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Major change in the

educational field in
general and more
specifically in the
foreign language

Sulaiman, A., Shu-hua, W., &

Data analysis revealed that the Abdullah, A. (2018). The Learning The researchers use quantitative
dominant learning styles of the Styles and Multiple Intelligences methods in order to identify the
participants were visual, hands- of EFL College Students in general profiles of learning styles
on, extroverted, intuitive, Kuwait. Kuwait: Canadian Center and multiple intelligences of the
concrete-sequential, closure of Science and Education. EFL college students in Kuwait.
oriented and global.

In order to emerge
with a better
classroom learning
environment for EFL
college students in
Kuwait, it is of vital
importance to identify
students learning
styles and multiple
intelligences to begin
to accommodate their
dominant learning
styles and multiple
intelligences by
college teachers and
the college curriculum
at large

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