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Article (a, an and the)

Pengertian article

A, an, and the (article) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk membatasi pengertian dari noun (kata
benda), menjelaskan dan menandai kata benda. Article juga diletakkan sebelum kata benda untuk
menunjukkan umum atau khususnya benda tersebut. Article (kata sandang) terbagi menjadi dua

a. Definite
b. Indefinite
a. Definite (the)
 The merupakan kata sandang yang digunakan pada definite article.
 The digunakan pada hal yang spesifik (telah dijelaskan atau telah diterangkan
sebelumnya) seperti person, thing, maupun idea. Contoh: I have a new book. The book is
very interesting.
 Kata ini digunakan sebelum countable noun maupun uncountable noun dan juga bias
digunakan untuk kata benda tunggal maupun jamak.
 Kegunaan dari kata the adalah untuk kata benda yang hanya ada satu-satunya di dunia
atau kata benda atau nama sesuatu yang sudah diketahui orang contoh the moon, the
earth, the world.the most stupid.
 The superlative degree of adjective and adverbs/ di depan superlative dari adjectiveand
adverbs. Contoh: the most beautiful, the biggest, the most interesting, the most quickly,
 The tidak digunakan sebelum:
- Nama orang yang diikuti huruf capital ( Sri rahayu, Aliando, Director of IAIM)
- Nama permainan ( football, badminton)
- Nama jenis pakaian ( jacket, shirt, skirt)
- Nama bagian tubuh (face, eye, nose)

Kata-kata yang bias menggunakan Kata-kata yang tidak boleh digunakan

“THE” di depan “THE”
Oceans, rivers, seas, plural lakes Singular lakes
Mountains Mount
Earth, moon Planets (Mars, Jupiter)
School, universities School or universities
Contoh: The University of Gajah Mada Contoh: Gajah Mada University
Ordinal numbers before nouns. Cardinal numbers after noun
Contoh: the first meeting, the second group Contoh: group one, meeting two
Certain countries or groups of countries Countries with only one word
with more than one word Contoh: Indonesia, Malaysia
Contoh; The United States, The United
Kingdom, The Central African Republic
Contoh: Euroupe, Africa
Contoh: California

There is a girl in front of the class. The girl wore boots.

The place that I just visited is cozy.

The president of Indonesia arrived in Jakarta yesterday.

The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in Asia

The English book that I bought yesterday was lost

Two little birds fly to the sky

I don’t need the Sun, the Moon and diamonds since I have you.

They eat the cake that you baked.

The woman who wears glasses is my sister

The house where she lives in is very nice.

I always look at the moon at the night

We are one like the earth and the sun

b. Indefinite articles
 Yang termasuk dalam indefinite article adalah a, an
 Kata ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan hal yang tidak spesifik atau belum pernah
diterangkan sebelumnya.
 Kata ini hanya digunakan sebelum singular countable noun (kata benda yang dapat
dihitung tunggal).
 Untuk kata benda yang memiliki bunyi consonant di awalnya maka menggunakan “a”
contohnya a book, a pen, a blackboard, a university, a ruler, a unit, a doctor
 Untuk kata benda yang memiliki bunyi vocal (a, I, u, e, o)d awalnya menggunakan “an”
contohnya an apple, an eye, an hour, an umbrella, an ant, an egg, an honest student


He goes to the swimming pool twice a weak.

Give me a piece of paper. I would like to write a letter for my mom

Intan buy a book for her brother’s present.

My mother eat an apple

She will go to a university in Sinjai next week.

Ani needs a pencil

There is a secret between Ita and Akbar

The Nun is a horror movie

I will sing a song for you

I have stayed for an hour


a. Fill in with a or an
1. Honest lady
2. Dog
3. Orange
4. Unit
5. Hour
6. Honorable man
7. King
8. Dictionary
9. Handkerchief
10. Bicycle
11. Eye
12. Ant
13. University
14. Idea

Fill in these following sentences with a, an or the

1. This is….. dog and that is….. cat

2. It is …… long story but it is ….. interesting story
3. My private English pupil is…… only daughter in her family
4. Wonderful, it is….. very good idea
5. ……… sun always resist from….. east.

Choose and put a, an, or the to the following sentences

1. It is pleasant to read…… magazine in ….. afternoon

2. Look at….. black board, please!
3. Can you sister play…… guitar?
4. My younger brother is in……. first grade of junior high school.
5. She has…. Rain coat and ….. umbrella
6. She has….. new school bag. …… bag is on the table.
7. He goes to school in…. morning and takes……English course in ….. afternoon
8. He tells us ….. story. ……story is very interesting.
9. Give me….. spoon and ….. fork
10. Bill is …… clever student. He is……. Cleverest among his friend.
11. ……. Man in Batik is my English teacher. He is ….. good teacher.
12. There is ….. old lady in …… waiting room.
13. …… sky is very dark when …… moon does not appear.
14. It is….. most interesting book I have.
15. I like …… dress that you are wearing.
16. …….. earth revolves around….. sun.
17. …….. Missisipi River is…… longest river in …….. world.
18. Do you know…….. man who shot…… old woman?
19. …… bird is flying high in…… sky
20. Hasan buys…….. toothbrush and comb.
21. ……birds can fly in…… sky
22. I like …… house in…… country
23. Take ……. Umbrella with you to …… coffee, it may rain.
24. There is ……. New car in front of the office. Car belongs to my friend, bro!
25. I see…… man and ….. woman in front of …… bank. Man brings….. big suitcase
and ……. Woman has …… very small hand-bag.

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