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OTC 16561

Subsea gas compression - A future option

Bernt Bjerkreim, Norsk Hydro ASA

Copyright 2004, Offshore Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the Offshore Technology Conference held in
Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 3–6 May 2004.

This paper was selected for presentation by an OTC Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any posi-
tion of the Offshore Technology Conference or its officers. Electronic reproduction, distribution,
or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the
Offshore Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to
an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented.

Ormen Lange is a long step-out gas field developed with gas
processing facilities 120 km from the production wells. The
development strategy is to deplete the reservoir. In order to
maintain the production platau as long as possible and recover
the anticipated gas and condensate resources, future compres-
sion is required for Ormen Lange.
This paper describes the base case future compression al-
ternative, the floating production platform. .
The paper also describes subsea gas compression as an al- Fig. 1. Ormen Lange development
ternative to the floating production platform and how the
qualification strategy is outlined in order to ensure a qualified Summary
subsea gas compression system at the time of concept selec- The main drive mechanism for the Ormen Lange reservoir is
tion for future gas compression. pressure depletion. The estimated recoverable reserves are
based on the use of future compression facilities for pressure
Introduction boosting upstream from the onshore plant, as the reservoir
Ormen Lange is a gas field located 100 km off the northwest pressure declines.
coast of Norway on the Norwegian continental shelf, in water The Ormen Lange subsea units and layout will be designed
depth varying between 850 and 1,100 meters. to accommodate the flexibility to evaluate and decide the type
The reservoir covers an area 40 km long, eight to 10 km of offshore compression unit(s) at a later stage. The options
wide and 3,000 meters below the surface. Recoverable re- considered are:
serves are estimated to approximately 397 billion Sm3 dry gas • Subsea compression.
and 28.5 million m3 condensate. • Topside compression on a platform.
Ormen Lange is under development and production will The final decision on an offshore compression concept can
start October 1, 2007. be postponed for a number of years after subsea production
start-up of the Ormen Lange field. An evaluation of the matur-
ity of the required technology and risk assessment for the two
alternatives will be performed when required, as determined
by production experience. This, in combination with pressure
boosting onshore, upstream of the processing plant, will define
the best timing of further compression facilities offshore. In-
stallation of offshore compression in 2016, as indicated by this
report, is therefore to be considered as an example only. On-
shore compression is considered as proven technology and is
therefore not described further in this report.
Topside compression, represented by a semi submersible,
is chosen as the base case for offshore compression.
2 OTC 16561

It should be noted that the subsea control of the gas pro- o Onshore booster compression upstream gas processing.
duction, MEG supply, etc., will still be from the on shore ter- Bypass of the compression facilities will be possible.”
minal CCR, even if an offshore compression platform is in-
stalled. Onshore pre-compression
A qualification program for the subsea compression con- Site arrangement shall allow for installation of future onshore
cept is proposed executed until a decision for implementation compression facilities for pressure boosting upstream of gas
is taken. In this report, the cost for this qualification program processing, to provide the possibility to accommodate poten-
is included as part of the base case cost estimate. The decision tially low onshore plant arrival pressures (i.e. considerably
for possible implementation will be taken after sufficient pro- less than 75 bara).
duction experience has been obtained. The required site area arrangements include reservation of
Installation and commissioning, related to the semi sub- space for two gas booster compressor trains (one per 30” pipe-
mersible, riser towers, tie-in of production jumpers, etc., will line/slug catcher arrangement), located downstream the slug
have no minimum impact on the continued gas production catchers.
from the subsea production units
Offshore compression
Design premise The offshore compression will be designed to:
This section covers platform based compression, subsea com- • Receive wellstream from each of the four template headers
pression and onshore precompression. on the two initial templates (A and B), and to receive well-
The facility design basis describes the purpose of the fu- stream from the two future templates (C and D).
ture compression facility as follows: • Distribute compressed wellstream to each of the two 30”
“The main drive mechanism is pressure depletion. The es- pipelines, with the possibility to also distribute the com-
timated recoverable reserves are based on use of future com- pressed wellstream to the third optional 30” pipeline.
pression facilities for pressure boosting upstream of the on-
shore plant, as the reservoir pressure declines. Offshore compression platform. The offshore compression
The production can be described by the following produc- platform will include the following (as basis for PDO):
tion phases: • Two compressor trains only.
• Early production • Local (offshore) power generation.
o Production prior to installation of future compression A flowing wellhead pressure of typically 100 bara corre-
facilities. sponds to a platform top riser pressure of typically 90 bara at a
o Installation of future compression facilities. sales gas export rate of ~60 MSm3/sd.
o A flowing wellhead pressure of typically 140 bara is A minimum flowing wellhead pressure during tail produc-
required to meet an onshore arrival pressure of 75 bara tion of typically 60 bara corresponds to a minimum platform
and a sales gas export rate of ~60 MSm3/sd, and this top riser pressure of typically 50 bara.
determines the time for installation of the future com-
pression facilities. Subsea compression. The subsea gas compression station(s)
• Production after installation of future compression facili- will include power distribution equipment. The power distri-
ties: bution equipment will be designed to:
o Onshore plant arrival pressure is maintained at 75 bara, • Receive required amount of power from the main trans-
and the sales gas export rate is maintained at former.
~60 MSm3/sd. • Distribute the electrical power to all users.
• Tail production: • Individually regulate the speed of all electrical motors.
o The future compression facilities can no longer provide The required power will be delivered at Ormen Lange with
pressure boosting to meet an onshore arrival pressure a main power cable. The power system will be designed to:
of 75 bara and a sales gas export rate of ~60 MSm3/sd, • Deliver required electrical power and transform down the
this corresponds to a flowing wellhead pressure of power from the transmission voltage and down to a distri-
typically 100 bara. bution voltage level.
o The production flow gradually decreases. • Supply all control functions.
o Flowing wellhead pressures continue to decrease to a
• Enable power connection to the power distribution equip-
pressure of typically 60 bara, which is the minimum
pressure accommodated for.
• Enable control connection to the gas compressor station(s).
o Onshore plant arrival pressure is typically maintained
at 75 bara (as an alternative, the onshore plant arrival
Technical description onshore pre-compression
pressure may also be further reduced).
No specific study has been performed for the onshore com-
The design premise requirements are reflected as follows:
pression system. Space has been reserved in a suitable location
• The Ormen Lange facilities will include flexibility for in-
at the plant, and conventional VSD driven gas compressors are
stallation of future compression facilities, being one or a
assumed to be installed at the appropriate time. The compres-
combination of the following:
sors would take feed gas off the slug-catchers and no pre-
o Offshore compression platform.
cooling would be required. The existing feed gas heaters could
o Subsea compression.
be converted to serve as compressor aftercoolers.
OTC 16561 3

