Final Clinical Evaluation Mackenzie K

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NURS 2020H Clinical Course Evaluation

Student: __Mackenzie Karner_______________________________

Clinical Instructor: ____Amber Biggar________________________

Agency: _Northumberland Hills Hospital (HELP)__________________

Total Clinical Hours: ____152hr________ Total Additional Learning Hours: ___10hr_______

Satisfactory Progress (SP): The student demonstrates sufficient knowledge, and skill and ability to safely practice or achieve a competency with
an average level of teaching support and guidance; or the level of performance is what the instructor would expect of an average student at
that level and point in time; and  the instructor reasonably anticipates that if the student continues at the current pace of practice and
achievement, the student should be able to fully meet the objective at the end of the course.
Unsatisfactory Progress(UP): The student does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge, or skill, or ability to safely practice or achieve a
competency, even with constant, intensive teaching support and guidance;  or the level of performance is far below what the instructor would
expect of the average student at that level and point in time; and the instructor reasonably anticipates that if the student continues at the
current pace of practice and achievement, the student is not likely to  meet the objective at the end of the course.
Needs Development(ND): The student demonstrates sufficient knowledge and ability to safely practice or achieve a competency,  but requires
more than average teaching support and guidance; or the student demonstrates knowledge but needs more practice to achieve the
competency; or the level of performance is below what the instructor would expect of the average student at that level and point in time; and
the instructor reasonably anticipates that if the student focuses his/her learning in the required area, and gains sufficient practice, the student
has the potential to meet the objective at the end of the course.

**Clinical Instructor will determine if progress is satisfactory, needs development, or is unsatisfactory.

NURS 2020H Clinical Course Evaluation


Course Objective Evidence/Indicators Evidence/Indicators

1. Demonstrated professional Student: Student:
responsibility and accountability - I have been accountable in communication - I have demonstrated accountability in reporting
to collaboratively plan, with Amber. For example, I have been my mistake with sterile technique during
implement and/or evaluate a emailing Amber each week to update her on injecting medication into the I.V bag. I was
health promotion project what has been going on in clinical. accountable for the mistake and took the proper
relevant to the community action to prevent this mistake in the future by
population served, using - I have demonstrated professional completing a learning plan.
elements of the course website responsibility and accountability when
such as the learning system and documenting under Medi-tech. For example, - I demonstrated professional responsibility when
regular, punctual communication I have been emailing the document to Amy creating my patients and family experience
with preceptor and faculty. for review before submitting in Medi-tech. questionnaire. I did this by continuing to show my
preceptor our progress and adjusting it to meet
- I have demonstrated professional, her expectations.
responsible, and accountable practice by
arriving to clinical on time, in uniform, and - I displayed professional responsibility by wearing
signing in using the COVID screening. I also the proper PPE when entering into patients’
make an effort to actively communicate with rooms and performing hand hygiene. Introducing
staff such as saying hello or informing nurses myself and explaining why I was coming into their
that I am leaving the short stay unit. room. I also provided the patient with the
opportunity to turn down the activity or choose
the activity that they wanted to participating in.
Progress Progress Clinical Instructor: Clinical Instructor:
Midterm Final Mackenzie demonstrated professionalism and Mackenzie continued to demonstrate professionalism and
accountability through attendance at all seminars accountability through attendance at all seminars, and
 SP  SP and punctual communication with preceptor initially weekly updates to the clinical instructor via email.
◻ ND ◻ UP and with clinical instructor weekly via email or in Mackenzie presented professionally at meetings with the
◻ UP seminars. Mackenzie has demonstrated preceptor and clinical instructor. Accountability and time
accountability and organization of time by working management skills are demonstrated by completion of
with her project partner towards the development of the project as planned, and timely submission of
a quality assurance project which includes a survey assignments including the LEARN. Mackenzie remained
to evaluate patient experiences of HELP at NHH. accountable for her actions by completing a learning plan
She also worked with her partner on the submission for an incident that occurred in clinical. Completion of
of a quality assurance screening tool, and timely an incident report at NHH is still outstanding. She
submission of assignments. Mackenzie has demonstrated accountability and professionalism through
successfully completed the math quiz. She has consistent project work and learning throughout
replied promptly to clinical instructor questions seminars. She also participated in discussions in seminar.
regarding the project. Mackenzie presented professionally and came prepared
for the virtual poster presentation with a well constructed
Preceptor: poster outlining the community project and highlighting
Mackenzie is always on time, dressed in clean key points.
uniform, wearing the PPE as instructed, and is
extremely respectful.  She continues to use her time
in clinical wisely.

