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Australian Ideal College

RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Assessment Submission Sheet

Course BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management
Unit Code BSBINM501
Unit Name Manage an information or knowledge management system
Amandeep Singh
Student Name Hamza Anees

Student ID 20190051

Date Due 09/02/2020

Please read and sign this assessment coversheet and submit it together with your assessment to your
Assessor by the due date.
Student Declaration
 I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any
person or source.
 I have read the Plagiarism Policy and Assessment Appeal and Reassessment Policy in the
Student Handbook and I understand all the rules and guidelines for undertaking assessments.
 I understand that by typing my full name in the student field this is equivalent to a hand-written
 I give permission for my assessment material to be used for continuous improvement purposes.

Student Date
Hamza Anees 09/02/2020
Signature Submitted

Assessor Use Only

Assessment Items Result

Task 1 Assignment

Task 2 Project

Final Result for this unit

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been
conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of
assessment with this student, and I have provided
my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.
appropriate feedback
Signature Hamza Anees Signature

Date 09/02/2020

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Assessor’s Final Comments

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Task 1
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. You must answer all of the questions below, and include examples
where appropriate. Please ensure that you have answered each question with an appropriate level of
detail. If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to explain.

To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:

 You must complete and successfully answer all questions.

Question 1
Explain how you might identify the learning needs of others to ensure efficient and defective use of an
organisation’s knowledge management system.

Question 2
Explain three state or federal legislative requirements that need to be considered when securing human,
financial and physical resources for management system learning activities, and provide examples of

Question 3
Describe when organisational implications of new legislative requirements may fail the objectives
required to undertake a management system learning activity.

Question 4
When organising or facilitating learning activities, why is it paramount that information is shared using the
appropriate method of training?

Question 5
Describe how the support and promotion of an organisation’s management system learning activities can
have a positive impact on customer service expectations.

Question 6
What are the main objectives behind implementing and monitoring effective document management
system learning activity outcomes?

Question 7
Describe when an organisation might review its training activities to meet new business demands or

Question 8
Explain why an information or knowledge management system needs to be monitored for compliance.
List three laws relevant to the privacy and freedom of information when using an organisational system.

Question 9
Explain the importance of aligning and integrating existing data into organisational information systems,
and provide one solution for dealing with integration issues.

Question 10
When mentoring or providing information sessions or workshops on management systems, why it is
essential to collate information on an individual’s achievements and performance?

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Question 11
What recommendations might an organisation elicit from work colleagues in order to improve their work
group behaviours and performance output?

Question 12
Explain a contingency that may arise within an organisation’s management system. How will the
organisation monitor and address performance issues that have occurred as a result?

Question 13
Explain when an organisation may analyse the effectiveness and limitations of its management system
and when it may seek technical advice. Describe two components of the AAR.

Question 14
Why is it essential that an organisation refer to its organisational policies and procedure development
when reviewing its business and operational plans?

Question 15
Describe a legislation change and its implication on organisational operations. How might the
organisation ensure that its management system is dealing with this new change and its intended

Question 16
Read the case study then complete the three tasks that follow.
A US importer is a major supplier to several organisations. As part of their performance review they send
out a survey to all their customers in an effort to highlight any problems they may experiencing. It is only
after their customer survey feedback is analysed that the organisation is even aware they have a
problem in their communication system (specifically, their telephone service).
Management had assumed communication was sufficient and the information provided to its clients was
satisfactory. In reality, their customers feel frustrated when trying to get through as they are constantly
being put on hold and then still have to go through the main switchboard before being connected to the
area they need to liaise with.
1. Suggest three ways that the company could manage the problem with its telephone system.
2. List three ways you would assess the learning needs of the personnel who answer the phone.

