Global Citizenship Lesson Plan 1

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Grade Level: Kindergarten

Teacher: Mrs. Hammontree

Lesson: I am perfectly designed celebrating our differences

Lesson Topic: Global citizenship and celebrating differences

Content Standard:
W.K.1 I can write about something I like or do not like
SL.K.4 I can tell about people, places, things and events
SL.K 5 I can add details to drawings.

Assessment: Students will be assessed on how well they complete the worksheet and how they
present to the class. They should be able to share at least 2 things that make them different.

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to describe the characters in the story and talk about
how they are the same and different. Students will be able to write or draw about their favorite
things and share how they make us different.

Supplies: '' I am perfectly designed” by Krarmo Brown book or digital read aloud, all about me
worksheet, pencil and crayons.

Differentiate: I am going to make sure that some of my students who struggle more with
language arts will be paired with students who are stronger. This will give them someone to talk to
and feel more confident in sharing ideas. I also will allow some lower students to just draw and
verbally tell me about their pictures rather than write. My higher students will be encouraged to
write a sentence and draw a picture about their favorite things. And my middles will be encouraged
to draw and label their pictures.
Behavior: use bell to get attention, Remind students that they get 3 warnings and after that it is
negative dojo points. Also make sure to give dojo points to students who are on task and working

Time: 45 mins

Opening: Show the students the cover of the book.

Have a few kids share what they think the story will be about and why.
If they have not noticed, point out how all the people on the cover all look different.

Talk about the author:

He is an African American author.
His family is from Jamaica and Cuba
He has a son that he met when he was 10 and adopted his half brother too

Talk to the students about how families can be different.

Have a few share who are in their families at home.

Body: Have the students listen to the story “I am perfectly designed” read online by the author. (9 minutes)

Discussion after the story:

Look at the characters in the story. How are they the same and how are they different?
Do the people in the story remind you of anyone you know?

Talk about how we are all different.

We all have families that come from different places and celebrate different things.
Then pass out the worksheet (“all about my selfie”) Read each category and then let the students
work on the worksheet with an elbow partner if they would like. They can either write and draw or
just draw for some of my lower students.

Ring the doorbell to let students know it is time to turn in their worksheets and wrap up any
Have the students turn in their worksheets and share them with the class.
Have a discussion in a circle once everyone is done.
What do you think the author wanted us to learn?
What does it mean to you to be perfectly designed?

Teacher Reflection on lesson:

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