2. Applied their knowledge to Student: Student:

support population assessment, - I have been working with patients and - I have demonstrated evidence informed practice
collaborative and evidence Implementing HELP program. For example, I when coming up with questions for the patient
informed health promotion have been promoting mobility to the and family experience survey. It was an informed
project development, patients through active range of motion practice because my partner and I completed a
implementation and process and exercises, promoting good nutrition through scholarly literature review on how to create
outcome evaluation. assisting patients with feeding, orientating questions that were bias free.
patients and engaging therapeutic activities
Progress Progress Final with patients - I applied knowledge of the population I was
Midterm  SP working with by creating questions that would
 SP ◻ UP - I have used using evidence informed practice meet different patient needs. For example,
◻ ND by using the HELP assessment form when putting a question on the survey about who
◻ UP
conducting assessments of patients who completed the survey provided the interviewee
may benefit from the HELP program while to have someone support them while completing
staying at the hospital. it if needed.

- I sat through a presentation for new nurses - Working with this population and helping
about dementia care. This presentation provide the HELP intervention gave me the
further solidified information about opportunity to create questions that could
dementia care and using gentle persuasive effectively evaluate the HELP program.
approach such as the stop and go approach.
This allows me to implement this Clinical Instructor:
information when working with patient with Mackenzie has continued to demonstrate knowledge of
dementia and delirium. the nursing process as it relates to community nursing
through the implementation and evaluation of a quality
Clinical Instructor: improvement project to understand the patient and family
Mackenzie demonstrated knowledge of the experience of the Hospital Elder Life Program at NHH
community and population via the group submission and has demonstrated use of the scholarly literature as
of a windshield survey as well as the community well as knowledge of her community to inform nursing
assessment portion of the Project note. Mackenzie actions and in the assignments (LEARN, poster). She has
has utilized scholarly articles to support their project utilized additional learning opportunities through the
and interventions with their population. She has online learning options as per her interests. Mackenzie
utilized other learning opportunities provided in was able to professionally present the group project
terms of online learning. To demonstrate critical virtually during the poster presentation and answer
thinking, continue to utilize the literature in support questions appropriately at that time.
of the needs in the community for the project as
well as support for the interventions/evaluations.

Mackenzie is not afraid to work through the
assessment on her own, competing chart reviews,
interviewing the patient and gathering appropriate
information from the families, while also
successfully charting assessments using the SOAP
3. Demonstrated ethical Student: Student:
respectful and professional - I have demonstrated ethical, respectful and - I demonstrated ethical and respectful care by
practice when working with professional practice by asking for consent providing the patient with choices in the HELP
community organizations and the before feeding, performing other activities intervention that they would like to participate in
population with whom they with patients, and asking if they want to or if they wanted me to come back at a different
work. participate in the HELP before completing time.
the assessment.
Progress Progress
- I demonstrated ethical and professional practice
Midterm Final
- I have demonstrated ethical and by filling out an incident report at the school to
 SP  SP professional care by maintaining report and document a mistake that I made on
◻ ND ◻ UP confidentiality of patients. For example, not sterile technique.
◻ UP putting the patients name on the
assessment when emailing it to Amy for - I demonstrated respectful care by listening and
approval, not discussing patient’s trying to reassure a patient who expressed her
information outside of the hospital and stress and worry about future change. I did this
maintaining the information within the by actively listening, providing tissues, hand to
patient health circle. hold, and supportive communication.

- I also demonstrated ethical practice by Clinical Instructor:

