Manualofoperation 2014

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PSITE Manual of Operations

ISBN: 978-971-95389-1-2

Published by Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation Inc. (PSITE)

Copyright @ 2014 by the Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators
Foundation Inc. (PSITE).
All rights reserved. Published 2014. Printed in the Philippines

Over-all in-charge: Dr. Grace F. Tyler

Writer: Dr. Elizabeth D. Ramos
Editors: Prof. Roselie B. Alday, Dr. Randy S. Gamboa, Dr. Jaime DL. Caro
Cover Design: Dusteen Tuazon, BSCS Student - Systems Plus College Foundation
Layout : Alvin M. Caragdag, Faculty Member - Systems Plus College Foundation
Reviewers: PSITE National Board of Trustees SY 2013-2014
Editorial Consultant: Mrs. Marionette Martinez

The purpose of this document is to provide a clear statement of the vision, mission, and values of the

Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation Inc. (PSITE). This document provides the

framework that defines the organization’s policies and processes. It also states the officers’ roles, expectations, and

routine operating guidelines.

The compiled policies and procedures have been based on PSITE Articles of Incorporation and amended

by-Laws, PSITE Board resolutions, minutes of meetings, and existing practices. It is expected that all officers and

members will adopt this manual and become familiar with the information it contains. It is our hope that national

and regional officers and members will comply with the policies and procedures in this manual. From time to time,

these policies will be reviewed and revised as needed by the National Board of Trustees.

May this manual guide us and make us better leaders and members of PSITE. We wish all PSITE officers

and members success in all their endeavors.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Grace F. Tyler - Chair
Prof. Roselie B. Alday
Dr. Jaime DL. Caro
Dr. Randy S. Gamboa
Dr. Elizabeth D. Ramos


I am very pleased with the product of the long and hard labor poured by the framers
and developers of this PSITE Manual of Operations. It was indeed a difficult
task. But as Publius Syrushas said, “the sweetest pleasure arises from difficulties

It is my fervent hope that over the next years, the officers and members of PSITE,
national and regional, will be guided by the contents of this manual. After 15 years,
as we enter new chapters and challenging years for PSITE, I am continually seeing members who have the drive
and enthusiasm to pursue and attain the goals and objectives of the organization. This gives me a more positive
outlook and confidence that PSITE will be stronger as an organization and will have its own place towards nation

My sincere gratitude to the Manual of Operations Committee, chaired by Dr. Grace F. Tyler. Thanks too to the
officers and members of PSITE who, in one way or another, contributed to the manual.


Randy S. Gamboa, Ph.D

President, PSITE

Preface 3
The President’s Message 4
Table of Contents 5
I. PSITE through the Years 8
II. The Board of Trustees and National Officers 10
III. Planning Sessions and Meetings 12
PSITE National Board of Trustees Planning Sessions and Meetings 12
Regional Planning Sessions and Meetings 13
IV. Regional Chapters 14
Chapter Formation 14
Application for Chaptering 15
Local Chapter Creation and Naming Convention 15
Chapter Administration and Chapter Officers 16
Chapter Membership 16
Chapter Activities and Funding 16
Chapter Finances 17
Chapter Obligations and Reports for the Mother Organization 17
Grounds for Termination of MOA and Chapter Affiliation 18
V. Membership 18
Types of Membership 18
Rights and Responsibilities of Members 19
Good Standing and Expulsion of Members 19
Benefits of Enterprise Members 20
Benefits of Institutional Members 20
Benefits of Individual Members 20
Requesting for Certificate of Membership 20
VI. Fees and Dues 21
Annual Membership Fee 21
Membership Fee Increase 21
Initial Payment 21
Other Fees and Revenues 21
Sharing of Membership Fees 21
VII. Standing Committees 21
Different Committees 21
VIII. National Conference in Information Technology Education (NCITE) 23
The Organizers 23
NCITE Research Review Team 24
NCITE Preparation and Implementation 24
Sponsorship 25

IX. PSITE National Convention 25
The Organizers 25
PSITE Convention Preparation and Implementation 26
Sponsorship 27
X. Cascading of Information 27
XI. Financial Transactions 27
Membership Fees and Remitting Membership Share 27
Seed Money for NCITE and PSITE Convention 28
Requesting for Official Receipt 28
Preparation and Submission of NCITE and PSITE
Convention Financial Statements 28
Sharing of 10% NCITE and PSITE Convention Income 28
Other Regional Income 28
Preparation of Financial Statement for the School Year by
PSITE National Treasurer 28
XII. Accounting Period, Books of Accounts, and Reporting 29
Accounting Period 29
Inspection of Accounts 29
XIII. Amendments, Repeal, New By-Laws 29
XIV. Transitory and Final Provisions 29
Separability Provision 29
Effectivity 29


A. PSITE Certificate of Incorporation
B. President’s Address in February 2012
C. Evaluation of the 2011 Strategic Plan
D. PSITE National Board of Trustees SY 2013-2014
E. PSITE Oath of Office
F. Chapter Formation Memorandum of Agreement
G. Chapter Plan of Activities for the Year
H. PSITE Regional Chapter Officers SY 2013-2014
I. Sample Seminar Evaluation Form
J. Application for PSITE Membership
K. Request for Enterprise/Institutional Membership Certificate Form
L. Sample Certificate of Enterprise/Institutional Membership
M. Sample Certificate of Individual Membership
N. Sample NCITE Letter to Prospective Sponsor
O. NCITE Sponsorship Agreement
P. PSITE Election Guidelines
Q. Sample PSITE National Convention Letter to Prospective Sponsor
R. PSITE National Convention Sponsorship Agreement
S. Summary Report of Financial Collections for Enterprise/ Institutional/Individual Membership
T. Summary Report of Financial Collections for NCITE
U. Summary Report of Financial Collections for PSITE National Convention
V. Pictures of Activities


The Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation, Inc. (PSITE) is an organization
with four types of memberships, namely, enterprise, institutional, individual, and honorary. Enterprise membership
is for any private or government corporation, organization, association, society, group, agency, or office. On the
other hand, institutional membership is for any institution offering CHED or TESDA approved programs in
Information Technology Education (ITE) or Department of Education (DepEd) courses, or any private or
government IT training and/or research center. Both enterprise and institutional members shall have two authorized
voting representatives. Individual membership is for any teacher, researcher, trainer and/or consultant who utilizes
IT in the development and delivery of education. Moreover, any individual who practices IT and who expresses a clear
interest in IT education is eligible for membership. Honorary membership is awarded to individuals in recognition of
exemplary achievements, services, or philanthropy in the field of IT Education. This includes past Presidents of
PSITE provided they have not committed acts in violation of the rules and purposes of the Society.

The organization aims to promote quality Information Technology Education in the country through
workshops, seminars, industry-academe, benchmarking activities, and programs designed to benefit its members and
the academic sector in general. PSITE Foundation was granted the certificate of incorporation by the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC Reg. No. A199901393) on March 31,1999 (Appendix A). The official address of the
organization is within the National Capital Region.

The general objective of the Society shall be the promotion of quality Information Technology (IT)
Education. Specifically, the Society shall serve as a venue for the optimization and development of faculty
members, curricula, projects, research, resources, linkages, and assistance in policy formulation related to IT
education. Since its inception, the organization has been led by competent and dynamic IT academe/industry
professionals as shown below:

Year President
1998 - 1999 Prof. Fe Nuestro-Ferriols
1999 - 2000 Prof. Glenn L.Sipin
2000 - 2001 Prof. Leo Y. Querubin
2001 - 2002 Dr. Benito L. Teehankee
2002 - 2003 Prof. Ernesto C. Boydon
2003 - 2004 Dr. Jaime DL. Caro
2004 - 2005 Prof. Presidio R. Calumpit
2005 - 2006 Engr. Alex Y. Ybasco
2006 - 2007 Engr. Alex Y. Ybasco
2007 - 2008 Prof. Nancy M. Flores
2008 - 2009 Dr. Jaime DL. Caro
2009 - 2010 Dr. Randy S. Gamboa
2010 - 2011 Dr. Randy S. Gamboa
2011 - 2012 Dr. Randy S. Gamboa
2012 - 2013 Dr. Randy S. Gamboa
2013 - 2014 Dr. Randy S. Gamboa

PSITE has fourteen regional chapters, more than 100 enterprise/
institutional members, and 1,000 individual members. Each chapter provides
seminars and workshops, fora, tie-ups with industry practitioners, and
programs for professional, technological, pedagogical, and personal/social
development of its members. The national coverage of PSITE is depicted in
its logo.

The leadership of the current president, Dr. Randy S. Gamboa focused on a) Partnership, Education,
Extension, and Research (PEER), b) Peer-to-PEER, and c) PReParE for Organizational Development (OD). As
written in his President’s Report (February 2012), “PEER-to-PEER is like a big brother – small brother concept.”
The first PEER refers to individuals and institutions, helping one another to achieve a common goal. “The
second PEER is a mnemonic. It stands for Partnership, Education, Extension and Resear ch. The Peer-to-
PEER agenda address our triad function of Research, Curriculum and Instruction, and Extension and Linkag-
es” (Appendix B). Thus, he spearheaded the crafting of the Vision-Mission-Values written down as follows:

The premier national IT Professional organization transforming
the academic community that enables and sustains the growth
of a knowledge-driven Philippine economy.

We are committed to providing opportunities for the development
of its members through:

 Strong community and Partnership involvement with the education providers, industry, government,
non-government agencies, and international counterparts
 Dynamic and responsive Educational initiatives for an enhanced academic standard
 Relevant community Extension and immersion programs
 Aggressive building of Research capability and effective mentoring system

Service orientation
Passion for teaching and learning
Passion for lifelong learning

These statements were drafted during the operational planning held in Angeles City, Pampanga on April
28-30, 2011 by the PSITE National Board of Trustees, together with the Regional Chapter Presidents.

The organization’s PARTNERSHIP initiatives enabled PSITE to strengthen its linkages with government
agencies, industry partners, and educational institutions. Through the years, PSITE has been recognized as a
professional organization. PSITE officers and members are invited by the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) to sit as members of the Technical Panel in Information Technology Education (TPITE).

