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ACTIVITY 10: (To be submitted on Saturday)



Terrorism – is the unlawful use of or threatened use of force or violence

against individual or property to coerce intimidates government or societies, often
to achieve political, religious or ideological objectives.


It is often difficult to distinguish the act of politically motivated

terrorist from violent acts performed by criminals or individuals in the society at
large. These acts create similar tactical-level problems for security forces, but
normally have no political intent or effect. Some criminal organizations, especially
drug traffickers, have become powerful enough to have vested political interest.
When they pursue this interest by acts of terrorism, they become a concern for
the military like any other political terrorists group.

The terrorists neither require nor necessarily seek political support.

Terrorist operations, organizations and movements require secrecy. Their
activities do not conform to the rules of law or warfare. Their victims are
frequently noncombatants, or symbolic persons and places, and usually have no
role in either causing or correcting the terrorist’s grievance. Terrorist methods
include hostage taking, hijacking, sabotage, assassination, arson, hoaxes,
bombings and armed attack or threat thereof.


The terrorist – understanding modern terrorism requires an

appreciation of the emotional impact that the terrorist act has on the terrorist’s
audience, people other than the victims. The audience must now act to respond to
it, therefore, media coverage is imperative to terrorist wishing to execute public
fear or to gain attention for their cause. To great extent, the terrorist’s desire for
attention determines his choice of tactics.

The role that the terrorists group perceives itself is playing also
determines its choice of tactics and selection of targets. Terrorism can be an
element of an insurgency or revolutionary effort when employed with other
military and political activities designed to gain autonomy or to supplant the
existing political system. Terrorism can be mere gesture used in isolation from
any meaningful political effort. In this context, terrorists frequently claim
affiliation with some vague cause or obscure political philosophy to give their
actions a veil of responsibility.
A terrorists group’s selection of target is also influenced by its
governmental affiliation. For some years, security forces categorized terrorist
groups according to their operational traditions, national, transitional-national and
Ease of travel and the growing tendency toward cooperative efforts
among terrorist groups distinguish mostly by government affiliation. This helps
security planners anticipate their targets and their degree of sophistication and
intelligence weaponry.


1) Non-State Supported – this terrorist group operates autonomous

receiving no significant support from any government. 2) State Supported – a
state supported group generally operates independently but receives support
from one or more government. 3) State Directed – in this category, the terrorist
group operates as an agent to a government. It receives intelligence, logistics
and operational support from government.


Terrorist events can be classified by their immediate objectives. A

terrorist organization may pursue one, some or all of these objectives. The
terrorist organization may establish its objectives and strategy or the government
supporting the terrorist organization may dictate them. In either case, the military
planner must identify these objectives and strategies in order to defeat the
terrorist organization and prevent it from attaining its goal.

1) Recognition – at the outset of the terrorist campaign, the objective

terrorists acts maybe national or international recognition of the cause. The
reason in seeking recognition might also include attracting recruits, obtaining
funds demonstrating strength.
2) Coercion – coercion is the attempt to force a desired behavior of
individual or groups or governments. This objective call for from a strategy of a
selective targeting which may rely on publicly announced bombing, destruction of
property and other acts which are initially less violent than taking human life.
3) Intimidation – intimidation differs from coercion, intimidation
attempt to prevent individuals or group from acting; coercion attempt to force
action. Terrorist may use intimidation to reduce the effectiveness of security
forces by making they afraid to act. Intimidation can discourage competent
citizen from seeking or accept position within a government.
4) Provocation – the specific objective of terrorist acts in this
category is to provoke over reaction on the part of the government forces. The
strategy normally calls for attacking the targets symbolic of the government.
Attacks of this type, demonstrate vulnerability of terrorist acts and contribute to a
loss of confidence in the government’s ability to provide security. 5) Insurgency
Support – terrorism in support of an insurgency is likely to include provocation,
intimidation, coercion and the quest for recognition. Terrorism can also aid an
insurgency by causing the government to over extend itself in attempting to
protect all possible targets. Other uses of terrorism skill in insurgencies includes
acquiring funds, coercing recruits, obtaining logistical support and enforcing
internal discipline.


