Palm Beach County GOP Newsletter - June 2011

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Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 1

Newsletter of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County, Florida – June 2011

MESSAGE FROM CHAIRMAN DINERSTEIN businessmen combined with Democratic lawyers and union
“GRADING ON A CURVE” chiefs to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Next year’s session is our last chance. What we don’t get then
Wow!!! Governor Scott, the Florida Legislature and the we will not get in our lifetimes. After 2012, Redistricting and
Legislative Leadership, Senate that union check-off money will thin our majorities and keep
President Mike Haridopolos, and victories on the margins.
Speaker Dean Cannon are
running enough Victory laps to So it’s an A+ session when looked at in a vacuum but it’s
make our heads spin. And well something else when looked at through the prism of our
they should. In a period of two majorities.
short months they balanced a
budget AND cut taxes, ended Final Grade for 2011: INCOMPLETE; retake in January 2012.
Tenure as we know it, got public
employees to contribute
something (3%) to their own
pensions, did a major revamp of
Medicaid (thank you, Joe
Negron) and passed a comprehensive anti ACORN Elections
bill, fighting off all the usual suspects, including the League of
Women Democrats. I have lived in Florida for twenty years
and there has never been a session like it. Clearly an A+

HOWEVER (you knew that was coming), when you’re sitting

with a Tea Party Governor, an all Republican cabinet, two
thirds majorities in both houses (Lizbeth put us over the top)
and President Obama’s radical Left cronies in Washington, the
pent up demand for a “transformational” Florida year is real
and understandable. Here’s what we didn’t get: E-Verify, for
starters. Ten Republican State Senators went all in for the
Illegals. Now that the legislators in Georgia and South
Carolina read the Constitution that our legislators ignored,
Florida is the de facto “Southern Sanctuary State.” Second,
those lawyer ads you see every night on your television,
trolling for “victims” to help kill our businesses; they’re
staying. We put no cap on Pain and Suffering. Florida remains
the Jackpot Justice state. And third, when you wonder where
President Obama and DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman-
Soros will get their million dollar 2012 campaign fund, look no
further than Tallahassee, where we chose not to end the public
union dues check-off.

What went wrong? Silly us. We figured if we did our job and
sent a multitude of “Conservative” Republicans to Tallahassee
we could sit back and watch a Fantasy Session. We delivered
the votes but they delivered the money. Republican
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 2


June 2011 issue of the Newsletter, published monthly

by the Republican Party of Palm Beach County. The
views and conclusions expressed herein are those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of the editorial staff, REC Board of Directors, or the
Palm Beach County Republican Executive
Committee. Letters to the editor are welcomed but
should be no longer than 500 words and may be edited
BOARD OF DIRECTORS for length and content. All submissions are property
Officers of their respective authors and may not be reproduced
without prior permission of the author. Any
Sid Dinerstein, Chairman comments, questions, or other feedback should be
Margi Helschien, Vice Chair directed to
Michael A. Barnett, Secretary
Ira Sabin, Treasurer
Fran Hancock, State Committeewoman
Peter Feaman, State Committeeman
Report from Congressman Tom Rooney 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………….…….

Creepy Change
Rep. Club of the Northern Palm 4 Mission Statement
. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………..….

Young Americans for Freedom - Transforming 3

College Campuses 4 4 The Republican Party of Palm Beach County is
The Greatest American……………………………………….……..….………

Palm Beach Young Republicans 5

The Commissioner’s 4 committed
Report……………...……………..……….......3 to promoting Republican ideals and

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Rodriguez 5


I’m AGeorge
Rep. Republican Jew...And
Moraitis, Legislative Update 6 principles; recruiting and electing qualified
Proud!…………..……....……….…...4 ……....……………....……………....……………....…………….…………....

What’s Happening in Palm Beach

Rep. Bill Hager, Memorial Day Thoughts 6 candidates for public office; developing a
7 ……....……………....……………....……………....……………...…….….…..

Club Elections
Republican Club Update……………………….………….……..……..3
of the Palm Beaches Luncheon 8 7 grassroots organization that will motivate the ……....……………....…………….…….