The organization’s EDUCATION efforts could be seen in the series of faculty development sessions held
in different regional chapters. Latest trends in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and strategies
for enhancing the pedagogical skills of the faculty are among the topics in organization-sponsored conferences
and conventions. The PSITE National Board of Trustees has also conducted international benchmarking
activities, including visits to universities and industry partners in Singapore (2012) and Hongkong (2013).
Furthermore, regional chapter officers conduct local and foreign benchmarking trips on their own initiative.

EXTENSION endeavor s of the or ganization ar e seen in the following, among other s:

a) development of an Information Technology Education or ITE Reference Guide and Practicum Manual, and b)
attending to the needs of PSITE members affected by natural and man-made calamities.

In the area of RESEARCH, a Research Manual was developed and distributed to the different regional
chapters. The manual is a good reference, not only to sharpen the research skills of the faculty, but also as a
teaching tool.

SY 2012-2013 marks the beginning of the “PReParE for Organizational Development (OD)” thrust of the
present leadership. Hence, this manual of operations is crafted for standardization and dissemination of policies
and procedures.

In May 2013, the strategic plan developed in 2011 was evaluated (Appendix C).


1. The Board of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as the Board) shall be the governing body of the Society and
shall manage its affairs. The corporate powers of the Society shall be exercised, its business conducted, and its
property controlled by the Board.

2. The Board shall consist of fifteen (15) trustees, each of whom should be in good standing at the time of
nomination and election. Nine (9) among them are national officers, while the remaining six (6) members are the
Board Members.

3. The term of office of the trustee shall be three (3) years. No trustee shall serve for more than two (2)
consecutive terms.

4. Five (5) trustees shall be elected each year during the annual general assembly, also known as the PSITE
National Convention. The top five (5) candidates during the election shall be declared members of the Board. In
case of a tie for the fifth position, the members present shall be required to cast their votes to break the tie.

5. The election shall follow the provisions of the Election Code formulated by the Committee on Elections and
approved by the Board of Trustees. The Board Members select the officers of the Society from among themselves
by secret ballot during the annual national convention after the election of five (5) new trustees. In case of a tie, a
re-election will be held by secret ballot.

6. An officer shall hold office for one year beginning April 1 of the year he/she is elected into his/her position and
until his/her successor is duly elected and qualified.

7. Should a vacancy arise in the Board, the President may appoint a replacement subject to the endorsement of the
chapter of origin and upon concurrence of the majority of the members of the Board of Trustees. The appointed
trustee shall serve for the remainder of the term.

The officers are as follows:

1. President. The Pr esident shall:

a. serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Society.
b. execute all resolutions of the Board of Trustees.
c. be charged with directing and overseeing the activities of the Society.
d. officially represent the Society.
e. preside over all meetings of the Board.
f. preside over all meetings of the general membership of the Society.
g. present, at the Society’s annual meeting, a complete report to the general membership on the activities and
operations of the Society during his/her incumbency.

2. Vice-Presidents. Ther e shall be Vice-Presidents for Internal Affairs and External Affairs and three Island VPs
(Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao).
a. They shall perform their respective functions and all other functions, which the President or the Board
may, from time to time, assign to them.
b. The VP Internal Affairs ensures smooth coordination between and among the officers, different standing
committees, and regional chapters. He/she also chairs the Election Committee.
c. The VP External Affairs participates in and nurtures broad networks of alliances with government agencies,
industry, other professional organizations, and other entities to forge linkages to exchange knowledge and
information in support of change initiatives.
d. VPs for Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao (or his/her designated representative from the Board) must attend
the annual chapter meeting and annual assessment and planning of the chapters under his/her jurisdiction.
They also serve as NCITE or PSITE Convention Chair, as the case may be.

3. Secretary. The Secr etar y shall:

a. record the minutes of the meetings of the Board and of the general membership.

b. coordinate the various activities of the Society.
c. perform any and all other functions which the President or the Board may, from time to time, assign to him/her.
d. keep track of the updated database of members for each school year.

4. Treasurer. The Tr easur er shall:

a. see to the financial well-being of the Society.
b. strictly monitor remittances of membership dues from chapters.
c. take charge of the funds, receipts, and disbursements of the Society.
d. maintain and secure the Society’s books of accounts.
e. present, at the Society’s annual meeting, an annual financial report to the general membership.
f. submit financial reports as may be required by the Board.
g. prepare and submit statutory reports required by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR).

5. Auditor. The Auditor shall ver ify the financial statements pr epar ed by the Tr easur er .

Being officers and members of the Board of Trustees, whether national or regional, is a voluntary work. Thus,
they do not receive any salary or honorarium. The PSITE National Board of Trustees for School Year 2013-2014
is shown in Appendix D.


1. PSITE National Board of Trustees Planning Sessions and Meetings

a. Strategic and Operational Planning
The strategic plan of the Society is laid out every five years. PSITE’s National Board operational
planning charts the roadmap of activities to be accomplished for the year. Normally held in April, the
session starts with a) an evaluation of the past year’s activities, followed by b) laying out the proposed
activities for the year, and c) presentation of the proposed budgets for the National Conference on
Information Technology Education (NCITE) scheduled in October and the PSITE National Convention
scheduled in February, respectively. This planning session is attended by the PSITE National Board of
Trustees and regional presidents. In this session, the oath taking of the new set of national officers also
takes place (Appendix E).

b. Midyear Planning
The PSITE National Board meets for a midyear planning session to present and discuss the
progress report on planned activities for the year. This is normally held in August.

c. PSITE National Board Meetings
Other meetings of the PSITE National Board of Trustees may be held as decided upon by the
body. These meetings may either be electronic or face-to-face. During NCITE and PSITE
National Conventions, pre and post meetings are also held.

Expenses incurred by the national officers and board members during planning sessions and
meetings are taken care of by the national organization, subject to availability of funds. Air and
sea transportation expenses are reimbursed accordingly. For land travel, an allowance ranging
from Php 2,000.00 to Php 5,000.00 is given as financial subsidy. Members of the National
Board of Trustees are encouraged to avail of the cheapest air and sea transportation.

Accommodation of Regional Presidents attending the national planning session is taken care by
the national organization.

2. Regional Chapter Planning Sessions and Meetings

a. Operational planning
Based on the output of the planning session of the PSITE National Board of Trustees, the regional chapter
officers meet and develop their own operational plan for the year.

b. Regional Chapter Board Meetings

The general annual meeting of the members of the chapter and the election of the chapter officers shall be
held after the PSITE National Convention but no later than the end of March of the same year.

Other meetings of the regional chapter officers may be held as decided upon by the body. These meetings
may either be electronic or face-to-face.

Expenses incurred by the regional chapter officers during planning sessions and meetings are taken care by
the regional chapter.

To date, there are fourteen active regional chapters.

Island Region Regional Chapter

Luzon 1 Ilocos Region
2 Cagayan Valley
3 Central Luzon
4 CALABARZON (Southern Tagalog Mainland) and
MIMAROPA (Southern Tagalog Islands)
5 Bicol Region
CAR Cordillera Administrative Region
NCR National Capital Region
Visayas 6 Western Visayas
7 Central Visayas
Mindanao 9 Zamboanga Peninsula
10 Northern Mindanao
11 Davao Region
12 SOCCSKSARGEN (Cotabato Region)

There are seven (7) regional chapters in Luzon, two (2) in Visayas, and five (5) in Mindanao.

Chapter Formation
It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to, at its discretion, determine and define
areas in which chapters may be established. The Society shall use the regional geographic boundaries
used by CHED. The Society shall establish and maintain a regional office wherever the services of such
an office are deemed necessary and can be financially supported by the Society. The National Board
provides monetary assistance in the formation of regional chapters.

Application for Chaptering
1. Interested pioneering members write the application letter to the President of the national organization
with the following attachments:
a. List of founding member schools;
b. List of individual members and the schools they represent; and
c. The name of the school that will serve as the seat of the chapter.

2. The letter is forwarded to the Chaptering Committee, which will review and make recommendations to
the Board.

3. Once the Board approves the chapter, the Chaptering Committee sends a letter of recognition signed by
the President and a Memorandum of Agreement (Appendix F) to the local chapter.

4. The local chapter is given one month to submit a plan of activities (Appendix G) and the Memorandum
of Agreement (MOA), signed by the Chapter President and Chapter Treasurer.

5. The Memorandum of Agreement will be signed by the President of the national organization.

Local Chapter Creation and Naming Convention

1. A local chapter may be created if it meets all of the following criteria:
a. At least five (5) founding members schools with at least twenty (20) individual members;
b. A Center of Development for Excellence in IT Education (CODE/ITE) school among the
founding member schools or a core of IT educators to spearhead the chapter;
c. Justifiable geographical proximity of the member schools/members (i.e. two (2) hours or less
travel time to the seat of the chapter).
d. One of the founding schools will serve as the seat of the chapter.

2. A local chapter will be named PSITE xxxxx Chapter where xxxxx represents the name of the

Chapter Administration and Chapter Officers
1. The administration of regional chapters shall be vested in the chapter officers.

2. The chapter officers will be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and
Auditor. In addition to the officers, there shall be two (2) chapter council members. The election of
the chapter officers shall be held after the national convention but no later than the end of March of
the same year. Just like a PSITE national officer, a regional chapter officer shall hold office for one

3. The number of trustees per region depends on the regional needs. The term of office of the trustee
shall be three (3) years. No trustee shall serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

4. Trustees shall be elected each year during the annual regional assembly, based on the number of
outgoing trustees. In case of a tie, the members present shall be required to break the tie.

5. Provincial/zonal coordinators are elected/appointed subject to regional needs.

The chapter officers for School Year 2013-2014 in the different regions are shown in Appendix H.

Chapter Membership
1. A member can belong to only one chapter at any time.

2. Prospective members shall apply for membership through the regional/local chapter where his
current residence and/or place of work is located.

3. Membership fees will be collected following the mother organization’s membership classification.

4. A chapter member shall automatically become a national member.

5. Members expelled by the national organization shall be considered expelled by all chapters.
Similarly, members expelled by chapters shall be considered expelled by the national organization.

