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Valuing Individuals’ Similarities and Differences

Name of the Learner: ______________________________ Section: _________

School: _________________________________________ Date: ___________
I. Learning Competency

Value the similarities and differences among cultures, beliefs, views, and values of
others. HGJPS-lh-15

II. Key Concepts

Respecting and valuing individual differences mean that you accept somebody for
who they are, even when they are different from you or you don’t agree with them.

The world comprises of people with diverse cultures. Where possible, being exposed
to different cultures helps you embrace and appreciate people that are different from
you. Furthermore, the more you interact with other people from different cultures, the
more you respect and value them.

What is the importance of knowing the similarities and differences of someone’s

cultural belief?

By learning and understanding different cultures, you understand why people do

things the way they do. When you identify with other people, you sympathize with their
situation. This facilitates understanding and prevents misunderstandings.
Many times, interacting with people from different cultures helps you view life from
different perspective. When you learn about different cultures, you establish new ways
of thinking and approaching and solving problems. It also helps you realize that there
are numerous approaches to life. There are various cultures, practices, beliefs, and
norms in the world. Being conscious and respectful to others will prepare you to face
the world. By learning and respecting different cultures, you will have an easy time
interacting with, and making new friends. Further, you will be able to solve culturally-
based issues before you crop up.

How to Respect Individual Differences?

Understanding someone who differs significantly from you can prove a challenge, as
you may have no experience with his ways of life or customs; however, being
understanding of differences is important to maintaining harmony in your relationships.
Instead of fighting against differences, embrace them, be respectful of them and use
the experience to learn and grow as a person.

Here are the steps on how to show respect to others:

1. Learn about your own culture. Understanding your own culture helps you
understand the impact of cultural beliefs and behaviors.
2. Learn about others’ culture. Get to know other people by asking about their
customs and traditions.
3. Accept things with which you don’t agree. Being respectful of individuals’
differences doesn’t mean always agreeing with them.
4. Share information about your life. Reciprocate in information-sharing by
volunteering information about your life.
5. Create connections where similarities exist. Look at things that you have in
common with the individual with whom you have differences and build on these
similarities, joining with him in social outings or discussing things that you and this
individual are more similar than you originally thought.

III. Guided Practice

Activity 1: I am..

Directions: Put a picture of yourself in the center circle and list 6 things that make up
part of your identity and that make you feel that you are unique and amazing. (For
example: I am part of an athletic team or I am a ballet dancer)

I am…

IV. Independent Practice

Activity 2: Despite our Differences

Directions: On a clean sheet of paper, copy the graphic organizer and fill in the
similarities and differences of yourself and your friend.


_____________________ ____________________
(Name) (Name)

How are you alike?

How are you different?

V. Application

Activity 3: It’s Essay!

Directions: On a clean sheet of paper, write an essay that answers the question
“How will you respect and value other people’s differences?”.

You will be given points according to this rubric:

20-18 points 17-15 points 10-5 points 5-0 points

Introduction The introduction The The There is no

is inviting, introduction introduction clear
states the main clearly states does not introduction
topic. the main clearly state and main
topic but is the main topic topic.
not inviting. and it is not
Focus on Topic There is one Main idea is Main idea is Main idea is
clear, well- clear but the somewhat not clear.
focused topic. supporting clear but there There is
Main ideas information is is a need for seemingly
stand out and is general more random
supported by supporting collection of
detailed information. information.
Support for Gives relevant Supporting Supporting Supporting
Topic and quality details and details and details and
details of information information is information
information. are relevant unclear. are irrelevant
but there is or not related
portion to the topic.
Conclusion The conclusion The The There is no
is strong and conclusion is conclusion is clear
understandable. recognizable recognizable, conclusion; it
and ties up but does not just ends.
almost all the tie up several
loose ends. loose ends.
Grammar and No errors in There are 1- There are 3-4 There are
Spelling grammar and 2 errors in errors in more than 4
spelling grammar and grammar and errors in
spelling spelling grammar or
VI. Assessment

Activity 4:

Directions: Complete the statements by supplying the missing words. Choose your
answers from the list of words found inside the box below.

different friends understand world respectful

There are various cultures, practices, beliefs, and norms in the __________. Being
conscious and ____________ to others will prepare you to face the world. By learning
and respecting __________cultures, you will have an easy time interacting with, and
making new __________. By learning and understanding different cultures, you
____________why people do things the way they do. Further, you will be able to solve
culturally-based issues before you crop up.

VII. Answer Key

Activity 1: Answers may vary

Activity 2: Answers may vary

Activity 3: Answers may vary

Activity 4: world, respectful, different, friends, understand

VIII. References > What are the benefits of Understanding Different Cultures > Respecting Individual Differences

Name of Writer: Hazel E. Albutra

School/Station: Salvacion National High School
Division: Agusan del Sur
Contact Information: 09124149093

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