Question 17
Consider an incident that has occurred, or may occur, in an organisation where information from the
KMS could not be retrieved for some reason. This may be a customer inquiry, legal request, managerial
request or personal reason. Using this incident report template, record the incident, actions and
recommendations you would make.
Date Incident Consequence Reported by

Action taken Date modified

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Modified by Job title Signed

Task 1
Question 1

I might identify the learning needs of others by:

- Having an understanding of the requirements of people at different levels of the
- Knowing when there is a need for a team member to understand and use a different
- Knows when there is a gap in knowledge around the use of a management system
- Understands and identify when there are gaps between what someone knows and what
they need to know to perform their role when using an information management

Question 2

Three state of federal legislative requirements include:

• Work health and safety (state and territory Acts)
Example: ensuring systems and policies are in place to provide a safe and healthy working
ng environment
• Equity and diversity (federal Acts covering discrimination across sex, disabilities and
cultural differences)
Example: access and equity for all levels and abilities employed (or likely to be employed)
within the organisation
• The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (federal requirements for the handling of personal
Example: dealing with employee and customer information within an information
management system

Question 3

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Organisational implications of new legislative requirements may fail the objectives required
to undertake a management system learning activity when there are faults in the plan or
procedure, lack of training for employees in this area and/or outdated information.

Question 4

It is paramount because:-
- So that priority is allocated to the training
- So the trainee understands organisational involvement in the training
- So all involved understand that there is a likelihood of future training, and
- In order to fully explain the extent of training required

Question 5

Support and promotion of an organisation’s management system learning activities can have
a positive impact on customer service expectation by:
• Helps to maintain processes
• Standardises customer service standards
• Allows for customer service feedback
• Maintains staff morale and public perception
• Eliminates problems around customer information
• Enhances customer relationships

Question 6

The main objectives are:

• To limit the policies to the key determinants of quality
• To ensure consistency with the vision, mission and values
• To consider legislative requirements
• To focus on assisting good quality decision-making rather than controlling
• To ensure required staff and managerial behaviour is included

Question 7

They might review:

• When assessing the effectiveness of the information system
• When reviewing business and operational plan and determining intended outcomes
• When analysing the objectives for the implementation of the system
• To meet new measures of health and safety improvements against policy
• When access by authorised staff and security has been breached

Question 8

This is so that best practice management utilises a mixture of technology and people. They
need to be monitored for compliance, especially around the use of private information and
public expectations around privacy. Improper or non-existent disclosure controls can be the
main cause of privacy issues.
Relevant laws:
• Communication privacy laws
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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

• Information privacy laws

• Online privacy laws
Question 9

The alignment and integration of data into knowledge or information systems allows the
organisation to establish who owns and controls what information. Therefore it is important
that information levels are established to assist in recognising the ownership and distinguish
the information content.
Solution for dealing with integration issues would be using proxy services. Proxy services are
an established technique for ‘hiding’ various incompatibilities. A proxy service is a software
layer that is designed to access heterogeneous components of a complex knowledge system.

Question 10

It is important in order to:

• determine if there is a performance gain/loss against historical data
• determine what future performance indicators need to be developed
• highlight organisational performance benchmarks to allow for true analyses
• collate information of an individual’s achievements that allows for mapping of any
shortfall skills gaps in desired performance
• allow continued monitoring and reviewing of an organisation’s work practices and
information system performance measures

Question 11

Recommendations include:
• Development of training and mentoring policies
• Improved effectiveness of data systems
• Encouragement of an environment of interpersonal knowledge sharing
• Implementation of after-action reviews (AARs)
• Staff involvement in the design of usable systems
• Improved in-house internet (intranet)

Question 12

The management system can be benchmarked against criteria and a determination can be
made as to the overall effectiveness of the system. The management system benchmarks
objectives can be reviewed to ensure the implementation of the system addresses
performance issues.

Question 13

When assessing a system’s effectiveness an organisation may need to identify the:

• number of entries
• time of entries
• location and time of use
• performance gains/losses against historical data
• data redundancies and relevance
• data errors
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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

• system or process speed.

