Mechanisms of Thermoregulation in Flying Bees: Department of Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1501

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, 38:492-502 (1998)

Mechanisms of Thermoregulation in Flying Bees1

Department of Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1501

SYNOPSIS. Thermoregulation of elevated thorax temperatures is necessary for bees

to achieve the high rates of power production required for flight, and is a key
factor allowing them to occupy widely varying thermal environments. However,
the mechanisms by which bees thermoregulate duringflightare poorly understood.
Thermoregulation is accomplished by balancing heat gain and heat loss via the

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following routes: convection, evaporation, and metabolic heat production. There
appears to be a diversity of thermoregulatory mechanisms employed during flight
among bee species. Some species, particularly Bombus spp., actively increase the
distribution of thoracic heat to the abdomen during flight as air temperature (Ta)
rises, and apparently thermoregulate by varying convective heat loss. However,
thermal variation in convection has not been directly measured for any free-flying
bee. Above 33°C, flying Apis mellifera greatly increase evaporative heat loss with
Ta, and many other species "tongue-lash" during flight at high Tas or when arti-
ficially heated. Thus, evaporation seems to be important for preventing overheating
during flight at very high Tas. Flying A. mellifera and Centris pallida strongly de-
crease metabolic rate as Ta increases, suggesting that they are varying metabolic
heat production for thermoregulation and not aerodynamic requirements. Varia-
tion in metabolic heat production appears to be mediated by changes in wingbeat
kinematics, since wingbeat frequency decreases with Ta for A. mellifera and Centris
spp. It is unknown if the decrease in flight metabolic rate at higher Tas occurs
secondarily as a consequence of greater efficiency or if it is truly an active response.

INTRODUCTION which bees thermoregulate during flight re-

Bees (suborder Apoidea) occupy terres- mains limited.
trial habitats representing a wide range of Bees exhibit considerable variation in
thermal regimes, from tundra above the their thermoregulatory ability during flight.
Arctic Circle to hot deserts and tropical The slope of Tth on air temperature (Ta) is
rainforests. An important adaptation that al- an indicator of thermoregulatory ability,
lows them to successfully inhabit these en- with a slope of zero indicating perfect tho-
vironments is the ability of individuals to racic thermoregulation and a slope of one
regulate elevated, relatively stable thorax indicating conformance with Ta. In the large
temperatures (Tth). Thermoregulation is es- (>50 mg) bees studied to date, the slopes
pecially important for the purposes of flight, of Tth on Ta typically range from 0.2 to 0.6
since maximal flight muscle performance (Table 1). Among bees, the best thermore-
occurs within a narrow range of muscle gulators studied to date are Centris pallida
temperatures (Esch, 1976; Coelho, 1991; males, with a slope of Tth on Ta during flight
Gilmour and Ellington, 1993). Despite our of 0.15 (Roberts, 1996; Roberts, unpub-
knowledge of endothermy in bees and the lished data), while the tropical bees Creigh-
thermal physiology of bee flight muscle, tonella frontalis (Stone and Willmer, 1989)
our understanding of the mechanisms by and Euglossa spp. (May and Casey, 1983),
with slopes much closer to one than to zero,
may not actively thermoregulate. Larger
' From the Symposium Responses of Terrestrial Ar- bees maintain higher T^s than smaller bees
thropods to Variation in the Thermal and Hydric En- during flight at 22°C (Stone and Willmer,
vironment: Molecular, Organismal, and Evolutionary 1989), but, surprisingly, body mass ex-
Approaches presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 26- plains a small and nonsignificant amount of
30 December 1996, at Albuquerque, New Mexico. variation in the slope of Tth on Ta for data
E-mail for SPR: shown in Table 1 (r2 = 0.162, P = 0.063).
ABLE 1. Regression equations relating thorax temperature vs. air temperature for untethered flying bees.