Leadtime for design, purchase and installation of such a Emergency power is supplied by 2x100% diesel driven
system will be 36 months minimum and no qualification is generators.
The cost for such a solution will depend on the size of the Hull. The semisubmersible is a four-column structure with a
compression installed. This will be decided at the appropriate quadrangular pontoon supporting the deck structure. The term
time based on production experience and market considera- "lower hull" is used to identify the hull up to the top of the
tions. No cost has therefore been assigned to this option. columns, while the term "upper hull" means the deck structure
Installing onshore precompression does not influence the between the top of the columns up to and including the main
selection of technology for offshore compression, but it delays deck.
the time when such facilities will be required. The pontoon gives flexibility with respect to riser connec-
tion/hang-off, in addition to advantageous strength characteris-
Technical description offshore compression tics for temporary conditions (transport/mating). The cross
platform sections of the pontoons are rectangular to ease fabrication and
The offshore compression platform has the following design to improve motion characteristics through high natural damp-
data: ing. The pontoon height selection is based on experience from
Capacity: Gas export of 60 MSm3/d to shore. similar constructions mostly related to strength requirements.
Inlet pressure*: 140 bara initially, decreasing to To ensure robustness with respect to longitudinal center of
70 bara with time. gravity the pontoons are made asymmetrical.
Export pressure*: 140 bara (fixed) at riser-top. The length between columns is both NS and EW c/c
Inlet temperature: Starting at 30 oC, decreasing with 66.56 meters. The column dimension is 17.92x17.92 meters
time. with a bilge radius of 5.76 meters.
Export temperature: 50 oC
Slug capacity: 50 m3 instantaneously. Topside. The main load-carrying element of the upper hull is
Living quarter 80 persons. a rectangular box structure with the perimeter aligned with the
*Inlet and outlet pressure will depend on the final riser configuration and the outer edges/center bulkheads of the columns in transverse and
location of the platform. longitudinal direction.
The future compression platform is required when the The living quarter are a separate module supported at main
wellhead pressure decreases so that a rate of 60 MSm3/sd to deck level.
the onshore facilities can not be maintained without boosting.
The topside design is based on minimum processing of the Layout. The prevailing wind direction is from southwest. The
fluid. The process involves separation of the gas and liquid living quartera (LQ) are located at the west side of the deck,
phases, with compression of the gas and boosting of the liquid. with the heli-deck positioned above in the SW corner.
The gas and liquids are mixed and transported to shore in the The location of the flare is in the opposite corner from the
same multiphase pipelines used prior to platform installation helideck. (NE).
for further processing onshore. The overall dimensions of the deck are as follows:
Bypass of the compression platform is designed for. The 93.5 meters long x 66.56 meters wide. That includes the LQ
production rate onshore is then limited to the hydraulic capac- and riser balcony. The total area taken up by the process is
ity of the pipelines at the relevant wellhead pressure, decreas- approximately 2,900 m² on both main- and cellar- deck levels.
ing with time. This includes area taken up by walkways, future area and
For the minimum processing platform, the focus has been spare area. The upper process deck (main deck) is 8 meters
to keep the process as simple as possible. A two-train configu- above the cellar deck.
ration has been chosen due to limitation in equipment sizes. The CCR and CER are located on the mezzanine deck
The challenge with this configuration is to have high energy level, directly underneath the LQ.
efficiency throughout the lifetime of the installation. Rebun- Workshop and central stores are located close to the living
deling of the compressors is planned. The current driver cho- quarters on the main deck level. There are direct walkways
sen for each of the compressors is an LM2500+ tubine. Pow- and escape routes to the lifeboats from the workshops.
erwise, the LM2500+ is too big for the initial phase and on the Good access is provided for forklift truck access to work-
short side for the later phase. Future investigations will look at shop and central stores.
the possibility for making a compressor selection that by A fire/blast wall segregates the process area from the util-
means of later rebundling, would make up two 100% units in ity area.
the initial phase and two 50% units in the later phase with the A main transport and walkway is located on both deck ele-
higher pressure ratio. BAT evaluations will be performed in vations. For vertical transport, a lift is located near the work-
basic design with regard to overall energy efficiency. shop and main stores.
The 24 hours-a-day control and monitoring of the platform One pedestal crane is located on the south side. The duty
will be done from the onshore CCR. The platform CCR will for the pedestal crane is common laydown, and laydown for
normally be manned during daytime by an operator, while the living quarter. The crane can also be used to assist with
there are field operators around on the platform continuously installation of future equipment in spare areas.
accessible by wireless communication. For vertical transport of goods down to the hull, there is
The main power supply configuration is 2x100%, two gas one lift in both the NW and SE shafts.
turbine driven generators with LM1600 gas turbines.
4 OTC 16561

