ĐỀ 3 Key Tự Coi

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I am ...................................................................................



ĐỀ 3
Part 1 Choose a suitable word or phrase (marked A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank.
1 Ever since his mother scolded him, he ........... himself in his room.
A have locked B locks C has locked D is locking

Scold SB = reprimand SB = rebuke SB = tell off SB + for STH

2 Some children are having fun ........... the schoolyard instead of coming back to class.
A at B up C in D over
3 There is only ........... milk left in the fridge. Could you go and buy some more?
A a few B any C much D a little
4 Nobody is ........... him. Only he can reach that shelf without standing on a chair.
A as tall as B tall as C taller D more tall than
5 The girl waved ............ as her father approached.
A excited B excitement C exciting D excitedly

Part 2 Each of the following sentences has one error (A, B, C, or D). Find it and blacken your choice on your
answer sheet..
6 Every student (A) need to fill in (B) a form before (C) applying for a place (D) in the university.
7 Mr. Danielson was (A) remembered as (B) a honourable man (C) who never (D) lied to anyone.
8 Sharks may (A) have a very (B) keen sense of smell, but (C) its eyesight is (D) poor.
9 Maria did not listen (A) to my (B) advice and (C) bought the table (D) who was old and rickety.
10 Of (A) all the subjects at school, (B) I like Mathematics best. (C) They are very (D) interesting.

Part 3 Which of the following best restates each of the given sentences?
11 It could rain tomorrow, so we need to be well-prepared.
A To be well-prepared, it is likely to rain tomorrow.
B We need to make preparations as it is possible that it will rain tomorrow.
C We are likely to prepare well because it could rain tomorrow.
D After it rains tomorrow, we will make careful preparations.
12 Life would be easier if we were living somewhere else.
A If we move somewhere else, life will not be as difficult.
B The place where we are is not so difficult to live in.
C We were living in a place where life was not easy for us.
D We are not living in a place where life is easy.
13 It looks like his phone is more expensive than everyone else’s.
A His phone is as costly as everyone else’s.
B His phone appears to be the most expensive.
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C Without a doubt, nobody else has a phone that is as expensive as his.
D He bought a phone that was much cheaper than the ones everyone else had.
14 When the meeting was over, they asked John to stay.
A They were asked to stay after the meeting.
B John had to be asked to the meeting after it was over.
C After the meeting, John was asked to stay.
D They asked John to stay because the meeting was over.
15 The police told the man, “You mustn’t park your car here.”
A The police did not allow the man to drive his car away.
B The police ordered the man to stop the car there.
C The police asked the man whether he had to leave his car there.
D The police forbade the man from parking his car there.

Part 4 Read the passage carefully.

Many countries, particularly the developing ones, have more natural resources than they need for their own use. These
countries have made use of their raw materials by selling them to buy technological goods that they are unable to
produce for themselves. Few nations have been willing to consider that these resources would come to an end.
However, with increasing consumption and such unreasonable methods of harvesting as clearing or strip mining (a
type of mining in which coal is taken out of the ground near the surface), the world’s stock of resources has
been disappearing rapidly.
The world is now conscious that natural resources are not only vanishing but also having serious effects on our planet.
Today, governments are seeking to develop policies that balance the need to protect and preserve the environment
with the need for the economic development of their countries. [18]
Fining companies that contaminate or damage the environment helps to limit the use of chemicals and the
consumption of raw materials so that they are used economically and efficiently. Enforcing realistic reforestation
regulations results in the renewal of resources. Policies such as these will ensure that the earth supports the population
without ecosystems being destroyed in the process.
16 What is the passage mainly about?
A The abundance of natural resources
B Problems with resources and possible solutions
C Developing countries’ mistakes of exploiting resources too much
D Ways of collecting resources that are unreasonable
17 In paragraph 1, what does the word they refer to?
A natural resources B technological goods
C methods D developing countries
18 According to paragraph 2, which two needs are countries trying to balance?
A Protection of the environment and preservation of the environment
B Development and economic well-being
C Economic development and environmental protection
D Political stability and pollution
19 In paragraph 3, what is the word contaminate closest in meaning to?
A make dirty B purify C clean up D collect
20 According to the passage, what can be inferred about the use of chemicals and the consumption of raw materials?

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A They can cause damage to a country’s economy.
B. If not limited, they will destroy the environment.
C They enable companies to carry out reforestation.
D. They are very economical and efficient.

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