Components of an AAR include:
• What was supposed to happen?
This highlights your organisation’s performance benchmarks to allow the analyst to gain a
true comparison. Were the benchmarks an accurate reflection of organisational policy and
• What happened?
This is a review that focuses on what actually happened. Did the process or action reach the
targets the organisation had set? Were the targets achievable and relevant? This allows for
mapping of the shortfalls in desired performance.
• Why did it happen that way?
If managed effectively, this step allows the review team to brainstorm, develop a concept
map and draw knowledge from the data. Both positive and negative aspects of what
happened are analysed.
• What did we learn from this?
This step allows for retrospective analysis and data mining. Critical knowledge gaps,
strengths and limitations can be quickly identified and assigned to the appropriate personnel
for further development.

Question 14

• There may be changes to policy and procedure.

• The change may be critical to achieving the organisation’s goals.
• Significant risks are involved.
• There are legislative or compliance issues.
• Standardisation or consistency is at risk.
• There is confusion about the best way to approach a task.

Question 15

New labour law may be introduced and it will impact the organisational human resources
and hence, operations. To ensure that its management system is dealing with it, the
organisation must ensure that information about company changes are communicated and
given as early as possible to enable people to contribute to change before decisions are
made. Lateral communication should be improved. Cross-functional links should be
developed, and staff mobility should be encouraged.

Question 16

a. Suggest three ways that the company could manage the problem with its
telephone system.

Ways to manage the problem are by asking questions such as:

• Review the system. Could a more-automated system be used?
• Do staff need training in the system?
• Is there adequate staffing for the number of calls?
• Do other stakeholders need training in the system?

b. List three ways you would assess the learning needs of the personnel who answer
the phone.
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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Look at the skills, knowledge and attitudes of all parties involved:

• Do they understand the system well?
• Do they have a training manual and/or quick guide to help them with the
• Are they confident in their role?
• Do they know the company policy regarding answering of phones?

Question 17

Date Incident Consequence Reported by

Hard disk drive failure on Some files not saved to the Ashleigh
24/1/17 individual computer network drive resulting in loss of

Action taken Date modified

Computer replacement 10/2/17

Training in correct file management as per company policy provided

Modified by Job title Signed

John IT Assistant John Tims

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Task 2
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. You are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by
completing a scenario-based project. Please ensure that you have answered each question with an
appropriate level of detail. If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to explain.

Scenario- BizOps Enterprises

BizOps Enterprises is a national retail business specialising in a range of exclusive products.
BizOps has over 150 retails, online and phone order outlets across Australia, and over 1300 full-time,
part-time, casual and contractual members of staff.

BizOps is committed to:

• providing high quality and innovative products and services to customers
• meeting the changing needs of customers
• offering innovative product solutions
• delivering speedy and personalised service
• employing professional and enthusiastic staff
• providing clean and ‘green’ products and services
• adopting sustainable work practices
• undertaking continuous improvement processes.

BizOps is known for its enthusiastic and inclusive culture. BizOps seeks to maintain professional and
well-supported staff.

You receive an email from Chang Lin, Manager: Business Operations

Subject: Information management key issues and recommendations

You have been the director of manufacturing for BizOps Enterprises for almost five years now, and
during this time you have relied on the BizOps database for key decisions.
Unfortunately, there has been a marked increase in the manufacturing defect rate of several of BizOps's
signature products. Due to this, a multi-million dollar sale to one of our most important customers is in
With the increase in new technology, the move to web-based reports has become inevitable.

I need you to write a report for the planning committee that addresses current information management
key issues and provides recommendations on how to better manage the BizOps information
management system (IMS).
To assist you, please refer to the Current information management issues and the General purchase
information management system guidelines, both provided below.