Both emergency generators and firewater-pump generators potential templates and deliver the compressed gas to all three
are located on the cellar deck. potential pipelines to shore.
The physical interfaces between the initial Ormen Lange
Process description. Due to equipment limitations (vessel development and the subsea compression alternative will be
sizes and compressor drivers), the main process is divided in the same as for the platform compression alternative.
two parallel trains. Each train is provided with a supply header
connected to dedicated risers. The supply headers for the two Subsea compression system layout. The two subsea gas
trains are not connected. A subsea manifold system makes it compression stations will be positioned adjacent to the well
possible to route the different wells to both supply headers, templates. The discharge from the compression stations will
depending on the characteristics of the wells. The two pipe- be connected to a modified pigging loop located at the end of
lines to shore may also be operated at different pressures. The the two multiphase pipelines transporting the gas to the land-
process system is designed for full shut-in pressure. HIPPS based gas processing facilities.
solutions are regarded feasible and will be considered in the
basic engineering for this concept. Subsea
Each gas train consists of a two-phase Inlet Separator, two compression
2x16" 2x16"
parallel suction coolers, a suction scrubber, a gas compressor D C

and two parallel after coolers. Each liquid train consists of a 20" 20"

condensate booster pump and a condensate export pump. The 2x16" 2x16"

two trains have a common set of spare pumps. 30"


Technical description subsea compression 2x18" 2x18"


Summary. Subsea gas compression is estimated to have a sig- 20" 20"

nificantly lower investment cost than the platform compres-
sion alternative, with the same core functionality of compress- 25 MW Gas

ing gas for transportation purposes to shore for further proc- Compressor
Main Transformer

essing and export. module

A subsea compression system is not qualified. If such a

system is qualified at the time of concept selection for off- Fig. 2. Ormen Lange development including future subsea com-
shore gas compression, the advantages of applying subsea gas
compression can be summarized as follows:
Qualification strategy. Subsea gas compression consists of
• Lower investment cost.
the following two main parts:
• Sequential development of offshore gas compression in-
• Subsea gas compression station.
stallation and thereby staggered investment cost profile.
• Long step-out power supply.
• Possibly reduced operational cost.
Technical Selection of Selection of
In order to ensure fully qualified subsea compression qualification one contractor Feed studies one contractor
for piloting For Ormen Lange
equipment and create general confidence in such equipment and
Basic design competitive
by the decision makers, two years of pilot testing the subsea tendering
compression system has been proposed.
Qualifying subsea gas compression might also yield poten- System studies EPC of pilot EPC of subsea
tial new and more cost-effective design for the offshore plat- And testing compression