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Mean body
Species Slope Intercept mass (mg) T. CO Location/condition Reference
Amegilla sapiens 0.55 21.8 117 16-32 Field Stone and Willmer, 1989
Anthophora plumipes 0.62 22.4 185 5-26 Feeding and nesting sites Stone, 1993
Centris pallida 0.32 34.0 165 24-41 Field Chappell, 1984
C. pallida males 0.15 41.3 122 20-35 Territorial hovering in field Roberts, unpublished
Xylocopa pubescens 0.21 34.5 642 16-28 Returning to nest Willmer, 1988
X. sulcatipes 0.32 29.7 422 20-32 Returning to nest Willmer, 1988
X. varipuncta 0.36 31.7 673 12-41 Temp, controlled room Heinrich and Buchmann, 1986
X. virginica females 0.23 36.9 510 15-36 Field Baird, 1986
X. virginica males 0.25 36.8 370 17-36 Field Baird, 1986
Apis cerana workers 0.44 28.7 55 12-19 Arriving at feeder, sunny sky Underwood, 1991
A. cerana workers 0.58 24.7 55 12-20 Arriving at feeder, overcast Underwood, 1991
A. dorsata workers 0.36 27.7 113 17-25 Arriving at feeder, sunny sky Underwood, 1991
A. laboriosa workers 0.55 26.5 165 12-20 Arriving at feeder, overcast Underwood, 1991
A. mellifera workers 0.40 29.6 85 20-40 300 ml chamber Harrison et al, 1996
A. mellifera workers 0.44 25.7 84 22-40 Returning to hive Coelho, 1991
A. mellifera drones 0.45 27.8 200 21-39 Returning to hive Coelho, 1991
Bombus vosnesenskii queens 0.27 34.7 645 2-35 Temp, controlled room Heinrich, 1975
Bombus spp. 0.24 29.2 175 20-32 819 ml chamber Joos et al, 1991
Bombus spp. 0.56 21.7 149 10-30 Foraging Joos et al, 1991
Euglossa spp. males 0.76 17 128 16-30 At scented baits or in jar May and Casey, 1983
Eulaema, Eufriesea spp. males 0.47 25.8 557 19-29 At scented baits May and Casey, 1983
Creightonella frontalis females 0.68 18.5 305 20-35 Field Stone and Willmer, 1989

If Tas are cooler than body temperatures,
heat will be lost by convection from the
body's surface. Convective heat loss may
be varied by changing the air speed over
the bee, or by altering the distribution of
heat within the bee. During flight, the ma-
jority of metabolic heat is produced in the
thorax, which represents 30-50% of the
bee's body mass and surface area. If all of

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the metabolic heat is retained within the
thorax, there is relatively little surface area
for convective heat loss. In contrast, if the
FIG. 1. Routes of heat exchange for an endothermic heat produced in the thorax is allowed to
flying bee.
spread to the abdomen and head, a much
greater surface is available for convective
heat loss.
Apparently, ecological or phylogenetic ef- An active increase in heat transfer from
fects are more important than body size in the thorax to the abdomen can be demon-
determining the degree to which bees main- strated by an increase in the abdominal tem-
tain stable Tth during flight. perature (Tab) excess ratio, (Tab — Ta) -=- (Tth
- Ta), termed Rab, at higher Tas (Baird,
ROUTES OF HEAT EXCHANGE IN FLYING 1986; Fig. 2A). In other words, if more heat
BEES is transferred from the thorax to the abdo-
men at higher Tas, then Tab and Tth will tend
Thermoregulation is accomplished by to converge as Tas increase. Use of active
balancing heat gain and heat loss. The var- variation in heat transfer between the thorax
ious routes of heat flux for a flying bee are and abdomen as a thermoregulatory mech-
illustrated in Figure 1. In cool shady con- anism appears to be highly variable in bees
ditions, flying endothermic bees experience and, based on the data available, not ex-
a net radiative heat loss, while in warm sun- plained by phylogeny (Fig 2B). A positive
ny conditions they experience a net radia- relationship between Rab and Ta has been
tive heat gain (Chappell, 1982; Cooper et observed during flight in Bombus terricola
al., 1985). Potentially, radiative heat trans- (Heinrich, 1972a), B. vagans (Heinrich,
fer may be behaviorally regulated via mi- 19726), B. vosnesenskii (Heinrich, 1975),
crohabitat selection. However, to our pooled Eulaema and Eufriesea spp. (May
knowledge, no studies have experimentally and Casey, 1983) and the solitary bee An-
addressed this possibility for flying bees. thophora plumipes (Stone, 1993; Fig 2B).
The remainder of this discussion will ad- For B. terricola and B. vagans, Rab is higher
dress variation in the following routes of for bees flying in sunny conditions than for
heat exchange as potential mechanisms of bees flying in shady conditions (Heinrich,
thermoregulation during flight: convection, 1972a), indicating a thermoregulatory re-
evaporation and metabolic heat production. sponse to radiant heat load. However, for B.
These routes of heat exchange have been vagans, Rab increases with Ta only for bees
addressed for flying bees in recent reviews flying in sunny conditions. In A. plumipes,
by Heinrich (1993) and Heinrich and Esch the abdominal temperature excess ratio be-
(1994). However, our studies of thermal comes independent of Tas above 18°C, sug-
variation in body temperature, water loss, gesting that the ability of A. plumipes to
energetics and kinematics in flying bees transfer heat to the abdomen reaches its
(Harrison et al, 1996; Roberts, 1996; Rob- maximum at this Ta. Thermoregulation by
erts, unpublished data) necessitate a re-eval- varying heat transfer between the thorax
uation of this topic. and abdomen has also been reported for Xy-