A Photo
Nightmare 9 8
All Feature……………………….………….……..……..3
Too Real electorate to vote; and raising the funds

Citizen’s Members
Advice 1010 necessary to complete these objectives.
to the Governor..……………………...………...5

Letters to theWest Pumps Gas
For His Constituents 11

Response to Sherry Lee’s ‘Union’ Article ……....……………....……………....………..……..12

Cong. Allen West Meets State Representative Bill

with his Constituents at Hager, Thoughts on Memorial
the Gas Station, Day,

--Page 10 --Page 7


Regions Financial Tower, 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Suite 210, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-2301
Phone: (561) 686-1616 Fax: (561) 686-1898 Email:
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 3

CONGRESSMAN Osama bin Laden in a nearby suburb. I know that many of

TOM ROONEY you are very concerned about our relationship with Pakistan
Report from Florida’s 16th moving forward. Pakistan is incredibly volatile, but they
Congressional District are as critical of an ally in the war on terror as any country.
We rely on them for intelligence and logistical support. It
Last month, I joined a would be very difficult to fight in Afghanistan if we
Congressional delegation on a couldn’t work with Pakistan. That said, if we find out that
fact-finding mission to Iraq, the Pakistani government knew where bin Laden was hiding
Pakistan and Afghanistan. As a or, even worse, helped him, then certainly we’ll need to take
member of the House Armed action, starting with cutting off aid.
Services and Intelligence
Committees, visiting these three Our final stop was Afghanistan, where we met with
countries at such an important President Hamid Karzai, General Petraeus and other senior
juncture in our military operations in the region was critical military leaders, and troops from Florida and the other
to my understanding of the progress we have made and the Members’ home states. The challenge in the final phase of
challenges we still face. I spoke with our troops about the our mission in Afghanistan is to capitalize on the gains we
situation on the ground, discussed strategy with General have made over the last several months. The groundwork
David Petraeus and senior military officials, and talked to for transition to the Afghan National Security Force is more
leaders of each country about how we can work together apparent than my last visit two years ago. The strategy of
moving forward. I met with many of our brave troops, General Petraeus and the courageous efforts of our troops
including several from Florida, and reminded them that the have given the U.S. the real opportunity to prevent future
people of Florida and the United States are behind them, attacks from there again, while giving the people of
and that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Afghanistan a chance to live in peace.

Our first stop was Iraq, where we met with Prime Minister Meanwhile, in Washington, I am continuing to fight out-of-
Nouri al-Maliki and senior military officials to discuss the control spending and get our country on a fiscally
progress Iraq has made toward responsible and sustainable
democracy and the next steps for path. I voted in favor of the
our governments. Prime Minister budget blueprint written by
Maliki hopes that Iraq will serve House Budget Committee
as an example to the world that Chairman Paul Ryan (WI-
democracy can work in the 01), which would cut
Middle East. We discussed how spending by approximately
the U.S. and Iraq can work $6 trillion dollars and make
together through more traditional critical reforms to Medicare
diplomatic means after our troop to preserve the program for
withdrawal, which is scheduled future generations. The
for December. He was very Medicare reforms would
interested in my position on the not affect current retirees or
Agriculture Committee, and we anyone age 55 or older.
discussed how we can move from Congressman Rooney visiting the troops in Afghanistan
a military dialogue toward efforts to This budget sends a signal
advance agriculture in Iraq. to the American people that we’re ready to tighten our belts
and cut spending just like families across the country. We
The brave American men and women in uniform who have have record deficits because Washington spends too much,
served in Iraq deserve tremendous credit for providing the not because Americans need to pay more taxes. This
security the Iraqi people and government need to transition budget says we’re going to stop spending money we don’t
to a functioning democracy. Thanks to their dedication and have. The Ryan budget will reduce the debt by trillions of
sacrifice, and the strategy developed by General Petraeus, dollars, which will help grow the economy, create jobs, and
democracy is taking root in Iraq. ensure that we leave our children a country as strong as the
one we inherited.
In Pakistan, we met with Prime Minister Yousaf Gillani and
military leaders just days before American forces killed
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 4

