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Healthy Diet



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Healthy Diet

A balanced diet may aid in the prevention of some chronic (long-term) illnesses such as

heart disease, stroke, and diabetes (Edlin & Golanty, 2015). It may also help an individual

maintain a healthy weight and decrease the chances of getting some malignancies. Certain

individuals may need specialized counsel, such as pregnant women, those with certain health

issues, or those with particular nutritional needs (Al-Qahtani, 2016). For a healthy lifestyle, the

significance of a well-balanced diet cannot be overstated. A healthy lifestyle may be achieved by

eating a well-balanced diet that includes all of the necessary elements that the body requires. A

well-planned diet may help one achieve an optimum body weight and lower the risk of chronic

illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some kinds of cancer. I completed a three-

day recall on July 23, 24, and 25 since I was at home on these days. So, I had all the time I

needed to prepare, with no other challenges to contend with during these days.

The major sources of calories in the diet are carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Most meals

and drinks include different quantities of these macronutrient combinations. The overall number

of calories in my three-day recall is 1139, which is less than the required level of 1260. Fats are

substances found in food that the body utilizes to construct cell membranes, nerve tissue such as

the brain, and hormones. If a person's fats are not burnt as energy or utilized as building blocks,

the body stores them in fat cells. This is the body's method of anticipating: It prepares for periods

when food may be scarce by storing fat for future use (Al-Qahtani, 2016). According to the lists,

my fat grams from the findings are 25.50 grams and 26.60 percent of the recommended calories.

Carbohydrates are categorized as either simple, sugars, or complex, including starches and fibers.

I have 115g of carbohydrates and 53.20 percent of the calories in my diet. This implies that I

have fewer carbohydrates than the necessary grams and a lower proportion of calories based on

the recommended list. Finally, protein may be obtained in a broad range of animal and plant

meals. Seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, and milk and milk products are examples of animal-based

protein sources. According to the findings, I have 37.40 grams and 17.30 percent of the calories.

It implies that I have a lower proportion of acceptable proteins in my body and a higher

percentage of needed calories. Vitamins and minerals are chemicals that our bodies need to grow

and operate properly. Because I am anemic, eating a healthy range of foods, particularly those

high in iron and folic acids, such as lean red meat, iron and folic acid fortified meals, and leafy

green vegetables, is beneficial. In addition, I consume a lot of vitamin C-rich meals when I eat

iron-rich foods. Vitamin C will aid in the absorption of more of the available iron. I need to boost

my vitamin C consumption since my current level is 17.98 milligrams (mg), which is less than

the recommended level of 75mg. In addition, I need to boost my ion intake since I only have

4.77mg, which is extremely low compared to the necessary milligrams of 18mg. Keeping my

condition in mind at all times will need a nutritious diet.

A well-balanced diet should include enough protein, carbohydrates, fat, calcium,

vitamins, and fiber. Each of these nutrients is essential for our bodies' general growth and

development. According to the findings, I at least reached the necessary quantity for most of the

key nutrients, but I did not meet the goal for others. I need to eat many saturated fats, salt, and

cholesterol since my levels are below recommended.

It may be challenging to adhere to a diet since dieting promotes stereotyping, which

means one is either trying to be 'good' and eat precisely according to their weight loss plan, or

they are being 'bad' and eating whatever they want, perhaps unconsciously making unhealthy

choices and overeating. According to my three-day recall compared to the USDA's, I need to

make any changes to my diet. For example, my fruit intake is zero, implying that I need to

consume many fruits to supplement my vitamins and minerals. Fruits are a good source of fiber

and essential vitamins and minerals. Additionally, fruits include a range of antioxidants, such as

flavonoids, that are helpful to one's health. Furthermore, my vegetable intake is extremely poor,

resulting in a lack of vitamins in my body. Dairy products are an essential component of the diet

because they offer a variety of vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin D, in

addition to carbohydrates, protein, and occasionally fat (Hoerster & Young, 2021). According to

my plate findings, I have not been consuming dairy products as prescribed, which may have led

to a lack of enough carbohydrates and vitamins.