locopa californica (Chappell, 1982), but

does not appear to occur in Apis mellifera
(Heinrich, 1980a, b\ Cooper et al, 1985;
Coelho, 1991; Harrison et al, 1996) or C.
pallida (Fig 2B; Chappell, 1984).
An important assumption of Baird's
(1986) model is that heat transfer between
each body segment and the environment is
driven only by the temperature differential
between the body segment and environment

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(see also Stavenga et al., 1993). If evapo-
Passive heat rative water loss greatly increases at high
Tas so that its effect on Tab is greater than
Air temperature its effect on Tlh, then Rab will be a poor
indicator of active heat distribution from
the thorax to the abdomen. For example, A.
mellifera workers experience large increas-
es in evaporative heat loss at high Tas (see
below), which is likely responsible for the
dramatic drop in its Rab as Ta rises from 35
to 40°C (Fig. 2B; Cooper et al., 1985).
Thus, caution is urged when using Rab as
an indicator of active heat distribution.
The mechanism by which heat transfer
between the thorax and abdomen is actively
varied has been described only for one spe-
cies. In B. vosnesenskii, the regulation of
heat transfer from the thorax to the abdo-
-0.2 men is accomplished by circulatory varia-
15 30 45 tions of hemolymph flow in the petiole, the
Air temperature (°C) narrow region between the abdomen and
thorax (Heinrich, 1976). At low Tas, he-
FIG. 2A. If heat is actively distributed from the thorax
to the head or abdomen at high Tas, then (T, — T J •*•
molymph flow from the thorax to the ab-
(T,,, — TJ increases with Ta, where Tx is the temperature domen (below the ventral diaphragm) and
of the head or abdomen (Baird, 1986). If heat is passively from the abdomen to the thorax (within the
distributed from the thorax to the head or abdomen across heart) occurs simultaneously, and the re-
T,, then (T, - Ta) H- (TJ, - Ta) remains constant across
To. Figure 2B. Abdominal temperature excess ratios (R^,),
sulting counter-current exchange of heat in
defined as (T^ - T J •*• (T^, - Ta), plotted as a function the petiole retains most of the heat in the
of Ta for flying bees. Line 1 is calculated from regressions thorax. At high Tas, forward and reverse
of Tft and T^ on Ta for Amhophora plumipes (Stone, flows alternate, greatly reducing the amount
1993). Line 2 is calculated from regressions of Tj, and
T,,,, on Ta for Bombus vosnesenskii (Heinrich, 1975). Line
of counter-current heat exchange in the pet-
3 is calculated from regressions of TA and T^ on T a for iole and allowing hemolymph to transfer
pooled Eulaema and Eufriesea spp. males (May and Cas- large amounts of heat from the thorax to the
ey, 1983). Line 4 is calculated from regressions of T,,, and abdomen.
I ^ on T, for Apis mellifera drones (Coehlo, 1991). Line
5 is the least square linear regression of R^ vs. Ta (not
Higher airspeeds over the body will en-
significant, r2 = 0.113, P = 0.069) for Cenlris pallida hance convective heat loss by reducing the
males (Roberts, unpublished data). The circles represent thickness of the boundary layer. In theory,
R ^ calculated from Tfts and Tabs of B. lerricola (Hein- a flying bee could thermoregulate by vary-
rich, 1972a) foraging in the shade (closed circles) and in
sun (open circles). The squares represent R ^ calculated
ing wing kinematics or flying faster at high
from T,^ and T ^ of B. vagans (Heinrich, 1972*) for- Tas. In a temperature-controlled room, the
aging in the shade (closed squares) and in sun (open carpenter bee X. varipuncta flies faster at
squares). The triangles represent R ^ calculated from TAs higher Tas, suggesting that it may increase
and T ^ of A mellifera workers (Cooper et al., 1985).
convective cooling by this mechanism