Creepy Change
said “I do hair, I do a great job and I will work for someone and
By Margi Helschien get paid and get more money to work less.”
Vice Chair, Republican Party of Palm Beach County
Winner of the Jean Pipes Award, 2011 As I told my friend Anna the story later that afternoon, she
mentioned that her car repair and towing business that she and her
Obama always told us that we needed “change.” He never told husband have owned for thirteen years is going out of business.
us change from what? Change from ourselves? Change from the “Unemployment has doubled, and because of gas prices, people
world we grew up in and believe in? What kind of creepy change are not driving their cars as much and so there is not a need for
is he talking about? towing and car repairs like there was. There are a lot of backyard
places that do not have any overhead costs.” She explained.
I have been going to Tario’s
for 11 years to get my hair This “change” that Obama wanted has affected every business,
done. He did a great job on from the medical field to the small time gardener. When Ronald
my hair, pleasant to speak Reagan wanted to help bring some change to America, he moved
with, a solid Republican. into action with The Economic Recovery Tax Act that he pushed
When I went in the other through Congress in 1981, and provided a reduction by 25% in
day, he bent over and said, federal levies on American taxpayers. But, Obama has told us
“do you know I am closing that gas is getting higher. His “change” has resulted in people
down?” “You are whaaat?” Margi Helschien driving less, cutting back on expenses, canceling vacation plans,
I asked in astonishment. He taking mass transit and walking more. Wait a minute, did I say
told me that he cannot mass transit? Isn’t that what Obama wants? Didn’t he mention
afford to stay open something about mass transit /trains in his last speech? Or did he
anymore. “Women who Margi Helschien
read the 1957 novel by Ayn Rand called “Atlas Shrugged”. It is
regularly were coming in also now a movie and for those who are not familiar, set in 2016.
every 4 weeks are now stretching it to 7-8 weeks. They still get The April 25, 2011 issue of Time magazine reported that “the
their hair done but cannot afford to do it as regularly. My rent has movie is a perfect match for this fearful moment we are living in.
doubled in the past eleven years. The taxes are killing me for a There has been another oil spill, unemployment is soaring, and
small business that I have. I pay exorbitant unemployment taxes, politicians pass bills to throttle private enterprise (one imposed a
and Insurance, Workman’s Comp, and now with the gas prices, I tax on Colorado for being too successful). Gas lines snake around
have part time employees not even bothering to come in, as it is the block, and high prices have made trains the predominant form
cheaper for some of them to take unemployment. Customers who of transportation.”
would run in just to get a quick manicure cannot afford the gas to
waste on just a quick splurge. The economy is killing me.” Did you just get shivers running up your spine? Me, too.
“What are you going to do?” I asked. Tario shook his head and This is creepy change.

Young Americans for Freedom

Transforming College Campuses with the In my academic experience at Palm Beach State
Truth of Conservatism College I have witnessed an overwhelming liberal bias
By Christina Beattie, REC Committeewoman, Precinct 5022
on the part of the faculty and administration. Blatant
falsities and misleading generalizations are perpetuated in political science courses when young students are trying to find
their place in the political spectrum. An example of this occurred when my instructor explained to my classmates that
conservatives are simply “people who are resistant to change and want prayer
in schools” while liberals are open to change and work to “provide for the
unfortunate and keep a separation between church and state.” This deceptive
misrepresentation of conservatism and unwarranted elevation of modern
liberalism is rampant and very seldom countered in the classroom setting. I
have even experienced this in my seemingly innocuous supervision and
management courses. One would think that certain subjects are simply black
and white, but it is remarkable how the toxic collectivist, anti-capitalist
ideology inevitably seeps into every crevice of higher learning.

In light of the abhorrent liberal bias on my campus, coupled with my

perception of a student body cloaked in a detrimental apathy, I felt that it was
my duty as a young conservative to correct the lies being propagated by the

--“Young Americans” continued on Page 9…

Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 5

Palm Beach County Young Republicans Thursday, June 30, at 6:30pm to 8:30pm located at Don
Ramons (7101 S. Dixie Highway in West Palm Beach).
Win Honors at Annual Convention
The 2011 Florida Federation of Young Republicans I cannot say it enough.....GET INVOLVED! I strongly
(“FFYR”) Annual Convention was held on May 13-15 in encourage you to attend a meeting or event and bring a
Jacksonville and our club was recognized for "Small Club friend. This is a very important time for our country and we
of the Year" and "Outstanding Club Newsletter." I am also need every single person involved in winning 2012
very proud of our own Jackie Fay for winning Secretary of election.....the PBYR's want to meet you! I look forward to
the FFYRs! Jackie is amazing and will do a fantastic job! A meeting you,
huge thank you to the Jacksonville YR's for hosting this
great weekend and a special thank to Jackie Fay, Cristina Reneé Boger, PBYR President
Sotolongo, and Bryan Jones for helping me represent our
club with pride.

It was also decided to have the 2012 FFYR Convention in

our area. I am hoping to host it right here in West Palm
Beach! I will need some great minds to help me plan this
weekend and I encourage you to get involved with this
project. If you are interested in lending a hand or have some
ideas, please e-mail me.

As we are not having a May meeting, we are doing our June 190 Atlantis Drive, Atlantis, FL 33462 561-602-3777 President: Tami Donnally
meeting bigger and better.....and I am happy to announce
our guest speaker will be Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West!
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Rodriguez
May 7, 2011, Atlantis –The Tea Party eruption lit the spark
for Americans to hold their Congressional representatives’
feet to the fire. If strict Constitutionalist Francisco
Rodriguez has his way, more than their tootsies will be put
to the flame if they misinterpret the guiding light of our
nation’s Bulwark Document.