Chapter Activities and Funding

1. The chapter shall undertake activities like seminars and workshops aligned with PSITE national
agenda. A sample seminar evaluation form is presented on Appendix I.

2. The chapter shall be able to fund the activities from the fees collected from its members.

3. A chapter must hold at least two (2) faculty development activities per semester, which will follow
the national organization’s program format, which includes technical and non-technical sessions.

4. Collection of membership fees will be based on the national organization’s definition/description of


5. Initial seed fund of Php 10,000.00 will be given by the national organization to the chapter.

6. The chapter will remit thirty percent (30%) of all the membership fees collected by the chapter to
the National Treasurer.

Chapter Finances
1. The Chapter Treasurer requests for blank official receipts from the National Treasurer.

2. The receipt is issued to members upon payment of PSITE membership fees and seminar dues
The receipt cannot be used for activities of other organizations/associations.

3. The Chapter Treasurer remits thirty percent (30%) of all membership dues, inclusive of enterprise,
institutional, and individual dues to the National Treasurer. Collections should be remitted on a
quarterly basis (June, September, December, and March of the school year) by depositing the
amount to PSITE national bank account. This is needed for the issuance of institutional certificates,
which are issued one month after the remittance.

4. During the PSITE National Convention, the Chapter President presents a written accomplishment
report, together with the financial standing of the chapter, duly audited by the Chapter Auditor.

5. The Chapter Treasurer surrenders used receipts to the National Treasurer upon request of another
set of blank receipts.

Chapter Obligations and Reports for the National Organization

1. Each new chapter shall submit the plan of activities for the year, using the prescribed template,
within one month from the time the chapter has been accepted.

2. Each chapter shall submit the following annual reports to the national organization’s Board of
Trustees on or before the first day of the PSITE Annual Convention:
a. Financial report prepared by the Chapter Treasurer and audited by the Chapter Auditor;
b. List of members, classified properly according to the national organization’s classification.
The list must include status of the members (i.e. in good standing, inactive, etc.)
c. Year-end report that includes the undertaken activities and evaluation/assessment of each
activity and the financial standing of the organization.

3. Each chapter shall be represented by at least ten (10) members in the PSITE Annual National

Grounds for Termination of MOA and Chapter Affiliation

The following shall be considered grounds for termination of MOA and chapter affiliation:
1. Failure to comply with the following requirements of the national organization in chaptering
a. Remitting thirty percent (30%) of the membership fees collected by the chapter.
b. Submitting the plan of activities for the year, using the prescribed template, within one month
from the time the chapter has been accepted.
c. Representing the chapter in the PSITE Annual National Convention by at least ten (10)

2. Proven use of PSITE’s name in illegal or unlawful transactions.

3. Use of the national organization’s and/or the local chapter’s names for purposes other than what
are stated in the constitution and by-laws.

4. Proven neglect of work as manifested by any of the following:

a. consistent membership decline;
b. complaints from chapter members proven valid by the Board of Trustees; and
c. refusal by the chapter trustees to follow recommendations of the national organization.

5. Fabricating untruthful plan of activities, list of members, financial reports, and year-end reports.

Types of membership
The Society shall have four (4) types of members: enterprise members, institutional members,
individual members, and honorary members. Membership in the Society shall be solely through
membership in a specific regional chapter.

1. Enterprise Membership. Any pr ivate or gover nment cor por ation, or ganization,
association, society, group, agency, or office that has expressed interest in Information
Technology (IT) Education is eligible for enterprise membership. An enterprise member shall
have two (2) authorized voting representatives.

2. Institutional Membership. Any institution offer ing Commission on Higher Education

(CHED) or Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) approved
programs in Information Technology Education (ITE) or any institution under Department of
Education (DepEd) is eligible for institutional membership. Any private or government IT
training and/or research center is eligible for institutional membership. An institutional
member shall have two (2) authorized voting representatives.

3. Individual Membership. Any teacher , r esear cher , tr ainor , and/or consultant who utilizes IT in
the development and delivery of education is eligible for membership. Any individual who practices IT
and who expresses a clear interest in IT education is eligible for membership.

4. Honorary Membership. In r ecognition of exemplar y achievements, ser vices or philanthr opy in

the field of IT Education, an individual may be conferred a non-voting honorary membership upon
nomination by a chapter and approval by the Board of Trustees. A President of PSITE, provided he/she
has not committed acts in violation of the rules and purposes of the Society, shall be automatically
conferred honorary membership at the end of his/her term of office. He/she shall retain his/her voting
rights as individual member.

The form for the application for PSITE membership can be found in Appendix J.

Rights and Responsibilities of Members

1. Enterprise, institutional, and individual members have the right to vote on all matters relating to the
affairs of the Society. Each enterprise or institutional member is entitled to two (2) votes, while each
individual member is entitled to one (1) vote.

2. A past President of PSITE, who has been conferred honorary membership status, shall be eligible for
election or appointment to any office of the Society.

3. Individual and authorized representatives of enterprise and/or institutional members are eligible for
election or appointment to any office of the Society. All members have the right to attend and
participate in all the general meetings of the Society.

4. Institutional, individual, and enterprise members shall pay membership dues.

5. All members shall obey and comply with the by-laws, rules, and regulations that may be promulgated
by the Society from time to time.

Good Standing and Expulsion of Members

1. An individual member or institutional member representative or enterprise member representative who
pays all dues and has attended at least two formal activities (chapter or national) as certified by the
chapter or National Board and has not committed any act in violation of the rules and purposes of the
Society shall be considered a member in good standing.

2. A member who has not been in good standing for three (3) consecutive years may be considered for

Benefits of Enterprise Members
Enterprise members enjoy the following benefits:
1. Venue for supply of on-the-job training students
2. Venue for supply of prospective applicants
3. Avenue for product and technological presentation
4. Customized training package for employee skill upgrade

Benefits of Institutional Members

Institutional members enjoy the following benefits:
1. Opportunity to attend conventions and seminar workshops for any two representatives from the
2. Access to curriculum and instructional materials
3. Avenue for research forum
4. Opportunity to join immersion trips
5. Tie-up with software industry partners
6. Tie-up with other IT academic programs
7. Participation in various fora for knowledge exchange

Benefits of Individual Members

Individual members enjoy the following benefits:
1. Opportunity to attend conventions and seminar workshops
2. Access to curriculum and instructional materials
3. Avenue for research forum
4. Opportunity to join immersion trips
5. Participation in various fora for knowledge exchange

Requesting for Certificate of Membership

Enterprise/Institutional Members
1. The member requests the Chapter President for certificate of membership.
2. The Chapter President ensures that the thirty per cent (30%) of the enterprise/institutional membership
dues was remitted to the National Treasurer.
3. The Chapter President forwards the request to the National Secretary, together with a certification that
the enterprise/institutional member has paid the membership fee for the year. Appendix K presents the
request for enterprise/institutional certificate form.
4. The National Secretary prepares the certificate of membership. The National President signs the
certificate of membership.
5. The National Secretary issues the certificate of membership to the member.
A sample certificate of enterprise/institutional membership is shown on Appendix L.

Individual Members
1. The member requests the Chapter President for certificate of membership.
2. The Chapter Secretary prepares the certificate of membership, which is signed by the Chapter President.
3. The Chapter Secretary issues the certificate of membership to the member.

Appendix M shows a sample certificate of individual membership.
Annual Membership Fee
1. An enterprise member shall pay an annual membership fee of Php 5,000.00.
2. An institutional member shall pay an annual membership fee of Php 3,000.00.
3. An individual member shall pay an annual membership fee of Php 500.00.
4. No membership fee will be charged for honorary membership.

Membership Fee Increase

Any fee increase shall occur at most only once in a fiscal year and must be ratified by the members of the
Society in general assembly before implementation.

Initial Payment
A new member shall pay his initial membership fee within the fiscal year (April 1-March 31) in which his
application for membership is approved. The fee paid shall be construed as payment for the said fiscal year
only, regardless of the part of the calendar or fiscal year in which the fee is paid.

Other Fees and Revenues

1. Special contributions or assessments may be required as occasions demand and as the National
Board of Trustees may direct.

2. Net income from organized activities generated by a chapter shall be subject to revenue sharing
between the national organization and regional chapter. Ten per cent (10%) of the income shall be
remitted to the national organization. The fund shall be used for faculty development.

Sharing of Membership Fees

1. Thirty percent (30%) of all membership fees collected by a chapter shall be remitted to the
National Board of Trustees.

2. A chapter shall issue an official receipt for every membership fee collected.


1. The Society shall have 10 standing committees: Membership, Elections, Faculty Development,
Publications, Ways and Means, External Affairs, Programs, Research, Extension/Outreach, and
Special Interest Group on Basic Education.

2. Each committee shall have a chairman appointed by the President upon concurrence of the majority of
the members of Board of Trustees.

3. A member of the Board of Trustees may be appointed chairman of a committee.

4. A committee shall have at least three members to be appointed by and inclusive of the chairman.

Committee Guidelines
1. Membership
The committee shall screen applications for membership. Based on the membership rules current at the
time, the committee shall recommend to the Board of Trustees acceptance or rejection of an application.
The committee shall also be responsible for the maintenance and administration of the roster of
members. The committee, headed by the Regional Secretary, shall also be responsible for the
maintenance of a databank of the members of the Society. The Regional Secretary provides the National
Secretary with a copy of the databank of its members on or before December 29 of the current year for
the purpose of reporting during the national convention.

2. Elections
The Elections Committee shall ensure that the rules and guidelines shall be followed during the election.
The committee shall also be responsible for whatever preparations may be required for the nomination
and election of trustees during the Society’s annual meeting.

3. Faculty Development
It shall be the duty of the Committee on Faculty Development to formulate and undertake continuing
programs, seminars, workshops, conferences, and the like for the professional growth of IT faculty. Plans
for such projects and programs shall be presented to and approved by the Board of Trustees before
implementation. The committee shall implement these projects and programs under the sponsorship of the
Society or in cooperation or consortium with educational institutions and/or professional and other
organizations. The committee shall also be responsible for the conduct of research, surveys, and studies
pursuant to the objectives of this committee.

