Educ 3055 Part A

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Humans have an innate need to know and learn (Carlton and Winsler, 1998).

From the moment of birth, children respond to this desire, exploring and acquiring

mathematical meanings within their daily lives. This essay explores how those aged 0 to 5 play with mathematics and how, through the work of Piaget and Vygotsky,

construct their own knowledge yet reach higher levels of understanding when they utilise the teacher as a guide. Concepts constructed independently lay the foundations

for more scientific concepts which can only be addressed when teachers are responsive to the cultural values and experiences of their students, making connections and

building on what they know.

Born curious, babies explore the world through their senses. As they look around, they sense their relative smallness and soon find that there are objects which fit in their

tiny hands and some which do not. They learn of weight and shape when they can’t always lift their toys and witness some rolling away and others staying put. Connor and

Neal (2005) state that babies learn of numeracy when they use their bodies to explore the space around them, a space which grows tremendously when they learn to crawl

and walk. They begin to understand the gap between themselves and other objects and where their bodies can and cannot fit. This newfound mobility extends their

capacity to learn about numeracy as they can hold and examine more things. They put these things in piles, knock them down and build them all over again. Bruner (1966)

describes this as the enactive period, a time of manipulation and exploration. He believes that must work with concrete materials before they can work meaningfully with

abstract symbols. Learning is centred around play. Jean Piaget identified this age, birth to 2 years, as the sensorimotor period. Children in this period are explorers,

acquiring knowledge through experience. Piaget considered development to come from the child alone, through maturation and spontaneous discoveries but Vygotsky

believed this was only true during the sensorimotor stage (Charlesworth and Lind, 2012). During this age learning experiences are predominantly naturalistic, initiated

spontaneously as the child goes about their daily activities. Staley (1998) suggests children are natural researchers, questioning what they see, predicting outcomes,

hypothesizing solutions, experimenting and reflecting on their discoveries. As the child moves into the preoperational period these moments present further opportunities

of instruction and adults can take advantage of teachable moments.

From ages 3-5 children begin to develop abstract concepts. They learn to mentally represent their world in terms of symbols, language being most important (Hoffnung et

al., 2010). They use these terms to express mathematical concepts and as primary form of symbolic representation, words enhance the complexity of social interactions.

The emphasis of learning though language and communication is prominent in the writings of Lev Vygotsky who saw learning as a social experience. As children articulate

to others, they define what they know and become aware of errors in their thinking (Staley, 1998). Through play pre-schoolers begin to recognise numbers in their

environment and discuss their purposes. They enjoy making patterns, estimating distance and grouping objects. They learn about volume and capacity as they pour water

and understand time as they consider how their day is divided (Connor and Neal, 2005). They begin to place number ideas in their drawings and further explore these

concepts in storybooks, nursey rhymes and songs. Bringing light to this, Malaguzzi (1993) describes working with numbers as a valuable experience. He believes any

invitation to work with mathematics is meaningful as these same concepts occur naturally during child’s play, therefore when content is placed within the daily

transactions of a child’s life, they are encouraged to talk about, respond to and share their mathematical thinking.

To facilitate what is already innate, The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), 2009) suggests

that educators make use of ‘spontaneous teachable moments’ and use these moments to scaffold children’s learning’ (p.7). The framework recognises that curriculum is

more than just planned activities but ‘all the interactions, experiences, routines and events that occur in an environment designed to foster children’s learning and

development’ (DEEWR, 2009, p.9). As ‘belonging, being and becoming’ continue to underpin the EYLF, educators must look for potential learning experiences which foster

these big ideas, ensuring opportunities for learning are not overlooked. MacDonald (2018) invites educators to do so as they notice, explore and talk about mathematics.