Speaking at the Central PBC Republican Club May

meeting, Rodriguez pointed out various sections of the
Constitution, which have been incessantly abused. For
instance, Article I Section 8, which delineates Congress’s
powers, to include provide for the common Defence and
general Welfare…coin Monies, regulate the Value thereof,
and fix the Standard of Weights and Measure.

Nowhere is a Central Bank discussed, whose establishment

has led to astronomically increased spending, devaluation of
the dollar, and the total domination of monetary policy
affecting every family in the country. Andy Jackson
abolished the National Bank!

From left: Jackie Fay, Reneé Boger, Cristina Sotolongo, Or Congress’s power to declare War. The last time that
Former Rep. Adam Hasner, and Bryan Jones happened was World War II! Astonishingly, we now have
704 overseas military bases and countless nation-building
West will be speaking to our group about his efforts to enterprises. We have a National Offense instead of a
protect us in Washington DC. It will be a great opportunity National Defense. The Founding Fathers sought to carefully
to meet and chat with him. So, don't miss our meeting on limit governmental power, not create the first Global
--“Rodriguez” continued on Page 10…
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 6

State Representative George Moraitis Medicaid Reform: Funding for Medicaid is expected to
Legislative Update, District 91 consume almost 30% of our total state budget this year.
Given the program’s cost projections; Florida’s Medicaid
Our state faces significant system in its current form is unsustainable. It is not
economic challenges and we had delivering value for either consumers or taxpayers. To bring
to make difficult decisions this more accountability to the system, to crack down on fraud,
session, just like many families. and to improve patient care, the House of Representatives
I believe that the best response has passed a bill which provides for a five year
to these challenges is an implementation plan to move from a complex fee-for-
approach that aims towards more service model to a statewide, integrated managed care
jobs, less government, less program.
government regulation, less
government spending, and lower  Managed care plans will be selected through a competitive
taxes. With this perspective in bid process in seven geographic regions to ensure both
mind, I would like to review for quality care for the patient and affordability to the state.
you three pieces of significant  Plans will be held accountable through contact-based
legislation, which the Florida performance standards with consequences for failure to
House of Representatives has passed within the past few meet those standards.
weeks.  A managed care program will be created that emphasizes
home- and community-based care for the long term care of
Pension Reform: As a consequence of Florida’s $3.9 our seniors and persons with developmental disabilities.
billion budget deficit, it is necessary to review all state These changes are designed to make Florida’s Medicaid
programs for potential cost savings to taxpayers. It is program more patient-centered, prevention-focused,
particularly appropriate to review Florida’s pension outcome-oriented, and cost-effective.
program, since Florida is one of the only states where
taxpayers are the sole contributors to state employee Student Success and Teacher Quality: Florida already has
pensions. Adjustments to state employee benefits are a reputation as a leader in education reform. However, to
necessary to avoid potential layoffs, pay cuts, or other ensure that our state’s students receive a world class
detrimental actions that would adversely affect public education that prepares them for a career in a competitive
employees and public services. Accordingly, the House of marketplace, we must continue to make progress. The key
Representatives has passed legislation to implement the to real progress is retaining our state’s best and brightest
following changes in Florida’s employee’s retirement: educators by rewarding high-performing teachers. The
House has passed legislation that:
 Employees will make a 3% contribution to the Florida
Retirement System.  Removes barriers that impair the ability of school
 The Deferred Retirement Option Program will close to districts to reward those teachers who have the
new participants effective July 1, 2011. Under this greatest impact on student performance.
program, employees old enough to retire could  Implements the Federal Race to the Top grant reforms
continue employment for up to five years. The by aligning educator performance evaluations and
employee would continue to receive a regular salary compensation systems with agreements already
while the employee’s retirement benefits would contained in the Race to the Top grant program.
accumulate in a retirement trust fund.  Eliminates teacher tenure over time, with appropriate
 Retirement age will increased to 60 years and years of consideration provided to educators currently on
service to 30 years for members of the Florida professional service contracts.
Retirement System’s Special Risk or Special Risk  Revises the compensation system and bases it more on
Administrative Support Class who enroll on or after performance rather than seniority.
July 1, 2011. For all other members, the retirement
age is increased to 65 years of age and the years of I want you to know that I supported each of these bills to
service are increased to 33 years. improve our quality of life, to bring financial stability to our
state, and to provide a quality education for our students. I
These changes, if enacted into law, are estimated to result in thank you for the opportunity to serve as your State
total statewide savings annually of $1.2 billion. Representative. Remember you can always contact my
office at 954-762-3757.
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 7

State Representative also carefully reflect on the lives of the men and
Bill Hager: women who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that
Memorial Day Thoughts each of us could be free. We owe so much to these
As we approach the
Memorial Day Weekend, I hope that everyone is able to enjoy quality time with
I hope that each of us friends and loved ones this holiday weekend. Below
will take a few moments are links from the Sun Sentinel to Memorial Day
to consider the events throughout Palm Beach and Broward Counties.
tremendous sacrifices As always, it is a pleasure to serve as your State
made each day for the causes of liberty and freedom by Representative. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I
the brave men and women who have served, as well as can ever be of assistance, or to express your thoughts.
those that continue to serve this great nation. Let us Have a great weekend.