form alternative.
• Location for the subsea compression piloting could be at
Nyhamna (dedicated test facilities) or as part of a satellite
development tied back to existing infrastructure, where in- Information
flow between
creased calculated risk for such a development is accepted contracts handled
by Company
and accounted for. Both pilot options will be explored, but Fig. 3. Ormen Lange subsea gas compression qualification
the dedicated test facility at Nyhamna remains the base stragegy.
case option until otherwise decided.
For each of the two parts, qualification activities will be
Design premise. In order to ease the comparison between conducted with selected vendors in order to mature identified
platform compression and subsea compression, the subsea critical components. All results from the qualification activi-
compression alternative will have the same basic functionality ties will be supplied to potential main contractors through sys-
as the platform compression alternative. tem studies. At the completion of this two year qualification
The subsea compression alternative will be arranged such phase, all prequalified main contractors will compete during
that compression power can be utilized for the two first tem- competitive tendering for the subsea gas compression pilot.
plates and two pipelines are installed. The arrangement will At completion of the subsea gas compression pilot (esti-
additionally have the capability to compress gas from all four mated to take three years) and the subsequent two years test-
OTC 16561 5

ing period, the subsea gas compression system is regarded as

fully qualified. Long step-out power supply
Main Transformer compensation
Selected generic system for pilot set-up (draft)
After completion of the subsea gas compression pilot, Penetrator
FEED and competitive tendering might well be conducted for
delivery of subsea gas compression system at Ormen Lange.
Combined power&control cable

Subsea gas compression generic pilot set-up. In order to

ensure competitive tendering and include all components,
which might be required for a future subsea gas compression
system at Ormen Lange, a generic pilot set-up has been devel-
oped. All main contractors competing for the subsea gas com-
pression system pilot must ahere to this generic pilot set-up. Termination
The generic set-up offers:
• Flexibility with regard to:
o Future technical content. Date: 2004-01-19 • Page: 8 • Hydro Oil & Energy

o Market competitiveness. Fig. 5. Possible generic set-up for long step-out power supply.
• Putting the focus on a gas compression system rather than
compressor technology. Subsea compressor piloting at Nyhamna. A pilot test facil-
• Allowing all vendors to deliver their products and tech- ity at Nyhamna is used as a base case for the cost estimate of a
nologies. fully qualified subsea compression system. The test facilities
will be able to conduct representative wet gas compression,
• Requiring vendors to demonstrate if some functionalities
representing Ormen Lange conditions. In addition, the test
can be omitted.
facilities should be made such that the subsea gas compression
• Final optimization of the gas compressor system may be
system pilot can be utilized as an additional gas export com-
postponed until after qualification rather than as a prereq-
pressor and/or on-shore precompression.
uisite for the technical qualification and piloting activities.

Wet gas handling

Test Com. for VSD and swith gear

Anti surge valve Connectors and penetrators test mode. LV Power

Control and utilities

CB and VSD

Anti surge cooler

Input cooler
Control Inflow based
liquid added
system dewpointed

Choke pressure
dump gas and
Sand trap in slug

Closed loop for


CB and VSD Pump

*Slug handling,
liquid separation,
fines handling
Date: 2004-01-19 gas
• Page: scrubbing
5 • Hydro Oil & Energy ** Liquid tolerant or not
Figure 6.: Nyhamna test facility set-up.
Fig. 4. Subsea gas compression generic pilot set-up.

Long step-out power supply generic set-up. As for the sub- Functional requirements. The Nyhamna plant will have
sea gas compression generic pilot arrangement, a generic set- the following general requirements in order to support its test
up is in the process of being established for the long step-out facilities:
power supply. • Capacity to control and operate the test facility and equip-
ment being tested from the central control room.
• 132 kV, 20 MVA power supply to the test facility.
• 690 V power supply to the test facility.
• 440/230 V power supply to the test facilities.
• Gas supply for wet gas testing:
o 15 MSm3/d gas supply to the test facilities, with capa-
bilities for choking and adding representative liquid
and solids to the gas.
• Gas supply for durational testing:
o 5 MSm3/d gas supply to the test facilities.
• Capability to pump the liquid from the test facility to the
process system.
6 OTC 16561

• Capability to pump seawater to and from the test pit.

The following are the preliminary specific requirements
for a Nyhamna test facility:
• General test area of 25x50 meters (including the indoor
• Local HPU and chemical injection room (3x4 meters).
• Indoor test pit 20x30 meters, 12 meters deep.
• Indoor lay-down area of 20x10 meters.
• Pump system to empty and re-fill the test pit.
• Overhead crane (100 tonnes), capable of:
o Reaching the indoor lay-down area.
o Reaching the test pit.

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