4. Publications
It shall be the duty of the Publications Committee to publish all pertinent information, documents,
memoranda, and similar papers which may be of use in the attainment of the objectives of the Society and
may be of interest to its members. Such documents include, but are not limited to, newsletters, magazines,
case studies, papers, compilations, and digests, online or in print.

5. Ways and Means Committee

The Ways and Means Committee shall devise various ways and means to solicit donations, grants, and
contributions from various entities and individuals to support the activities and resource requirements of
the Society. The committee is expected to help to solicit sponsors for the two main events of the
organization, the National Conference on Information Technology Education (NCITE) and the PSITE
National Convention.

6. External Affairs
The Committee on External Affairs shall develop linkages for and on behalf of the Society. The
committee shall represent the Society in its dealings or contacts with external entities, agencies, and

7. Programs
The Committee on Programs shall be the committee primarily responsible for the planning and
organization of the Society’s annual meetings. It shall also be the committee’s duty to assist the Society’s
other committees in organizing their events and projects.

8. Research
The Committee on Research shall be primarily responsible for the setting of standards for research work
for publication and/or presentation; conduct peer reviews of research; initiate advocacy activities to
improve the standards of research in the country; encourage involvement and conduct training in research.
It shall also be the committee’s duty to collaborate with the Committee on External Affairs in establishing
linkages with research societies, events, and funding agencies.

9. Extension/Outreach
The Committee on Extension/Outreach shall be responsible for initiating, developing, and sustaining
programs in support of the society’s corporate social responsibility.

10. Special Interest Group on Basic Education

It shall be the duty of the Special Interest Group on Basic Education to formulate and undertake
continuing programs, seminars, workshops, conferences in support of the development of basic education
teachers in the use of IT in Education.

11. Other Committees

The Board of Trustees may create, from time to time, any such other committees as may be necessary to
advance the interests of the Society.

VIII. National Conference on Information Technology Education (NCITE)

The National Conference in Information Technology Education (NCITE) is held annually every October.
It aims to give PSITE members and guests an opportunity to listen to lectures on research updates, plus an
opportunity to present their completed research studies. The venue rotates around the three major
Philippine islands, i.e., Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. A chapter in the major island hosts the venue.
The hosting of NCITE is on voluntary basis. NCITEs are normally held in schools. The NCITE host and
venue is decided during the PSITE Convention.

The Organizers
NCITE is hosted by a regional chapter. The NCITE organizing committee is composed of the following:
a) Vice-President of the island where the chapter lies, who serves as the NCITE Chair, b) Regional
Chapter President, who serves as the NCITE co-chair, and c) regional chapter officers/members who head
the different committees. For each committee, there is an officer or member of the National Board
assigned to be a consultant.

NCITE Research Review Team
The NCITE Research Review Team, a team composed of a Chair and two members, is composed of
selected PSITE National Board members and invited research reviewers. The task of the team is to
review papers for presentation.

NCITE Preparation and Implementation

1. The NCITE Chair, PSITE President, and Regional Chapter President conduct an ocular inspection
of the venue.

2. The NCITE Chair prepares and presents a proposed budget during the PSITE National Board of
Trustees Planning Session.

3. The PSITE National Board approves the budget.

4. The NCITE Chair requests for seed money. The ceiling for the seed money is Php 100,000.00.
Additional seed money may be requested upon liquidation of the original money requested.

5. The NCITE committees meet, prepare the program, look for resource persons, scout for sponsors,
and perform other NCITE-related tasks.

6. The PSITE National Board helps in looking for resource persons and scouting for sponsors.

7. The NCITE Research Review Team publishes the Call for Paper guidelines. The team also screens
and accepts papers for presentation.

8. One day before NCITE, the PSITE Board members meet with the NCITE organizing committee for
updates and concerns regarding the event.

9. During the NCITE activity, the PSITE Board members provide assistance to the organizing
committee on the conduct of the conference.

10. On the evening of the last day of NCITE, the PSITE Board members meet with the NCITE
organizing committee for an evaluation meeting.

11. The NCITE Chair is expected to submit the financial report, together with supporting documents,
to the PSITE National Auditor one month after the activity.

12. The PSITE National Auditor audits the financial report and signs it.

13. The PSITE National Auditor submits the audited financial report to the National Treasurer.

14. The organizing chapter is given ten percent (10%) of the income derived from registration fees or
ten thousand pesos (Php 10,000.00), whichever is higher.

The organization welcomes sponsors in the NCITE. A sample NCITE letter to a sponsor is presented
on Appendix N.

Responsibilities of Sponsors to PSITE

1. Signing the sponsorship agreement (Appendix O).
2. Complying with the terms and conditions as stipulated in the agreement.
3. Paying the sponsorship fee to the treasurer of the organizing committee during NCITE.

Responsibilities of PSITE to Sponsors

1. Signing the sponsorship agreement.
2. Providing the facilities needed by the sponsor during NCITE.
3. Complying with the terms and conditions as stipulated in the agreement.

IX. PSITE National Convention

The PSITE National Convention serves as the annual general assembly of the members of the Society.
On this occasion, the election of the National Board of Trustees is also held. This is set within the first
quarter of the fiscal year (January-March). The venue rotates around the three major Philippine islands,
i.e., Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. A chapter in the major island hosts the venue. The hosting of
PSITE convention is on voluntary basis. PSITE conventions are normally held in hotels. The PSITE
host and venue is decided during the PSITE Convention.

The Organizers
The PSITE convention is hosted by a regional chapter. The PSITE convention organizing committee is
composed of the following: a) Vice-President of the island where the chapter lies, who serves as the
PSITE convention chair, b) Regional Chapter President, who serves as the PSITE convention co-chair,
and c) regional chapter officers/members who head the different committees. For each committee,
there is an officer or member of the National Board assigned to be a consultant.

PSITE Convention Preparation and Implementation

1. The PSITE Convention Chair, the PSITE President, and the Regional Chapter President conduct an
ocular inspection of the venue.
2. The PSITE Convention Chair prepares and presents a proposed budget during the PSITE National
Board of Trustees Planning Session.
3. The PSITE National Board Trustees approves the budget.
4. The PSITE Convention Chair requests for seed money. The ceiling for the seed money is
Php 100,000.00. Additional seed money may be requested upon liquidation of the original money
5. The PSITE Convention Committees meet, prepare the program, look for resource persons, scout for
sponsors, and perform other convention-related tasks.
6. The PSITE National Board helps in looking for resource persons and scouting for sponsors.
7. One day before PSITE National Convention, the PSITE Board members meet with the convention
organizing committee for updates and concerns regarding the event.
8. During the activity, the PSITE Board Members provide assistance to the organizing committee on the
conduct of the convention.
9. During the convention, the PSITE National President presents the accomplishment report for the
year, while the National Treasurer presents the financial report. Each Chapter President presents the
accomplishment report of his/her chapter, and the Chapter Treasurer presents the financial report.
Hard and soft copies of these reports are submitted to the National Secretary.
10. Incoming Board of Trustees are elected by the general assembly on the second day of the convention.
Then, the new Board elect among themselves the new set of PSITE officers. Appendix P presents the
PSITE election guidelines. Thereafter, the respective chairs and venues of the NCITE and PSITE
Conventions are announced.
11. On the evening of the last day of the convention, the PSITE Board members meet with the
convention organizing committee for an evaluation meeting.
12. The PSITE Convention Chair is expected to submit the financial report, together with supporting
documents, to the PSITE National Auditor, one month after the activity.
13. The PSITE National Auditor audits the financial report and signs it.
14. The PSITE National Auditor submits the audited financial report to the National Treasurer.
15. The organizing chapter is given ten percent of the income derived from registration fees or ten
thousand pesos (P10,000.00), whichever is higher.

The organization welcomes sponsors for the PSITE Convention. A sample solicitation letter is shown
in Appendix Q.

Responsibilities of PSITE Sponsors

1. Signing the sponsorship agreement. (Appendix R)
2. Complying with the terms and conditions as stipulated in the agreement.
3. Paying the sponsorship fee to the treasurer of the organizing committee during the PSITE National

Responsibilities of PSITE to Sponsors

1. Signing the sponsorship agreement.
2. Providing the facilities needed by the sponsor during the PSITE Convention.
3. Complying with the terms and conditions as stipulated in the agreement.


Cascading of information relies heavily on technology. The PSITE National Board and chapter
officers adhere to transparency in cascading information. All of them are members of a common
e-group, which facilitates communication. Communications are usually through e-mail and mobile
phones. Official transactions, even fund disbursements, are communicated to all Board Members
for comments and approval.

Moreover, all the national and regional officers, together with the PSITE members, are members
of a common e-group. This enables the officers to have direct communication with all the
members and vice-versa.

On the regional chapter level, the officers and members also share a common e-group for faster
and reliable communication.

Furthermore, the National Board maintains a PSITE website ( for an effective
dissemination of information to officers and members. The same holds true for each Regional


1. Membership fees and remitting membership share
Since membership in the Society shall be solely through membership in a specific
chapter, all individual, institutional, and corporate membership fees are paid directly to the
Regional Chapter Treasurer. The Chapter Treasurer remits thirty percent (30%) of the
membership dues to the National Treasurer on or before the specified due date. The summary
report of financial collections for enterprise/institutional/individual membership can be found on
Appendix S.

2. Seed money for NCITE and PSITE Conventions
Upon the request of the NCITE and Convention Chairs, the PSITE National Board provides seed
money for the NCITE and PSITE Conventions. The ceiling for the seed money is Php 100,000.00.
Additional seed money may be requested upon liquidation of the original money requested.

3. Request for official receipt

The Chapter Treasurer requests for blank official receipts from the National Treasurer. This receipt
is issued to members upon payment of membership fees, seminar dues, and the like. The Chapter
Treasurer surrenders used receipts to the National Treasurer upon request of another set of blank
receipts. The Regional Treasurer accomplishes the Enterprise/Institutional/Membership Collections

4. Preparation and submission of NCITE and PSITE Convention financial statements

The NCITE/PSITE Convention Chair submits the financial report, together with supporting
documents, to the PSITE National Auditor, one month after the activity. The PSITE National
Auditor audits the financial report and signs it. The PSITE National Auditor submits the audited
financial report to the National Treasurer and accomplished National Convention Collections report
or NCITE Collections. Please refer to Appendices T and U for the respective summary reports of
financial collections for NCITE and PSITE National Collection.

