Speaking Test

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V Hello everyone.

Today we are going to provide some solutions to these

V: First, the serious problem is that more and more staff are taking medicine,
e.g. antidepressants because they feel highly stressed at work. They are often
sick or pretend they are sick and take days off work. We’ve got to do
something about it.  

ĐV: If they are sick, they have to show proof. But what if they pretend to be
sick to get a break? I think we should carry out a survey to find out why
staff pretend to be sick, or we should limit the number of days off in a week.
That’d help. At least we’d know what the problems are.

P: It's time-consuming.

V : I think we should definitely pay staff's subscription to the sports

centre. With good facilities, they will often come there. It would really help
staff improve their health. 

DV: It'd cost a lot, and attendance would be difficult to monitor. We

couldn't check each week to see if the staff were attending the sports centre. 

P: I'm not sure it's a good idea. In my opinion, we could hire more staff for
them, and give them an assistant. As you know, some of them even work on
the weekends. How about banning staff from working at weekends- that’d
solve the problem.

DV: Yeah, you're right. We should do that.  

V  I completely agree.

Phuong : Alright, we can move on to the next problem. 

P: The second problem we need to discuss is that many employees feel

uncertain about their jobs and careers in the company.They worry about the
future. They are constantly anxious and don't sleep well. Any suggestions,
  V : It might be a good idea to set up a counselling service . Employees
can go there and talk about their problems. After that, professional counselors
can analyze their worries and then give them some useful advices. 

DV: Excellent idea. In addition, counselors can help them overcome their

P: I completely agree.

DV: The last problem we discuss today is that some staff are stressed
because they feel they have no control over their work and they don't
participate in decisions. They say they feel 'worthless' and are not valued by
management. Can you give us your opinion, Phuong?

P: I think we can mitigate these feelings by communicating with them. We can

hold conversations where people can talk about their ideas.

V: I think I agree with you. In addition, we should reduce their workload and
offer them the opportunity to express their viewpoint.

DV: Oh, yes. I suppose we could do that. We should take care of everyone
because all staff play an important role in the company. 
DV: Are there any more suggestions?

P: No, I have no idea. 

V: So, I am going to summarize these solutions that we have chosen. First,

we should hire more staff. Secondly, we should set up a counselling service.
Lastly, we should reduce staff's workload and organize conversations for staff
to freely express their viewpoint. 

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