Anemia is characterized by a lower-than-normal level of red blood cells (RBCs) in the

blood. It may result in headaches, weakness, tiredness, and a variety of other symptoms. If left

untreated, it may potentially cause long-term health issues. Without adequate iron, your body

will generate fewer or smaller RBCs than usual (Popa-Wagner et al., 2020). A consequence of

inadequate dietary iron consumption leads to iron deficiency anemia. In other words, my anemia

was caused by a deficiency of iron in my diet. As a result, this diet analysis has a larger effect on

my life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), iron insufficiency is the world's

greatest nutritional issue, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). According to

studies, up to eighty percent of the global population does not have enough iron in their bodies. It

also shows that up to thirty percent of people acquire anemia due to chronic iron deficiency

(Popa-Wagner et al., 2020). If a person suspects they have anemia, it is critical to get iron levels

checked. This study has assisted me in determining the number of ions in my body. According to

Hoerster and Young (2020), the amount of iron a person requires is influenced by their gender,

age, and other health factors. Consuming too much or too little iron may result in health issues. A

healthy diet is essential for avoiding and treating anemia. Eating a well-balanced diet may help

avoid iron deficiency, and based on this analysis, I will eat a well-balanced diet.

Eating is often associated with the social activity; therefore, it stands to reason that the

people we associate with will affect our eating habits. But you cannot eat everything in your

room; isolation is also unhealthy. My diet does not affect others; everyone around me is content

with whatever I eat daily. I am aware that having strong social connections is a critical

component of health. However, diets often advised purportedly to improve health lead to social

isolation by making it more difficult to engage in social activities, including eating. Actually,

after all of the reading for this class, I recognized that I needed to make some dietary adjustments

for my kid. I make certain she eats on schedule, and I prepare her meals every morning. The

findings of this three-day study accurately mirrored my usual eating patterns. As the study

shows, I eat three meals each day. Furthermore, as shown in the study, I consume fewer fruits

and vegetables in my meals. However, as a result of this research, I have chosen to alter my diet.

Breakfast is always served at 9 A.M. at 12 noon nutritious snacks such as fruit or granola bars for

lunch, and no eating after 7 P.M.

Nourishment of the body is the most natural and necessary activity of everyday living.

Every meal you consume, whether conscious or unconscious, requires you to make dietary

choices. I have a variety of eating habits that are both strong and weak. To begin, I am always

conscious of my eating habits to fine-tune my senses and make better choices. Furthermore, I

cook more often to minimize processed food, but I occasionally miss meals because I am too

busy with school. I have a full-time job and a kid. Furthermore, I love my meals and am always

open to trying new cuisines. Finally, I eat meals with excellent company to better enjoy these

times and instill healthy eating habits in my children.


Three SMART goals

Every weekday morning until September 4th, I will set aside 20 minutes to have a well-

balanced breakfast that will fill me up and keep me energetic throughout the day. I will include

whole grains, fiber, protein, fruits or vegetables, and healthy fat in each breakfast. This will

put an end to my usual pattern of being hungry by 10:00 A.M., having an unhealthy snack, and

being exhausted by 2:00 P.M.

Starting tomorrow, I shall consume four fruits daily to aid my body in absorbing more

vitamins. Today, I will eat raw vegetables for lunch and cooked vegetables for dinner to meet

my nutrition goal. I will start jogging for twenty minutes on the treadmill at least three

mornings a week before 7:00 A.M. starting next week. I want to spend at least five minutes

each day, four days a week, for the next three weeks meditating in order to enhance my stress


For the rest of the year, I will spend two hours on Sunday evenings making a weekly meal

plan and prepping any food items that I can. This will allow me to consume less processed

'grab-and-go meals.


Having a nutritious diet helps to ensure a healthy life, promotes normal growth,

development, and aging, assists in keeping a healthy body weight, and reduces the risk of chronic

disease, all of which are beneficial to general health and well-being. This analysis has helped me

in controlling my diet. Because different foods and food categories are excellent providers of

different macro-and micronutrients, a balanced diet is the best way to guarantee nutritional

sufficiency. A balanced diet is most likely to satisfy both known and undiscovered human health

requirements. In addition to my understanding of protein, essential fatty acid, vitamin, and

mineral needs, I have learnt more about the health impacts of a broader variety of bioactive



Al-Qahtani, M. H. (2016). Dietary habits of Saudi medical students at the University of

Dammam. International journal of health sciences, 10(3), 353.

Edlin, G., & Golanty, E. (2015). Health and wellness. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.



Hoerster, K. D., & Young, A. S. (2021). Improving Diet, Activity, and Weight. Health and

Wellness in People Living With Serious Mental Illness, 267.



Popa-Wagner, A., Dumitrascu, D. I., Capitanescu, B., Petcu, E. B., Surugiu, R., Fang, W. H., &

Dumbrava, D. A. (2020). Dietary habits, lifestyle factors, and neurodegenerative

diseases. Neural regeneration research, 15(3), 394.

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