Terrorist incidents may be classified to the tactics terrorist use. There

are many tactics, but generally each cell favors and specialized in the use of one
or two. The tactics establish a distinct identifying pattern of operation. Generally,
techniques used to analyze criminal behavior are also useful in analyzing terrorist
behavior. The study of terrorist behavioral patterns can reveal most about a
terrorist group. This information is helpful in implementing anti-terrorism and
conducting counter terrorism operations. A terrorist organization may use any or
all of the tactics below.

1) Assassination – assassination is a euphemism for murder. The

term generally applies to the killing of prominent persons and symbolic enemies
as well as to defectors from a terrorist group.
2) Arson – arson has the advantage of low risk to the perpetrators. It
requires only a low level of technical knowledge.
3) Bombing – the improvised explosive device (IED) is the
contemporary terrorist’s weapon of choice. It is inexpensive to produce and
terrorist use it frequently, due to the various detonation techniques available. The
IED poses a low risk to the trained terrorist. Other advantages include its attention
getting capacity and the terrorist ability to control casualties through time of
detonation and placement of device.
4) Hijacking – hijacking produces a spectacular hostage situation.
Although terrorist hijacking on trains, buses, ships and aircraft offer them greater
mobility and worldwide media coverage as a means for escape.
5) Hostage Taking – this is usually an overt seizure of one or more
people to gain publicity, concessions or ransom in return for the release of the
hostage or hostages.
6) Kidnapping – while similar to hostage-taking, kidnapping is
usually covert action and the perpetrators may not make themselves know for
sometimes. While hostage- taker seek immediate publicity for their terrorist acts,
news media attention. Kidnapping is usually less intense since the event may
extend over a prolonged period because of the time involved. A successful
kidnapping requires elaborate planning and logistics, although the risk to the
terrorist is less than in a hostage situation.
7) Maiming – maiming creates fear causes pain, but is not as
negative terrorist image as killing a hostage.
8) Raids – armed attacks on facilities usually have one or three
purposes: gain access to radio or television broadcast facilities, to demonstrate
government’s inability to guarantee the security of critical facilities and acquire
money or materials.
9) Seizure – usually involves the capture of the building or object
that has a value to the target audience. Publicity is the principal objective. The risk
to the terrorist is high because security forces have time to react of the attack.
They may opt to use force to resolve the incident since few or no innocent lives
may be risked.
10) Sabotage – the sabotage in the most sabotage incident is to
demonstrate how vulnerable society is to the terrorist actions. In the more
developed countries, utilities, communications and transportation systems are so
interdependent that a serious disruption of one, affects all and gained immediate
public attentions. Sabotage of industrial, commercial or military facilities is one
means of showing the vulnerability of the target. While simultaneously making
statement or political or monetary demands.
11) Hoaxes – any terrorist group can successfully employ a hoax. A
threat to against person’s life and those around him to devote more time and
effort to security measures. A bomb threat can close a commercial building,
empty or disrupt transportation system at no cost to the terrorist. The long-term
effects is “false alarm” on the security force are more dangerous than a
temporary disruption of the hoax. Repeated threat that do not materialized, dull
the analytical and operational effectiveness of security personnel.
12) Use of NBC Weapons – although nuclear device is beyond the
reach of all but the most sophisticated state sponsored terrorist group, a chemical
or biological weapons is not. The technology is simple and the cost per casualty
is extremely low. This makes such weapons ideal for those with little or no regard
for the consequence of their act. Fear of alienation from peer and support
population probably inhibits their use, but this restrains could disappear as
completion for headlines increases.


The terrorist group develops organizational structures appropriate for

the environment in which they operate. Since terrorist usually work in a hostile
environment, security is one of the primary concerns. Hence, they organize their
structure as:

1) Terrorist group is normally cellular.

