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Module 3
What I know

1. B 6. D
2. A 7. A
3. C 8. B
4. B 9. D
5. B 10. B

Activity 1
1. What are the rules in choosing a research topic?
-Interest in the subject matter.
-Availability of information.
-Timeliness and relevance of the topic.
- Limitations on the subject.
-Personal resources.
2. What are those topics to avoid in preventing you to have a clear focus on your research paper?
-Controversial topics.
- Highly technical subjects.
-Hard-to-investigate subjects.
-Too broad subjects.
-Too narrow subjects.
-Vague subjects.
3. Where can you find sources of research topics to create ideas of selecting a good subject matter?
-Mass media communication – press (newspapers, ads, TV, radio, films, etc.)
-Books, Internet, peer-reviewed journals, government publications
-Professional periodicals like College English Language Teaching Forum, English Forum, the Economist,
Academia, Business Circle, Law Review, etc.
-General periodicals such as Readers’ Digest, Women’s Magazine, Panorama Magazine, Time Magazine,
World Mission Magazine, etc.
-Previous reading assignments in your other subjects
-Work experience – clues to a researchable topic from full-time or part-time jobs, OJT (on-the-job
training) experience, fieldwork, etc.

Discussion of Activity 1
1. What topics you find most relevant in your daily life potential to research? Cite two issues.
-Teenage Pregnancy
2. How about a writing a good research title? Present (1) one good example of a research title and (1)
NOT so good title. Describe each.
-Impacts of Climate change

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What’s more?
Topic Climate Change
Sub-Topics Impacts of climate change, Factors affecting Climate change, most effective
ways to fight climate change.
What sub-topics are Most effective ways to fight climate change.
of most interest to
What new questions Will the actions we take today be enough to forestall the directs impacts of
do you have about climate change? Or is it too little or too late.
your topic? Will taking action make our lives better or safer, or will it only make a
difference to future generation.
What is the best thing that you contributed in the fight for climate change? Or
what are you planning to do in order to fight climate change.
Develop a topic I will explore the best ways to fight climate change, specially the things that we
statement should do in order to help in the fight for climate change.

What I have learned

In selecting a research topic, you have to brainstorm for ideas. Choose a topic that will enable
you to read and understand the literature. Ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is
available. Make a list of key words or and be flexible. Define your topic as a focused research question.

What I can do
Additional Activity
Topic Poverty
Sub-topic Causes of Poverty, Effects of poverty, and
Solutions of Poverty
What sub-topics are of most interest to you? Effects of Poverty
What new questions do you have about your -Do you have a permanent house?
topic? -Do you go to school?
Develop a topic statement I will determine the effects of poverty in people’s
lives and how do they survive despite poverty.

1.D 6.A
2.B 7.B
3.B 8.B
4.D 9.A
5.D 10.C

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What I know
1.True 6.True 11.False
2.False 7.False 12.False
3.False 8.True 13.True
4.True 9.False 14.False
5.True 10.True 15.True

Activity 1
1. What is Chapter 1 of a research paper and its sections that comprise?
Chapter 1 of a research is composed of the following sections: Background of the Study,
Statement of the Problem, Scope and Delimitation, and Significance of the Study.
2. What is the difference between a research problem and research topic?
A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a
difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in
practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation while a
research topic is a subject or issue that a researcher in interested in when conducting research.
3. What are the guidelines in writing statement of the problem?
In writing statement of the problem, we have to: understand the problem, show why it’s important and
relevant, establish your aim and objectives.
4. Why do we need to limit the scope of the study?
We need to limit the scope of the study because of lack of data or of reliable data will likely
require you to limit the scope of your analysis, the size of your sample.

Discussion of Activity 1
1. Among the titles you saved previously, which of those you think should be addressed? Kindly
elaborate further on this matter.
Teenage Pregnancy. This aims to know why many teenagers these days are getting pregnant.
2. With the above research topics you saved, identify at least three research problems for each and
explain why you chose them.
Topic A: Essays or reflections you have written from past classes and other activities you have taken or a
lecture you have attended
Propose Research Title: Teenage Pregnancy
1. Risky Pregnancy
2. Teenage Parents are more likely to be unemployed.
3. Pregnant Teenagers will more likely drop-out from school.
To study the effect of teenage pregnancy on teenagers, parents, education, and society.

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Topic B:

Life experiences
Propose Research Title: Maltreatment among Filipina Domestic Helpers Abroad
1.Many Filipina DH are victim of Harassment
2.Some are victims of sexual exploitation.
3.Low wages
To know the experiences of Filipina Domestic Helpers with the maltreatment they get from they’re
employers abroad.

Topic C:
Issues or problems observed in your surroundings
Propose Research Title: Effects of Poverty
1.Hunger and Malnutrition
2.Limited Access to Education
3.Social Discrimination
Reasons: To determine the effects of poverty.

