Topic: Electric Car (SG-29) : Group Members and Their Contribution

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Topic : Electric Car


● Yashasweni Mathur 2020MEB1334 (Components & Working Principle)

● Yatin Saini 2020MEB1335 (History & Evolution)
● Komal Meena 2020MEB1364 (Future Innovations)
● Chitrankar Ramanandi 2020MMB1343 (Detailed Working and schematics)
● Debopam Haldar 2020MMB1344 (Applications & Objectives)


To understand

○ What are the components of a electric car?

○ How does a electric car works ?
○ To know about all the technological advancements and how will they develop in future.


An electric car operates on the principle of energy conservation, or more particularly (here) energy conversion,
which states that energy cannot be generated or destroyed but may be transformed from one form to another.
Electrical energy is turned into mechanical energy in this situation.

● The induction motor serves as the car's powertrain.

● The battery supplies a direct current supply that is converted to alternating current by the inverter for usage
by the motor.

● Batteries supply electrical power to the motor, which drives the wheels.

● A motor is made up of two parts: a stator and a rotor.

● Three-phase alternating current (AC) power is applied to the stator, creating a rotating magnetic field (Rmf)
in the coils.

● This Rmf then produces current in the rotor bars, causing them to turn.

● The frequency of the alternating current power supply determines the speed of the motor. As a result, as the
frequency varies, so does the speed of the driving wheel.

● Inverters control the frequency of alternating current power, which in turn controls motor speed and
amplitude, which in turn influences power output.

In the early part of the 19th century, innovators in Hungary, the Netherlands and the United States -- including a
blacksmith from Vermont -- began toying with the concept of a battery-powered vehicle and created some of the
first small-scale electric cars. And while Robert Anderson, a British inventor, developed the first crude electric
carriage around this same time, it wasn’t until the second half of the 19th century that French and English inventors
built some of the first practical electric cars.

By 1900 in the US, electric cars were at their heyday, accounting for around a third of all vehicles on the road.
During the next 10 years, they continued to show strong sales.

Many innovators at the time took note of the electric vehicle’s high demand, exploring ways to improve the
technology. For example, Ferdinand Porsche, founder of the sports car company by the same name, developed an
electric car called the P1 in 1898. Around the same time, he created the world’s first hybrid electric car -- a vehicle
that is powered by electricity and a gas engine. Thomas Edison, one of the world’s most prolific inventors, thought
electric vehicles were the superior technology and worked to build a better electric vehicle battery. Even Henry
Ford, who was friends with Edison, partnered with Edison to explore options for a low-cost electric car in 1914

Yet, it was Henry Ford’s mass-produced Model T that dealt a blow to the electric car. Introduced in 1908, the
Model T made gasoline-powered cars widely available and affordable. By 1912, the gasoline car cost only $650,
while an electric roadster sold for $1,750. Other developments also contributed to the decline of the electric
vehicle. By the 1920s, the U.S. had a better system of roads connecting cities, and Americans wanted to get out and
explore. With the discovery of Texas crude oil, gas became cheap and readily available. Over the next 30 years or
so, electric vehicles entered a sort of dark age.

Fast forward to the late 1960s and early 1970s. Soaring oil prices and gasoline shortages created a growing interest
in lowering the dependence on foreign oil and finding homegrown sources of fuel. Around this same time, many
big and small automakers began exploring options for alternative fuel vehicles, including electric cars.

Yet, the vehicles developed and produced in the 1970s still suffered from drawbacks compared to
gasoline-powered cars. Electric vehicles during this time had limited performance -- usually topping at speeds of
45 miles per hour -- and their typical range was limited to 40 miles before needing to be recharged.

The passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendment and the 1992 Energy Policy Act -- plus new transportation
emissions regulations issued by the California Air Resources Board -- helped create a renewed interest in electric
vehicles in the U.S. During this time, automakers began modifying some of their popular vehicle models into
electric vehicles.

