Template Project Charter

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Project Plant Pals

Operations & Training Plan

March 19th

Document Status: Draft | In Review | Approved

Executive Summary:

Project Goal

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound


1. Our initial plan is to improve service for customer so that it will benefit them
2. Once plan is success then provide outcome for the project by generating
3. Keep on updating new ideas and everyone motivated throughout the project

Business Case / Background

Why are we doing this?

● To increase trust, values and customer bond with us

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Benefits, Costs, and Budget

● Support new service leading to 5% revenue increase, reduce late shipments
and related costs, increase customer satisfaction
● Additional benefits (optional): customer should be satisfy by all means

● Price of software, installation fees, time spent on hiring and training
● Additional cost areas (optional):

Budget needed:
● $75,000

Scope and Exclusion

● Customer service standards, delivery processes, training protocols
● Other in-scope items (optional): New developments and changes

● Product development, vendor contracts
● Other out-of-scope items (optional):

Project Team

Project Sponsor: Director of Operations

Project Lead: Project Manager (You!)

Project Team: Fulfillment Director, Quality Assurance Tester, Inventory Manager,

Financial Analyst, Human Resources Specialist, Training Manager

Additional Stakeholders: VP of Customer Success, Account Manager, Receptionist,

Sales Director, Sales Team, Marketing Director, Investors

Measuring Success

What is acceptable:

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1) Be as clear and specific as possible with what you want to achieve. The more narrow
your goal, the more you'll understand the steps necessary to achieve it.
2) Evidence will prove you're making progress toward your goal :- For example, if your
goal is to earn a position managing a development team for a startup tech company, you
might measure progress by the number of management positions you've applied for and
the number of interviews you've completed. Setting milestones along the way will give you
the opportunity to re-evaluate and course-correct as needed. When you achieve your
milestones, remember to reward yourself in small but meaningful ways.
3) Setting goals you can reasonably accomplish within a certain time frame will help keep
you motivated and focused. Using the above example of earning a job managing a
development team, you should know the credentials, experience and skills necessary to
earn a leadership position. Before you begin working toward a goal, decide whether it's
something you can achieve now or whether there are additional preliminary steps you
should take to become better prepared.
4) When setting goals for yourself, consider whether or not they are relevant. Each of your
goals should align with your values and larger, long-term goals. If a goal doesn't
contribute toward your broader objectives, you might rethink it. Ask yourself why the goal
is important to you, how achieving it will help you and how it will contribute toward your
long-term goals.
5) My goal time-frame : An end-date can help provide motivation and help you prioritize.
For example, if your goal is to earn a promotion to a more senior position, you might give
yourself six months. If you haven't achieved your goal in that time frame, take time to
consider why. Your time frame might have been unrealistic, you might have run
into unexpected roadblocks or your goal might have been unachievable.

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