Name: Careño, Reyna D. Year & Section: Bsed Filipino 3: Lesson 1

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Name: Careño, Reyna D.

Year & Section: Bsed Filipino 3
Let’s Do It (ACTIVITY 3)
THE GREAT DEBATE: Analyze the arguments in favor or against the passage of the
Rizal Law in 1956.

The legislators who supported on the passage of Rizal Law

“Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo must be read by

all Filipinos. They must be taken to heart, for in their
pages we see ourselves as a mirror, our defects as well
as or strength, our virtues as well as our vices. Only then
would we become conscious as a people and so learn to
prepare ourselves for painful sacrifices that ultimately lead to self- reliance, self-respect, and freedom.”
Sen. Jose P. Laurel
“Rizal did not pretend to teach religion when he wrote
those books. He aimed at inculcating civic consciousness
in the Filipinos, national dignity, personal and racial pride,
and patriotism. In the course of his narration and faithful
portrayal of the situations in the Philippines as it then
existed, Rizal wrote some religious practices in the
Philippines during those days about the conduct and behavior of erring ministers of the church.”
Sen. Claro M.
The legislator who opposed on the passage of Rizal Law

“A vast majority of our people are, Catholic and Filipino

citizens, at the same time. As such, they have two great loves:
their country and their faith. These two loves are not conflicting
foes. They are harmonious affections, like the love for his
father and for his mother. This is the basis of my stand. Let us
not create a conflict between nationalism and religion, between
Sen. Francisco government and the church.”
Based on your analysis of the excerpts from the statements of legislators who
supported and opposed the passage of the Rizal bill in 1956, answer the
questions below. Strictly no erasures. (5points each Question)
1) Identify who are the supporters on the passage of Rizal Law?

Sen. Claro M. Recto and Sen. Jose P. Laurel are the supporters on the passage of
Rizal Law.

2) Why they supported the passage of Rizal Law?


They supported the passage of Rizal law because they believe that Rizal is a great
example of nationalism in the Philippines and was showed through his life and work. The Rizal
Law would benefit the Filipino youth in acquiring certain traits such as courage and
determination through Rizal’s example of patriotism which can strengthen nation building and
Filipino identity. Studying the life and work of Rizal also may serve as an encouragement to
every Filipino to have nationalism and to cherish the freedom which wouldn’t be possible without
the national heroes especially Jose Rizal.

3) Why did Senator Francisco “Suc” Rodrigo oppose the passage of Rizal
Because Senator Rodrigo was a devout Catholic and had close ties with
the Catholic church. Which explains to why he was opposed to such bill
to be approved. The major argument raised by Senator Rodrigo was, the
books of Rizal, specifically, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, were
written to directly attack and ridicule the Catholic church. He argues that
the books are clearly anti-Catholic.

4) What is Rizal bill?

Republic Act No. 1425, known as the Rizal Law, mandates all educational
institutions in the Philippines to offer courses about José Rizal. The full name of the
law is An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges
and Universities Courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly
His Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and
Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes.
5) What are the intentions/reasons of the opposers in blocking the
approval of Rizal bill?
The Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are very damaging to the clerics.The
novels were written when Dr. Jose Rizal, estranged from Catholic faith and religion and
contradict many of the Christian beliefs.To compel Catholic students to read a book
which contains passages contradicting their faith constitutes a violation of a Philippine
constitutional provision.The novels do contain teachings contrary to Catholic faith and
so, the Church is opposed to the proposed compulsory reading in their entirety of such
books in any school in the Philippines where Catholic students may be affected.

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