Students Honored by Republican Club of the Palm

Beaches and Presented with the 2011 Anne Roberts
Memorial Scholarship
May 25, 2011 — (WEST PALM BEACH, FL) Republican Club of the
Palm Beaches presented the Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship to four
Palm Beach County residents on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at the Bear
Lakes Country Club during the monthly membership meeting.

The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is available to any Republican

undergraduate or graduate student seeking to further their education.
Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and plan to attend an
accredited college. Applicants must be Palm Beach County residents and
registered (or pre-registered under 18 yrs. of age) Republicans.

Congressman Allen West congratulated the recipients with a pre-recorded message thanking each person for their pursuit of
excellence. Each honoree is awarded $500 annually as long as they maintain the minimum requirements.

John Clark is a graduate of Boca Raton High School and will be attending Florida State University. Jason Ferrara is a
graduate of Cardinal Gibbons High School and will be attending University of Alabama. Shirley Schaff is enrolled in
Northwood University and Kimberly Twoey is a senior at Palm Beach Atlantic.

The Anne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is funded by the annual Celebration of

Freedom event and auction held around Veterans Day each year. “We are fortunate to
be able to fundraise and support our recipients, not just the first year, but each
subsequent year they remain enrolled in college,” stated Melissa L. Nash, President of
the Republican Club of the Palm Beaches. “Our members are dedicated to the
community and this is a great way to show our support.”

--About Republican Club of the Palm Beaches: The Republican Club of the Palm Beaches
boasts a long history within Palm Beach County as the oldest Republican club. Our mission is
to mentor, facilitate, and enable Republicans from all age groups and walks of life to be
educated key players at the political table on national, state and local issues. For more
information, please visit, call (561) 697-4911, or email
Club President Melissa L. Nash with
guest speaker State Rep. Pat Rooney
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 8

“A Nightmare All Too Real" frightening. His past and current relationships with radicals
By Alan Bergstein of all stripes, who despise our country and what it stands for
is open for all whose eyes and minds are not closed. We are
marching steadily to the elections of 2012 with very little
I really am in a state of shock. planning to unseat this very deadly leader. I fear for the
I must be dreaming.... watching consequences of his re-election. We must unite, organize,
people come into my home, plan and just get on the track to depose this smiling,
removing the furniture, piece by traitorous One World Candidate. To wait any longer is to
piece: the TV, sofa and then going court disaster.
through the closets, walking out
with my entire wardrobe, then “Cut Wasteful Spending,
demanding my financial file and
noting down my account numbers. Save Jobs!”
But, it's not a dream. It's our
government in action as we By Lowell E Levine, Broker Associate,
all idiotically sit still and watch. Coastal Sotheby's International Realty

Our medical coverage, which we have freely selected for The Palm Beach County School District is short 35 million
our families will be redistributed to the rest of the nation as dollars in the Operations Budget and will be forced to lay
our government sees fit. Our savings will be redistributed to off police personnel, bus drivers, and custodian workers. I
those who never concerned themselves with frugality, thrift asked why not take the 35 million from the Capital Budget,
or financial sanity. Our retirement goals for which we have which is 800 million dollars, and save the jobs. The answer
planned all our lives will be shattered by our government's I get is that under Florida Statutes, the School District
"legal" intrusion into our private lives. cannot take any money from the Capital side of the equation
to pay for these types of employees. I followed up with
Our educational system has been mangled to the point another question-ask our elected officials in Tallahassee to
where our country's heritage is denigrated and third world get permission to transfer the 35 million. After all, this
countries are heralded as superior to ours. Our legal system economy is a tough one and if we can save 400 jobs, it
is being diluted by International Law and our would be a blessing. We all know that part of the 800
jurists consider our Constitution as "outdated" and million dollars of taxpayers’ money in the Capital Budget
inappropriate for today's more modern world. We cater to goes directly to wasted spending.
terrorist regimes and treat our long time democratic,
freedom loving allies as pariahs. We ignore the terrorists
who are stripping away our Judeo-Christian heritage and THE PALM BEACH COUNTY
welcome them into dialogue in order to appease their REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE
demands for drastic change. COMMITTEE
Our President, with his sardonic grin and athletic prances to
The Republican Executive Committee (REC) will meet the
the podium on a daily basis, mesmerizes the electorate with
2nd Wednesday of every other month in 2011. All REC
falsehoods, promises and wishful thinking that is quickly
meetings begin at 6:45 PM and are held in the 6th Floor
paralyzing our great nation. We are told that we must not
County Commission Chambers of the Palm Beach County
rely on foreign sources of energy, yet we paralyze ourselves
Governmental Center. The next meeting will be June 8.
by shutting and illegally closing down our own oil fields
and coalmines. We are told that our individual liberties are
If you would like information on volunteering for one of
paramount, yet the government supports the restriction on
our several Republican Party committees, or if you would
free speech in our universities. Leftist hecklers are sent to
like to contribute financially, visit our website at
public meetings to disrupt speakers whose opinions they or call (561) 686-1616.
refute. Our once free, proud and impartial media has been
encapsulated into a radical, liberal, hate filled powerhouse
Bring your Republican friends to the next REC meeting and
that can literally control electoral outcomes with ease.
sign them up! We are always accepting new REC members
who have the grassroots determination to help our
Our President lives in a sea of denial and opaqueness. His
candidates win in 2012!
life history is mostly fiction and what we do know of it is
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 9