(Heinrich and Buchmann, 1986); however, taking the difference between the measured
the authors made no empirical measures of rates of heat gain (metabolic heat produc-
flight speeds. The large, flat head of Xylo- tion and radiation) and the measured rates
copa spp. forms a broad surface contact of heat loss (evaporation and radiation). In
area with the thorax, and the sensitivity of only one study has metabolism, evaporation
X. varipuncta head cooling constants to air- and Tlh been measured as a function of Ta
speeds is 2—3 times greater than for isolated for a flying bee (Nicolson and Louw, 1982),
thoraces and abdomens (Heinrich and although a calculation of convection was
Buchmann, 1986). Thus, a Xylocopa head not performed in this study.
might act as a heat sink, facilitating high

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rates of heat loss from the thorax at high Evaporation
airspeeds (Heinrich, 1993; Heinrich and Due to the high latent heat of water, in-
Esch, 1994). Increasing flights speeds at creasing evaporative water loss at higher
high Tas may explain the significant nega- Tas has the potential to be a very important
tive relationship between head temperature component of thermoregulation in flying
excess ratio and Ta observed in X. virginica bees. Increases in evaporative heat loss at
males (Baird, 1986) and X. varipuncta higher Tas can be passive, due to thermal
(Heinrich and Buchmann, 1986), although effects on cuticle permeability and the va-
an alternative explanation may be that they por pressure deficit (Hadley, 1994) as well
are thermoregulating the head (at the ex- as on body temperature and the vapor den-
pense of Tth regulation) by increasing heat sity of expiratory air. Active "sweating"
distribution from the thorax to the head at across the cuticle has been demonstrated in
low Tas (Baird, 1986). feeding cicadas (Toolson and Hadley, 1987;
In conclusion, the use of varying heat Hadley et al., 1989), but no studies have
transfer from the thorax to the abdomen yet tested for such a mechanism in any fly-
(with subsequent convective heat loss) for ing insect. Considerable evaporative water
thermoregulation during flight is highly is lost via expired air (Nicolson and Louw,
variable among bees. There is no convinc- 1982; Louw and Hadley, 1985), and in-
ing evidence for thermoregulatory modu- creasing ventilation at higher Tas could en-
lation of convection via changes in airspeed hance evaporative cooling in a flying bee.
for any bee, though correlative evidence for Finally, evaporative water loss can also oc-
this mechanism has been shown for carpen- cur via the mouth or anus, although no
ter bees. It is important to note that no stud- studies have measured water loss through
ies to date have quantified convective heat these routes for flying bees.
transfer for a living, flying bee. Several pa- The ability to enhance evaporative water
pers have estimated convection from the loss by regurgitating crop contents onto the
cooling rates of freshly-killed bees held in labrum or head surface may be widespread
a wind tunnel (Chappell, 1984; Cooper et in bees. Xylocopa varipuncta flying at Tas
al., 1985; Heinrich and Buchmann, 1986). near 40°C consistently extend their tongues
However, the applicability of these convec- and "tongue-lash" (Heinrich and Buch-
tion values to living, flying bees is unclear, mann, 1986), a behavior associated with in-
since the wind tunnel method does not ac- creasing evaporative water loss in the hon-
count for 1) evaporative cooling from the ey bee A. mellifera (Louw and Hadley,
surface of the dead bee, 2) the complex 1985), suggesting that carpenter bees may
convective movements associated with the actively promote evaporative water loss at
movement of the wings or 3) variation in very high Tas. Tongue lashing at high Tas
convection facilitated by circulatory heat has also been reported for B. vosnesenkii
exchange between the thorax to the abdo- (Heinrich, 1976) and C. pallida (Chappell,
men. Quantifying convection for a living, 1984). For A. mellifera, there exists sub-
flying bee should be possible using a heat stantial correlative evidence that active in-
budget analysis, where the convective heat creases in evaporation via the mouth occurs
exchange of a thermally equilibrated bee at high T,s, and that this increase in evap-
flying at a given Ta could be calculated by orative heat loss helps bees prevent over-

