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Analgesic in the snake pit ‘A prehistoric

The venom of the deadly
A detailed laser-scan survey of Stonehenge
Black Mamba has been has discovered 72 previously unknown
found to contain a valuable Early Bronze Age carvings chipped into five
painkiller, says of the giant stones
a ananthanarayanan
FOR part of its existence as an ancient temple, Stonehenge
doubled as a substantial prehistoric art gallery, according to
new evidence. A detailed laser-scan survey of the entire mo-
WHILE anaesthesia is an important field in nument has discovered 72 previously unknown Early Bronze
Age carvings chipped into five of the giant stones. All of the
medicine and an integral part of surgery, the
control of intense pain is also an area as newly discovered prehistoric art works are invisible to the
important as control or cure of disease. The naked eye — and have only come to light following this sur-
“Gold Standard” in pain control is the opium vey which recorded literally billions of points micro-topo-
The Black Mamba, like many other snakes, uses neurotoxins to paralyse and kill small animals, but according to research by graphically on the surfaces of the monument’s 83 surviving
derivative, morphine, which is unequalled in stones. In total, some 850 gigabytes of information was col-
relief from the agony of many cancers, in heart Sylvie Diochot (below) and colleagues, working in France, the venom also contains a very potent painkiller, most likely
working to calm down unlucky prey. They analysed 50 different Mamba species before ultimately finding the lected.
attacks, water in the lungs and the testing time of Detailed analysis of that data — carried out on behalf of
childbirth. But morphine has serious side effects Black Mamba’s pain-killing proteins — called mambalgins.
English Heritage — found that images had been engraved
and its use is highly addictive, apart predators. Snakes have evolved (LD50), or the quantity of venom needed to kill communication in animals they attack and on the stones, normally by removing the top one to three
from larger doses being needed with highly efficient delivery systems, 50 per cent of a tested population, is less than immobilise and kill them. And in the case of the millimetres of weathered (darker coloured) rock to produce
continued use. largely a hypodermic syringe- 0.2 mg per kilogram. This translates into 10 mg, Black Mamba, there are these two proteins that different sized shapes. Of the 72 newly discovered images
In this context, the isolation by Sylvie type set of injecting fangs. The or a hundredth of a gram, being good enough for are able to affect communication of the channels revealed through the data analysis, 71 portray Bronze Age
Diochot and colleagues, working in proteins in the venom act both a 50-kg person. The main proteins in the toxin that convey the sensation of pain! axe-heads and one portrays a Bronze Age dagger.
France, of a component of snake on the cardiac and vascular consist of smaller protein molecules that spread Having found these two proteins that block Prior to the laser survey, 46 other carvings (also of axe-he-
venom that is as effective as morphine, system as well as the nervous quickly through the circulatory system of the Asic in cells in an experimental setting, it was ads and daggers) were known or suspected at Stonehenge
yet free of side effects, will influence system of the victim. The effects victim, which is why the venom of the Black found that they had the same effect on Asic in — mostly identified visually back in the 1950s. The laser-
more fields than only pain control. are of inducing blood Mamba is the fastest acting. And for good human cells, again, in laboratory tests. The next scan survey has now confirmed the existence of those other
Morphine is the main extract from coagulation, a fall in blood measure, the average quantity of venom delivered test was to see if Mambalgins worked on a living images and provided more details about them.