--“Young Americans” continued from Page 4…

a fruitful experience for the students, faculty, and the entire
progressives; and to expose modern liberalism for the sham community of Palm Beach County.
that it is. I hoped to achieve this by bringing a youth
conservative movement to my campus called ‘Young It is important to support all local conservative clubs, but this
Americans for Freedom.’ This impressive organization, which organization in particular has the potential to reach out to the
began in the 1960’s at the estate of William F. Buckley, Jr., youth of Palm Beach County, who is often told that America is
would serve as my platform to advance the truth on my evil and that capitalism is the cause of all of our problems.
campus. YAF has a rich history of fighting big government, PBSC YAF is here to tell them the truth:
supporting our troops, and educating America’s youth. Cynthia
Toney of “The Bold Pursuit” succinctly communicates this - America is the most charitable and free country on the
history in her 2011 profile of Young Americans for Freedom: planet.
“[YAF] spearheaded the 1964 Presidential campaign of Barry - Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than
Goldwater, each one helping to define the other. In the 1970’s, any other economic system in history.
the organization started a number of projects to support - Personable responsibility, self-discipline, and
Vietnam veterans and their causes and joined forces with the entrepreneurial ingenuity bring about true freedom.
American Conservative Union to form the Conservative
Political Action Conference (CPAC). During the Reagan years, How can you support this up and coming youth
Young Americans for Freedom mobilized to support the conservative movement in your own county?
President’s agenda and defend the administration’s
conservative officials and appointees who were targeted by the - Tell your friends about PBSC YAF.
Left. Never a stranger to international issues, the organization - Direct all conservative youth to PBSC YAF.
battled Communism and promoted the cause of freedom on - Donate money. It can be costly bringing speakers to
college campuses.” campus, printing fliers, making signs, creating
demonstrations, and hosting events.
In order to officially form a Young Americans for Freedom - Offer the students connections to prominent local
chapter at PBSC, at least five members were needed. In an conservatives who might want to come speak on campus.
effort to recruit these members, I attempted to set up a small - Have your club form an alliance with PBSC YAF.
YAF table on campus but the administration denied me my
right to free speech. As soon as the liberal faculty noticed the Contact: Christina Beattie, the PBSC YAF Chairperson at
group’s conservative message, we got shut down in the name or at (305) 322-9291.
of “safety.” Not only did they prevent us from tabling to Find PBSC YAF on the web:
recruit the required members, but they also stated that they Search Facebook for ‘Palm Beach State YAF’ or find us on
would not allow us to simply hand out fliers to our peers on Twitter @PBSC_YAF
campus. Fox News, The Gateway Pundit, World Net Daily,
The Heritage Foundation, and other prominent conservative
news outlets picked up the story in an effort to expose this
egregious violation. With the intention of protecting the rights
of every student on campus, I filed suit against Palm Beach
State College with the help of the Alliance Defense Fund and
am now in the process of litigation.

