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everyone - good moring mam

all introduced everyone

eg hello my self XYZ

Everyone - we are going to tell you about drip irrigation

satyam - Now Amisha will tell u about What is drip

irrigation? and How does it work?
Amisha-Drip irrigation is the most efficient water and nutrient delivery system for growing
crops. It delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant's roots zone, in the right
amounts, at the right time, so each plant gets exactly what it needs, when it needs it, to
grow optimally. Thanks to drip irrigation, farmers can produce higher yields while saving
on the water as well as fertilizers, energy, and even crop protection products.

NOW how its works -this is our source of water the well from the well water is stored in a
tank. Stored Water and nutrients are delivered across the field in pipes called 'dripper lines'
featuring smaller units known as 'drippers'. Each dripper emits drops containing water and
fertilizers, resulting in the uniform application of water and nutrients directly to each plant's root
zone, across an entire field.

Why do farmers prefer drip irrigation?

The reason is simple. Drip Irrigation not only delivers greater product compared to other
irrigation methods, but it also gives farmers an efficient and simple way to operate their farms.

there are main 6 points for farmers preferring drip irrigation

 1st -Higher consistent quality yields

 2nd-Huge water savings: no evaporation, no runoff, no waste
 3rd-100% land utilization - drip irrigates uniformly in any topography and soil type
 4th-Energy savings: drip irrigation works on low pressure
 5th-Efficient use of fertilizer and crop protection, with no leaching
 6th-Less dependency on weather, greater stability, and lower risks


Why do plants prefer drip irrigation?

Just like people, plants like to get their water and nutrients in a balanced way. Nobody wants to
eat a month's worth of food in one day, and the same goes for plants. This is why drip irrigation
applies water and nutrients frequently and in small doses, ensuring optimal growing conditions
that helps produce the highest yields possible.


Why the world needs drip irrigation

By 2050, there'll be 10 billion people living on our planet, and 20% less arable land per person to
grow enough calories. Include increasing water scarcity, and it's clear why we need a way to
increase agricultural productivity and resource efficiency. That's where drip irrigation fits in,
changing the economics of global agriculture by allowing farmers to produce more calories per
hectare and cubic meters of water.

 It Reduces the impact of drought and climate change on food production

 Avoid contamination of groundwater and rivers caused by fertilizer leaching
 Support rural communities, reduce poverty, reduce migration to cities


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