opium, which is the sap that oozes out pressure and an interference in a bite is 110 mg. animal. seven to 11 weeks old so experimental The 72 new “rock art” discoveries almost treble the num-
of the poppy seedpod. Its use as a with the transmission of nerve Till recent times, when anti-venom has been mice were tested for reaction to pain, both in the ber of carvings known at Stonehenge — and the monu-
painkiller and as an exhilarant has impulses, which leads to made easily available, the bite of the Black normal state and after they had been ment’s largely invisible art gallery now constitutes the lar-
been known since ancient times. Sylvie Diochot. paralysis, including that of the Mamba was 100 per cent fatal in sub-Saharan administered doses of Mambalgins or of gest single collection of prehistoric rock carvings in south-
Morphine was first separated from opium in lungs and the heart. These specific actions of Africa, where the snake is found. morphine. Pain was created with the help of ern Britain. Although now largely invisible to the naked eye,
back in the Early Bronze Age the images, composed of
1804, for use as an analgesic and to help cure venoms of snakes or even of spiders and As toxins that consist of proteins affect nerve chemical substances injected in the paws of the then-unweathered (and therefore lighter coloured) stone
opium or alcohol addiction. But it is also widely scorpions on biological processes have led to cells, there has been interest in their action on mice and the analgesics were administered either would have been clearly visible. The revelations are likely
misused, leading to dependence and addiction their use in medicine, for diagnosis or cure. ion channels that are involved in the transmission by spinal injection or injection in the paws. The to be of huge importance to archaeologists’ understand-
and is, again, easily converted into heroin, a The way these protein-like toxins act on nerves of pain. Recent studies have shown that snake effectiveness was assessed by observing ing of a key part of Stonehenge’s life as a prehistoric tem-
more potent and more addictive psychotropic is that they block or open pathways in the surface venom is able to activate “Acid-Sensing Ion behaviour, like kicking of the paws, which ple. It’s known that, when the main phase of the monu-
substance. of nerve cells. The action of nerves is by Channels” that are involved in sensing pain. indicates discomfort. ment was initially built in the middle of the third millenni-
Morphine appears to act by mimicking the transmitting a signal received from one cell to the Sylvie Diochot, at France’s Institute de The results of the trials were that the um BC, it was designed primarily as a solar temple, al-
effect of endorphins, or morphine-like substances next nerve cell or a muscle cell. The receipt and Pharmocologie Moleculaire and Cellulaire, and Mambalgins were quite as effective in blocking
produced endogenously, ie, within the body dispatch of signals is regulated by changes in the her colleagues in different institutes in France pain as morphine. What is more, it was found
itself. Endorphins are produced for pain relief, electrical tension between the inside and the surveyed the effect of the components of neuro- that while the same dose of morphine, when
and to induce relaxation, sleepiness or feelings of exterior of the nerve cell. toxins drawn from different sources, different repeatedly administered, stopped being as
pleasure, often as a means of reinforcing learning The electrical tension is caused by inequalities species of poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions, effective as it was at the start, there was no such
or behaviour. Morphine acts by connecting to of concentration of electrically charged atoms, sea anemones, looking for the reverse effect, of “tolerance” that developed with Mambalgins.
specific parts of the cells in the central nervous called “ions”, of sodium and potassium inside blocking the Asic. The different components of Morphine also creates respiratory depression,
system, to bring about its main effects – intense and outside the cells. Under normal conditions, the toxins were separated and each was tested for which was found to not happen with
pain relief and deep sedation. But it also brings the tension cannot be released as the ions cannot its function of blocking Asic in living cells. The Mambalgins. While any addicting propensity of
about euphoria and “disinhibition” – its name pass through the cell wall or through the groups screening of a large number of toxin proteins the Mambalgins has not been mentioned in the
itself is in honour of Morpheus, the Greek God of of special proteins, called “ion channels”, in the revealed that two of the proteins in the venom of paper by the group, published in Nature, any
Dreams — which has made it a drug of cell wall. But when primed by an external the Black Mamba did have the effect they were alternative to morphine as a reliever of acute
entertainment as much as one with medical use. protein, which has a shape that exactly fits some looking for. pain, and free from major side effects that Digital photogrammetry being used to record 3D
When used causally, there is intense part, called the “receptor”, of the ion channel, These two proteins, which have been named complicate recovery of patients, would make a images of the micro-topography on the tops of
psychological addiction, which goes on to the “gate” can be opened to allow a rush of Mambalgin1 and Mambalgin2 (after Mamba great difference to pain management in most the lintels at Stonehenge.
physical addiction and, what is worse, the need charge in and out of the cell. This flow may then Analgin), were found to be nearly identical cases. igned on the mid-winter and mid-summer solstices. But, as
for larger and large doses to maintain its mood- open the gate of a neighbouring cell to start a proteins built from 57 amino acids. Proteins are The study shows that Mambalgins work by Stonehenge evolved over subsequent centuries, the extent
altering effects. Dependence is also a major cascade of transmission, or it may excite a muscle assembled by living cells with the help of acting both on the nerve cells that first sense the to which other religious functions were added is not yet
disadvantage in legitimate use as a painkiller. So cell, to cause contraction. templates that are stored in the cell DNA. The pain and also on the central nervous system. The known. Certainly, in the period 1800-1500 BC, vast num-
are other side effects, like the effect on The action of protein toxins is by interfering components of segments of DNA spell out the evolutionary path through which the Black bers of individual monumental tombs were constructed in
respiration and the suppression of intestinal with ion channels. The presence of a toxic order in which specific amino acids are to be Mamba has included a powerful analgesic in the the landscape around Stonehenge and additional features
movements, which leads to constipation. But the protein, for instance, can modify the shape of the strung to create the protein. This specific combination of lethal proteins in its venom is still (various circles of ritual pits) were laid out around the mon-
efficacy of pain control is unparalleled and the receptor so that it no longer reacts to the normal formula, which may specify hundreds of amino not understood. But the discovery of ument. The carved axe-heads and daggers also belong to
management of several serious conditions is signals and is thus rendered ineffective. acids, builds the protein that will fold in a highly Mambalgins, apart from being pain-relieving this enigmatic period — and may signify some sort of ex-
unthinkable without morphine. specific way — and hence present peculiar and agents themselves, will advance the pansion or change in the great stone circle’s religious func-
Mambalgin individual molecular features that can induce understanding of new routes to the management tion.
