of torrefaction on ted from published solid mass loss kinetic and volatile composition
the residual solid product: the retained fraction of carbon is always experiments for kinetically limited willow torrefaction experi-
higher than the retained fractions of oxygen and hydrogen. These ments between 230 and 300 °C.
results suggest that the present model satisfactorily characterizes The model describes the rate of release and composition of vol-
the evolution in solid product composition for a variety torrefac- atiles in terms of nine identifiable components enabling the com-
tion conditions and feedstocks other than willow. However, the position of the solid product to be predicted through elemental
model predictions appear to over-predict the solid product carbon balances. The model predictions of the solid product residue com-
R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem / Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 460–469 469

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