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1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books,
student’s belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if these
areas for specific purposes are not present?

• Some books are found in the rear and are well organized.
• The teacher's instructional aids are well-organized.
• The chair and table are correctly positioned.

• Yes, it makes a difference if these spaces for specific functions aren't there, since if the classroom
isn't effectively structured, learners will be uncomfortable and distracted in their learning
environment. As a result, we must clean our belongings and organize them properly in the
storage. Because they are distracted, pupils will no longer listen to the teacher if the classrooms
are dirty.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules reinforce positive
• There are no rules and procedures posted in the room but the teacher herself always reminds the
students about the rules and procedures in the class. Students are aware of the rules so some of
them are not stubborn.
3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher is available, ask
him/her to describe the process. What’s the effect of student’s participation in rule-making on students
• I can tell that the kids are actively involved in the creation of the classroom rules because they
pay attention to what their instructor says. Only a few pupils do not always obey the guidelines,
but I believe they can be controlled.
4. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance, assignment of
monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?
• When the instructor enters the classroom, everyone will rise and someone will lead the prayer.
Following that, the good morning greeting will be given, followed by the checking of the kids'
attendance, and the teacher will always remind them to tidy their seats. the instructor checks his
or her students' homework, and occasionally conducts some warm-up exercises before
introducing the new lesson.
5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help in managing the
• Their seating arrangement is alternate the boys and girls.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

• When the noise level in the classroom cannot be controlled, the students' attention is drawn
immediately to the instructor when she begins to talk and changes her tone.
7. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource Teacher do? Describe
the behavior strategies used.
• When a student is off task, the teacher informs him or her that he or she is not following
instructions. If the kid continues to disobey, the instructor will issue a warning and take action.
8. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behavior? (Behavior strategies)
• When a student exhibits desirable behavior, the instructor rewards him or her with positive
reinforcement. The instructor will also offer positive words such as "very excellent" and
"wonderful" to encourage pupils to participate in class.

Reflection as a future teacher
1. What do you need to enforce positive discipline?
If a student misbehaves in class, the instructor must have a few strategies at their disposal
to decrease or eradicate the undesirable conduct. From misbehaving in class to failing to
complete given work, there are several strategies to deal with undesired conduct,
including punishment, discipline, and even the use of rewards. Positive discipline, on the
other hand, is the most successful approach for dealing with disobedient kids in the
classroom. Instead of employing punishment or rewards, positive discipline is a more
efficient approach to handle disobedient children in the classroom. It enables kids to learn
and adjust their actions to fulfill classroom standards while also teaching them how to
make better choices as they go toward maturity.


Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix

Aspect Of Classroom Management Description Effect on the Learners

(to be filled out after you answer the
analysis questions)
1. Specific Areas in the Classroom The particular sections in the The learners will benefit from the fact
classroom for grade 10 pupils that they will be able to easily discover
are that there are no objects the many tools they want, such as
exhibited in the classroom books and other resources.
save books on the shelves,
and that there is just the
teacher's table and visual aids
in the front portion of the
classroom. While there are
many objects in the primary
children' classrooms, they are
nicely arranged in the storage.
2. Classroom Rules There are no regulations for The effect on the learners is that they
both grade 10 and primary will be reminded of the rules so that
children, but the instructor they will not do any kind of act to
constantly reminds them of oppose any of these.
the rules and their
responsibilities in the
classroom. Because students
are aware of the regulations,
some are not obstinate.
Because there are rules to
follow, the students will be
able to control their behavior.
They will acquire self-
discipline as a result of this.
3. Classroom Procedures Students understand the The effect on the pupils is that they will
processes, and they are also feel more at ease and at ease in the
beneficial to their learning. classroom.
Because of the processes in
place, the kids' learning will
be more fruitful.
4. Daily Routines The daily routines are The learners' last conversation will be
extremely structured, and the renewed in their minds as a result of
pupils followed their this impact.
classroom's daily routines.
Before the class discussion on
the subject matter, the
instructor gives a brief
5. Seating Arrangement Their sitting arrangement is The effect on the learners is that they
alternating boys and girls, will be able to socialize with the
however they do sit on the opposite sex role.
floor on occasion.
6. Handling misbehavior/off-task Instead of scolding, the The effect on the students is that they
behavior instructor will first inform the will be able to see their own limits and
student about his or her become more conscious of how they
behavior, and if the student should behave in class.
still does not listen, the
teacher will issue a warning.
The learner will recognize
that his or her behavior was
incorrect, and he or she will
not repeat the behavior.
7. Reinforce of Positive Behavior Every kid who exhibits The effect on the students is that they
excellent behavior and excels will be able to strive hard to be
in class receives praise from excellent in class.
the teacher.

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behavior?
• Students will know what their obligations are and what you expect of them if you manage
your classroom efficiently. It also helps students manage their learning by providing a
regular daily pattern for your class. Classroom organization and routines can increase
student confidence and comfort levels since learners know what is expected of them in
different situations. Set routines are especially helpful when working with young learners
and teens that need extra support in regulating their behavior.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?

• When developing the classroom structure and routine, the teacher should consider the
effects on the pupils as well as the outcome, whether effective or not. They should
examine the size of the classroom and the amount of objects they want to place in it,
since there must be enough space to store everything safely so that children do not harm
themselves. They should also look at how cluttered the classroom is, since research
shows that youngsters cannot flourish in such an atmosphere. If the class ever has a cover
instructor, the routines should be simple and easy to follow, with enough time allotted for
each task.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?

• Engage the class in the process of establishing behavioral expectations. As the new
school year begins, instructors may be concerned about setting and enforcing what
children perceive to be arbitrary regulations. Students have more ownership over the set
of rules they live by when the entire class participates in defining behavior standards. In
addition, students are more inclined to keep one another accountable. This technique can
be extremely helpful with older pupils, notably high school students.

Reflect on the following and write your insights
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classrooms in the future. In what grade year level do you see
yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level Why?

• I see myself teaching a grade 9 student. I will follow the same routines as others, which
are extremely appropriate to my students. The following routines will be considered for
this level: First, I will begin my class with an opening prayer, hoping that my students
will participate and cooperate in my class. Second, I will check their attendance, so that I
know who is absent and who is late. Third, I will ask my students to clean and arrange
their chairs properly. Finally, I will ask my students about the previous meeting
discussion, and then I will ask him/her to give a brief explanation from the previous

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you
choose these rules?
• Rules:
• Ask questions.
• Respect and listen to your classmates.
• Respect and listen to the teacher.
• Raise your hand to speak.
• Be prepared for class.
• Be quiet when the teacher is talking.
• Be quiet when classmates are talking.
• Share new ideas.

• I picked these guidelines because I believe my students can learn as much from themselves
as they can from me. This helps my students to be motivated, to be confident in themselves,
and, most importantly, to preserve proper classroom etiquette and manners.
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

• Teachers foster a dialogue with and among students to set moral standards for the
classroom when they develop rules with them. This technique is beneficial
because it encourages student ownership in the classroom and accountability for
their actions.

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