heating. Restrained A. mellifera workers TABLE 2. Changes in metabolic heat production and
will regurgitate a drop of fluid from the ho- evaporative heat loss across air temperature for flying
Centris pallida males and Apis mellifera workers.
neycrop onto the labrum and the head sur-
face when heated to Tlhs of 37-46°C (Esch, A
Metabolic A Evap-
1976; Heinrich, 1980a, b; Louw and Had- heat
heat loss
ley, 1985), which results in an 8-fold rise Species T, range (mWattsg -') (mWattsg-')
in evaporative water loss (Louw and Had- Centris pallida 26-36 -269 +42
ley, 1985). This mechanism of thermoreg- Apis mellifera 21-33 -129 + 19
ulation appears to be used by A. mellifera A. mellifera 33-44 -143 + 138
foraging in the field. The fraction of for-

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agers carrying nectar droplets externally in
their mandibles upon returning to the hive stream directed sequentially to an electronic
increases at high Tas, with the returning water vapor sensor and a CO2 analyzer (see
bees carrying droplets between their man- closed-system protocols described in Nic-
dibles having Ths and T,hs 1-2°C cooler olson and Louw, 1982; Louw and Hadley,
than bees not extruding droplets (Cooper et 1985). Our results suggest that, for both
al., 1985). species, variation in evaporative heat loss is
Demonstrating thermoregulation by a minor component of thermoregulation
varying evaporative heat loss requires mea- during flight at moderate Tas (21 to 36°C).
surement of the effect of Ta on evaporative However, for A. mellifera at least, evapo-
water loss. However, only one study to date ration becomes a very important mecha-
(Nicolson and Louw, 1982) has measured nism for preventing overheating during
variation in evaporative heat loss in freely flight at higher Tas (Table 2).
flying bees as a function of Ta. In their
study of X. capitata, evaporation increased METABOLIC HEAT PRODUCTION
nearly 4-fold between Tas of 21 and 33°C. Variation in metabolic rate and heat pro-
This rise in water loss with Ta appears to duction has been reported during preflight
be passive since water loss during flight warm-up (Heinrich and Kammer, 1973;
was linearly related to vapor pressure deficit Heinrich, 1993; Cahill and Lustick, 1976),
(Nicolson and Louw, 1982). The Tlhs of brood incubation (Heinrich, 1974) and load
tethered, flying X. capitata at low and high carriage (Heinrich, 1975; Wolf et al., 1989),
ambient humidities did not differ, suggest- but the ability of flying bees to vary meta-
ing that, for this species, variation in evap- bolic heat production for thermoregulatory
orative heat loss isn't necessary for ther- purposes has been deemed implausible
moregulation during flight between Tos of based on the belief that metabolic rates dur-
21 and 33°C. ing flight are determined solely by aerody-
We have recently measured the effect of namic power requirements (Heinrich, 1993;
Ta on evaporative water loss rates for flying Heinrich and Esch, 1994). This belief is
A. mellifera (from Tas of 21 to 44°C) and supported by studies reporting indepen-
C. pallida (from Tas of 26 to 36°C). The dence of metabolic rate and Ta during free
effects of Ta on evaporative heat loss and flight (Fig. 3) in B. vosnesenskii (Heinrich,
metabolic rate were determined for individ- 1975), B. edwardsii (Heinrich, 1975), A.
ual A. mellifera workers captured as they mellifera (Heinrich, 1980£), andX capitata
exited the hive and for individual C. pallida (Nicolson and Louw, 1982). However, us-
males captured as they hovered in defense ing a variety of closed and flow-through
of territories in the field. Within 1 minute respirometry techniques, we have recently
after capture, bees were released them into found that, for A. mellifera workers (Har-
a 550 ml temperature-controlled glass flight rison et al., 1996) and C. pallida males
chamber, which was then flushed complete- (Roberts, 1996; Roberts, unpublished data),
ly with dry, CO2-free air and sealed. For metabolic rates during flight significantly
those bees that flew continuously for 4-6 decrease as Ta rises (Table 2; Fig. 3). For
minutes, a 50 ml gas sample was withdrawn flying C. pallida males, the T^ excess (T^
from the chamber and injected into an air — Ta) decreases by 40% as Ta rises from 26

750 n heat loss which is nearly equal in magni-

tude to the decrease in metabolic heat pro-
duction (Table 2), indicating that the two
625- mechanisms are of equal importance to
thermoregulation during flight at high Tas.