Chang Lin
Manager: Business Operations

Current information management issues

1. Too many disparate information management systems
2. Sharing of passwords and access into BizOps networks without permission
3. Issues related to employee privacy, security of company records
4. No integration or coordination between information systems
5. A range of legacy systems are in need of either an upgrade or replacement
6. No clear strategic direction for the overall technology environment
7. Limited and patchy adoption of existing information systems by staff
8. Poor quality of information, including lack of consistency, duplication, and out-of-date information
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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

9. No recognition and support of information management by senior management

10. No resources for deploying, managing or improving information systems
11. Lack of enterprise-wide definitions for information types and values
12. A large number of diverse business needs and issues to be addressed
13. Lack of clarity around broader organisational strategies and directions
14. Difficulties in changing staff working practices and processes
15. Limited learning opportunities
16. No contingencies for system failure
17. Internal politics impacting the ability to coordinate activities enterprise-wide

General purchase information management system guidelines

The general purchase information management system (IMS) gathers information on:
• purchase conditions
• the best supplier
• the possible cuts in purchase costs
• storage costs
• handling cost cuts
• the optimum order quality
• delivery terms and conditions
• training requirements for purchasing staff
• the purchase risk level.

The IMS also aims to provide market research information and field data based on an appropriate
Read the information you have been given. Present your findings in a word-processed report,
Include responses to the following tasks in your report.

1. Organise learning to use the information or knowledge management system:

(a) Identify the learning needs of relevant BizOps personnel, and planned learning activities to
enable them to use an information or knowledge management system.
(b) Identify the secure human, financial and physical resources required for learning activities to use
an information or knowledge management system, and how you would provide them.
(c) Explain how you will organise and facilitate these learning activities.
(d) Describe how you will monitor and document the effectiveness of the chosen learning activities.
(e) Explain how you will monitor the progress of planned activities and schedules.

2. Manage the use of the information or knowledge management system:

(a) Describe how you will ensure implementation of policies and procedures for the information or
knowledge management system are monitored for compliance, effectiveness and efficiency.
(b) Discuss how you will use correct application of policies and procedures for the information or
knowledge management system.
(c) Explain how you plan to address implementation issues and problems as they arise.
(d) Describe how you will adhere to commercial confidentiality.
(e) Explain how you will monitor integration and alignment with data and information systems and
ensure effectiveness of appropriate policies and procedures.
(f) Describe how you will collect information on achievement of performance measures.
(g) Describe how you will ensure the correct management of organisational records.
(h) Describe how you plan to manage contingencies, such as system failure or technical difficulties,
by accessing technical specialist help when required.
(i) Discuss the implemented strategies you will deploy for a diverse range of colleagues and clients
in order to build rapport and foster strong relationships.

3. Review the use of the information or knowledge management system:

(a) Explain how you will analyse effectiveness of the management system and report on strengths
AIC-UP- BSBINM501 –V3.0 Page 11 of 23
Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

and limitations of the current BizOps system.

(b) How effective are the current General purchase information management system guidelines?
(c) Describe your research method and how you critically analysed documentation from a variety of
sources to determine requirements.
(d) Explain the business and operational plan review process and how you determine its
(e) Provide your proposed knowledge management system outcomes.
(f) Describe the importance of taking full responsibility for following policies, procedures and
legislative requirements.
(g) Explain how you will encourage the BizOps team to take responsibility for planning and
sequencing complex tasks and workload.
(h) List the recommendations you will make for improvement to the current BizOps management
system, policy or work practices as appropriate.

To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:

You must submit:
• a written report Including all responses


Task 2
Executive summary:
BizOps Enterprises is a national retail business specialising in a range of exclusive products.
BizOps is committed to providing high quality and innovative products and services to
customers but unfortunately, there has been a marked increase in the manufacturing defect rate
of several of BizOps's signature products.The report addresses current information
management key issues and provides recommendations on how to better manage the BizOps
information management system (IMS).
The report also deals with knowledge management system which helping providing better
assistance their requirements. The report addresses CRM management system which helps in
conducting their records in an advanced ways. The report dealt information management
system that can be measured through KMS, KPI which helps in dealing with records in better
ways. The possible improvement can be raised which help in conducting such requirements that
are gathered in managing the effectiveness. It is also required for an individual to carry out
works which are needed in managing their effectiveness in a better manner.

