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Joungchel Lee

Home address: 2802 Cedrus Court, Pleasanton CA, 94588

Phone numbers: 925-989-6673 (mobile) and 925-600-8485 (home)
OBJECTIVE: To pursue a career in semiconductor industry
Ph. D. in Physics, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA 8/91 ~ 5/97
Thesis title: "Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies of Wide Band Gap Semiconductin
g Materials".
M. S. in Physics, Korea University, Seoul, Korea 2/86 ~ 2/88
5/2006 ~ Present Principal Engineer Timbre Technology Inc (A TEL Company)
* Involved in OCD products development and marketing
* Developed a monitoring method for sidewall-transferred double-patterning proce
* Conducted joint development projects with major memory device manufacturers in
* Managed daily operations of engineers in Korea account
* Involved in sale activity and performed technical sales
2/2001 ~ 4/2006 Application Manager RD&E Division, Therma-Wave Inc
* Managed engineers to develop new applications and support customers in world-w
* Conducted application development projects with a major logic device manufactu
rer in US
* Developed OCD applications for evaluation of litho process and OPC
* Investigated the effects of resist leaching, water diffusion, and top coats on
resist profiles in immersion lithography using OCD metrology
* Developed OCD applications for the monitoring of critical dimension in litho a
nd etch processes
* Extended OCD applications to the litho tool qualification, spacer etching, and
silicon recess
8/1999 ~ 1/2001 Research Scholar Materials Research Lab., Penn State University
* Developed a dual rotating-compensator multichannel ellipsometer for in-situ an
d real time characterization of anisotropic thin films
* Characterized helicoidally sculptured thin films using the ellipsometer
* Designed and constructed a PECVD system to fabricate amorphous and micro-cryst
alline silicon based solar cell device
* Deposited and characterized amorphous carbon and diamond thin film
2/1998 ~ 7/1999 Senior Engineer Semiconductor R&D Division, Samsung Electronics
* Developed in-line process monitoring methods using optical and e-beam tools
* Evaluated and selected tools for advanced process control and monitoring
* Characterized optical properties of various thin film materials
* Involved in the development of various isolation processes for memory devices
6/1997 ~ 1/1998 Post Doctoral Scholar Materials Research Lab., Penn State Univer
* Developed a rotating compensator multichannel ellipsometer and applied the ell
ipsometer to the real time characterization of carbon and silicon based thin fil
ms deposition.
* Developed low temperature plasma process for high-rate diamond film deposition
* Developed a temperature measurement method on a thin film surface under a plas
ma environment
* Characterized silver clusters and metal thin films prepared by PVD
8/1991 ~ 5/1997 Research Assistant Materials Research Lab., Penn State Universi
* Characterized a series of ZnCdSe ternary alloy and multilayered structure prep
ared by a MBE
* Analyzed nucleation and bulk film growth processes of nanocrystalline diamond
thin films prepared by PECVD from CH4/H2 and CO/H2 mixtures
* Optimized diamond thin film growth process using CO+H2 gas mixture
* Characterized mirco-crystallinity of diamond thin films using TEM and Raman sp
* Evaluated the sp2 and sp3 carbon content on a series of diamond like carbon th
in films prepared by filtered-ion beam deposition
* Experience on set up in-situ and ex-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry system
* Experience on vacuum systems and various thin film deposition
* Experience on XRD, XRF, TEM, and Raman spectroscopy
* Modeling software development for ellipsometry data acquisition, analysis and
AWARDS: Xerox Award in Material Research (spring 1997)
* SPIE, Advanced Lithography Symposium, February 2010 (San Jose, USA)
* SPIE, Advanced Lithography Symposium, February 2005 (San Jose, USA)
* SPIE, Advanced Lithography Symposium, February 2003 (Santa Clara, USA)
* Workshop International on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May 2000 (Ann Arbor, USA
* Fall 1997 Materials Research Society Symposium, December 1997 (Boston, USA).
* 2nd International Conference for Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, May 1997 (Charles
ton, USA)
* 43 rd American Vacuum Society Symposium, October 1996 (Philadelphia, USA)
* Fall 1995 Materials Research Society Symposium, November 1995 (Boston, USA)
REFERENCES: Available upon request
Coauthor of a chapter in "Handbook of Ellipsometry"
23 published papers in academic journals and 3 invention disclosures
[1] Keisuke Tanaka and Joungchel Lee "Monitoring of critical dimensions in the s
idewall-transferred double-patterning process using scatterometry" SPIE 7638-104
[2] K. Huang, J. Lee, Y. Wen, and J. Opsal "Application of scatterometry f
or evaluation of lithographic process and OPC model generation" SPIE 5752, 536-5
45 (2005).
[3] J.L. Opsal, Y. Wen, J. Lee, and W.L. Smith "Real-Time optical CD metro