Venom The venom of the Black Mamba is one of the cells to behave in specific ways. of pain. In Indo-European tradition, axe-heads were often associ-
Snake venom, secreted by glands behind the fastest acting snake venoms in the world. It The DNA of poisonous snakes has, thus, over ated with storm deities — and some surviving European
fangs, consists almost entirely of proteins whose consists mainly of neurotoxins, or proteins that the course of evolution devised the proteins that The writer can be contacted at folklore beliefs suggest that upwards-facing axe blades
function is mainly to immobilise prey or affect nerve cells, and the Median Lethal Dose are able to break down the neural were used as magical talismans to protect crops, people
and property against lightning and storm damage. It’s po-
tentially significant that every single one of the Stonehenge
vehicles laden with treated seeds.

Strict observance is essential During sowing, workers are pro-

vided with individual means of
protection. When sowing, the lid of the
seedbox must be tightly closed and the
axe-head images have their blades pointing skywards,
while the daggers point downwards. The axe-heads — the
vast majority of the images — may therefore have been en-
graved as votive offerings to placate a storm deity and thus
protect crops.
tapan kumar maitra explains the importance permission of a sanitary inspector. All
objects being gassed are need to be
are obligatory. The treatment of seeds
with the use of adhesives reduces the
seeds in the machine must be levelled
out with a shovel (by no means with
It may also be significant that the vast majority of the car-
vings either face a nearby set of tombs (from roughly the
of safety measures when using pesticides guarded round the clock up to concentration of pesticide vapour in the hands). Residues of treated grain same period) — or the centre of Stonehenge itself. Rare evi-
completion of the work. Gassing may the working zone to one-ninth of its are returned to the store while small dence from elsewhere in Britain suggests that axe-head and
be performed only in premises that value without them. It is prohibited to amounts of spilled grain are burned dagger carvings could have funerary associations.
meet the requirements of hermetic treat seeds in barrels and by scooping. and the ashes buried. The place where The laser-scan data shows that many of the axe-head im-
WHEN using pesticides, safety means to protect their skin, eyes and sealing and arranged not closer than Treatment is performed on an open the treated grain was kept and its ages have exactly the same dimensions as up to half a
measures are called for to prevent the respiratory organs. 200 metres from dwellings and containers are neutralised. dozen other images in the prehistoric Stonehenge “art gal-
poisoning of workers by toxicants, Bait must be used on the day of 100 metres from farm Vehicles involved in the lery”. This in turn suggests that real axe-heads were being
contamination of the environment and preparation. Unused bait is handed in buildings. transportation of treated grain used as “stencils” to help produce the images. If that’s the
the contact of outsiders and animals to a toxicant store for storage or are Fumigation is performed at a and sowing machines are case, the largest axe-heads portrayed — up to 46 cm long
with pesticides. In all cases when handed over to another farm where temperature of the air outside thoroughly cleaned and — depict objects that were far bigger than archaeologists
pesticides are to be used, the rodents are being controlled against a and inside the premises not neutralised. have ever found and which must have been for purely cer-
supervisor must notify the receipt. Small residues of bait under 10° Celsius and not over Spraying and dusting should emonial or ritual use.
The laser-scan survey was carried out for English Herit-
management of the farm in which the unsuitable for use are placed in a pit, 35° Celsius. To ensure safety, be performed in the morning age by a Derby-based survey company — the Greenhatch
work is to be done, the heads of fuel is poured over and it is burned. the work is done by a brigade and evening, and in dull Group — last year. A subsidiary of York Archaeological Trust
neighbouring farms and the local The implements, containers and divided into teams of three. weather during the daytime. — ArcHeritage, also operating on behalf of English Herit-
population at least two days in advance auxiliary materials used for preparing They work in overalls, gloves, Treatment must never be age — then spent many months analysing and cataloguing
on the time and nature of the work to the bait are washed with soapy, hot special shoes and gas masks performed before or during a the vast quantities of data. “The new discoveries are of huge
be done and the safety measures. water after work. Implements not fitted with filters of a rainfall. importance. They also demonstrate how emerging tech-
Standard warning signs are set up at lending themselves to cleaning are corresponding grade. A The rates of use of nologies can extract previously unsuspected and crucial in-
a distance of at least 300 metres from destroyed or neutralised if they are to restricted zone is marked out pesticides and treatment formation from a monument like Stonehenge,” said Mar-
the boundaries of the section to be be used again. Wooden objects are around the object and warning periods must be strictly cus Abbott, head of Geomatics and Visualisation at ArcHer-
treated. Workers may enter sections burned, metal ones are crushed and signs are put up. site or under a canopy at a distance of controlled. Specially equipped filling itage.