The knowledge management processes maximize the valuable knowledge assets through the
different process such as collaboration, discussions and knowledge sharing. Apart from that, the
knowledge management process includes the generation codification for developing tacit
knowledge explicit which is quite similar to the database, rules and procedures. On another
hand the knowledge management process also improves the application, storing, mapping,
sharing and transfer. It has been observed that knowledge management process will make the
AIC-UP- BSBINM501 –V3.0 Page 12 of 23
Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

thing easier in BizOps Enterprises. It has been observed that information management system
helps to improve information storing, database management, mapping, sharing and transfer the
files of customers. Therefore the customer care executives can handle the old data of the
customers and serve them as well. The information management system in a BizOps company
is necessary as it helps in organising for managing the effectiveness. The information
management system is comprised of certain policies andprocedures which are carried by the
organisation for gaining maximum benefit. Customer relation management is maintaining by the
organisation for gaining the trust of customers.
The Customer relationship management system can help BizOps Enterprises in dealing with
customer relationship which is required in dealing with the new upcoming goals. The information
management system can help in collecting accurate data that are required for analysing the
necessities based on it further strategic decisions are made. Customers can provide their proper
input which helps the BizOps Enterprises in mandating CRS.The study focuses on managing
the information and knowledge system within the organization thereby relating it its major
components. Further, three members of the organisation are chosen for improving the
information system. Various performance measures of the management system are taken into
account thereby calculating their effectiveness to identify the results better.
Performance measures:

The performance measure is considered as an activity which ensures that the performance of
the employees can fulfil the requirement of BizOps Enterprises.
The human resource management often monitors and evaluate the performance of the
employees based on work target and timescale. They have converted the employee
performance into graphical form and understand the performance of the employees are going
upward or downward. It has been observed that market research team has implemented two
different data collection techniques such as qualitative and quantitative. The research and
product development team has implemented the qualitative research process by conducting an
interview with the managers of the other company. On another hand, they have conducted the
quantitative data collection by conducting the survey process among the respondents such as
customers, employees or any group of people.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is considered as a business matric which is used to evaluate
the factors which are crucial to the success of the BizOps Enterprises. KPI is generally net
revenue or a customer loyalty metric.

Implementation of policies and procedure:

To ensure the implementation of policies and procedure in BizOps Enterprises, the information
or KMS are monitored for compliance, effectiveness and efficiency by ensuring draft is created,
edited, vet through, agreed by all senior management. In order to use correct application of
policies and procedures for the information or KMS, this can be done by Consulting with major
stakeholders and going through all policies and procedures to ensure relevance and correct
application for the implementation of policies and procedures in BizOps Enterprises.

Key Issues in BizOps Enterprises:

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

There has been an increase in the manufacturing defect rate of several of BizOps signature
products due to the following management issues such as; too many disparate information
management system, sharing of passwords and access into BizOps networks without
permission, Issues related to employee privacy, security of company records, No integration of
coordination between information systems, A range of legacy systems are in need of either an
upgrade or replacement, No clear strategic direction for the overall technology environment,
Limited and patchy adoption of existing information systems by staff, Poor quality of information,
including lack of consistency, duplication, and outof-date information, No recognition and
support of information management by senior management, Difficulties in changing staff
working practices and processes, Limited learning opportunities, No contingencies for system

Address implementation issues and problems as they arise:

When implementing and developing policies and procedures for monitoring the organisation’s
information or knowledge management system, there are several main questions that we as a
manager need to ask:
• Where is monitoring required?
• What is most important to our organisation?
• What is happening and what should be happening?
• Is action necessary?
• What actions should we take?

Analysing and reporting on system effectiveness:

Performance measurement is generally considered as a regular measurement of the output of

the BizOps Enterprises. The regular output generates reliable data about effectiveness and
efficiency of the performance. The organization has considered the human resource, employee
time and financial resource as a main input of the organization. After monitoring process and
evaluation process, the managers have developed a report based on the performance
improvement or performance decrease. Therefore this report expresses the efficiency and
effectiveness of the system of BizOps Enterprises.