Perry and Dockett (2008) recognise that mathematics manifests itself within children’s play and therefore learning is enriched when educators are alert to this and are

confident and capable when playing with maths. As children play it is the educator’s role to guide and facilitate learning through intentional teaching, consistent with
Vygotsky’s (1978) Zone of Proximal Development. The educator to not sit back and observe but rather ‘provoke occasions of discovery’ (Edwards, 1993, p.154). Lave and

Wegner (1991) imply that learning is acquired when solutions are taught in contexts applicable to social circumstances and therefore educators must approach these

occasions through an ecological lens, considering development in relation to socio-cultural context (Bronfenbrenner, 1974). Since childcare centres and home are

completely different communities of practice, mathematical learning thrives when ‘families and educators work together in partnership to support young children’s

learning’ (DEEWR, 2009, p.10). Although research suggests that a child’s initial competency often correlates with their home environment (Aikens and Barbarin, 2008),

educators must maintain high expectations of all students regardless of their gender, social or cultural backgrounds. Educators must be aware of and responsive to

individual diversity, making connections to the realities of the learner’s daily life and ensuring their cultural backgrounds are reflected within their choice of language,

environment and materials. This encourages a new respect for the cultures of others and not just their own, a key element within the EYLF outcomes. Although the

outcomes are individually unique, they are similar in the way that they all emphasise positive relationships and the need to recognise the learner’s social cultural

circumstance. When involving families in this process it is the educator’s role to reassure parents that all that needs to be done at home is naturally occurring and they

simply need to place what is going on into a problem-solving context.

In conclusion, early childhood is a crucial period of development. Whether at home or within an early childhood setting, learning should be play based, acknowledge

communication and language and foster both social and emotional development. Educators and parent must be responsive to all that a child does and understand that

‘play alone does not guarantee mathematical development’ (NAEYC, 2002, p.6) but does offer rich opportunities. With this in mind and the EYLF in hand, parents and

educators can work together, creating a learning which not only mirrors the child’s strengths and interests but supports them on their journey of becoming numerate.

Aikens, N., & Barbarin, O. (2008). Socioeconomic differences in reading trajectories: The contribution of family, neighborhood, and school contexts. Journal of Educational

Psychology, 100(2), 235–251.

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1974). Developmental research, public policy, and the ecology of childhood. Child Development, 45(1), 1–5.


Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a theory of instruction. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Carlton, M., & Winsler, A. (1998). Fostering intrinsic motivation in early childhood classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal, 25(3), 159–166.

Charlesworth, R., & Lind, K. (2012). Math and science for young children (7th ed.). Wadsworth Publishing.

Connor, J., & Neal, D. (2014). Everyday learning about maths. Early Childhood Australia.

Department of education, employment and workplace relations. (2009). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia.

Edwards, C. (1993). Partner, nurturer, and guide: The roles of the Reggio teacher in action. In C. Edwards, L. Gandini, & G. Forman (Eds.), The hundred languages of

children: The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education (pp. 151–169). Ablex.
Hoffnung, M., Hoffnung, R., Seifert, K., Burton Smith, R., Hine, A., Ward, L., & Pause, C. (2010). Lifespan development: A chronological approach (1st ed.). Wiley.

Lave, J., & Wegner, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge University Press.

MacDonald, A. (2018). Mathematics in early childhood education. Oxford University Press.

Malaguzzi, L. (1993). History, ideas, and basic philosophy. In C. Edwards, L. Gandini, & G. Forman (Eds.), The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia approach to

early childhood education (pp. 41–89). Ablex.

NAEYC/NCTM. (2002). Position statement: Early childhood mathematics: Promoting good beginnings.

Perry, B., & Dockett, S. (2008). Young children’s access to powerful mathematical ideas. In L. English (Ed.), Handbook of international research in mathematics education

(2nd ed., pp. 81–112). Routledge.

Staley, L. (1998). Beginning to implement the Reggio philosophy. Young Children, 53(5), 20- 25.

Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. Harvard University Press.