5. Sharing of ten percent (10%) NCITE and PSITE Convention income

The PSITE National Treasurer gives ten percent (10%) of the income derived from registration fees
or ten thousand pesos (Php 10,000.00), whichever is higher, after the NCITE/PSITE Convention
Chair has submitted the financial statement to the PSITE National Treasurer, duly audited by the
PSITE National Auditor.

6. Other Regional Income

Net income from organized activities generated by a chapter shall be subject to revenue sharing
between the national organization and regional chapter. Ten percent of the income shall be remitted
to the national organization. The fund shall be used for faculty development.

7. Preparation of financial statement for the school year by PSITE National Treasurer
The PSITE National Treasurer prepares the financial statement for the school year. This report is
audited by the National Auditor and thereafter by an external auditor. Such report is then submitted
to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).


Accounting Period
The accounting period of the Society shall commence on April 1 of a given year and end on March 31
of the succeeding calendar year.

Inspection of Accounts
1. The books, accounts, and records of the Society shall be open to inspection by any member of the
Board of Trustees, member enterprises and institutions (through their authorized representatives),
and individual members at any reasonable hour of a regular business day.

2. Every chapter must prepare and submit monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports to the
Board of Trustees.

3. Every chapter shall be subject to annual audit by the National Auditor.

4. The Society shall be subjected to an annual audit by an external auditor.


1. Any member of the Society may submit proposed amendments to the PSITE by-laws in writing to
the Secretary of the Society.

2. Such proposals shall be published and distributed to all members of the Society during its annual

3. The PSITE Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by affirmation by at least two-thirds of
the members officially present or represented at an annual meeting, at which a quorum of the
general membership is present.


Separability Provision
If any provision or part of this manual, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held
invalid, remainder of this manual shall not be affected thereby.

The provisions of this manual shall take effect immediately.


PSITE Articles of Incorporation and amended by-laws

PSITE Board Resolutions

PSITE Minutes of Meetings

Image of Hands in the front cover was taken from:


14th PSITE National Convention (February 23-25, 2012, Country Homes and Convention Center, General
Santos City)

Thank you for that kind introduction. Magandang GENSAN!.

Ladies and gentlemen, before anything else, I would like to enjoin everybody for a minute of silent prayer for
our PSITE members and all those who were affected by typhoon Sendong. May those who have lost homes
and properties find shelter, enough food, and clean water. May the Lord comfort those who are traumatized
and those who are grieving for the loss of their families, neighbors, and friends. May our great Healer bless
those who are sick and injured that their health may be restored.

Let me start by saying thank you to the PSITE National Board for having been very supportive and active
these past years. We couldn’t have achieved what we achieved now if not for their willingness to serve the
organization. As you may have already known, our thrust for this year was OD or Organizational
Development. So, this is a presentation and president’s report-rolled into one.

PSITE, as a national organization, is a growing organization. Winston Churchill once said “the farther
backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.” So let me bring you to memory lane when PSITE
was conceptualized up to the present. Therefore the outline of my presentation is as follows.

History of PSITE

PSITE was born out of the prodding of the Technical Panel for Information Technology Education (TPITE)
headed by Dr. Paulino Y. Tan to organize a professional group of Information Technology Educators (ITE)
in 1996.

Bounded by a common dream for quality IT education in the country, the group had enduring series of
planning workshops and meetings. Finally, PSITE became a formal organization of IT Educators in 1997.
Ms. Fe Ferriols became the President of the pioneering PSITE group. Monthly Seminars and workshops
were offered to IT Educators through the generosity of donors and sponsors. Recognizing the difficulty of
many higher education institutions to sponsor quality trainings in IT education, the organization offers free if
not highly subsidized workshop and training. With the overwhelming response of educators in the country
and able to benefit more educators in the different parts of the country, chaptering was inevitable. Guidelines
on chaptering were formulated in year 2000. Davao was the first recognized regional chapter in the same

Years after, several chapters were formed. Monthly seminars and workshops were held by the regional
chapters. National conventions were then organized every year. These were mostly the activities of PSITE.
The PSITE family has grown, as now it has its presence in almost all regions in the country, thereby making
PSITE as the biggest IT organization in the country today.

2009 – Setting a Direction

Having been elected as President in 2009, I accepted the big responsibility because I know it will be such a
challenging role that I will play. In my own little way, I was hoping to contribute to PSITE’s goal of
furthering IT education in the country. Education is not an easy task, especially in these modern times when
rapid changes happen at the blink of an eye. I saw that PSITE will face many more and bigger challenges. It
is for this reason that I said we should all PReParE. According to American author H. Jackson Brown Jr., the
best preparation for tomorrow is doing the best today.

By the word PReParE, I did not only mean getting ready for something. I coined this as an acronym which will
reflect the thrust and framework of PSITE. Prepare is P-Re-Par-E. P stands for Professionalism. Re for
Research, Par stands for Partnership. And E for the very purpose of our organization, which is Education.
So PReParE means Professionalism, Research, Partnership and Education.

2010 – Setting a Direction

In 2010. I was re-elected as President. Now that we are PReParEd, PSITE went Peer-to- PEER. 2010 was
anchored on a Peer-to- PEER principle. It is like a small brother – big brother concept. Like the PReParE
agenda, the second PEER is a mnemonic. It stands for Partnership, Education, Extension and Research. The
Peer-to- PEER agenda addresses our triad function of Research, Curriculum and Instruction, and Extension
and Linkages.

So PReParE and Peer-to- PEER became PSITE’s thrust for 2009 and 2010, respectively, in which the regional
chapters also adopted. This developed a culture change in PSITE and paradigm shift in the thrusts and

There were several “firsts” in those times. Let me line up some of those:
1. In 2009, during the 11th National Convention held in Dipolog, it was the first time that we had plenary
session with reactors.
2. It was also the first time that best practices from all over the Philippines were presented in the fields of
research, extension and instruction.

3. We also increased the duration of the sessions to take up organizational matters in order for the national
PSITE to further touch base with the different regions.

4. In the 2009 convention, there were tarpaulins prepared by different regions to showcase their activities for
the past five years. The JEDI night was held outside the convention area, and that was in Dakak, with all the
fireworks and festivity.

5. For the first time that we had a pre-NCITE conference in 2009 which is related to our research agenda.
Presented were model research frameworks, advising and manuscript templates for BSCS, BSIT and BSIS,
coupled with best practices in those fields. The NCR research capability building framework was also

6. It was also the first time that there was a student presenter during the NCITE conference.

7. In October 2010, the first time that NCITE is held outside the school and still hosted by a school, the Aklan
Catholic College.

8. Awarding of honorary membership to Naveen Asrani in recognition for his exceptional and unselfish
services and support to the PSITE’s vision and mission.

9. Singapore Benchmarking Activity last January 2011 with the National Board and some regional presidents
and members. We were particularly interested in pursuing a “close range” understanding of the Singapore
Academic Ecosystems with emphasis in institutions offering computing course and how they established
linkage with industries both local and global. Schools visited were Nanyang Polytechnic and National
University of Singapore. We also meet with Adobe-Singapore executives for a possible cooperation and

10. During the National Convention in 2011, we subsidized the registration fee (Php 300,000.00)

11. We had the President’s night, were we acknowledged the contribution of the former PSITE National
presidents (Ms. Fe Ferriols, Sir Glenn Sipin, Sir Leo Querubin, Sir Ben Teehankee, Sir Boogie Boydon, Sir
Jimmy Caro, Sir Dio Calumpit, Sir Alex Ybasco and Ms. Nancy Flores)

12. First automated election of the PSITE national board

13. And more significantly, it was the first time that a member outside of Luzon got to be elected as President of
PSITE National. The first Garden induction of the PSITE national board was held in UP-Hotel.
As Bill Gates said, “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others”.
With these thrusts as the direction of PSITE, we were able to do the following

ITE Undergraduate Research and Capstone Project Manual

We had series of meetings and workshops toward coming up with a framework for the ITE Undergraduate
Thesis and Capstone Project. Our project of coming up with a Framework for practicum was finally finished.

In this convention, institutional members who are present will receive a complimentary copy of the ITE
Undergraduate Research and Capstone Project Manual.

PSITE Constitution and By-Laws (CBL)/PSITE Logo and Website

In line with Professionalism is proper documentation. One of the documents that needed to be reviewed is the
PSITE CBL. Series of meetings were held and at one point, invited Peach Tinio, one of the original framers of
the CBL. The CBL was then ratified in 2010. We also revived our website with a new url( and
a new face. I encourage you to visit our website. We also made our new logo, customized to depict our

PSITE as recognized by CHED

PSITE was again recognized as a professional organization and was invited by CHED to endorse IT educators
as TPITE members in the pursuit of strengthening the role in assisting them to formulate policies and
standards. It is with great pride that our members will be part of TPITE. Also, most, if not all of our
conventions and conferences were endorsed by CHED.

PSITE Partners
PSITE wouldn’t accomplish much without collaborating efforts with partners. Our partners are the following:
Sun Microsystems, Inc - We had an OpenJive Challenge last July, 2009. The objective of the challenge is to
drive students’ passion and enthusiasm for innovation through the use of Open Source technologies such as
Java Technology, JavaFX, NetBeans IDE, OpenSolaris, MySQL, Glass Fish, Project Wonderland,Zembly and
many others to develop cutting-edge applications for desktop, web or mobile, that will address key issues that
organizations face today, while fostering interactivity between communities on the Internet.
UP-ITTC - We actively participated and shared our expertise and human resources during Y4IT, were some
of the PSITE Board Members and Regional Presidents served as Speakers.
DeVcon - We signed a memorandum of agreement with DeVcon. With the goal of increasing the quality and
quantity of the supply of software development engineering talent for the Philippines, Developers Connect
(DEVCON) and PSITE agreed to cooperate in conducting nationwide DEVCON activities within the
constituents covered by PSITE and its local affiliations.
ADOBE – We also partnered with ADOBE. With this partnership, members of PSITE are given marked
down prices of their products and services. Many of our members benefitted from this partnership.