What’s more?
1. Hi! I’m Tyron Dela Rosa and you are? How are you today? Shall we proceed to our business?
2. To get audience attention, introduce topic, explain its relevance to the audience, state a thesis or
purpose, and outline the main points

1. He is trying to hit the center of the target board. Just like is research your target is to produce new
knowledge or deepen understanding of a topic or issue.
2. In conducting research you have a target which is to make meaningful discoveries and share them to

What I have learned

1.Proposed Study
Effects of Teenage Pregnancy
2. What is the rationale or the background study of your chosen problem?
The teen pregnancy rate is defined as the rate of pregnancies (including live births, stillbirths,
abortions, ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages) of women under the age of 20. Research
involving teenage pregnancy typically looks at women aged 15 to 19, but may consider a broader
age range. For example, in Brownell et al. (2008) , teen pregnancy rates were also calculated for
12- to 19-year-old females, however the rate of teen pregnancy for females under 15 was very
low; the patterns were similar to the 15- to 19-year-old female rates and so only the latter were
reported. The factors contributing to teenage pregnancy included: lack of school fees, lack of
parental care, communication and supervision, poverty, peer pressure, non-use of
contraceptives, desire for a child, forced marriage, low educational level and need for dowries. In
addition to higher rates of postpartum depression, teenage mothers have higher rates of
depression. They also have higher rates of suicidal ideation than their peers who aren't
mothers. Teen mothers are more likely to experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than
other teenage women, as well.

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3. Describe the setting of where your study is to be conducted.
The study will be conducted in the houses of teenage mother.

4. Enumerate the terms or concepts that need to be defined or described to you and to the reader.
Live births, stillbirths, abortions, ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages, rate of pregnancies, and
5. Provide at least three related literatures as references for the concept of your study.

6. Determine the significance of your chosen problem.

The significance of this study is to deepen understanding of people especially young women to
the issue of Teenage pregnancy.
7. What is the general objective of the study?
To study the effect of teenage pregnancy on teenagers, parents, education, and society.
8. Who will be the beneficiaries? What will be their benefits to receive after the problem is solved or
the research is finish?
Teenage Girls. This research will educate young women to be more responsible with their
actions and to eradicate the rapidly increasing numbers of teenage mothers in the Philippines.
Title of your research:
Effects of Teenage Pregnancy
Purpose statement:
The researcher seeks to gather information to know the effects of Teenage pregnancy especially
to the life of Filipino Teenagers.
3. Central question:
What are challenges you have faced as a Teen Moms?
4. Sub-question:
Did you dop-out from school?
5. Other questions:
How hard is it to be a Teen Mom?

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What I can do
I. Background of the Study (Introduction)
The teen pregnancy rate is defined as the rate of pregnancies (including live births,
stillbirths, abortions, ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages) of women under the age of 20.
Research involving teenage pregnancy typically looks at women aged 15 to 19, but may consider
a broader age range. For example, in Brownell et al. (2008) , teen pregnancy rates were also
calculated for 12- to 19-year-old females, however the rate of teen pregnancy for females under
15 was very low; the patterns were similar to the 15- to 19-year-old female rates and so only the
latter were reported. The factors contributing to teenage pregnancy included: lack of school
fees, lack of parental care, communication and supervision, poverty, peer pressure, non-use of
contraceptives, desire for a child, forced marriage, low educational level and need for dowries. In
addition to higher rates of postpartum depression, teenage mothers have higher rates of
depression. They also have higher rates of suicidal ideation than their peers who aren't
mothers. Teen mothers are more likely to experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than
other teenage women, as well.

II. Statement of the Problem

This will study the effects of Teenage pregnancy to many young women in the
Philippines. Also, to educate people with this issue.

Risky Pregnancy- Teen pregnancies carry extra health risks to both the mother and the baby.
Often, teens don't get prenatal care soon enough, which can lead to problems later on. They have
a higher risk for pregnancy-related high blood pressure and its complications. Risks for the baby include
premature birth and a low birth weight.
Pregnant Teenagers will more likely drop-out from school.- Nearly one-third of teen girls who
have dropped out of high school cite early pregnancy or parenthood as a key reason. Only 40 percent
of teen moms finish high school, and less than two percent of teen mothers (those who have a baby
before age 18) finish college by age 30.
Teenage Parents are more likely to be unemployed.-Due to Lack of education it’s harder for teen
parents to find a job.

III. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is delimited to Teenagers who have been pregnant at their teens (12-19) years old and
living in, Badoc, Ilocos Norte.The subjects were drawn to the Teenagers who have been pregnant
and or have been a student on their teenager days and living in Badoc, Ilocos Norte. The study
focused on the extent of major causes of teenage pregnancy which are family, peers, community,
and church involvement, with the educational development of students and out-of-school youth in
Badoc, Ilocos Norte.

The perception of the teenager to the effects of major causes of teenage pregnancy were limited to
educational development only. This was the dependent variables of the study. The dependent
variables of the respondents indicate the effects of educational development among students in
school and out-of-school youth. These are teenagers who got pregnant and pursued their studies in

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spite of the hassle of having in the school and having a child to rear. There are also teenagers who
got pregnant tried to go to school and earned a vocation plus degree. While others did not. There
are also teenagers especially out-of-school youth who never have the chance to go to school after

IV. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to deepen understanding of people especially young women to
the issue of Teenage pregnancy.

1.True 6.True 11.False
2.False 7.False 12.False
3.False 8.True 13.True
4.True 9.False 14.False
5.True 10.True 15.True

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