The first turning point many have suggested was the introduction of the Toyota Prius. Released in Japan in 1997,
the Prius became the world’s first mass-produced hybrid electric vehicle. The other event that helped reshape
electric vehicles was the announcement in 2006 that a small Silicon Valley startup, Tesla Motors, would start
producing a luxury electric sports car that could go more than 200 miles on a single charge. Over the next few
years, other automakers began rolling out electric vehicles.

Consumers now have more choices than ever when it comes to buying an electric vehicle. It’s hard to tell where the
future will take electric vehicles, but it’s clear they hold a lot of potential for creating a more sustainable future.

❖ Induction Motor- Motors provide power to rotate the wheels. It can be DC/AC type.Tesla model S uses
alternating current (AC) induction motors. All-Wheel Drive Dual Motor Dual Motor Model S is a
categorical improvement on conventional all-wheel drive systems. Model S Performance comes standard
with All-Wheel Drive Dual Motor, pairing the high performance rear motor with a high efficiency front
motor to achieve supercar acceleration, from zero to 60 miles per hour in 3.1 seconds.

❖ Transmission- The Tesla Model S is equipped with a single-speed 9.73:1 step-down transmission which
sends power from the motor to the wheels.

❖ Battery: Store the electricity required to run an EV. The battery pack includes thousands of identical
Lithium-Ion 18650 battery cells, depending on the pack size. Battery capacity has changed repeatedly as the
technology has evolved, ranging from 60-100 kWH. The batteries are the car's heaviest component.

❖ Inverter- A drive inverter in an electric vehicle is used to convert DC current from the battery pack into AC
current for the motor. The Inverter varies the ac power amplitude, which will control the motor power

❖ Braking system: An electric car could be driven efficiently with the help of just one pedal. This is due to its
powerful regenerative braking system. That means saving the enormous kinetic energy of the car in the form
of electricity without wasting it as heat.

❖ Body & Chassis: 98% of the Tesla Model S body is constructed from aluminium and is produced from
between 50 and 60 separate coils of aluminium each for various components. The total weight of the
aluminium used in the Model S is around 410 pounds (190 kg).

❖ Charging - Plug into an outlet or EV charging point to charge your battery. The NEMA 14-50 charger for
Tesla electric cars plugs into a 240 volt wall outlet. A standard Tesla charger with a NEMA 14-50 connector
will be able to charge your Tesla battery completely in 10 hours (for the Model S).

❖ Cameras, Radars & Sensors: Autopilot combines a forward looking camera, radar, and 360 degree sonar
sensors with real time traffic updates to automatically drive Model S on the open road and in dense stop and
go traffic.

❖ New latest component: The Model S 17 inch touchscreen controls most of the car’s functions. Opening the
all glass panoramic roof, customizing the automatic climate control, and changing the radio station all
happen with a swipe or a touch. The touchscreen, digital instrument cluster, and steering wheel controls
seamlessly integrate media, navigation, communications, cabin controls and vehicle data.

❖ An electric car simply includes 3 foremost components – Battery, controller and electric motor.

❖ Electric cars function by plugging into a charge point and taking electricity from the grid. They store the
electricity in rechargeable batteries that power an electric motor, which turns the wheels. Electric cars
accelerate faster than vehicles with traditional fuel engines – so they feel lighter to drive.

❖ Battery supplies around 300V DC to drive the AC motor. This could most effectively be carried out by the
use of hard and fast transistors, with a purpose to convert the DC sign into sine waves unexpectedly.

❖ For that reason when the accelerator is fully pressed, the controller produces nearly 96 V to the motor. If the
accelerator is launched, the controller can provide 0V because the accelerator is pressed in special modes,
the controller is meant to provide an output strength as a result.

❖ So, variable potentiometers are connected among the accelerator and the controller, in order that variable,
however proportional energy may be delivered to the motor.

❖ The AC voltage is then converted to DC for the motor to work by transistors. Thus when the accelerator is
completely pressed, the controller produces nearly 96V to the motor. If the accelerator is launched, the
controller supplies 0V. Accordingly the controller stands as a buyer of strength from the battery and giver of
electricity to the motor.