A MOA Signing was held again with IBM, DEVCON, ADOBE, UP-ITTC, Microsoft during the 13th national
convention in Antipolo last year.

We held a Faculty Development workshops at the Crowne Regency Hotel and Enverga university last October
and December of 2009 with Mr. Oliver Malabanan as resource speaker. This is a training workshop on IT
course design and teaching strategies. Other seminar workshops were organized and conducted by the
regional chapters. Others might find it very trivial to have this

kind of trainings. However, we noted that more or less 80% of the not so matured schools need this kind of
trainings. And this is the essence of Peer-to- PEER, taking cognizance of the concerns of our peers.

PSITE and NCITE Conventions

The conventions that we held for the past three years are:
11th PSITE National Convention, Febraury 26-28, 2009, Dipolog City
12th PSITE National Convention, February 24-27, 2010, Bohol
13th PSITE National Convention, February 16-19, 2010, MMLDC, Antipolo
NCITE 2009, October 21-23, 2009, Cagayan de Oro City
NCITE 2010, October 20-22, 2010 in Boracay, Malay, Aklan
NCITE 2011, October 27-29, 2011, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

On top of these, we were able to visit other regional chapters (NCR, Regions 1,2,3,4,7 and 12)

PSITE Social Responsibility

PSITE has not been only very technical. We also took care of the social needs of our members. A very noble
act by PSITE was the donation of more than sixty thousand pesos (P60,000.00) for the typhoon victims of
Ondoy and Pepeng in Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, CAR and NCR. This is the first time that PSITE extended this kind of
help to its members. In December last year, we extended fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) for the victims of
Typhoon Sendong in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan Cities. PSITE –NCR and PSITE- XII also did share 10
thousand each. This is the first time that PSITE regional chapters extended this kind of help to its fellow
regional members. On December 11, 2011, we had our Joint PSITE National Board and Regional Presidents
meeting and Christmas party coupled with an Outreach program at the Munting Tahananng Nazareth (Home
for the Poor, Abandoned, Handicapped and Special Children) were we donated fifteen thousand pesos
(P15,000.00) aside from food and supplies.

With these PReParE and Peer-to- PEER agenda, at the back of my mind were the PSITE objectives which are
found in our constitution and by-laws. Section 2.1 provides that “the general objective of this Society shall be
the promotion of quality information technology (IT) education. The specific objective is found in Section 2.2
which states that “this Society shall serve as a venue for the optimization and development of faculty members,
curricula, projects, research, resources, linkages, and assistance in policy formulation related to IT education.”

After implementing something new, several firsts, several changes in the organization, we went away from
status quo. We embarked into programs and projects which were not done before. We implemented systems
and policies, and changed the mindset of the regional chapters in the

formulation of the programs and activities. We reviewed and amended our very constitution and by-laws. After
analyzing and looking at it on a macro level, the process of change that we did was not systematic. Though we
attained a high level of attainment to most of our projects, we could have done more. And many could have
participated in the process.

With this in mind, we thought of holding an organizational development process or commonly known as OD. OD
is a process of improving our organization and a systematic process of change. According to Killion and Harrison,
organizational development requires a planned approach to change based on meeting the needs of both the people
and the organization. So, we underwent an organizational development process facilitated by our interval Vice
President, Ms. Grace F. Tyler. There was a presentation by Ms. Tyler about Organization Development. This was
followed by revisiting what PSITE now has. Then we did SWOT analysis, did fish bone analysis, and other OD
tools. With the OD meetings and workshops, we took a look at our mandate, came up with our vision, mission,
values and goals. We went to the level of identifying the activities, and other details such as the timeframe,
responsible persons, etc.)

Hence, the following are the part of the results of the workshop:

The premier national information technology professional organization transforming the academic
community that enables and sustains the growth of a knowledge-driven Philippine economy
We are committed in providing opportunities for the development of our members through:
 Strong community and Partnership involvement with the education providers, industry, government,
non-government agencies and international counterparts.
• Dynamic and responsive Educational initiatives for an enhanced academic standard.
• Relevant community Extension and immersion programs
• Aggressive building of Research Capability and effective mentoring system.

With OD in mind, we tried to look at the status of the regional chapters and took note of Regions 1 and 2 who has
not been active for years now. Hence, in August and September we revived these regional chapters.

The time horizon of our plans and programs is three years. And I hope the leadership of PSITE in the coming
three years will align itself to the three-year plan that the group started.

Again, I would like to emphasize that PSITE is here to further IT education in the Philippines. We strive to be a
medium for development and growth of the IT Educators in the country. With great

passion for the formation of the young and updating the not-so-young, PSITE members take the challenge to
produce competent and skilful IT professionals who are endowed with social and corporate responsibility at par
with other IT graduates in the global world. The challenge maybe great, but PSITE will take it in stride.

We have done much, and, together, with our concerted efforts, we, PSITE as a national organization, can do much
more, bring our organization to the highest level of service as possible to achieve our mission and vision, and
succeed. As Henry Ford said, “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”

And finally, GenSan is such a wonderful place to live, to have a vacation and also hold convention. Let us make
the most of our stay in this beautiful City of GenSan, also known as the home of the best Tuna in the Philippines
where residents are proud to say that seafoods are fresher when it comes from their beloved city, so let us pamper
ourselves with fresh tuna and other seafoods delight.

Good afternoon

PSITE Has Achieved in the Last 5 Years PSITE Will Achieve in the Next 3 Years

 Has settled all unclear financial concerns  Absolute transparency in handling financial transactions
 Presented Financial statement transparency on national and regional levels
PSITE Has Achieved in the Last 5 Years PSITE Will Achieve in the Next 3 Years

 More faculty development training either in National  Comprehensive faculty development program
or Regional Level  Problems with MIT in the different regions will be
 More assistance granted to lesser schools thru reduced solved thru PSG
rates in purchase of software, cheaper faculty devel-  PSITE version of ACM curricular
opment, training, etc.
 PSITE online academic support
 Benchmarked Academic Institutions
 Develop Thesis/Capstone manual
 Developed OJT manual
 Developed Thesis/Capstone Framework
PSITE Has Achieved in the Last 5 Years PSITE Will Achieve in the Next 3 Years

 Conduct of annual convention and conferences  More international linkages and affiliations
 Linkages and partnership (industry & government  All regions with active chapter
 More formal partnerships with industries via MOA  More outreach programs
 More assistance granted to lesser schools thru reduced  More faculty and student development program
rates in purchase of software, cheaper faculty devel-  International convention
opment, training, etc.
 Continuous benchmarking in Asian countries
 Benchmarking in Asian countries
 Main resource of software industry - HR
 Established Partnerships with:

PSITE Has Achieved in the Last 5 Years PSITE Will Achieve in the Next 3 Years

 Published research journals  International Conference

 Significant increase in the NCITE research presenta-  Strengthen the research and Software development
tion ( Submitted, Accepted)  Produce and implement a research manual
 Independent PSITE research journal
 Increase the number of publishable research



This memorandum of agreement made and executed on the ____day of _____, ___ by and between:

Philippine society of Information Technology Educators (PSITE), a non-profit, non-stock organization

of educators in the field of information technology and existing under Philippine laws, represented in this act
by _________________________________________ President, hereinafter referred as the mother organiza-
PSITE ______Chapter represented in this act by ______________ and ________________ of legal
age, the Chapter President and Chapter Treasurer respectively, hereinafter referred to as the local chapter.
WHEREAS, PSITE as the mother organization aims to be of service to more information technology
WHEREAS, the organization of local chapters is acknowledged as the medium to reach out to more IT
educators for development and growth to better serve their students;
WHEREAS, the partnership of the mother organization and the local chapter will pave the way for
quality IT education accessible to areas far from the seat of the mother organization;
NOW, THEREFORE, considering the foregoing premises, signatories agree to work together under the
following conditions:
The local chapter shall
1. Submit the plan of activities for the year within one month from the time the Chapter has been
accepted chosen using the prescribed template.
2. Submit the following annual reports to the mother organization’s Board of Trustees on or before
the first day of the PSITE annual convention:
a. Financial report prepared by the chapter treasurer and audited by the chapter auditor;
b. List of members classified properly according to the mother organization’s classification.
The list must include status of the members (i.e. in good standing, inactive, etc.)
c. Year-end report that includes the undertaken activities and evaluation/assessment of e
ach activity and the financial standing of the organization.
3. Shall remit 30% of the membership fees collected by the local chapter;
4. Shall abide by the chaptering guidelines set by the Mother organization;

5. Represent the local chapter by at least ten members in the PSITE Annual National
The Mother organization shall

1. Give an initial seed fund of P10,000.00 to the local chapter after its application has been approved.
2. Provide support in the activities of the local chapters whenever necessary
(i.e.provision of qualified speakers/resource persons from the members of the Mother organization),

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Memorandum of Agreement on the
date stated above.