Key Solution for BizOps Enterprises Issues:

The report structure is based on the issues of the BizOps Enterprises and the experts also
provide a necessary solution based on that report such as providing a secure backup for all
records, developing policies and procedures governing regular backup of data, training at least
two personnel in the key elements of information management, encouraging staff to offer
suggestions to improve record storage, reviewing procedures to improve efficiency, surveying
stakeholders to assess their information requirements, Involving staff in system design, fostering
a knowledge sharing culture or by simplifying information storage requirements.

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Ensure systems outcome achieve business, strategic and operational plans:

It has been observed that the business plan of the BizOps Enterprises is based on the goals of
the organization. The marketing managers have identified the goals of BizOps Enterprises and
develop different objectives. The reason for developing objectives is that the managers have to
fulfil different small goals to achieve the desired goal of the BizOps Enterprises.The managers
have selected strategic plan and selected desire aim for the BizOps Enterprises. After that, the
managers have divided the aim into small objectives. Therefore it will be easier to fulfil small
objectives rather than a large goal.The planning and development managers have selected a
goal based on the internal analysis. After that, they have broken the goal into small objectives.
Therefore, the planning and development department has to implement a new strategic
plan which will fulfil the objectives.

It can be concluded that the information management system in BizOps Enterprises can be
raised which helps in conducting such records that are needed in managing the proper
requirements in an advanced way. The CRM helps in managing customer relationship because
it helps in conducting such records in better ways.It can be measured by using KMS for
gathering information. The performance of BizOps Enterprises can be measured through it as it
helps in conducting such records based on it the necessities can be gathered in an advanced
The improvement in data records is maintained as it helps in conducting such functioning in a
better manner. The data records and calculations can be done which are required in conducting
their needs in an advanced way. CRM can be measured that is required which helps in
conducting such necessities for retaining customers in BizOps Enterprises. The requirement
knowledge management system has been required in an organisation which is needed in
focusing their records. The integrated records can be managed which helps in conducting such
effectiveness which is required for CRM in an advanced way. KPI is another measuring system
through which performance can be measured in BizOps Enterprises. The data protection can be
required which helps in analysing the records which help in fouling on their functions in an
advanced way in the Company. It is also required for a BizOps Enterprises that helps in dealing
with new data as well as records for managing the effectiveness. The effectiveness of the
system has been recording that is needed in managing the basic requirements which help in
dealing with data management of the BizOps Enterprises. The KMS system can help an
organisation which is required in dealing with the capabilities to carry out the work in better ways
in BizOps Enterprises.

Knowledge management can provide organisations with a competitive advantage if information
is used effectively to create tangible and relevant knowledge. From an operational perspective,
senior managers need to ascertain whether the use of the information and the knowledge
applied is actually achieving the objectives set out during the planning phase. To do this,
relevant organisational benchmarks must be set and then monitored, controlled and reviewed
for effectiveness.
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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

BizOps needs to define some standard of problem-solving, so that leadership can effectively
direct others in the research and resolution of issues. The following are the key steps to be
taken by BizOps in solving problems include; such as, develop training and mentoring policies,
develop effective data systems, share Interpersonal Knowledge, Involve staff in the design of a
better system, Monitor Compliance, Setting up meeting, Assigning task based on teams
strengths, Develop team cohesion, Encourage participation, Communicating clear expectation,
Mutually agree on goal and tasks.

