Dunbabin - Theater and Spectacle in The Art of The Roman Empire

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volume inthe series ‘TOWNSEND LECTURES/CORNBLL STUDISS IN CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY ated by Frederick M.Ahl, Annets Alezandedis Theodore R. Brennan, (Charles F.Betan, Gall Fine, Michael Fontalne, Kim Haines Fitzen, David P, Mankin, Start W. Manning, Alan J. Nussbaum, Hayden N Pelliccia, ‘Verity Pat, Eric Rebillard JefleyS. Rusten, Bary , Strauss, Michael Weiss list fies in this series is avilable st ww cornllpess.cornell.edu Theater and Spectacle in the Art of the Roman Empire KATHERINE M. D. DUNBABIN Comell Univesity Press Ikhacaand London Copyright® soushy Cornell University Allright seerve, Excep for rif quotations ina review thisbook, coe ptsthereof mast not be reprodaced in any form without permision| {writing fom the polisher or information adress ‘Cornell University res Sage Hous, ia East State Stree, hace, New York 4850. istpublshed sy Cornell University Press ie printing, Cornell Paperbacks, 2016 Painted in China| ‘Design, composition, and at production by BWBLA Books Ic Libeay of Congress Cataloging in. Pebliation Data "Names: Donbabi, Katherine M-D, author. ‘Titles Theater and pectcleinthe a ofthe Roman Empire / “Katherine M.D. Dusk. ‘Description: Ithaca; Cornell University res 2015 | Sere: “Townsend lactres/Cocnellstudiesin asia philology | Includes Iibliographcalreferencesandindee. eters Leon sséoo 4s | 180 9780801454059 (lth: alk paper) [taneous (pbk sale paper) Subjects Lean Theater—Rowe—Histor. | Entertainment ‘rents—Rome—History,[Popuszeultare—Rome, | Theaerin art. | Spectaala The imart| Act, Roman—Thomes, motives. |Artand society Rome, (Classification: Lee rasors.D86 2016 DDC 7o49/4s7o.0937—deas ‘ec recoed avalable at hep /lecnic gov/2016004414 Coca University Presestriesto are environmentally responsible “suppliers and material tothe ales extent posible inthe pablshing ‘ofitsbooks. Soc materilsinclade vegetable based low-¥o inks and acid ee papes that recycled, totally chlorine fee or pally ‘composed of onvood fibers. For ferther informatio, vst our ‘webs wncorelpress corned. Cloth pritingsoo 8765-4321 Paperbackprintingso987 654331 Contents Preface ix List of Abbreviations Setting the Scene 3 . Greek Festivals in the Roman World 8 ‘The Traditional Theater st - Pantomime and Mythological Spectacle 8s [Mime and Popular Entertainment 114 ‘The Circus Races 138 “The Amphitheater: Gladiators and Wild Beast Hunts xn. The Games ina Christian Empire 230 Conclusions 270 Glossary Bibliography 283 Listofllustrations 307 Indexof Sitesand Monuments 315 Index of Ancient Sources 321 General Index 325 Preface [Neatly fityyearsago was endeavoring to write my the- sis at Oxford on the mosaic of Roman North Africa. [Bven then I remember being surprised bythe dspro- portionae frequency of themes drawa fom th czcus snd the amphitheater (and to 2 much smaller extent from the theater), and mused—ratherinffectively— bout the complicated sigaificance ofthese subjects for the society that created them, Buta that time nether the spectacles themselves nor their representation ia actplayed much put in classical studiesas conceived by the English-speaking world; my student effort to an

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