Chap 21 Note

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I. Monetary policy
1. Theory of liquidity preference
State: the interest rate adjusts to balance supply and demand for money
Assume: expected rate of inflation is constant
 Money supply: assumed fixed by central bank, does not depend on interest
 Money demand:
+ Reflects how much wealth people want to hold in liquid form
+ Variables that influence money demand : Y, r, and P
+ Interest rate is the cost of holding money :
- ↑ interest rate → ↑ cost of holding money → ↓ quantity of money
- ↓interest rate →↓ cost of holding money → ↑ quantity of money
Active learning 1:
a. Suppose real income (Y) rises, what happen to money demand ?
 An increase in Y causes an increase in money demand, other things equal
b. Suppose r rises, but Y and P are unchanged. What happens to money demand ?
 An increase in r cause a decrease in money demand
c. Suppose P rise, but Y and r are unchanged. What happens to money demand ?
 If Y is unchanged, people will buy the same amount of G&S. However, P rises
so people will need more money, causing an increase in money demand

2. How the Interest-Rate Effect works ?

3. Monetary Policy and the AD

1. The Fed:
+ Use monetary policy to shift the AD curve
+ Conduct open market operations to change MS
+ Targets the interest rate: the federal funds rate

Active learning 2:
For each of the events below,
Determine the short-run effects on output
Determine how the Fed should adjust the money supply and interest rates to stabilize
A. Congress tries to balance the budget by cutting government spending.
B. A stock market boom increases household wealth.
C. War breaks out in the Middle East, causing oil prices to soar.
 Solve:
A. The events ↓C → ↓ AD + output
To adjust, we need to ↑C by ↑ MS + ↓r
B. The events ↑C → ↑AD + output
To adjust, we need to ↓AD by ↓AS + ↑r
C. The events ↓ AS → ↓ output
To adjust, we need to ↑AS by ↓r + ↑AD

2. Liquidity trap
+ If interest rates fall to around zero, monetary policy may no longer be
+ Since nominal interest rates cannot be reduced further
 AD, production and employment may be trapped at low levels
+ Tools:

II. Fiscal policy

State: Setting the level of government spending and taxation by government
Expansionary fiscal policy: an increase in G and/or decrease in T, shift AD right
Contractionary fiscal policy: an decrease in G and/or increase in T, shift AD left
Fiscal policy has 2 effects on AD: The Multiplier effect and The Crowding-Out effect
1. The Multiplier Effect
- State: the additional shifts in AD that result when expansionary fiscal
policy increases income and thereby increases consumer spending.

- Example: If the government buys $20b of planes from Boeing,

Boeing’s revenue increases by $20b.
+ This is distributed to Boeing’s
workers (as wages) and owners (as
profits or stock dividends)
+ These people are also consumers
and will spend a portion of the extra
+ This extra consumption causes
further increases in AD

- Also true for other components of GDP

- How big is the multiplier effect depends on how much consumers
respond to increase in income
- Marginal propensity to consume: fraction of extra income that
households consume rather than save

2. The Crowding-Out Effect

State: the offset in aggregate demand that results when expansionary fiscal policy
raises the interest rate and thereby reduces investment spending → reduce AD

Active learning 3:
The economy is in recession.
Shifting the AD curve rightward by $200b would end the recession.
A. If MPC = .8 and there is no crowding out,
how much should Congress increase G to end the recession?
B. If there is crowding out, will Congress need to increase G more or less than this
 Solve:
A. Multiplier = 1/(1-0.8) = 5
In order to shift AD $200b, we need to increase G by $40b
B. Since crowding-out effect reduces the impact of G on AD
To offset this, Congress should increase G by a larger amount (>40)

3. Changes in Taxes
Increase take-home pay → households respond by spending a portion of this extra
income → shift AD to the right
 Note: the determinant of the size of the shift
- is affected by the multiplier and crowding-out effect
- households perception
→ permanent tax cut – large impact on AD
temporary tax cut – small impact on AD

III. Automatic Stabilizers

 During recessions: GO collect less taxes, pay more unemployment &
welfare benefits → increase deficit
 During booms: GO collect more taxes, pay less unemployment & welfare
benefits → increase surplus

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