❖ Variable potentiometers are related between the accelerator and the controller, so that variable, but
proportional strength may be delivered to the motor. But, if the potentiometer goes wrong the end result can
be fatal.

❖ As a protection degree, there are potentiometers connected to the accelerator. If each shows equal cost,
then the controller proceeds. If they're specific, the controller stops operating. The downside of this is that
the whole vehicle stops working if an unmarried potentiometer goes wrong. In maximum of the vehicles,
the controller is just a normal switch with an ON position even as accelerating and an OFF function whilst
decelerating but that is tough for the driver as he will now not get a go with the flow.

❖ Accordingly the controller acts as a pulsator. It notices the value of the potentiometer and swiftly switches
the proportional power to the motor.

❖ Finally the motors rotate the wheels and electric cars start racing on the roads.


Electric cars have various applications in various aspects. Mainly electric cars are used in transportation. Some of
these applications are listed here:
● Forklift: A forklift is a small industrial Electric vehicle, having a power operated forked platform attached
at the front that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a cargo to lift or move it.
● Trolley Bus: It is an electric vehicle that is operated on the streets on rubber tires and powered by electricity
drawn from two overhead wires by trolley poles.
● Golf cart: This small electric vehicle is designed to carry golfers and their golf clubs around the golf
course. Some custom golf carts are inspired by the skateboard, with all four wheels being driven and the
golfer controlling the cart in an upright standing position as if riding the skateboard, leaning left or right to
make turns.
● Electric buses: They can store the electricity on board, or can be fed continuously from an external source.
The majority of buses storing electricity are battery electric buses, in which the electric motor obtains
energy from an on-board battery, although examples of other storage modes do exist, such as
the gyrobus which uses flywheel energy storage. When electricity is not stored on board, it is supplied by
contact with outside power sources. For example, overhead wires, as in the trolley bus, or with non contact
conductors on the ground, as in online electric vehicles. This article mostly deals with buses storing the
electricity on board.


● VEHICLE TO GRID (V2G) - V2G is a key area of EV charging energy management, enabling two-way
energy exchange between the vehicle and the grid. With V2G, energy stored in an EV can be fed back to the
grid at times of peak demand to minimize the strain. Given that the average car is parked for around 95% of
the day, V2G connectivity offers the potential to optimize grids by leveraging millions of EVs as
decentralized energy storage resources, with no capital or operating costs. This approach turns EV drivers
into “prosumers” – a consumer of the grid and a provider of energy – thus enabling them to reduce their
costs of EV charging and receive other discounts on their electricity usage.

● WIRELESS EV CHARGING - With a high-powered wireless EV charging system, vehicles can

automatically charge while parked in selected pick-up/drop-off locations – an ideal solution to keep taxis or
autonomous vehicles perpetually charged. The system requires no physical charger-vehicle connection; it
consists of multiple charging plates installed underground that engage automatically. No charging station is
required, delivering more convenience and less clutter in the public space.

● MOBILE CHARGING - Mobile charging includes charging vans, portable chargers, and temporary
chargers, where the chargers themselves are “on the go” and do not require infrastructure investments. With
mobile charging, there’s no need for structural changes, no huge financial outlays, and no more problems for
fleet EVs who need fast roadside charges – which is one of the first applications of the mobile charging

● ULTRA-FAST CHARGING - Ultra-fast charging is the logical next step in satisfying EV drivers’ demand
for charging on the go. A fill-up at the pump with a traditional gas-powered vehicle takes only a few
minutes, and EV drivers are demanding the same time savings. Ultrafast chargers are delivering 32 km (20
miles) of range in one minute, removing driver range anxiety, one of the major barriers that limits the
adoption of EVs.

● NEW BATTERY TECHNOLOGY - Range anxiety and battery cost are two issues preventing an even
wider adoption of electric vehicles. However, new battery technologies are poised to solve both issues at
once. Lithium-ion batteries have become the industry standard over the two decades of EV development.
New technologies are being tested, such as graphene-based technologies, which charge in 15 seconds. These
are expected to supplement, not replace, traditional EV batteries.

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