The difference between the results of
Harrison et al. (1996) and those of Heinrich
(1980b) regarding the effect of Ta on met-
abolic rates of flying A. mellifera are likely
2 due to technical differences in protocols

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! that produced different intensities of flight
behavior. At Tas near 40°C, the metabolic
rates were similar in both studies, but at a
250 Ta of 20°C, the metabolic rates were 30%
10 20 30 40 50 higher in the study of Harrison et al.
Air temperature (°C) (1996). The greater intensity of flight be-
havior (and higher metabolic rates) at 20°C
FIG. 3. Metabolic rate vs. air temperature for unteth-
ered flying bees. The circles with error bars represent in the Harrison et al. (1996) study may have
mean (±SE) metabolic rates for Apis mellifera (means been due to the fact that the bees used in
not significantly different: Heinrich, 1980/?). The tri- this study were flown for only a few min-
angles with error bars represent mean (±SE) metabolic utes in the respirometry chamber, and al-
rates of A. mellifera during stationary, undisturbed
hovering flight (means significantly different: Harrison ways within 5 minutes after capture. In the
et al., 1996). Line 1 is the least square regression of Heinrich (19802?) study, bees were flown
metabolic rate vs. Ta for A. mellifera during agitated for an average of 9 minutes in the respiro-
flight (Harrison et al., 1996). Line 2 is the least square meter, 10 minutes after the bees were CO2
regression of oxygen consumption vs. Ta for Bombus
edwardsii and B. vosnesenskii (Heinrich, 1975). Line anaesthetized and tarsectomized, and up to
3 is the least square regression of oxygen consumption 20 minutes after the bees were captured
vs. Ta for Xylocopa capitata (Nicolson and Louw, (1980a). If flight and thermoregulatory be-
1982). Solid lines represent significant negative rela- havior degrades with time or due to sur-
tionships between metabolic rate and Ta, while dashed
lines represent non-significant relationships between gery, this may account for the lower met-
metabolic rate and T.. abolic rates in Heinrich's (1980Z?) study.
The difference in results is not due to use
of closed-system (Heinrich 1980a) vs. flow-
to 36°C, and is closely matched by the 40% through (Harrison et al., 1996) respirome-
decrease in metabolic heat production try, since Roberts (unpublished data) found
across the same Ta range (Roberts, 1996; a similar decrease in metabolic rate with in-
Roberts, unpublished data). The change in creasing Ta for A. mellifera using closed-
metabolic heat production over this range system respirometry (Table 2). Since the
of Tas is nearly 6.5 times greater than the body temperatures of the bees flying in
change in evaporative heat loss, indicating Heinrich's (1980£>) respirometer were not
that variation in metabolic heat production reported, it is impossible to determine the
is the primary mechanism of thermoregu- extent to which they were thermoregulat-
lation during flight in C. pallida males (Ta- ing. The Tlhs and Tabs of A. mellifera flying
ble 2). in the respirometry chambers used by Har-
In our study of flying A. mellifera work- rison et al. (1996) closely match those mea-
ers, the change in metabolic heat production sured for A. mellifera flying in a tempera-
is over 6 times greater than the change in ture-controlled room (Heinrich 1980a, b)
evaporative heat loss over moderate Tas and in the field (Cooper et al, 1985; Coel-
(21-33°C), indicating that variation in met- ho, 1991), suggesting that the flight vigor
abolic rate is the predominant mechanism and thermoregulatory efforts of these bees
by which thermal stability is achieved over are similar to those of unconstrained flying
these Tas. However, as Ta rises from 33 to bees.
44CC, there is a dramatic rise in evaporative