submitting my patients experience survey to Mackenzie has continued to demonstrate respect for the
the schools’ ethics board for approval. community and an awareness of vulnerabilities through
written work and discussion in seminar with fellow
- I demonstrated respectful care by listening seminar students. She has continued to maintain
to patients wishes, for example a patient boundaries and confidentiality when needed in her project
was not comfortable me being in the room and during clinical. Her project considered the ethical
during oral care. During this time, I stepped importance of increasing community capacity by
developing a questionnaire for staff to better understand
out of the room and didn’t re-enter until the
the patient and family experience of the Hospital Elder
task was complete.
Life Program at NHH.
Clinical Instructor:
Mackenzie has demonstrated in written and verbal
Mackenzie remained flexible and adaptable during her
work a respect for their community and population.
time in clinical. She acknowledged the importance of and
She has demonstrated an understanding of the need
for ethics in research and consideration of was able to develop therapeutic relationships with HELP
confidentiality. Continue to consider the role of patients at NHH.
community capacity, social justice in this
4. Demonstrated knowledge of Student: Student:
relational practice in project - I have built a therapeutic relationship with - I demonstrated leadership when a new volunteer
development, respectful of group patients and their families. For example, shadowed me in performing the HELP
process, leadership/followership, when performing an assessment of the interventions and asked me questions about the
and collaborative practice to patients to participate in the HELP program interventions.
meet the needs and build discussing with family members and
capacity of the population in the incorporating them in the care by listening - I demonstrated collaborative practice when
given context. to their input of what would benefit the completing patient assessment to identify if they
patient. would benefit from joining the HELP. I did this by
Progress Progress Final
working with my clinical partner in rotating
Midterm  SP - I have demonstrated relational practice by different jobs such as asking questions, writings,
 SP ◻ UP respecting and creating a safe environment and filling documents on medi-tech.
◻ ND with patient. For example, one patient
◻ UP experienced a traumatic experience before - I demonstrated relational practice by building a
entering the hospital. During social visits I therapeutic relationship with one of the patients.
avoided the topic of the traumatic I know that I built a trusting therapeutic
experience. relationship when this patient felt comfortable
opening up to me about the challenges they are
- I have demonstrated relational practice by
collaborating with my clinical partner who Clinical Instructor:
will take the lead or write when doing Mackenzie has demonstrated relational practice by
assessments of patients, documentation of working with her group member and preceptor to
what the patient needs using SOAP, and complete a community quality improvement project. She
working together in implementing HELP has shared her project and online learning experiences
activities. with her group member in seminar adding to the group
- process and learning.
Clinical Instructor:
Mackenzie demonstrates an understanding of the Preceptor:
community they are placed in through written work Mackenzie sought feedback from myself and often asked
(community assessment and Project Note). She has to debrief after experiences with patients. She was very
demonstrated the ability to work with her preceptor receptive to any feedback I provided. Mackenzie did a
and partner in the development and initial very good job supervising and teaching a new HELP
implementation of a quality assurance project, and volunteer. The volunteer expressed that she enjoyed
timely submissions of assignments. She has the time she spent with Mackenzie. Mackenzie
participated in breakout groups during seminars demonstrated excellent leadership and knowledge skills
adding to the group’s learning and development this during this experience.
semester. Continue to consider the target population
to increase your understanding of their strengths and

Mackenzie asks great questions to support
learning. She has been able to not only
communicate well with the patients, building
therapeutic relationships quickly, but her written
assessment skills are also strong through her Medi-
tech documentation. Mackenzie takes direction well
and is flexible in her day, with the ability to pivot
tasks to suit the day as it unfolds. It has been a
pleasure to work with her.
5. Demonstrated self-regulation Student: Student:
by engaging in self-reflective
practice and identifying learning - I demonstrated self-regulation by trying to - I demonstrated reflective practice by completing
needs through self-assessment improve my communication skills. For my learn reflection on ethical dilemmas. During
that align with the SON’s 2 Year example, I noticed that I didn’t know what to this paper I reflected on my practice and clinical
program goals and the say to patients when they discussed topics decision making that took place when I made the
Community Health Nursing such as nearing the end of their lives or not mistake in sterile technique when injecting
Standards of Practice in Canada. being able to do what they used to. I asked medication into the IV bag.
Amy how she response to these topics to get
Progress Progress Final
a new perspective on what to say. - I have continued to reflect on my interaction with
Midterm  SP patients through discussion with my clinical
 SP ◻ UP - I have demonstrated self-reflection by partner and reflection on my days at clinical
◻ ND reflecting on my week through weekly through weekly emails.
◻ UP emails to my clinical instructor and reflecting
during seminar. - I completed wound care modules for my
additional learning. This allowed for me to
- I have also practiced reflection of my ability reflection on my learning when I had the
to be empathetic and relationship building opportunity to shadow the wound care nurse.
with the patient. I do this by debriefing with
my partner about what can be done better
or what was challenging during our visits Clinical Instructor:
with patients. Mackenzie has demonstrated self-reflection through the
submission of a LEARN reflection paper as well as
- Since my placement is on older adults I ongoing weekly updates to the clinical instructor. She is
wanted to learn about different population. able to revise and adapt to challenges in a clinical
For example, one of my additional learning placement, and took advantage of other online learning
hours was on LGBTQ community: improving opportunities and has been very receptive to feedback
care and confronting discrimination. from the clinical instructor and preceptor.