For the local chapter:

____________________________ ______________________________
Chapter President Chapter Treasurer

For the Mother organization:

President, PSITE


Chapter Name:_______________
Chapter Activities for the School Year _______

Proposed Activity Target Date Target Target Planned Topics Rationale

& Time Venue Audience

Prepared by:

Signature over Printed Name

Chapter Secretary

Certified Correct:

Signature over Printed Name

Chapter President

President: Ma. Car mela Malong-Racelis (Adamson University)
Executive VP: Samuel Chua (Lyceum of the Philippines Univer sity)
VP for Finance: Lilian Gumban (Far Easter n Univer sity-East Asia College)
VP for Membership: Avon Nova (Manila Centr al Univer sity)
VP for Faculty Development: Raymond Macatangga (Our Lady of Fatima Univer sity)
VP for Ways & Means: J ovy Lopez-Factor (St. Paul University Manila)
Secretary: Raquel Panaligan-Bermudez (Adamson University)
Auditor: RejanTadeo (Lyceum of the Philippines Univer sity)
Zonal Director-Central Manila: Rosemar ie Cor onejo (Far Easter n Univer sity)
Zonal Director-Eastern Manila: Milani Austr ia (J ose Rizal Univer sity)
Zonal Director-Southern Manila: Mar vi Ar esta-Bayrante (Adamson University)
Zonal Director-CAMANAVA: J asmin Niguidula (TIP-Manila)

President: Dr . Cecilia Mer cado (Saint Louis Univer sity)
Vice President: Mr . Satur Cadsi (Kings College of the Philippines)
Secretary: Ms. Fr evy Or encia (Benguet State Univer sity)
Treasurer: Ms. Stephanie Beliaco-Pablo (University of Baguio)
Auditor: Dr . Dar win J aime (STI- Baguio)

Region 1
President: Ger ald Victor M. Calamaan
Vice President: Alvin J ohn Car iaso
Secretary: Air een de Ver a
Treasurer: Ner iza Bustillo
Auditor: Rufo Bar o
PRO: Alvin Malicdem
Board Members:
Dr. Renald Jay F. Hidalgo
Charo Almonte
Chistian Ledda

Region 2
President: Luisa B. Aquino (Univer sity of Saint Louis)
Vice-President: J ojo Sir iban (Lyceum of Apar r i)
Secretary: Dr . Ger tr ude Danao (Saint Mar y's Univer sity)
Treasurer: Dr . Visitacion Gumabay (Saint Paul Univer sity Philippines)
Auditor: Mr . Ramonsito Adducul (Univer sity of La Salette)
Program Coordinators:
Research: Cr istina Abala (Patr ia Sable Cor pus College-Santiago)

Education: Evangeline Sar te (Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan)
Extension and Linkages: Fr ancisco Eugenio, J r . (Isabela Colleges)
Area Coordinators:
Cagayan/Batanes: Richar d Romer o (Univer sity of Cagayan Valley)
Isabela: Rose Guiyab (Isabela State Univer sity)
Quirino: Rey Lor d Lasquite (Quir ino State College)
Nueva Vizcaya: Vilma Santos (PLT College, Inc)

Region 3
President: Mr .Ber nandino P. Malang (Baliuag Univer sity)
Vice President: Dr . Gilber t M. Tumibay (Angeles Univer sity Foundation)
Treasurer: Mr . Michael T. Villanueva (Mabalacat College)
Secretary: Mr . Roy D. Dayr it (Systems Plus College Foundation)
Auditor: Mr . Ar nold P. Ver gar a (Bataan Her oes Memor ial College)
Board Members:
Chair, Committee on Partnership: Mr. Raymond A. Cabrera (University of the Assumption)
Chair, Committee on Extension: Mr. Ronnie D. Luy (Columban College)
Chair, Committee on Education: Ms. Daisy S. Yap (Angeles University Foundation)
Chair, Committee on Research: Mr. Mar Stephen B. Sembrano (Holy Angel University)
Area Coordinators:
1. Bulacan: Mr s. Gemma R. Gibaga (Dr .Yanga's College)
2. Nueva Ecija: Mr. Randy Y. Sansait (Wesleyan University)
3. Zambales: Mr .Fr oilanMobo (Philippine Mer chant Mar ine Academy)

Region 4
President: Dr . Mar melo V. Abante (Our Lady of Fatima Univer sity - Antipolo)
Vice President: Dr . Anna Liza A. Ramos (Our Lady of Fatima Univer sity - Antipolo)
Secretary: Mr . Oliver M. J unio (Univer sity of Per petual Help System - Binan)
Treasurer: Ms. Ma. Luisa P. Macatangay (Lyceum of the Philippines Univer sity -Batangas)
Auditor: Dr . J essie A. Montalbo ( Batangas State Univer sity)
Provincial Directors:
Cavite: Mr .Ivar Nelson E. Bingcang (Adventist Univer sity of the Philippines)
Laguna: Dr . Cor azon B. Rebong (Colegio de San J uan de Letr an)
Batangas: Mr . Mar k Anthony de Ver a (De la Salle, Lipa)
Rizal: Mr . Leandr o G. Sar miento ( Cainta Catholic College)
Quezon: Mr . Rodr igo C. Belleza J r . (Manuel S. Enver ga Univer sity Foundation - Lucena)

Region 5
President: J oshua Mar tinez (Ateneo de Naga Univer sity)
Vice-President: Benedicto Balilo, J r . (Bicol Univer sity)
Secretary: Agnes Reyes (Univer sity of Nueva Cacer es)
Treasurer: Ronel Simon (Naga College Foundation)
Auditor: Daniel Maligat, J r . (Camar ines Nor te State College)
Board Members:

Board Members:
Frederick D. Olaño (Ateneo de Naga University)
Victor Parillas Jr. (Divine Word College of Legazpi)
Aris Ordoñez (Bicol University)
Ma. Cristina Limpiada (Sta Elena (Cam Norte) College, Inc.)

Region 6
Chapter President: J ohn Lor enz Belanio (Univer sity of the Philippines Visayas)
Chapter Vice President: Rommel Sar io (Filamer Chr istian Univer sity)
Secretary:Ma. Beth Concepcion (West Visayas State Univer sity)
Treasurer: Rosel Dionio (Capiz State Univer sity- Mambusao)
Auditor: J oel de Castr o, (West Visayas State Univer sity)
Board of Directors:
Jeffrey Clarin (Aklan Catholic College)
Ramil Lumauag (Southern Iloilo Polytechnic College)
Anrem Balontong ( Western Institute of Technology)
Joselito Diaz ( La Consolacion College)

Region 7
President: Lar mie T. Santos-Feliscuzo (CIT- University)
Vice President: Roche L. Cabanlit (NORSU)
Secretary: Dae P. Habalo (FU)
Treasurer: Roel B. Laur on (CIT-University)
Auditor: Chuchi S. Montenegr o (SU)
Board Members:
Josefina J. Pangan (MDC)
Christine Marie I. Gohetia (USC)
Jovelyn C. Cuizon (USJ-R)
Dino Z. Ramacho (NORSU)

Region 9
President: Aileen J oan Opina-Vicente (Ateneo de Zamboanga University)
Vice President: Edmund V. Enopia (Pilar College, Inc. Zamboanga City)
Secretary: Nancy T. Chiong (Sibugay Technical Institute Inc., Ipil, Sibugay)
Assistant Secretary: Maur een Olive B.Gallar do (Ateneo de Zamboanga Univer sity)
Treasurer: Geor ge P. Car or o (St. Vincent's College, Dipolog City)
Auditor: Philipcr is Encar nacion (St. Columban College, Pagadian City)
PRO: Miguel M. Madelo (Pagadian Capitol College, Pagadian City)
Board Members:
Zambodel Norte: Pepe U. Calixto (St. Mar y's College of Labason)
Zambodel Sur: Gino S. Decier do (Philippine Technical and Mar ine Sciences, Pagadian City)
ZamboSibugay: Faith M. Lozada (Medina College - Ipil, Sibugay Province)
Zambo City: Mar gar ette F. Bello (Souther n City Colleges, Zamboanga City)

Basilan: Emir Natividad (Basilan State College, Basilan)
Jolo/Sulu: Edgar J . Acevedo (Notr e Dame of J olo College, J olo, Sulu)

Region 10
President: Manuel C. Cabido (MSU-IIT, Iligan City)
Vice President: Andr ew Ponte, Ph.D. (Liceo de Cagayan Univer sity, Cagayan de Or o City)
Secretary: J ulius Sor iano (Mountain View College, Valencia, Bukidnon)
Treasurer: CJ Ranido (Capitol Univer sity, Cagayan de Or o City)
Auditor: J ulius Baldelovar (Chr ist the King College - Gingoog City)
PRO: Lomesindo T. Capar ida, Ph.D. (MSU-IIT, Iligan City)
Board of Directors:
Emily S. Tabanao (MSU-IIT, Iligan City)
Lizah Kuizon (Misamis University, Ozamis City)
Andre Sales Aribe (AMA, Valencia City)

Region 11
President: Ma. Chr ystella Velasco, J obs Academy
Vice President: Eugene Iglesias, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku
Secretary: Nancy Mozo, Holy Cr oss of Davao College
Treasurer: Neil Magloyuan, Holy Cr oss of Davao College
Auditor: Vicente Calag, UP Mindanao

Region 12
President: Mar tina P. Tagacay (Notr e Dame Univer sity, Cotabato City)
Vice President: Elmer C. Buenavidez (Sultan Kudar at State Univer sity)
Secretary: Per cila M. Panagdato (Sultan Kudar at State Univer sity)
Treasurer: Hajah T. Sueno (Notr e Dame of Mar bel Univer sity Kor onadal City)
Auditor: Acel S. Monar es (Notr e Dame of Tacur ong CollegeTacur ong City)
Board of Directors:
Josephine L. Guyos (Holy Trinity College General Santos City)
Lorelyn F. Adrales (Notre Dame of Dadiangas UniversityGeneral Santos City)
Donald Salminao (Southern Baptist College Mlang, Cotabato)
Marcial C. Arcega (MSU– Maguindanao Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao)
Janice F. Wade (MSU– Main Marawi City)









Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation, Inc.

UP-Information Technology Training Center (UP-ITTC), Vidal Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor.
Velasquez St.
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

July 20, ___


Dear ___________ :

Greetings from the Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators (PSITE)!

PSITE, being the nation’s largest professional IT organization with active chapters in all regions, hosts, from time to time, several edu-
cational technology conventions and conferences. It is an organization with great diversity that supports members and affiliates with
information and networking opportunities as they face the challenge of innovation and transforming education.

Once again PSITE is holding a major event which is the National Conference on Information Technology Education on
________________ at __________________________. The target participants of the conference are information technology adminis-
trators, deans, educators and service providers. Attached is a copy of the tentative program.

Recognizing you as one of our educational partners, we would like to invite you to participate in the conference as one of our sponsors.
This shall also serve as an opportunity for you to promote the products and services that your organization offers. At least 200 IT edu-
cators representing over 150 Universities and Colleges from all over the country are expected to attend.

Please see attached sponsorship packages and corresponding benefits of sponsors.