240n 215-,

3" 210-

1 l
I 150-

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15 25 35 45 155
Air temperature (°Q 20 25 30 35
Air temperature (°Q
FIG. 4. Least square linear regressions of wingbeat
frequency vs. air temperature for untethered flying FIG. 5. Effect of air temperature on wingbeat fre-
bees. Solid lines represent significant negative rela- quency for hovering Centris pallida males. The wing-
tionships between wingbeat frequency and air temper- beat frequencies of individual C. pallida males were
ature; dashed lines represent non-significant relation- measured with an optical tachometer (Unwin and El-
ships. 1 = Apis mellifera workers during agitated flight lington, 1979) as they hovered, practically motionless
in 300 ml chamber, average mass = 85 mg (Harrison except for the movement of their wings, while defend-
et al., 1996); 2 = Bombus pratorum individual forag- ing territories in the field (Alcock et al., 1976; Chap-
ing in field, average mass of B. pratorum = 1 2 2 mg pell, 1984). During this territorial behavior, hovering
(Unwin and Corbet, 1984); 3 = 8. pratorum individual bouts are relatively long, up to 30 seconds, and fre-
foraging in field (Unwin and Corbet, 1984); 4 = A. quently interrupted by vigorous pursuits of encroach-
mellifera workers entering and exiting hive (Spangler, ing conspecific males, which last an average of 2—3
1992); 5 = B. pascuorum individual foraging in field, seconds (personal observation). Least square linear re-
average mass of B. pascuorum = 131 mg (Unwin and gression: Wingbeat frequency = (—3.166 * Ta) +
Corbet, 1984); 6 = Bombus spp. foraging in the field, 278.85, r2 = 0.624, F 155 = 91.4, P < 0.001. Least
average mass = 149 mg (Joos et al., 1991); 7 = Bom- square linear regression of wingbeat frequency vs.
bus spp. hovering in 819 ml chamber, average mass = mass (mg): Wingbeat frequency = (—0.174 * mass) +
175 mg (Joos et al., 1991); 8 = Centris caesalpiniae 214.23, r2 = 0.101, F l 2 8 = 3.132, P = 0.088. Least
males patrolling at nest emergence site, average mass squares linear regression of mass vs. ait temperature:
= 335 mg (Spangler and Buchmann, 1991). Mass = (0.837 * Ta) + 99.25, r2 = 0.014, F, 28 = 0.407,
P = 0.529. Average mass (±SE) = 122.1 (±3.7) mg,
n = 30.


HEAT PRODUCTION? flight may be modulated by varying kine-
The ability of a bee to decrease the met- matic parameters such as wingbeat frequen-
abolic cost of seemingly identical flight be- cy and stroke amplitude (Ellington, 1984).
haviors as Ta rises suggests an increase in Five out of six studies which have ex-
mechanochemical efficiency and/or a de- amined the effect of Ta on wingbeat fre-
crease in mechanical power output at higher quency in bees have shown that wingbeat
Tas. Increases in muscle efficiency at higher frequency decreases as Ta rises (Figs. 4, 5).
Tas could be due to effects of muscle tem- In the studies showing a decrease in wing-
perature, wingbeat frequency or stroke am- beat frequency at high Tas, the variation in
plitude on the amount of elastic energy stor- wingbeat frequency as a function of Ta is
age, but could also increase due to a greater apparently occurring independently of aero-
reliance on an unsteady aerodynamic mech- dynamic requirements, since the decrease in
anism (Ellington, 1984; Dudley and Elling- air density and the increase in kinematic
ton, 1990; Ellington et al, 1996), such as viscosity with rising Ta (Vogel, 1994) pre-
varying the wing's angle of attack, at higher dict an increase in aerodynamic power re-
Tas. Mechanical power output (and meta- quirements (Ellington, 1984) and, presum-
bolic power requirements) during hovering ably, higher wingbeat frequencies.

Heinrich (1993) suggests that the nega- efficiency or mechanical power output is
tive relationship between wingbeat frequen- being varied with Ta is not known. Reso-
cy and Ta within foraging B. pascuorum lution of this question will require a com-
and B. pratorum individuals (Unwin and plete respirometric and kinematic analysis
Corbet, 1984; Fig. 4) is likely a result of for bees flying across a range of Tas.
higher nectar and pollen rewards in the
cooler mornings than in the warmer after- CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
noons. Since bumblebees rarely fly and al- Despite the fact that it has been known
low T^s to fall when foraging from low re- for decades that bees are endothermic and
ward flowers (Heinrich 1972a, b), Heinrich thermoregulate during flight, the mecha-