logy for litho process" SPIE 5038, 496-507 (2003)
[4] Joungchel Lee, P. I. Rovira, Ilsin An, and R. W. Collins "Alignment and cali
bration of the MgF2 biplate compensator for applications in rotating-compensator
multichannel ellipsometry" J. Opt. Soc. Am. 18, 1980-1985 (2001).
[5] Joungchel Lee, Joohyun Koh, and R.W. Collins "Dual rotating-compensator mult
ichannel ellipsometer: instrument development for high-speed Mueller matrix spec
troscopy of surfaces and thin films" Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 1742-1754 (2001).
[6] Joungchel Lee, Joohyun Koh, and R.W. Collins "Multichannel Mueller Matrix El
lipsometer for Real Time Spectroscopy of Anisotropic Thin Films," Opt. Lett. 25,
1573-1575 (2000).
[7] Joungchel Lee and R.W. Collins "Real-Time Characterization of Film Growth on
Transparent Substrates by Rotating-Compensator Multichannel Ellipsometry," Appl
. Opt. 37, 4230-4238 (1998).
[8] R.W. Collins, Joungchel Lee, P.I. Rovira, and Ilsin An, "Rotating-Compensato
r Multichannel Ellipsometry: Applications in Process Development for Nanocrystal
line Diamond Thin Films," " Proceeding of Fall 1997 Materials Research Society.
502, 23-34 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1998).
[9] Joungchel Lee, P.I. Rovira, Ilsin An, and R.W. Collins "Rotating-Compensator
Multichannel Ellipsometry: Applications for Real Time Stokes Vector Spectroscop
y of Thin Film Growth," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69, 1800-1810 (1998).
[10] Joungchel Lee, P.I. Rovira, Ilsin An, and R.W. Collins "Rotating-Compensato
r Multichannel Ellipsometry for Characterization of the Evolution of Non-Uniform
ities in Diamond Thin Film Growth," Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 900-902 (1998).
[11] R.W. Collins, Ilsin An, H. Fujiwara, Joungchel Lee, J. Koh, and P.I. Robira
"Advances in multichannel spectroscopic ellipsometry," Thin Solid Films. 313-31
4, 18-32 (1998)
[12] Ilsin An, Joungchel Lee, B. Hong, and R.W. Collins, "Simultaneous determina
tion of reflectance spectra along with {*(E), *(E)} in multichannel ellipsometry
: Application to instrument calibration and reduction of real time data," Thin S
olid Films. 313-314, 79-84 (1998).
[13] Joungchel Lee, B. Hong, R. Messier, and R.W. Collins, "Application of real
time spectroscopic ellipsometry for the development of low-temperature diamond f
ilm growth processes," Thin Solid Films. 313-314, 506-510 (1998).
[14] Joungchel Lee, R.W. Collins, V.S. Veerasamy, and J. Robertson, "Analysis of
Ellipsometric spectra of amorphous carbon thin films for evaluation of the sp3-
bonded carbon content," Diamond Relat. Mater. 7, 999-1009 (1998).
[15] Joungchel Lee, R.W. Collins, V.S. Veerasamy, and J. Robertson, "Analysis of
amorphous carbon thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry," J Non-Cryst Solids
230, 617-621 (1998).
[16] Joungchel Lee, R.W. Collins, R. Messier, and Y.E. Strausser, "Low temperatu
re plasma process based on CO-rich CO/H2 mixtures for high-rate diamond film dep
osition," Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 1527-1529 (1997).
[17] Joungchel Lee, R.W. Collins, B. Hong, R. Messier, and Y.E. Strausser, "Anal
ysis of plasma-enhanced CVD diamond film growth process from CO/H2 and CH4/H2 mi
xtures using real time spectroellipsometry," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 15(4), (192
9-1936) (1997).
[18] B. Hong, Joungchel Lee, R.W. Collins, Y. Kuang, T.T. Tsong, W. Drawl, R. Me
ssier, and Y.E. Strausser, "Effects of processing conditions on the growth of na
nocrystalline diamond thin films: Real time spectroscopic ellipsometry studies,"
Diamond Relat. Mater. 6, 55-80 (1997).
[19] Joungchel Lee, F. Flack, N. Samarth, and R. W. Collins "Composition and tem
perature dependence of the optical properties of Zn1-xCdxSe (0*x*0.34) below the
fundamental bandgap," Appl. Opt. 36, (5372-5382) (1997).
[20] Joungchel Lee, B. Hong, R. Messier, and R.W. Collins, "Nucleation and bulk
film growth kinetics of nanocrystalline diamond prepared by microwave plasma-enh
anced chemical vapor deposition on silicon substrate," Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 171
6-1718 (1996).
[21] Joungchel Lee, R. W. Collins, A. R. Heyd, F. Flack, and N. Samarth, "Spectr
oellipsometry for characterization of Zn1-xCdxSe multilayered structures on GaAs
," Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, (2273-2275) (1996).
[22] Joungchel Lee, B. Hong, R. Messier, and R.W. Collins, "Real time spectroell
ipsometry for optimization of diamond film growth by microwave plasma-enhanced c
hemical vapor deposition from CO/H2 mixtures," J. Appl. Phys. 80, 6489-6495 (199
[23] Joungchel Lee, B. Hong, J. S. Burnham, R. W. Collins, F. Flack, and N. Sama
rth, "Spectroellipsometry studies of Zn1-xCdxSe: From optical functions to heter
ostructure characterization," Proceeding of Fall 1995 Materials Research Society
. 406, 377-382 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1995).

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