Should you be interested, please contact the Conference Chair, __________________________ at ____________ or the undersigned
(; 09275342738) for further details. We are certain that you will find your involvement in this year’s event very
meaningful. We look forward to your support.

Very truly yours,

__________________ RANDY S. GAMBOA, Ph.D.

NCITE Chair PSITE National President


Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation, Inc.

UP-InformationTechnologyTrainingCenter (UP-ITTC), Vidal Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. VelasquezStUni-
versity of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

Type of Sponsorship Benefits
Platinum Sponsor 1-hour plenary speaking presentation of company representative during lunch/dinner time (50% of
(P 100,000.00) presentation should be non-marketing); 2 exhibit tables; Top billing of company logo on all posters &
streamers; Inclusion of company logo in the back cover of souvenir program; insertion of company
brochures in the conference kit; acknowledgment during session breaks; Company streamer in the
venue of the convention (material to be provided by your company); maximum streamer size of 1x3
meters and backdrop logo display; 2 meal coupons
Gold Sponsors 30-min plenary speaking presentation of company representative during lunch/dinner time (50% of
(P50,000.00) presentation should be non-marketing; 2 exhibit tables; Top billing of company logo on all posters &
streamers; Inclusion of company logo in the back cover of souvenir program; insertion of company
brochures in the conference kit; acknowledgment during session breaks; Company streamer in the
venue of the convention (material to be provided by your company); maximum streamer size of 1x3
meters and backdrop logo display; 2 meal coupons
Silver Sponsor One time AVP presentation about your company during break (to be provided by your company,
(P30,000.00) maximum of 15min); 2 exhibit tables; Top billing of company logo on all posters & streamers; Inclu-
sion of company logo in the back cover of souvenir program; insertion of company brochures in the
souvenir kit; acknowledgment during session breaks; Company streamer in the venue of the conven-
tion (material to be provided by your company); maximum streamer size of 1x2 meters and backdrop
logo display; 2 meal coupons
Bronze Sponsor One-time AVP presentation about your company during break (to be provided by your company,
(P20,000.00) maximum of 5min); 1 exhibit table; Top billing of company logo on all posters & streamers; Inclusion
of company logo in the back cover of souvenir program; insertion of company brochures in the sou-
venir kit; acknowledgment during session breaks; Company streamer in the venue of the convention
(material to be provided by your company); maximum streamer size of 1x2 meters and backdrop logo
display; 2 meal coupons
Exhibitor 1 exhibit table and distribution of company flyer
Partner insertion of company brochures in the souvenir kit

Payments should be deposited to any Allied Bank branch before the conference. Accomplish the deposit slip in triplicate
credited to PSITE using the following details:
Account Name : PSITE
Account Number : 3131-02238-4
Branch : Allied bank, Recto Branch, Manila
PSITE TIN : 205-394070000 Non-Vat

Please scan your validated deposit slip and email it to ____________________. Please present your deposit slip to the sec-
retariat during the onsite registration for issuance of official receipts.
Type of Sponsorship ___________________________________________________
Conforme: _____________________________________________________
Signature over Printed Name of the Company Representative
Position: _________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________
Contact No: _______________________________________


General Qualifications

The nominee(s) and nominating person should be a PSITE member ofgood standing.
Any member of good standing shall be eligible to run for office unless he/she has served two consecutive three
year terms.
The nominee/candidate should be physically present during the convention and election to accept the nomination
and be counted during the election process.

Nomination Process
1. The nominating person is required to give the following details:
a. Full Name
b. School/Company
c. Designation
d. Region
e. Contact number/s
f. Email
2. The nominees are required to provide the following information:
a. Full Name
b. School/Company
c. Designation
d. Region
e. Contact number/s
f. E-mail
g. List of PSITE activities attended (include the name and date of event)
h. Date of last payment of PSITE membership fee (should be updated for the current school year).
i. 2 x 2 ID Pictures (attached softcopy)
j. Objective in running for office
k. Achievements
l. Affiliations
3. The Election Chair sets the deadline for the submission of nominations.
4. The membership database will be validated by respective Chapter and National Presidents
and by the Election Committee.

Election Process
1. Qualified nominees will be announced before the casting of votes. Qualified voters cast their votes through
ballots at a designated time.
2. Each ballot shall contain the following:
a) Five names of nominees
b) Name of voter
c) School

d) Designation
e) Region
f) Signature

3. Announcement of newly elected officers (BODs)

The top FIVE candidates who garnered the most votes shall be declared as new members of the Board of

4. Board of Canvassers
The Regional Chapter Officers and other members of the National Board (excluding those who are
running for office) present during the convention shall be requested to be members of the board of
canvassers. All ballots shall be made available to the members for validation purposes.

Sample PSITE Nomination Sheet


Zanorte Convention Center, Dipolog City
February 24-27, 2010

List of Nominees:
Name:_____________________________ Designation:____________

School________________________________________ Region:_______

Name:_____________________________ Designation:____________

School________________________________________ Region:_______

Name:_____________________________ Designation:____________

School________________________________________ Region:_______

Nominated by: ________________________________

School: _______________________________________ Region:_______
Designation: __________________________ Signature:______________
Validated by: _________________________ Signature: ______________

Sample PSITE Ballot


Bohol Plaza Hotel, Dauis, Bohol
February 24-27, 2010







Name of Voter: _____________________________

School: ___________________________________

Designation: _________________ Region: ______

Signature: ___________________


Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation, Inc.

UP-InformationTechnologyTrainingCenter (UP-ITTC), Vidal Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. VelasquezStUniversity of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
November 6, 2012

Dear _____________:
Greetings from the Philippine Society of Information Technology Educator’s Foundation Inc. (PSITE)!
PSITE, being the nation’s largest professional IT organization, hosts from time to time several educational technology conventions and conferences.
It is an organization with great diversity that supports members and affiliates with information and networking opportunities as they face the challenge
of innovation and transforming education.

Once again PSITE is holding a major event which is the 15thPSITE National Convention on February 21-23, 2013 at Crown Regency Residences,
V. Rama Avenue, Guadalupe, Cebu City. This year’s conference is in coordination with University of San Jose Recoletos, Cebu City and PSITE
Region 7.

The convention is one of the leading and largest national conventions and gatherings of IT educators in the country. It is aimed to provide a unique
forum for ICT professionals to discuss the latest research, development, applications, issues and strategies in ICT; explore new technologies; and to
identify solutions for today's challenges related to IT. Aside from these, it also serves as venue to exchange our ideas and knowledge for personal
growth and learning.

Recognizing you as one of our educational partners, we would like to invite you to participate in the activity as one of our sponsors. This shall also
serve as an opportunity for you to promote the products and services your organization offer. At least 300 IT Educators representing over 150
Universities and Colleges from all over the country are expected to attend.

Please see attached sponsorship packages and corresponding benefits of sponsors.

Should you be interested, please contact the undersigned (09173284941)/ email address: or Dr. Randy S Gamboa
(09177187238)/email address: for further details. We hope to receive your final confirmation on December 15, 2012. We are
certain that you will find your involvement in this year’s event very meaningful. We look forward to your support.
Very truly yours, Noted:
Gregg Victor D. Gabison, Ph.D. RANDY S. GAMBOA, Ph.D.
Convention Chair PSITE National President


Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation, Inc.

UP-Information Technology Training Center (UP-ITTC), Vidal Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. Velasquez St .
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

Type of Sponsorship Benefits

Platinum Sponsor 1-hour plenary speaking presentation of company representative during lunch/dinner time (50% of presentation
(P 100,000.00) should be non-marketing); 2 exhibit tables; Top billing of company logo on all posters & streamers; Inclusion of
company logo in the back cover of souvenir program; insertion of company brochures in the conference kit;
acknowledgment during session breaks; Company streamer in the venue of the convention (material to be pro-
vided by your company); maximum streamer size of 1x3 meters and backdrop logo display; 2 meal coupons

Gold Sponsors 30-min plenary speaking presentation of company representative during lunch/dinner time (50% of presenta-
(P50,000.00) tion should be non-marketing; 2 exhibit tables; Top billing of company logo on all posters & streamers; Inclusion
of company logo in the back cover of souvenir program; insertion of company brochures in the conference kit;
acknowledgment during session breaks; Company streamer in the venue of the convention (material to be pro-
vided by your company); maximum streamer size of 1x3 meters and backdrop logo display; 2 meal coupons

Silver Sponsor One time AVP presentation about your company during break (to be provided by your company, maximum of
(P30,000.00) 15min); 2 exhibit tables; Top billing of company logo on all posters & streamers; Inclusion of company logo in
the back cover of souvenir program; insertion of company brochures in the souvenir kit; acknowledgment during
session breaks; Company streamer in the venue of the convention (material to be provided by your company);
maximum streamer size of 1x2 meters and backdrop logo display; 2 meal coupons

Bronze Sponsor One-time AVP presentation about your company during break (to be provided by your company, maximum of
(P20,000.00) 5min); 1 exhibit table; Top billing of company logo on all posters & streamers; Inclusion of company logo in the
back cover of souvenir program; insertion of company brochures in the souvenir kit; acknowledgment during
session breaks; Company streamer in the venue of the convention (material to be provided by your company);
maximum streamer size of 1x2 meters and backdrop logo display; 2 meal coupons

Exhibitor 1 exhibit table and distribution of company flyer

Partner insertion of company brochures in the souvenir kit

Payments should be deposited to any Allied Bank branch before the conference. Accomplish the deposit slip in triplicate credited to PSITE using the
following details:
Account Name : PSITE
Account Number : 3131-02238-4
Branch : Allied bank, Recto Branch, Manila
PSITE TIN : 205-394070000 Non-Vat

Please scan your validated deposit slip and email it to ____________________. Please present your deposit slip to the secretariat during the onsite
registration for issuance of official receipts.
Type of Sponsorship __________________________________________________
Conforme: _____________________________________________________
Signature over Printed Name of the Company Representative
Position: _________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________
Contact No: _______________________________________





Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation, Inc.
UP-Information Technology Training Center (UP-ITTC),
Vidal Tan Hall, Quirino Ave. cor. Velasquez St.
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

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