Australian Number & Algebra Measurement & Statistics and Understanding Fluency Problem Solving Reasoning
STRANDS & à Geometry Probability

EYLF Outcome 3 What opportunities and What opportunities How do we How do we What do we do to How do we How do we prov
Children have a support do we give do we provide for encourage children encourage children assist children encourage children the best possible
strong sense of children to take risks children to make to make choices in to take risks as they experience success to interact with environment in
their wellbeing when developing discoveries that are their lives? seek to find the in their mathematics others to explore which children c
understandings about
new to them about mathematics in learning? ideas, negotiate create and
shape and space? The T offered choice everyday life? possible solutions synthesise using
of experience and The T presented and share their mathematics?
After the S counted 34
flowers the T challenged The T provided the S prompted many The learning centre mathematical mathematical
the S to extend her with many concrete decision-making offered an concepts and learning? The T identified a
knowledge, representing materials in which scenarios. By asking a environment rich in materials in an play situation of
the same quantity using she could make new variety of ‘where resources, enjoyable and The T presented the interest and
different objects. The T discoveries. Through would we’ and encouraging the S to interesting manner, same problem to a extended the acti
maintained high the use of natural ‘should we’ confidently take risks suited to the S. The nearby student. incorporating
expectations of the S and resources, the S questions, the T unknowingly. The T activity was then Considering that with mathematical
guided her discovery
learnt that although stimulated was active in the scaffolded to target the T’s support the reasoning. By
through verbal cues. The T
supported the S when she each flower was independent thinking play, asking open- to the S’s ‘Zone of solution was within providing both
was unaware of how to different in shape, and choice, ended questions as Proximal their ‘zone of concrete and
represent 34 but deterred they still represented negotiating options well as adding Development’, proximal abstract materia
from helping too much, one flower. When rather than solutions. knowledge and requiring assistance development’, the and transformin
ensuring the S solved the the T encouraged the This technique insight to the S’s and support to reach two girls were learning environ
problem independently. S to make the enabled a sense of understanding. higher levels of presented with an from outdoor to
number 34 the S was agency within the S Actively involving the thinking and ability of opportunity to work indoor, the T
able to play with as they developed S in the learning success. together and share established a vis
these numbers, ownership over the process allowed the S their mathematical connection betw
understanding what situation. to develop her own thinking. This indirect the two concept
each number looks mathematical proposal for
like and their understandings and collaboration
individual shape. therefore make provided a chance for
future mathematical the girls to build on
connections to each other’s ideas
and consider
everyday life. different

EYLF Outcome 4 What opportunities do What opportunities What opportunities What opportunities How do we What do we do to How do we
Children are we provide for each do we give children do we provide for do we provide for encourage children assist children encourage child
confident and child to accept new to explore their local children to explore children to connect to use mathematics develop persistence to seek more tha
involved learners challenges, make new environment and the ideas and their mathematical to be a critical in their one answer to a
discoveries and record what they see concepts of data ideas? consumer of mathematical mathematical
celebrate effort and using visual means? representation? everyday products? problem solving? problem?
achievement? The T encouraged the
The S was able to The T supported the S to connect her As the T encouraged The T provided an The T encourage
The T provided a flexible play outdoors and S as she gathered her mathematical ideas the S to count the experience which S to seek more t
environment that explore the natural data (flowers) and through one-to-one flowers, she learnt to was challenging to one answer whe
allowed the S to make environment. After sorted them into one correspondence. She put a value on things. the S but not encouraged the
connections between picking some flowers group as she placed counted each flower Through natural unachievable. As the student to count
new and existing and counting them them in a vase. The T and connected this resources the S was S attempted to solve flowers. As this
knowledge. The T the S was then directed the S to quantity to a number able to see the the problem the T happened the S’
encouraged the S to encouraged to record the necessary value. The T then mathematics in her supported the S with group of flowers
continue to experiment her findings through resources for her to directed the S to a everyday life and multiple solutions – transformed into
by commenting on her number blocks, represent her workstation where understand quantity. ‘what’s 30?’, ‘what’s individual flower
efforts, valuing her transferring her findings. she could further a number that starts The T then asked
decisions and providing knowledge from one connect these ideas with this sound’? By S to represent 34
additional resources to setting to another. to a visual suggesting different during this descr
extend thinking. representation of the ways of thinking, the the number as 3
number. S becomes persistent Allowing the S to
as they understand visualise the num
there are multiple in more than one
ways to solve way.
Write your own What opportunities do How do we How do we How do we How do we assist How do we What opportuni
pedagogical we provide for children encourage children encourage children encourage children children in choosing encourage children do we provide fo
inquiry to witness addition and to sort, describe and to pose questions to find commonalties appropriate to apply existing children to expla
question/s for sharing through name familiar and contribute to and differences procedures and strategies to their choices?
Outcome 4 activities of their own shapes in the mathematical between creating useful unfamiliar
interest? environment? discussion? mathematical strategies for future situations?
information? activities?