Question 1

There has been an increase in the manufacturing defect rate of several of BizOps
signature products due to the following management issue:
- Too many disparate information management system
- Sharing of passwords and access into BizOps networks without permission
- Issues related to employee privacy, security of company records
- No integration of coordination between information systems
- A range of legacy systems are in need of either an upgrade or replacement
- No clear strategic direction for the overall technology environment
- Limited and patchy adoption of existing information systems by staff
- Poor quality of information, including lack of consistency, duplication, and outof-date information
- No recognition and support of information management by senior management
- No resources for deploying, managing or improving information system
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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

- Lack of enterprise-wide definitions for information types and values

- A large number of diverse business needs and issues to be addresses
- Lack of clarity around broader organisational strategies and directions
- Difficulties in changing staff working practices and processes
- Limited learning opportunities
- No contingencies for system failure
- Internal politics impacting the ability to coordinate activities enterprise wide
Learning needs:
- Management of Information Management System
- New and upgraded IMS knowledge
- Web based reports
- New integrated system training
- Importance on system authority of usage
Planned learning activities:
- Training on IMS management
- Training on integrated system
- Training on web based reports
- Training on IMS policy and procedure particularly on authority of usage


Resource Requirement/s for the How to provide

Human • Internal or external trainer • Hire trainer
• Buddy or mentor while using • Create mentoring system
the system
Financial • Cost of training • Allocate financial budget
• Cost of downtime for trainer if
• Cost of downtime for trainee
Physical • Where the training will take • Allocate physical resources
place after
• Internal identifying the requirements
• External
• Resources required
• Telephone for simulation
• Training manual
• Policy guidelines
Time • Will training take place at an
allotted time? • Create schedule and timeline
• Will the trainee have a ‘buddy’
system for
‘on-the-job’ training?

I will organise and facilitate these learning activities by:
- Selecting and creating a team to plan and implement the learning activities
- Communicate the changes

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

- Monitor and provide resources to ensure successful learning

Some activities that I can provide and create to support learning:

Activity How the activity supports learning

Group email Identifies specific groups such as managers, line
accounts clerks, etc. An email could provide
knowledge relating to this area and examples
encourage workers in this area to use the system.
Email is
also cost-effective and quick.
Meetings Discussion at both formal and informal team
meetings will allow all staff members to
understand the new processes being put in place.
Intranet Advertising the changes taking place on the
company’s intranet provides information for staff
Flyers on noticeboards Advertising the changes taking place for anyone
who does not access the intranet ensures all staff,
no matter what their role, are aware of the
Information/training sessions If the system is a new one, group information or
training sessions could provide information on the
system and a demonstration of how it works


Monitoring methods include:

• using trainee feedback surveys
• using staff feedback surveys
• implementing assessment into the learner activities
• implementing staff reporting
• documenting staff performance after training
• implementing workplace observation
• storing and analysing learner records.
Monitoring tools and templates could include:
• plans
• agendas
• minutes that indicate review of program content
• resource materials
• delivery and assessment methods
• revisions
• other changes made to a learning activity indicating action taken to improve
its quality.
I would document the effectiveness by gathering data from the above methods and
tools/templates and create reports.


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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

I would monitor the progress of planned activities and schedules by:

- Regular meeting with the implementation team
- Regular feedback from key stakeholders
- Compare against planned timeline

Question 2

I would ensure implementation of policies and procedure for the information or

KMS are monitored for compliance, effectiveness and efficiency by:
- Ensuring draft is created, edited, vet through, agreed by all senior management


I will use correct application of policies and procedures for the information or KMS
- Consulting with major stakeholders
- Going through all policies and procedures to ensure relevance and correct


I plan to address implementation issues and problems as they arise by:

- Identifying the problems
- Brainstorming for options
- Mutually agree to a solution
- Providing support, resources and guidance


Commercial confidentiality refers to safeguarding the privacy of sensitive

information of individual firms (such as market position, financial health, or whether
the firm is receiving financial support). I would adhere to this by ensuring that
information are only accessible to those who are authorized.