2) They may organize into multi-functional cell that come several
skills into one tactical unit.
3) They may create a separate specialized cells that come together
for an operation on an ad-hoc basis.
4) Larger groups normally have a central command and control
elements with one or more subordinate elements.
Terrorist groups are strictly similar to the rudimentary military
organizations. However, in other group dynamics, egos, and philosophical
differences override organizational principles. Because of these internal
differences, members may take actions not consistent with their stated objectives.

In general, terrorist organization, specially those with little or no less

access to government resources, need a support structure like:

1) Leadership – leadership is the top of the pyramid. It defense policy

and direct actions. Leadership is intensely committed and may include
charismatic figures. If the group is state supported or direct, the leadership
usually includes one or more members who have been trained by the sponsoring
2) Active Supporters – active supporters are people who do not
actually commit the violent acts of terrorism. However, they assist the terrorist by
providing money, information, legal end, medical services, safe houses, and
forged, and stolen documents, Active supporters frequently agree ideologically
with some or all of the group’s goal, but not the use of violence.
3) Passive Supporters – passive supporters are more difficult to
define and identify. Most of them are sympathetic to the terrorist group, but either
will not or cannot assume an active role. Some passive supporters are involved by
intimidation or blackmail. Passive support may be unwitting, for example,
contribution to charitable cause or causes. The terrorist relies on passive
supporters for financial and public displays of support and minor logistical


In this section, the government policy toward terrorism and the

responsibilities of appropriate agencies within the national government shall be
discussed. It includes a brief review of the AFP programs to combat terrorism.
Following are statements that summarize the policies and

1) All terrorist actions are criminal and intolerable: thus whatever

their activities they should be condemned.
2) All lawful measures will be taken to prevent terrorist acts and to
punish those who commit them.
3) Host government will exercise its responsibility under
international law to protect all persons within its territories.
4) International cooperation to combat terrorism is a fundamental
tenet of policy. Treaties concerning aircraft hijacking, measures to protect
diplomats and denial of sanctuary to terrorist are included in any international


1) Legal Consideration – terrorist acts are criminal, whether
committed in peacetime or war. In peacetime, terrorist may be prosecuted for
violating the criminal laws of the country which they commit their crime. Terrorist
may also be subjected to the extra-territorial criminal jurisdiction of other nation.
They may also be subjected to universal jurisdiction by any nation for
international offence such as piracy.
2) Principles of National Program – no two nations or societies are
exactly alike; therefore, no two national programs for combating terrorism are
identical. This is because national programs exercise the values of the society
and government that create it. There are however, several principles common
than an internationally recognized insurgency, for example, the use of
conventional military forces (other than highly specialized counter terrorism
units) in a domestic counter terrorist role and lead to overreaction and abuse.
This would be counterproductive and lend support to the terrorist cause.

3) Policy – a government develop single, consistent policy, the

national leadership must express it clearly. The statement of policy address three
(3) audiences:

a) The Domestic Population – the terrorist attempts to

undermine popular faith in a government ability to protect its citizens. A
significant part of the government policy therefore, must demonstrate to its
citizens that their government actions are more detrimental to their well being
than the terrorist acts the government attempts to prevent.
b) The International Community – views the government policy
as statement of national resolve and commitment. It evaluates the policy for
consistency, with agreements, treaty, commitments, and adherence to national
and international law. To the extent the policy achieve this, the government
legitimacy grows while that of the terrorist diminishes. However, a strong national
policy against terrorism is meaningless without the resolve and the means to
implement it.
c) The Terrorist – are the third audience for national policy. In
general, terrorism is – at his time – a low risk operation. Bombings, hijacking and
assassinations offer terrorist groups a high probability of success and low risk of
capture or death. However, a strong consistent national program effectively
executed; can increase the terrorist risk. It can also separate the terrorists from
the populace, thereby denying their sanctuary, recruits, funds and support. The
terrorist evaluates the government program by comparing its public statements
with effectiveness of its policy.
d) Organization – a government cannot easily organize and
support a new system whose sole mission is combating terrorism, due to the
expense and degree of sophistication required, therefore, it usually employs
existing organizations.
e) Terrorist attack – a broad range of target which fall into
many different civil and military jurisdictions. Thus, no single element of
government can fully cope with all aspects of a nation’s terrorist problem. To be
successful, it is necessary for a government to orchestrate the activities of the
many agencies involved. National leaders must actively participate in this

