NSTP 2 (CWTS) : Digital Video Presentation Rubric

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5 points 4 points PROFICIENT 2 points
3 points

INTRODUCTION Unique and Introduces General Introduction is

memorable the topic and introduction of not included or
introduction purpose in an the topic and does not make
engages the engaging purpose. Little sense. The topic
audience manner. creativity and and purpose are
immediately and only somewhat not clear.
communicates engaging.
the purpose of the

DELIVERY Narrator sounds Narrator has It doesn’t sound It sounds like the
comfortable and practiced the like the narrator presenter is
has practiced the piece for smooth has practiced the reading a script.
piece for an delivery. Words piece. Delivery is Delivery interferes
excellent delivery. are clear and better in some with the ability to
Words are clear pacing is places than understand the
and pacing is appropriate. others. Words piece. Words
appropriate. aren’t always often aren’t
clear and/or clear and pacing
pacing is makes it difficult
uneven. to follow the

TRANSITIONS Smooth transitions Transitions are There is distracting Much of the

throughout the smooth, but dead space piece has
piece. No dead dead space is and/or ambient distracting
space. occasionally noise. Transitions background
heard. are uneven. noise. Transitions
are jumpy.

AUDIO Audio volume Volume is Volume is Volume changes

complements the acceptable. occasionally are highly
presentation. inconsistent. distracting.

TIME Presenter followed Duration of the Duration of video Video doesn’t

the given duration video is not exact is a bit too long follow the
of video with the given or too short guidelines for the
duration but close given time.
to the given

GRAPHICS The graphics and The graphics The graphics only The graphics
images contribute relate to the marginally relate don’t relate to
to a creative and audio and are to the audio and the audio and
effective helpful in aren’t always distract from the
presentation and communicating helpful in content.
enhance key the content. communicating
points by the content.
contributing to
the concept

CONTENT Creativity and Creative Creativity is No creative

original content elements are lacking and elements are
enhance the included, but doesn’t enhance included, or the
purpose of the don’t enhance the content types of creative
piece in an the purpose of and/or purpose elements used
innovative way. the piece. of the piece. are
Creative Creative elements inappropriate or
distract from
elements don’t may distract from the content
distract from the the content or and/or purpose
content or purpose. of the piece.

IMPACT Audiences other The intended The project The project

than the audience can reaches the doesn’t reach the
presenter’s peers understand the intended intended
would learn project. audience, but audience.
something from isn’t educational.
the project and
find it valuable.

This rubric was adapted from Rubric for Podcasts http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/podcastrubric.html by Ann Bell
under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License

Communication Group Technical Group

Manaligod, Dylan Trinidad, Bilkhyro B – Leader
Vergara, Katrina Lasam, Kenneth Raphael G.
Limon, Zyrelle De Leon, Aleczandra B.
Addatu, Rosel Alvarez, Nikka T.
Lappay, Marjorie Arzadon, Engel
Zorilla, Elmira Alvarez, Mikka
Ramos, Monica

Rest assured that all of the members participated in brainstorming ideas in making this simple PPT for activity 1 and all
participated in providing information and pictures to make the PPT.

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