English Paper 1 Formative Test 2

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(20 MARKS)

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. I am ________________ to the park.
A. walks B. walking
C. walk D. walked
2. Pravin’s father is _____________ the grass in the garden.
A. cutting B. cuts
C. cut D. cutted
3. _______________ did you keep the spades?
A. Were B. We’re
C. Wear D. Where
4. The prince could not sleep _______________ he was sad.
A. so B. but
C. because D. although
5. He wanted to help the prince ____________ he came up with a plan.
A. so B. because
C. although D. but
Choose the most suitable proverb.
6. Although you have chosen the wrong path, but ,

A. the early bird gels the worm

B. it’s never too late to mend

C. like father, like son

D. money doesn’t grow on trees

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Last weekend, I ________________my mother to the market to buy groceries.
We bought _____________________ fish from a fishmonger. After that, we
_________________back home and put them in the refrigerator.

7. A. follow 8. A. a little 9. A. goes

B. following B. much B. go

C. followed C. some C. going

D. follows D. all D. went

Choose the sentence with the same meaning as the underlined word.

10. Shamsul attends the seminar that is held by his school.

A. absents C. exist

B. disappears D. presents

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. Who is the author of the secret garden?

B. Who is the Author of ‘The Secret Garden’?

C. Who is the author of 'The Secret Garden’?

D. Who is the author of The Secret Garden.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Last weekend, my parents and I went back to our hometown to _________(12)
my grandparents. When we ________(13), my grandparents welcomed us happily. I was
glad to see them in the pink of health. My grandmother prepared a lot of my favourite
_____________for me to eat. The next day before leaving, I hugged my grandparents and
promised to visit ______________often.

12. A. visited 14. A. toys

B. visit B. dishes
C. visits C. drinks
D. visiting D. clothes

13. A. arrived 15. A. they

B. left B. their
C. went C. theirs
D. attended D. them
Questions 16 – 20

Study the poem and answer the questions that follow.

I wake today, get out of bed, then stretch and yawn and
scratch my head. I find my clothes. I pull them on while stifling
another yawn. I grab a breakfast bar for fuel, and hoist my pack and
head to school.
16. The poem is about a _____________________.
A. teacher
B. clever pupil
C. lazy pupil
D. pupil who woke up too early

17. We yawn when we are _____________________.

A. sick
B. excited
C. sleepy
D. unhappy

18. The word stifling can best be replaced by ____________________.

A. having
B. taking
C. longing
D. controlling

19. Before going to school, the writer _______________________________.
A. took a bath
B. ironed his uniform
C. had breakfast
D. washed his shoes

20. The writer realised that he woke up too early when he _______________.
A. reached school
B. was having breakfast
C. was heading to school
D. was scratching his head


(30 MARKS)

Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your
answers in the spaces provided.
















Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Si Tanggang and his mother were very poor. They lived in a small hut by the sea.
Si Tanggang decided to work as a sailor because he wanted to become a rich man.
One day, he sailed away in a big ship. His mother waved sadly to her son. Si
Tanggang travelled to many countries. He worked hard and saved lots of money. Soon,
he bought a big ship. Then, he got married to a beautiful woman.
One day, Si Tanggang’s ship sailed to his home village. A villager told Si
Tanggang’s mother, “Your son has returned." Si Tanggang’s mother waited eagerly for
her son at the port. Si Tanggang and his wife were in the ship. They saw an old woman in
rags waving to them. "Who is that old woman waving to us? Do you know her?” asked Si
Tanggang’s wife. Si Tanggang was shamed of his poor mother. Si Tanggang said loudly,
“I don't know that old woman. Let’s go!”

Si Tanggang’s mother was very heartbroken when she heard her son’s words. She
turned around and shouted, “Punish the son who is ungrateful to his own mother!”
Si Tanggang sailed the ship away. Suddenly, the sky turned dark and the sea
became rough. The waves hit the ship. What happened to Si Tanggang? He was turned
into a big rock for being an ungrateful son.

Question 22

Tick (/) the correct answer.

(a) Si Tanggang’s dream was...

to become a rich man

to marry a beautiful wife
to make his mother rich
(1 MARK)

b) Si Tanggang’s mother was very heartbroken because...

her son became a sailor.

her son was ungrateful.
her son got married without informing her.
(1 MARK)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

c)How does Si Tenggang’s wife looks like?



d) If you were Si Tanggang, what will you do after you had a lot of money from



e) What is the lesson that you can learn from this story?



Question 23

Study the information below and answer the questions that follow.

* Badminton court
* Good exercise to keep us healthy
* Fun activity
* Work out through whole body
* Can ploy to prevent heart disease
* Football field
• Increases aerobic capacity
* Great way to meet people and exercise with
* Promotes teamwork and sharing
• May get injuries easily
• Requires very little equipment

* Swimming pool
* Builds endurance and muscle strength
* Essential for other activities like diving
* Life saver skill
* May get Sunburned
* Can swim alone without companion

Tick (/) the correct answer.

(a) If Vincent wants to do exercise alone, which activity would you recommend
to him?


b) Some children at the field want to exercise together. Which sport would they
choose to play?


c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List A List B
Football is a sport that is he wants to build muscle
Badminton is easier for me meant to be played with a
to play because group of friends.
Richard goes swimming I have a brother who can
every week because play with me.
I learn how to swim it is a life saver skill.

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(d) What are the equipments that we need to play badminton?



e) If your father wants to bring you to exercise with him, which sport would you choose?



Question 24 and 25
Study the flyer and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

Fashion Hub Mall

Midnight Shopping is on!
Saturday to Monday 27-29 August 2016
8PM-12 Midnight
Set your clock and get ready for our special offers! Special Guest Stars

LIVE PERFORMANCES on weekends. Unbelievable! Discounts everyday!!

80 % Clothes 70 % Bags and Shoes 40 % Accessories

Free gift for customers with Fashion Hub’s member card!

Pride - Jesicca & Co. - DKMY - Roxistyle - MJ- Jason & Kiran

Free parking
8pm – 12 am

Sharon : Mum, have you seen the flyer about the midnight sale at Fashion Hub

Mum : No, I haven’t. Is there anything interesting?

Sharon : They are giving great discounts. They will be offering up to eighty percent

off for clothes and seventy percent discount for bags and shoes. Shall we
go this evening, Mum?

Mum : It sounds great but what are you planning on buying?

Sharon : It’s my friend’s birthday next month, maybe I can get her something.

Mum : Why don't you ask your Dad first?

Sharon : Alright, I will tell him about it.

Tick (/) the correct answers.

24 (a) Sharon and her family are at the midnight sale. They are entitling to

a free parking.
a free gift
A member card

[I mark]

(b) "Alright, I’ll tell him about it.” The word it in the dialogue refers to...

Sharon friend’s birthday.

the midnight sale.
The Fashion Hub Mail

[I mark]

25 a) ’They will be offering up to eighty percent off for clothes…’

What does ‘80 percent off’ means?



b) If your are Sharon, what will you get your friend for her birthday? Give reason to
support your answer.


c) Why does the Fashion Hub Mall give a free gift for customers with its member card?
Give reasons to support your answer.



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