Respond to your After creating the The T encouraged the As the T continued to To help the S When the T When the S was The T was contin
own pedagogical number 34 the T took S to sort the flowers pose questions represent 34, the T instructed the S to unable to identify the used prompting
inquiry away the 4 and replaced she had picked into a herself, she modelled identified make 34 she straight components of the questions to
questions it with a 0. She vase. The T created a to the S the commonalities away recognised that number 30, the T encourage
explained that this is 30 grouping criterion, mathematical between the number the number 4 was drew on her existing mathematical
and we need to add four identifying a flower process of thinking 3 and 30. To help the needed. Although knowledge of the thinking and
to make 34. The T without petals as out loud. The S began S identify the this number does not number 3 and explanation.
informally addressed different. The S did to mirror this skill by similarity between come first the T created a connection Although the S ra
addition but kept this an not count this flower asking questions such these numbers the T acknowledged her between this number explained her
activity of interest or place in it the as “what else do I sounded out the efforts as the S still and 30. The T did so mathematical ch
through continual vase. need?”. Questions number 30 with great recognised part of through sounding out it is clear that th
reference to the prompted by the T emphasis on the the number, an and identifying the created an
flowers. also encouraged beginning the sound. appropriate common features of environment wh
mathematical The T then procedure of solving the numbers. the S felt comfor
discussion and represented the this problem. When and confident w
elaboration on the difference between the S was unable to she explained “th
S’s behalf. 30 and 34 by recognise the is a four over her
replacing 0 with a 4. association of 3 and but I don’t want
30, the T broke down use it”.
the number for the
student, a strategy
the S will use in the
EYLF Outcome 5 How do we encourage How do we assist How do we What opportunities How do we How do we How do we
Children are children to represent children to use encourage children do we give children encourage children encourage and encourage child
effective number in a variety of pattern making and to begin to to describe their to contribute to support children to to participate in
communicators ways? pattern continuation recognise, discuss mathematical collaborative group talk about and group discussion
for problem solving and challenge unfair thinking? work in mathematics represent their justification abo
The S was presented and investigation? attitudes and through taking on a efforts to solve the solution of
with a range of actions? The T encouraged the variety of roles? mathematical mathematical
resources that When the S was S to describe her problems? problems?
encouraged her to unable to represent Maths is often mathematical The T explained to
experiment with 34, the T created an considered as a boy’s thinking through another S what they The T encouraged the The T encourage
concrete and abstract initial pattern starter domain and a subject open ended were doing and then S to talk about her S to participate i
thinking. The T using the numeral 3 for high achievers. questioning. Through asked the girl “do efforts supporting group discussion
encouraged the S to sort to represent 30. The The fact that the T is real life resources you think she can her through the use justification crea
the flowers into a vase S then knew that 34 working with a mathematical find them?”. This of think alouds. The T a collaborative
and connect this group began with 3 and female student and thinking and encouraged the asked, “What’s 30?” learning
to the number 34. The T continued the introducing maths via language was other S to participate and “What’s a environment. Th
then introduced the pattern by selecting play is breaking away promoted and the T in the activity and number that starts created an
relationship between the following unfair actions and continued to listen collaboratively help with this sound” to environment wh
everyday materials and number. attitudes. The T has and respond them solve the help promote the S’s the S’s felt confid
number as she created a gender authentically. problem. communication of and made
supported the student equal and her mathematical connections to b
in visually representing nonthreatening thinking. This proved upon each other
34. maths experience. effective when the learning. As they
student asked, “and discussed where
what else do I need?” would find the
numbers to mak
the Student aske
“and what else d
need” to the
audience of the
other S’s at the t

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