treated with pesticides to perform field buried. All work involving the admission of a at least 200 metres from dwellings. areas must be provided for preparing “As the previously invisible images started appearing on
operations in four to six days after the The area where the bait was gas into premises is performed with Indoors, treatment may be carried out working formulations of the toxicants. our computer screens, we stared in disbelief at the sheer
use of polychloropinene and prepared is ploughed to a depth of at account taken of the properties of the only with good ventilation. Preparation of the working liquids and quantity of carvings being revealed – and treble-checked all
toxaphene; in three weeks after the use least 25 cm, the soil layer turned over gas and its container. When working The chemicals and treated grain are filling of reservoirs of spraying our data,” he added.
of hexachlorobutadiene; and in three and covered with slaked lime. Only with flammable fumigants, the objects strictly accounted for and stored in machines with virulent and highly toxic The survey and analysis has also yielded other new in-
to five days after the use of other after this is done can the guard be being treated are disconnected from special premises. It is prohibited to use pesticides must be completely sights into Stonehenge. It’s revealed, through an examina-
pesticides. lifted. To avoid poisoning, open placing the electric mains and special fire safety treated grain for food purposes or as mechanised. Special machines and tion of how finely the stone surfaces were worked, that the
Special attention must be given to a or scattering of poisoned bait is measures are taken. After gassing, the feed for animals or poultry, or to mix it aviation equipment are used to prepare entire prehistoric temple was constructed to be viewed pri-
strict observance of the safety rules prohibited in populated localities and objects are degassed. The time needed with untreated grain and sell it in any aerosols or insecticide smoke pots. marily from the north-east. That’s the side of the monu-
ment that is approached by what archaeologists have long
when working with virulent, highly within the boundaries of grazing land for this is determined by the object, the way. Ventilation, washing, cleaning and Closed premises treated with aerosols believed to be a processional way, aligned with the sol-
toxic and volatile pesticides. When for cattle and poultry, around farms properties of the fumigant and the baking do not free the products of must be ventilated for 24 hours. stices. Because it now seems that Stonehenge was built to
controlling rodents, poisons and highly within a radius of 500 metres, at places method of degassing. Large objects toxicant residues. Grazing of cattle on treated areas be viewed from that direction, it suggests that some sort
toxic substances are used to prepare of concentration of beneficial wild should be degassed gradually to Treated grain is stored separately and on areas within a radius of 300 of religious procession made its way towards the monu-
bait. This is prepared either in a animals and birds, and also on the prevent large amounts of gas escaping from food products and fodder and metres is permitted not earlier than in ment, along that route, probably on mid-winter’s and mid-
specially assigned room provided with adjoining land within a radius of 200 into the atmosphere. The supervisor needs to be reliably guarded. Such 25 days after treatment (for especially summer’s day.
an exhaust hood or in special areas at a metres. In these cases, the bait is issues written permission for use of the grain is issued for sowing only when toxic and persistent pesticides, this Detailed analysis of the data also shows that one of the
distance of at least 200 metres from placed in burrows or other shelters. object. ordered by the head of the farm or period is longer and is indicated in stones at the now ruinous south-west side of the monument
dwellings and livestock shelters. The Aerial scattering of poisoned bait Highly toxic substances are often his/her deputy. Treated seeds are to be special instructions). It is prohibited to was also very deliberately worked and shaped to allow a line
poisonous substances involved in the containing zinc phosphide can be done used to treat seeds. Consequently, this transported to the place of sowing in feed livestock weeds from fields treated of sight through to the setting sun on mid-winter’s day. This,
preparation of bait are guarded. Their only with special permission from the work may be done only when using sacks of a dense fabric and only in with pesticides. along with other new evidence, suggests that the south-
residues are returned to the store or Union ministry of agriculture, as an apparatus in good order and serially exceptional cases, upon special permis- west side of the monument was once fully functional —
kept in a specially assigned room. The exception. manufactured machines (PSSh-3, PS-10, sion of a sanitary inspector, is The writer is associate and will reduce support for those who have, up till now,
preparation of bait is mechanised. This All fumigation jobs, owing to the etc) outfitted with a cleaning device. transportation in canvas-covered motor professor and head, Department argued that Stonehenge was never completed.
not only speeds up the work, but also hazard involved, are performed by Reliable means for protecting the body, vehicles permitted. It is strictly of Botany, Ananda Mohan College, The Independent, London
ensures safety. Workers must use skilled specialists and only with eyes and especially respiratory organs prohibited to convey people on Kolkata


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