One way to focus the national effort is to establish an office which

deals exclusively with terrorism. Such an office requires a mechanism for policy
coordination. A council composed of senior personnel from all government
agencies involved in the anti-terrorism program could provide this mechanism.
The head of the terrorism office should chair this council; ideally, he should
report directly to the nation’s leader.


The functions of a government program for combating terrorism are

similar to those for counter-insurgency. Chief among these functions are:

1) Intelligence – intelligence provides the key to both successful AT

and CT programs. A nation’s ability to recognize, analyze and move against a
terrorist threat depends upon the effectiveness of its intelligence apparatus. An
effective system of information exchange and control between the police and the
military should provide both organizations with essential current intelligence. The
police is normally have unit exclusive contact with general population than the
military. Thus, information concerning terrorist place, recruitment, and support
structure will normally surface from police sources earlier than from military
2) Security – security is the context of a national program to combat
terrorism includes both anti-terrorist (AT) and counter-terrorist (CT). Anti terrorist
(AT) programs are the most difficult to plan and implement because they require
active participation by all agencies and to varying degrees, the public. Counter-
terrorist (CT) on the other hand, generally involves only intelligence, police, and
on occasion, selected military personnel. The fundamental elements of an AT
program include awareness and physical security.

One of the defensive behaviors the AT campaign encourages is

physical security. This includes efforts to both physically strengthen and control
access to facilities which are likely terrorist targets. In brief, by developing public
awareness and implementing or enhancing physical security, the government
“hardens” the terrorist targets. This makes the terrorist task more difficult. More
importantly, it increases the risk of injury, capture, or death for the terrorist.

3) Information – in combating terrorism, the government coordinates

a variety of policy instruments, both internally and its allies. Informational
activities are one of the most important ingredients in a national security
strategy. Policy makers should understand how using informational assets could
strengthen the government standing in both world and domestic
public opinion. PSYOPS, public affairs (PA) and public diplomacy are all
informational activities. Each can play an important role in combating terrorism.
When government uses information to persuade, it is a PSYOP weapon. When it
uses information to discuss matters of public interest, it becomes a PA. When the
government integrates information into a comprehensive program involving both
information and cultural activities supporting a national strategy, it becomes a
part of public diplomacy.
In combating terrorism, PYSOP can contribute immensely to an
offensive strategy. It can help avoid collateral damage to the general populace. A
well-planned and executed program put the terrorist on the defensive
psychologically, forcing him into more predictable behavior. PSYOP integrated
with other operations helps separate the terrorist from their sources of support
and instigate rivalry between different groups.
Terrorist and terrorist group promote their actions through the news
media. To counteract this, the government must preempt the terrorist exploitation
of the media through rapid and accurate disclosure of their activities and
intentions. Only serious national security and operational requirements should be
allowed to alter the procedure.
Adhering to such full disclosure policy helps offset terrorist
propaganda. It may help turn public opinion against terrorist exposing their
cruelty and destructive acts. But a policy of full disclosure must also avoid the
release or exposure of counterproductive information.
Consistency within the national program and education of the
population and military forces combine to reduce the risk of terrorism. Unity of
effort and legitimacy are factors in any program o combat terrorism. But
leadership and effective management are paramount. No amount of training,
money or equipment can overcome poor judgment or inattention to deal in the
struggle against terrorism.