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(1993) concludes that the lower wingbeat nisms by which they achieve thermal sta-
frequencies reported by Unwin and Corbet bility while flying are remarkably poorly
(1984) were probably due to cooler Tths in understood. Very few studies have simul-
the afternoon. In the only other lab study to taneously measured evaporative water loss
examine the effect of Ta on wingbeat fre- and metabolic rates in flying bees as a func-
quency in bumblebees, Joos et al. (1991) tion of Ta, and no studies have directly mea-
found no effect of Ta on wingbeat frequen- sured convective heat loss in flying bees.
cy among pooled Bombus spp. individuals Given the paucity of data, it is difficult to
while foraging in the field or hovering in a draw broad conclusions, but it tentatively
jar. Thus, the evidence for thermal effects appears that some bees, particularly Bom-
on wingbeat frequency is equivocal for bus spp., thermoregulate during flight by
bumblebees. Tentatively, the lack of a Ta varying convective heat loss, mediated by
effect on wingbeat frequency in bumble- increasing heat flow from the thorax to the
bees is consistent with the independence abdomen at higher Tas, while other bees,
between Ta and metabolic rate for B. vos- such as A. mellifera and C. pallida, lack this
nesenskii and B. edwardsii (Heinrich, ability and achieve thermal stability during
1975), although no studies to date have ex- flight primarily by varying metabolic rate.
amined the effect of Ta on wingbeat fre- Data for a few species, particularly A. mel-
quency and metabolic rate within a bum- lifera, suggest that increasing evaporative
blebee species. heat loss via regurgitation is an important
In A. mellifera workers and C. pallida mechanism for preventing overheating dur-
males, which decrease metabolic rates as Ta ing flight at very high (>35°C) Tas. Con-
rises, there is a strong decrease in wingbeat siderable comparative research, performed
frequency at higher Tas (Figs. 4, 5) during in a phylogenetic context, will be required
flight in the lab (Harrison et al, 1996; Rob- to determine if there is an adaptive or his-
erts, unpublished data) and in the field torical pattern to this variation in thermo-
(Spangler, 1992; Fig. 5). The effect of Ta regulatory mechanisms.
on wingbeat frequency in C. pallida males The finding that some bees can lower the
in the field is not due to size effects on fre- energetic cost of flight at higher Tas poses
quency (Casey et al, 1985), as there is no very interesting questions about how this
significant correlation between wingbeat apparent increase in locomotory efficiency
frequency and body mass or between body with Ta occurs. Answering these questions
mass and Ta (Fig. 5). The observed decreas- will require examinations of the effects of
es in wingbeat frequency and metabolic rate temperature, frequency and amplitude on
with increasing Ta in A. mellifera workers insect fibrillar muscle efficiency, and a kin-
and C. pallida males are consistent with the ematic analysis of the effect of Ta on flight
theoretical prediction that mechanical pow- biomechanics. Another important unan-
er output (and metabolic rate) should be ap- swered question is whether the decrease in
proximately proportional to wingbeat fre- metabolic rate is actively controlled by a
quency cubed (Ellington, 1984; Dickinson negative-feedback thermoregulatory mech-
and Lighton, 1995). However, because anism, or whether the decrease in metabolic
power output is determined by many kine- rate represents an epiphenomenon that oc-
matic factors, the extent to which muscle curs secondarily due to an increase in effi-

ciency at higher Tas. Resolution of this insect flight. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London 305B:
question will be enhanced with further in- 1-181.
Ellington, C. P., C. van den Berg, A. P. Willmott, and
formation on Ta effects on muscle efficien- A. L. R. Thomas. 1996. Leading-edge vortices in
cy and flight biomechanics, but may also insect flight. Nature 384:626-630.
require searching for thermally sensitive Esch, H. 1976. Body temperature and flight perfor-
neurons and neural control pathways that mance of honey bees in a servomechanically con-
mediate thermoregulatory responses. trolled wind tunnel. J. Comp. Physiol. 109:254-
Gilmour, K. M. and C. P. Ellington. 1993. Power out-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS put of glycerinated bumblebee flight muscle. J.
This research was supported by a Na- Exp. Biol. 183:77-100.
Hadley, N. E 1994. Water relations of terrestrial ar-

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tional Science Foundation Doctoral Disser-
tation Improvement Grant (IBN-9521543) thropods. Academic Press, San Diego.
Hadley, N. E, E. C. Toolson, and M. C. Quinlan. 1989.
to S. P. R. and a National Science Foun- Regional differences in cuticular permeability in
dation Grant (IBN-9317784) to J. F. H. We the desert cicada Diceroprocta apache: Implica-
thank M. A. Weigman for assistance in pre- tions for evaporative cooling. J. Exp. Biol. 141:
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script. eybees. Science 274:88-90.
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