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- Painting and Text by Rustom M. Daboo

(It has been recorded in our manuscripts and the Kisse-e-Sanjan that to consecrate the Iranshah, the ‘Aalaat’ or the implements
to consecrate the Holy Fire were required to be brought to Sanjan from Iran by road, as such consecrated ‘Aalaats’, which
includes the Holy Fire from Khorasan, were available only in Iran at that time. Two Holy Mobeds were assigned to go and
bring the ‘Aalaats’ by road, carrying out the proper rituals on the way...)

Recently our most venerated and beloved Pak Iranshah’s building was renovated and opened up for devotees. Do we know
how the sacred Iranshah was consecrated in the first place? It was nothing short of a miracle! It has been recorded in our
manuscripts and the Kisse-e-Sanjan that to consecrate the Iranshah the ‘Aalaat’ or the implements to consecrate the Holy Fire
were required to be brought to Sanjan from Iran by road, as such consecrated ‘Aalaats’, which includes the Holy Fire from
Khorasan, were available only in Iran at that time. Two Holy Mobeds were assigned to go and bring the ‘Aalaats’ by road,
carrying out the proper rituals on the way. It was these implements that were brought back with superhuman effort by these
Mobeds, who came together with Adepts from Damavand Koh, Iran, which was used to consecrate the sacred Fire of Iranshah
in Sanjan in around Y.Z. 90.

All Parsi priests of India draw their origin from these priests, Mobed Shahpur Mobed Sheriar, who is believed to be one of the
Ashavan level priests who brought the original Parsis to India by boat, the other being Mobed Hormuzdiar Ervad Ramiyar,
both under the guidance of Dastur Nairyosangh Avval (also known as Dhaval), who was the lead Ashavan of the Zarathushti
contingent that landed at Diu and then at Sanjan. Iranshah was consecrated by these three Ashavans and Mobeds on a
collection of 16 different types of fires, one of which was the fire of ‘Asfan’, obtained from lightning. It is said that lighting
was brought down by a miraculous incantation of ‘Manthra Spenta’ by Dasturji Naryosang Dhaval and other three Ashavans,
by the strength of their ritual and manthric prayers. This is the main difference between the Iranshah Atash Behram and the 7
other Atash Behrams in India. Thus, the Holy Fire was declared to be known as Iranshah or The King of Iran by the entire
Zoroastrian community as they had lost both their king and their country.

Excerpts from ‘The Ancient Spiritual Fires’ by Dastur (Dr.) Firoze Kotwal: “There seems to be an indirect mention of the
three inner fires made by the learned Sanjana priest Bahman Kaikobad (his Indianized name being Vikaji Ekji Kuka) in the
Kisse-e-Sanjan written in 1599 CE. The 3 sacred fires are mentioned as: “Lileste’, ‘Checheste’ and ‘Gofeste’. Mobed
Kaikobad mentions that the Iranshah Fire was consecrated with the ‘Aalaat’ brought from Khorasan by high souled Mobeds
(Kimiyagars) of Iran who came with the ‘Aalaat’ of Khorasan, among whom were ‘several Ashahvans from Demavand
(Adepts & alchemists called: ‘Ashahvan Chandin Kimiyagar’). The Mobeds of Sanjan together with these high souled
Ashavans seem to have brought into existence the 3 hidden fires of the Iranshah Atash Behram. It is tempting to connect the
three fires, viz. ‘Lileste’, ‘Checheste’ and ‘Gofeste’, with the ancient spiritual fires: ‘Adur Farnbag’, ‘Adur Gusnasp’ and
‘Adur Burzin Mihr’ created by Ahura Mazda for the protection and preservation of the world.

In my visualization of this un-earthly occurrence titled ‘THE MIRACLE OF THE CONSECRATION OF PAK IRANSHAH’,
I have tried to capture this moment when the Holy Iranshah was actually brought into existence. These alchemist Ashavans
have brought into existence the three inner fires mentioned above, which are depicted in my painting, hovering around the
altar. These three Sacred Fires are supposed to be kept secretly burning below the Iranshah fire. The Adepts, together with
their leader Ashavan Dasturji Nairyosangh Avval (Dhaval) is shown in the painting, bringing down the holy Iranshah from
Adar Mino-Karko of the 9thAsman onto the prepared altar, together with lightening; aiding the same through the special spear
shown held up is Dasturji Nairyosangh in the painting. Our Hindu benefactor, to whom we Parsis are ever so indebted, the
benevolent King Jadav Rana, who was also present during this miracle, figures at the bottom right corner of the painting,
outside the ‘Kash’ or circle prepared by the Adepts. I have tried to capture the miraculous event, which is visible on the
stunned expressions and actions of the few onlookers allowed to be present outside the Kash, including a Sogdian Zoroastrian
priest depicted above Dasturji Nairyosangh Avval. ‘Iranshah’ in Avestan Jamaspi cryptographic script, is declared in the sky
above, shown in the painting.

It is from this great Sanjan (and now Udvada)’s Iranshah that all Atash Behrams and Agiyaries in India have their unbroken
link (Hamazor connection) and their ritual connection with the Sacred Fires of Iran through the foundational ‘Aalaats’ of
Khorasan. This very holy Atash Padshah is 1,299 years old, and our Mobeds have sacrificed everything to continue to perform
the rituals and traditions for Pak Iranshah all through these centuries, in spite of numerous hardships of maintaining the Holy
Fire at Bahrot mountain caves, then Vansda, and then throughout its centuries old journey to lastly be established at Udvada,
where it is presently enthroned. What dedication and firm commitment of these Mobed Sahebs who fought all hardships to
keep the Holy Iranshah alive and burning with all proper rituals scrupulously performed for benefit of the community and
religion! Their sacrifices are indeed highly commendable and we all should be deeply thankful to them for their selfless
sacrifices for the community. They continue to serve and sacrifice even now for our beloved Holy Iranshah Saheb.

From Jam-e-Jamshed 6-3-2022

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