Manashni Gavashni Kunashni Hard To Follow

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If we are told to explain our Religion in short. We generally tell- HU-MATA; HU-KHATA; HU-VARSHTA. MAN-ASHNI; GAV-
ASHNI; KUN-ASHNI. And that is the Religion in a Nutshell. So simple, so easy to follow! Just have Good/Pure thoughts, words &
deeds! That is easier said than done. Just try to have Good/Pure thoughts for only 10 minutes & you will understand its importance.
A Short story to explain it. ~
Once there was a man who had all bad habits, he was a Robber, he used to gamble, tell lies, Drink alcohol etc. One day there came a
saint in the village & with others this man too requested the saint to have food at his house. The saint agreed but on a condition that
he does not rob. He said then how would he earn, as he knew only this. When told to leave gambling, stop drinking alcohol, he
refused to all saying he could not leave those. Finally the saint asked him not to tell lies & to tell the truth always. He agreed to it. It
was so Simple, Just tell the Truth! Nothing else. He could continue with all the other vices!
The other day he was ready to gamble, then he thought, if someone asked him his cards he could not lie. He had to tell the Truth &
then he would surely lose. He thought of drinking alcohol, again stopped thinking he would not be in his senses & may tell a lie.
Now he was in a Fix. He felt cheated! He could not do anything while telling the truth.
Finally he thought of making a big last robbery & then leave all his vices forever. He went to rob the king’s treasury, the guards
there stopped him, asked him where he was going. He told them he was a robber going to rob the king’s treasure. The guards
thought he was joking, how could a robber say he was going to make a robbery? So they let him go. He went to the treasury & took
3 very expensive jewels out of the 6 there & went out.
The king was also out incognito, saw the thief coming out of his castle; he stopped him & asked him what he was doing in the castle.
He told the truth, showed him the 3 jewels, as the king refused to believe he had gone to rob the king.
Next day there was big hue & cry, there were 6 jewels & some jewellery robbed from the king’s treasury. Soldiers started searching
for the thief, but could not find him. Finally the king asked them to go to a particular place & call that person to come to his court.
He came & told the truth when asked, that he had stolen only 3 jewels & nothing else. Nobody believed him. Would a thief tell the
truth? They thought. The king then called the keeper of the treasury & grilled him to tell the truth, for the robber had shown him the
3 jewels when he had come out of the castle. The keeper had taken the rest of the jewels & the jewellery. The Thief was then made
keeper of the Treasury & he left all his vile habits & lived a good life.
This story goes to show that he thought Just telling the truth was so easy to follow, but because of that he could not Rob, tell Lies,
gamble & drink alcohol etc. It was very hard doing all this & telling the truth too!
The same applies having Good/Pure thoughts, words & deeds, they are very hard to follow. All your vices would leave you just by
strictly following it.

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