Notebook 7

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Throughout the history of the issue with gun control the rise in school shootings has caused a call

out for more gun control. To look at this issue with school shootings, the first school shooting

actually happened back in 1891. However recently we have experienced a lot more school

shootings in the US since the 21st century. It makes sense why people would see this information

and go immediately to the solution of gun control but there is another option.

There is however another viewpoint of what we should do in order to avoid this

happening in the future again. That option is to arm teachers in schools. This isn’t a very popular

opinion even among those who believe in gun rights but studies show that the only large group

gatherings that get targeted by shooters are those places that can’t be armed. This makes a lot of

sense because if someone wanted to shoot a bunch of people they aren’t going to go to a place

where someone might be armed because if someone was armed then the shooter could be killed

or shot back at.

The opinion that you should arm teachers and responsible adults in schools isn’t a very

popular opinion when talking about school shootings. A few states have allowed teachers to do

this but not very many. This would make guns in school which many people see would become

more dangerous then not allowing any guns at all. School shootings have been a big part in more

gun control laws and stricter rules with guns. From using this article to find this new information

and viewpoints about my issue of gun control I learned that people have come up with other

solutions besides gun control that some people say could be more effective than gun control.

The article that I used to find my information about school shootings:

 Wilson, James. “Gun Control Isn’t the Answer.” Los Angeles Times, 20 Apr. 2007,

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