Clinical Instructor:
Mackenzie has provided weekly email updates to
clinical instructor that are relevant and complete.
Mackenzie seeks feedback from clinical instructor
and preceptor when needed. Mackenzie is
participating in online additional learning
opportunities as per her interests and needs. I am
looking forward to reading your LEARN reflection.

Student Areas of Strength Student Areas of Strength

1. I am good at taking initiative. 1. Displaying empathy and building a

therapeutic relationship with patients.
2. Building therapeutic relationships with
This section to be filled 2. Being prepared and proficient in
3. I’m good at demonstrating teamwork. completing tasks.
out by the student

3. Always working to improve my skills and

Student Areas for Future
Student Areas for Future
1. I want to improve my communication Development
skill, such as being able to breakdown
instructions to make them easier to 1. I want to improve my communication
follow for patients with impaired skill with my superiors such as my
cognition. preceptors, and clinical instructor.

2. I want to become more confident and 2. I think I still need to become more
comfortable with documentation. efficient in collecting patient data and
documenting it.
3. Becoming more comfortable and
efficient in collecting data from patients. 3. Becoming more confident in my


NUMBER OF HOURS COMPLETED TO DATE: __64 hours_________________

General Comments: (include electronic signature)

Signature of Instructor_____ _________________________ Date October 29, 2021

Signature of Student_______________________________ Date. October 22, 2021____________________________

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome


General Comments: (include electronic signature) Total hours completed to date: 162 hr

Signature of Instructor___ ________________ Date December 5, 2021

Signature of Student___________________________________ Date _November 26, 2021__________________________

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Please circle the appropriate outcome
Completion of all Course Components

Total number of clinical hours completed___162__________

Number of clinical hours ___152__________________ Number of Additional Learning hours ____10____________

1. Street Nursing Simulation completed

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

2. Windshield Survey Completed

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

3. Project Notes (1)

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4. Reflection

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

5. Poster Project

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
number Date Hrs Breakdown of time spent and Notes
1 Sep 23/24 9 worked on scavenger hunt and going through prep for placement and 5 hours at placement
sept 30/ Worked on windshield survey. Observed full feed and assessment of a patient. Observed HELP
2 Oct 1 16 intervention with a HELP volunteer. Completed a feeding and oral care.
3 Oct 7/8 12 Did a tour of the ED, completed HELP intervention.
4 Oct 14/15 15 Completed an assessment in the SSU, worked on project note, completed HELP interventions
Clinical 5 Oct 21/22 14 Completed an assessment, did HELP interventions with patients.
Placemen 6 Nov 4/5 15 Completed an assessment, did a full feed and oral care, did HELP interventions with patients.
t Did a full feed, oral care, HELP interventions, worked on project, had a new volunteer observe
7 Nov 11/ 12 16 me perfrom HELP interventions
Full feed, oral care, worked on project, HELP interventions, shadowed nurse and wound care
8 Nov 18/19 16 nurse, reported my mistake.
Assessment in SSU, HELP intervention, discussion with wound care nurse on what caused the
9 Nov 25/ 26 16 wound we saw on the previous week, worked on project.
10 Dec 2/3 13 Presented project,
t term 10 Quality assurance questionnaire.

number Date Hrs. Content & Link
1 24-Sep 1 Pregnancy and MS (Brainxchange)
sept 30/ Wounds Canada: can you hear me, understanding wound dressing, 7 steps to effective wound
2 Oct 1 1 care management
Additiona 3 Oct. 7/8 1 Health in the LGBTQ community: Improving care and confronting discrimination video
l Learning brainxchange: early detection of Alzheimer disease, medical assistance in Dying, Music and
Activities 4 Oct 14/15 3 Alzheimer’s
Highlights from the 2018 Ontario vaccine safety report, Compassion fatigue (CFMHN),
6 Nov 4/5 3 Dementia and end of life care (brainxchange)
Drawing on Experience to facie evolving challenges: Mental health, HIV, and aging
7 Nov 11/ 12 1 (brainxchange)

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