A well-structured anti-terrorism program is the foundation of any

effective combating terrorism effort. The basics of such program include the
collection and dissemination of timely threat information, the conduct of
information awareness program and the implementation of sound defensive
measure. Defensive measures include preparation and exercise of response
forces and procedures. . Because absolute protection against terrorist activities
is not possible, protection plan and procedures are based on assessment of the
threat and an evaluation of friendly vulnerabilities. The resulting plan should
strike a reasonable balance between the protection desired, mission
requirements, and the vulnerability of resources.
Army Combating Terrorism Program – within the army, combating
terrorism is one aspect of force protection. It therefore falls within the staff
responsibility of operations officers at all levels.
The Army designed its combating terrorism program to reduce the
vulnerability of installations, unit and personnel during peacetime, mobilization
and war. The Army’s program concentrates on developing a protective posture in
peacetime which can carry over war. The Army’s approach to combating terrorism
has two distinct but not separate aspects of anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism.
Anti-Terrorism – includes all measures that installation, units and
individuals take to reduce the probability of their falling victims to terrorist act. AT
includes these defensive measures that reduce the vulnerability of individuals and
property. The extent of these measures varies based on assessment of the local
threat. These include personnel awareness and knowledge of personal protection
techniques. They also include crime prevention and physical security program to
“harden” the target, making the Army installations and personnel less appealing
as terrorist targets.
Counter-Terrorism – includes the full range of offensive measures to
prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism. Other counter-terrorism measure
preemption, intervention, or retaliation with specialized forces operating under
direction of the NCA – have the characteristics of strikes or raids.

1. Definition of Terms

a. SIGNAL COMMUNICATION – is a method or means or a combination

thereof of conveying information of any king of one person or place to another
except direct communication.
b. Means of communication – a medium by which a message is conveyed
from one person to another.
c. Agency of communication – a facility which embraces the personnel and
equipment to provide signal communication by any particular means or
combination thereof. COMMEL, Division Signal Battalion.
d. Tactical Radio Sets – is the principal means of communication in tactical
units. It use for command, fire control, exchange of information and
administrative purposes between and within units. It is especially adopted to
rapid changing situation such as air ground ship to shore, air to air
communication. It is also essential for communication. It is also essential for
communication impassable terrain or in large wire and other means are
impracticable to install.

2. Means of Communication:

a. Wire - it is used as the principal means of communication in all military

units. This means of communication embraces all equipment used for laying
recovering wire, battery operated and sound-powered telephones, switch
boards and teletype equipment, when their use is authorized. The operating
range of wire communication varies, depending principally on the weather and
the condition of wire. Wet weather, poor splices, and damage insulation are
factors that greatly reduce its operating range.
b. Radio – this means of communication is the most rapid one. It is most
frequently used for maintaining command, control, contact and direction in
contact. The radio has one distinct advantage over other means of
communication. It has a relatively high degree of mobility and flexibility,
resulting from the fact that physical circuits are unnecessary to establish
communication between radio stations. The radio set is the only adequate
means of communication available in the fast moving situations, such as
armored attacks, amphibious operation, naval gunfire support, serial bombing
and strafing mission. The radio can bridge gaps in a wire system and can
provide communication across a terrain where the use of the other means of
communication is not possible.
c. Messenger – the use of messenger as a means of communication is
preferred over the rest when maps and classified documents are to be
transmitted to other operating units. Since time immemorial, messengers have
been used as a means of communication. It is no less important today as it
was in times gone by. It is the most secret means used by infantry units. Maps
and classified documents are delivered through this means. It also the best
means for the transmission of long messages over short distances.
D. Visual Signal – it is used to control the action of a small units. Over the
years, visual signal has been relegated to the role of an auxiliary means of
communication. Any signal that is received by the eye regardless of how it is
transmitted, is the” common sense” definition of a visual signal. Flags, signal
flares, and smoke signals have been used throughout the ages as visual
means of communication have been developed. These included light,
pyrotechnics panels and others. To be effective, the prearranged meanings of
these visual signals must be in the possession of each communicator before
their use. They are most effective during daylight or under conditions of clear
visibility. Otherwise, they are inefficient means of communication.
e. Sound signal – this means of communications is used primarily to
spread alarms. Normally, it is used to warn troops of an impending hostile air,
mechanized, or gas attack. Signals received by the unaided ear, regardless of
the method of transmission, are sound means of communication. They may be
transmitted by whistles, bugler, horns, weapons, and other noise-making
devices. Prearranged messages are transmitted through this means. They are
rapid means of communications over short distance but their effective range is
greatly reduced by battle noises. Like visual signals, they are not secure
means of communication. Their use may be prohibited for security reasons.