In the wake of all the press related to the incident at PBSC, I

was contacted by like-minded students and was finally able to
meet the five member requirement. Shortly thereafter, I found
a conservative faculty advisor (not an easy task on a state
college campus) thanks to my involvement in the Republican
Executive Committee. Professor Mary Ellen Vitrano, a fellow
committee woman on the REC, agreed to help form YAF at
PBSC and has been courageously fighting with us ever since. Christina Beattie is a junior at Palm Beach State College
The PBSC YAF Vice Chairman, U.S. Air Force veteran Mario studying Supervision and Management with a concentration
Martinez, who is studying political science and history at Palm
in Graphic Design. She grew up in Royal Palm Beach and
Beach State, has joined me in advancing YAF’s message on
now resides in Boynton Beach where she attends St.
our campus. We have arranged talks on the Federal Reserve
and Second Amendment rights. There are also plans to invite Thomas More parish. Christina comes from a strong
Representative Allen West who is on the Florida YAF Republican family and hopes to serve her country by
Advisory Board to come speak at the college, which should be promoting the truth of conservatism.
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 10

--“Rodriguez” continued from Page 5…

who have introduced
They also did not believe in direct capitation, he revealed, i.e. Constitutionally based
direct taxes. The 16th Amendment changed that but to Rodriguez, bills [to rein this in],” he
it was a grave mistake, worthy of a serious revisit. said. “Wasteful spending
such as financing the
Worse still, the Power of the President has grown beyond U.N. is now under
recognition. The Founders never envisaged him in king-like scrutiny. If Congress can
status; the Chief Executive was to execute the laws passed by the return to behaving as
People’s Representatives, serve as Commander-in-Chief, appoint Jefferson wrote,
ambassadors, and negotiate treaties (Art. II, Sec. 2). Instead, he ‘according to Nature and
devises laws through his Agencies, his bureaucrats, and his Nature’s God,’ I am
friends in the judiciary, completely out of line with the hopeful for the future.”
Constitution. Francisco Rodriguez with Club
The June 2 nd
6 p.m. President Tami Donnally
For our first 50 years, Rodriguez reported, Government cost each monthly meeting will feature Professor of Finance Murray
citizen, $1.67. Then, up to 1913, it cost about $7.67 or $170-225 Sabrin, former candidate for Senator from New Jersey and author
in today’s terms. Now, according to the Cato Institute, of Tax Free 2000: The Rebirth of American Liberty. For more
Government costs every American $15,000 - $30,000, depending information, please contact Club President Tami Donnally at 561-
on the criteria. “We have a Federal Budget that is way beyond our 602-3777.
means, but I am excited by our 100 new Republicans in Congress

Greetings REC Members respectfully submit to you that the “Arab Spring” that is
By Tom Mullings presently struggling to germinate in numerous countries in
REC Committeeman, District 87 the Middle East was influenced by the developing
democracy in Iraq, could easily be co-opted by better
Our recent meeting in WPB troubled me, and I wish to disciplined and organized Islamist elements, and requires
share some of my thoughts with you for your consideration. our undivided support, and not our abandonment.

During former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson’s The problem is President Obama and his bewildering twin
address, he informed us that he thought going into Iraq had demands that “Gadhafi must go” and that we must leave the
been a mistake and that he now favored withdrawal from leadership of the NATO effort to others. In terms of grand
that country. Many of you warmly applauded his strategy, our strategically challenged Commander-in-Chief
sentiments, and that has caused me concern about the is sadly lacking. The “Arab Spring” presents a golden
direction in foreign policy many in the GOP seem to want geopolitical opportunity for the United States that should be
to lead our Party. I respectfully wish to offer you my own seized upon and midwifed carefully along with all the hard
personal opinion about American withdrawal from Iraq and soft power resources necessary to insure success,
within a recent historical context that I hope will provide especially in Syria and Iran.
food for thought to those who favor such a policy.
While living in a democratic region does not guarantee
In 1968 an uprising occurred in Czechoslovakia that was peace, it is a historical fact that democracies are less likely
brutally suppressed by the Soviet KGB and Red Army to make war on each other than autocratic or totalitarian
tanks. Nevertheless, the timeless yearning for freedom that states are. An “Arab” and “Iranian” Spring spreading
was behind that “Prague Spring” eventually spread to other throughout the Middle East, while being guided and
areas behind the Iron Curtain in the late ’80s and, aided and guarded by a coalition of willing Western democracies
nurtured by Ronald Reagan, broke the power of the USSR, under AMERICAN leadership, offers the best chance for a
won the Cold War, and changed the world as we know it for lasting period of stability, prosperity and peace between the
the better. Israelis, Arabs and Iranians, and would clearly serve a vital
interest of the United States in one of the most geo-
In 2003, in the aftermath of 9/11 and in accordance with the strategically important regions of the world.
much maligned and misunderstood “Bush Doctrine,”
President Bush invaded, conquered, and planted the --Tom Mullings is a decorated Army infantry combat veteran
embryonic seed of democracy in the despotically-tormented of the Vietnam War, who served as a scout dog handler with
country of Iraq. the 173rd Airborne Brigade. He was one of the three original
For those of you who believe that Iraq as well as the present incorporators of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in
NATO involvement in Libya are mistakes, I would Washington, DC, and is a long-time REC member.
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 11

Congressman West Pumps Gas

For His Constituents
May 16, 2011 – WEST PALM. Unlike the President
of the United States, Allen West does not have to sit
back and think about the last time he had to pump gas,
because that is just what the Congressman was doing
one afternoon at a Chevron Station. I’m proud to say
that my Congressman is not afraid to get his hands a
little dirty! He spent the day taking time to understand
the financial pain at the gas pump we in Congressional
District 22 experience each time we fill up, or at least
try to fill as much as our slimming wallets will allow.

