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 Mountaineering is sometimes called as
mountain climbing. It is a sport that aims or
attempts to reach the high points in
mountainous regions.
 It involves hiking, trekking, camping and
sometimes orienteering.
 Considered as dangerous pastime because it
involves hazards consisting weather
conditions, rough terrain plus encountered
with wild animals and elevated surfaces which
are susceptible for falls.
TRAILS- These are typically characterized as
purposefully laid out marked routes, which
take advantage of scenery, interesting terrain,
and points of natural or historical significance.
TERRAIN- a geographic area. A piece of land
or ground or a physical features of a tract of
Examples are plateau, mountain, plain, valley
terrains. Other types include open, oasis,
steppe, dessert, swamp, forest, river and hill.
Elevation- Height of the mountains that are
typically measured above sea level (MASL)
Difficulty- gives the idea about the level of the
mountains. Difficulty scale has 9 grades.
Mt. Maculot: Minor, Difficulty 1/9, Trail class 2-3
Tarak Ridge: Major, Difficulty 4/9 Trail class 2-3
Classification of Mountains
 Minor- Hiking destinations that can be accomplished
within a day without extraordinary physical effort and
take a maximum of 5 hours from the jump-off point to the
summit are considered “Minor.” A good example of this is
the Mt. Maculot Rockies day hike.
 Major- hike that can sometimes take up to 2-4 days
depending on the weather.
History of Mountaineering

 The most inspiring story in the bible about

hiking and mountaineering was when the
Israelites left Egypt going to the promise
land led by Moses. According to the book of
Exodus, the Israelites walked for three
months to reach the wilderness of Sinai and
camp for a while. God command Moses to
present himself to the highest peak of
Mount Sinai. It was there, the Ten
Commandments of God were carved into
History of Mountaineering
 The most recorded climbing in the Philippines was in the 1980’s when the
international scene of mountain and rock climbing was used as recreational

 Year 1980 the University of the Philippines pioneered the rock climbing in
the country. They first climbed Mount Matutunggil in Batangas then
Rodriguez, Rizal.

 Year 1993 University of the Philippines Mountaineers set up the first artificial
climbing facilities together with the Habagat Outdoor Shop from Cebu. They
used the 70 feet high main university library building wall as practice are for
rock climbing.
 Year 1998 the Sport climbing Association of the Philippines Incorporated
known as SCAPI was formed to link various groups of climbers across the
History of Mountaineering

 Dale Abenojar was the first Filipino to

reach the summit of Mt. Everest with
the altitude of 8,844.43 ft. on May
15, 2006.
 He is the founder of an
evangelical Christian
ministry called Gospel
Expedition Ministries.
Elements of Mountaineering

 It is the most essential element in mountaineering and climbing. Everything
starts and ends in hiking in natural environment.
 Mountaineers spent most of their time in this activity either in slow, steady,
and hour after hour.
 Hiking involves scrambling or short stretches which are most basic grades of
rock climbing or crossing glaciers in climbing snow mountains.
Elements of Mountaineering

 A recreational activity that combines hiking and camping in a single trip.
 A trekkers carries supplies and equipment enough to survive on the trip.
 It is also known as backpacking, tramping or bushwalking.
Differences between Hiking and Trekking
 Hiking generally sticks to established trails and do not
travel over unmarked terrain.
 Trekking is one over a variety of terrain some of which
maybe undeveloped.
Elements of Mountaineering

 It is the part of mountaineering process that involves the use of a
compass for correct direction, trail signs to follow through, and a
map as a guide.
 The aim for orienteering is to locate and pass all signs or points to
reach desired destination in the shortest time.
 Orienteering is the advance lesson and activity in international
organizations like Boy Scouts.
Elements of Mountaineering
 It is an outdoor activity that involves overnight stay with a
tent or any temporary shelter away from home. This
activity provides experience and adventure with the
 This activity is different from any other form of outdoor
activities like day- tripping and picnicking because you will
spend a minimum of a night.
 Camping elevates the level of oxygen that results to a
decrease in the stress level.
Styles of Mountaineer
1. Alpine Style of Mountaineer- it refers to the style
of mountaineering that requires hiking and rock
climbing. Mountaineers in this style generally carry
a single load from camp to other camp going to
single summit. Alpine style is a light and fast
mountaineering activity.
- The requirement for an Alpinism member is to be
able to move and hike over a difficult terrain with
speed and competence.
Styles of Mountaineer
2. Expedition Style of Mountaineer- it is viewed as
slow and heavy style of mountaineering because
climbers use porters and pack animals with multiple
food. These will be brought from camp to camp
with the usage of fixed lines.
- The destination requires two-week trek by foot
from base to base. This kind of mountaineer style
supports the climbers to provide food, water and
shelter to survive during trip.
Styles of Mountaineer
3. Ultra lightweight Mountaineering - this type of
mountaineering is reserved only to the fearless
- The climber ascends the summit
using only
lightweight equipment in a very short time.
Tips for the Beginner
 Have an experienced hiker be with you on your first hike. An
experienced hiker can give you a lot of practical tips when you go
 Have your hiking gear ready. Prepare everything before hand and
double check your gear is on top condition.
 Have necessary direction and contact details handy.
Tips for the Beginner
 Bring trail food like sweets, salted peanuts, candies, chocolates and
jelly. Not junk food like chips.
 Prepare your body ahead of time by jogging 3-4 times a week.
Basic Questions Before We Go
 Why do you want to go camping?
 What kind of campsite do you prefer?
 How many will be camping with you?
 How can you travel light?
 How are you going to eat?

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