a. URC – 773M

1) Frequency Modulated (FM)

2) Transmission Range – 10 Kms (LOS)
3) Whip Antenna
4) Man Pack
5) Power Source – 12 VDC, 24 pcs BA – 30 12V Wet Cell Battery] 6)
Press to talk (Hand set)

b. PRC – 77
1) Frequency Modulated (FM)
2) Transmission Range 08kms (LOS)
3) Man pack
4) Whip Antenna
5) Press to talk
6) Power Source – 12 VDC, 20 pcs BA – 30 and 12V Wet Cell Battery
c. URC – 601

1) Handheld
2) Press to talk
3) Whip Antenna
4) Transmission Range – 3-4 Kms (LOS)
5) Power Source - 8 pcs BA-30

d. URC – 187

1) Amplitude Modulated (AM)

2) Transmission Range – 40 kms (sky wave propagation) 3)
Dipole Antenna
4) Press to talk (Hand Set)
5) Power Source – 36 pcs BA-30, 12-24V Wet Cell Battery 4.


a. Speed of installation– it is easy to establish than wire or other means of

b. Flexible – it is no fixed circuit are required to be constructed.
c. It provides communication across terrain over which it may be
impractical to install wire.


a. Lack of Security – radio is the least secured means. It is always assumed
that interception every time the transmitter is place on operation.
b. Subject for interception radio is less vulnerable to enemy terrorist
activity than wire, however, it is subject for interference from
precipitation and jamming to other station.


a. Radio Net – a group of several stations working together in the same

B. Call Sign – a combination of pronounceable words that identifies the
facility or station.
c. Individual Call Sign – this call sign identifies a single call to any station
within the net.
d. Collective Call Sign – this call sign identifies two or more stations in
particular radio net but not all stations in the net.
e. Net Call Sign – this call sign identifies all radio stations operating in a
particular radio net.
f. Call – a method of establishing communications whereby the station
calling transmits the identity of the station called as well as his own identity.
G. Pro Words – are pronounceable words which have assigned meaning to
facilitate transmission by radio communication.

1) Over - My transmission is ended and I expect a response from

2) Roger – I received your last message satisfactorily.
3) Out – My transmission is ended and I expect no response from
4) wilco - I will comply to your instruction.
5) Query – Clarification
6) Lima Charlie – I received your message loud and clear.
7) Say Again – I did not understand your transmission; request
repeat our last transmission.
8) Request Net With – Can I talk with Pfc Tolentino of Pfc Ramos.
9) Wait One – Request that you wait for a minute, I will call the
person you want to talk to.
10) Read Back – Read back the message you have copied.
11) Radio Silence – Cease transmission immediately, however, keep
on listening on the same frequency.
12) Break-break – stop your conversation and allow me to this net to
transmit for an urgent message.


A – Alpha I –India Q – Quebec Z - Zulu B – Bravo J – Juliet

R – Romeo
C – Charlie K – Kilo S – Sierra
D – Delta L – Lima T – Tango
E – Echo M – Mike U – Uniform
F – Foxtrot N – November V – Victor
G – Gulf O – Oscar X - X-ray
H – Hotel P – Papa Y - Yankee


1 – wun 4 – fower 7 – seven 0– zero

2 – ta-o 5 – fi yiv 8 – Ate
3 – Thu-ree 6 –SIX 9 – Niner

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