After pumping gas, Congressman Allen West gave a

press briefing that was carried on Fox News that
afternoon. West credited Obama with following the
House Republicans’ lead in moving to open up more
on land and off shore leasing for oil drilling, as well as
getting rid of permitting moratoriums. West did,
however, slam the President for granting Brazil 2
billion dollars so that they can perform oil exploration
and for promising that America would be their biggest
customer. Instead, Congressman West went on to say
While taking a breather between pumping gas for the “we need to be producing, consuming, and maybe even
station's customers, Congressman West spoke with a exporting our own full spectrum of energy resources
number of them and listened right here in the United
carefully to their stories about States of America.”
how the gas prices have affected
their daily lives. Pictured above
right is John Clark, President of
Restore Our America, Inc. West
also invited businessman Jason Photos and commentary
Lovelady, of Carpenter Roofing, courtesy of
to tell how the rising price of gas Mort Kuff, a great
has affected his business. West American and a Patriot!
is a member of the House 561-374-9330
Committee on Small Business.
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 12

Response to Sherry Lee’s ‘Union’ Article family. The funny thing is, when the economy was doing
well, and all those in the private sector were making money
[Our Assistant Vice Chair Sherry Lee apparently hit a hand over fist, no one wanted to enter public service and
nerve with her article “Understanding the Union Threat” looked down upon those of us that did. Now that the
published in last month’s issue. This is what we love to economy is bad, people are turning their frustration and
see, and we encourage any and all comments and polite anger toward us.
criticisms, so please send them in to us. –Ed.]
Just what is a conservative public employee to do?
Ms. Lee,
I just read your article in the PB County GOP newsletter
and I just have to comment. As a life-long conservative and Christopher J. Barca
a public employee, I am recently having a very difficult Palm Beach Gardens, FL
time identifying with the conservative cause due to the
attacks on our pensions. I worked many hours to get
Congressman Allen West elected and have enthusiastically
supported the cause for many years.

I fully understand the situation created by the pensions and

the need for reform. However, as I enter my 23rd year of
police service, and am having to look to the not too distant
future in terms of retirement, I take issue with the fact that
the Republican Party has been beating the "pension reform"
drum without making any distinction between those public
employees who do not contribute anything to their pension The Presidency 5 debate and straw poll will be here
and those of us that have contributed 10% their entire before we know it. Sign up today at

And no distinction is made between those in government Since the Presidency 5 website has been active, we've
who sit behind desks or mow the grass on the had hundreds register to become volunteers and
roadway medians and those of us that put our lives on the delegates. With the help of Fox News, Republican
line every day in service to our fellow citizens. I took this presidential hopefuls will gather together to discuss
job making about $20,000.00 a year and was honored to do major issues facing our country, and Floridians will have
so. I won't bore you with the litany of physical assaults and the opportunity to raise their voices and vote for the
attempts on my life I have been subjected to on the candidate they feel would make the best nominee to
job. I will never be a millionaire because of police work, represent the Republican Party against Obama in 2012.
and am fine with that. But, I was promised a pension, have
made plans with it in mind, and have been contributing to it, The deadline to register for Presidency 5 is June 10,
and now the Republicans want to take it away, or eviscerate 2011. Please visit the website to learn more about the
it, which is going to severely hurt my family. event and register today. It has countless details and
extras, such as the best places to stay for the event, rules
Why is it that those of us so close to retirement cannot be
and regulations, and the history of the Florida straw poll.
grandfathered in and anyone not vested or just entering
The site also features photos from previous events, video
public service be made to take a reformed pension? Why is
it that the Republican Party refuses to make the above- messages from Florida's top Republicans, and will
mentioned distinctions and lumps all public employees (a proudly host the candidates as they're announced. Also,
term of derision now I guess) together? My city is in great be sure to pass this message along to your family and
financial shape and my pension is healthy but a new law is friends so they can also take part in this monumental
going to penalize me for something I have nothing to event.
do with.
Thank you for your support of the Republican Party of
I ask this with all due respect and humility. My wife and I Florida and Presidency 5. It will be the biggest political
have been sick with worry over what this will mean to our event of the year!
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 13

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Republican Party of Palm Beach County Page 14

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