I will monitor integration and alignment by:

- Setting up User Acceptance Test
- Getting feedback
- Making appropriate amendments
- Ensure appropriate policy and procedures are available to support and
consistent to the integration and alignment


Two performance measures that can be used are:

• key performance indicators
• other systems for collecting and reporting information, such as compliance
AIC-UP- BSBINM501 –V3.0 Page 19 of 23
Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

with policies and processes, training attendance and completion standards, and
customer service feedback.
Measures to record and monitor the achievement of these objectives may include:
• system performance measures (for example, down time of the system)
• compliance with legislation
• responsiveness to system issues
• efficiency of accessing information
• accuracy of information held within the system
• customer feedback.


I will ensure correct management of organisational records by:

- Providing awareness
- Providing training
- Providing a system to ensure organisational records are maintained, updated
and stored in a proper manner


I would do the following:

• providing a secure backup for all records
• developing policies and procedures governing regular backup of data
• training at least two personnel in the key elements of information
• encouraging staff to offer suggestions to improve record storage
• reviewing procedures to improve efficiency
• surveying stakeholders to assess their information requirements
• involving staff in system design
• fostering a knowledge sharing culture
• simplifying information storage requirements.
We could also manage contingencies by accessing technical help such as:
- Helpdesk
- Helpdesk outsourcing
- Product training and backup service
- Technical support
- Data recovery
- Complaints department
- Back up work


I would deploy the following:

- Effective communication strategy
- Treating everyone with respect, courtesy and sensitivity
- Take into consideration cultural differences in all verbal and non-verbal
- Use communication to develop and maintain positive relationships, mutual trust
and confidence
- Overcome language barriers by avoiding jargons, using easy and precise words
AIC-UP- BSBINM501 –V3.0 Page 20 of 23
Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

or translator

Question 3


I would analyse effectiveness of the management system by gathering data on the

system like a situational analysis of the strengths and limitations of the current
system. These data are gathered from the system users.


- Gathers information on purchase conditions, best supplier, possible cuts in
purchase costs, storage costs, handling cost cuts, optimum order quality,
delivery terms and conditions, training requirements for purchasing staff and
purchase risk level
- Able to provide market research information and field data based on an
appropriate sample
- Systems are abundant and are not linked to each other
- Users share passwords and access without permission
- No contingencies for system failure
In assessing the system’s effectiveness, I need to identify:
▪ number of entries
▪ time of entries
▪ location and time of use
▪ performance gains/losses against historical data
▪ data redundancies and relevance
▪ data errors
▪ system or process speed.


I would research as follows:

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Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

Data collection methods include:

Personal Input
 Reports, essays, white papers, reviews, narrative responses to KPIs

Fully automated
 Electronic data collection between systems, usually manufacturing or industrial systems that
communicate performance data in pre-set formats

 Collect, analyse and submit data


There will be a strategic review, followed by the operational plan.

I could review the effectiveness of the processes every three month review in the
beginning and then a twelve month review.


- Every person in the company has access to management and business

- Makes it possible for you to support new technologies easily and capture new
knowledge for future use
- Integrated system
- Due to the existing knowledge base, the employees can quickly find all the
AIC-UP- BSBINM501 –V3.0 Page 22 of 23
Australian Ideal College
RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756
Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938
Educating for Excellence Email: Website:

information they need

- Create knowledge base articles using the real-time HTML editing tools
- Facilitates IT staff members stay up to date on various, ever-changing
- Reduces IT costs without having to compromise quality service to internal and
external customers
- Improves staff engagement and communication
- Helps in delivering better measurement and accountability


It is important to take full responsibility for following policies, procedures and

legislative requirements:
- To ensure legislative compliance
- To ensure consistency
- To achieve standards set
- To achieve expected outcome
- To address organisational requirement


I will encourage the BizOps teams to take responsibility by:

- Setting up meeting
- Assigning task based on their strengths
- Develop team cohesion
- Encourage participation
- Communicating clear expectation
- Mutually agree on goal and tasks

- Improve intranet.
- Develop training and mentoring policies.
- Develop effective data systems.
- Share interpersonal knowledge.
- Involve staff in the design of a better system.
- Select a better system.
- Monitor compliance.

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