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Module _1_

Lesson No. ___

Name: ___Abegail Marie A. Libres_______ Yr. & Section __BSCE 2-C__

Engage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Based on the examples you have identified or listed, define and describe:
a) Science
- Science is a system of acquiring knowledge. The pursuit and application of
knowledge and understanding of natural and social world following a systematic
methodology based on evidence. It uses observation and experimentation to describe
and explain natural phenomena. The term science also refers to the organized body of
knowledge people have gained using the system.

b) Technology
- It is the use of scientific knowledge we have acquired for practical purposes or
applications, whether in industry or in our everyday lives. It refers to the tools and
machines that may be used to solve real-world problems. The goal of which is to create
products that solve problems and improve human life. Simply, technology is the practical
application of science.

c) Society
- It is a large number of people associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural,
scientific, political, or other purposes. It is a group of people living as a community or an
organized group of people and the way they live, talk to each other, working together
and making rules and ways to live. In order to live the life in a very comfortable way, you
need a helping hands therefore you need society. Food, shelter, and clothes are essential
for a person to live. On a single effort, man would not be able to fulfill his needs.

Module _1_
Lesson No. ___

Name: ___Abegail Marie A. Libres_______ Yr. & Section __BSCE 2-C__

Explore -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Now you have a clear perspective of Science, Technology and Society as independent
Search for specific scenarios around you where Science affects Technology, and Society then
vice versa. Also, search for specific scenarios where Technology affects Science and Society.

- Science affects technology and society: The discovery of Pasteurization, having its concept
and knowledge we know that in order to preserve dairy products like milk we need to
undergo pasteurization for faster spoiling of bacteria. This knowledge lead to the innovation
of machines that contributes the society to avoid illnesses caused by harmful bacteria.
- Society affects science and technology: With the greater demand of essential materials just
like food, shelter and clothes, society affects science and technology by giving the reason to
create and discover something to keep living.
- Technology affects science and technology: For example, with the creation of cellphone it
affects the society in terms of communication. It helps us to connect to people distant from
us. We exchange knowledge much faster and conveniently.

After the investigation, collate all the information and construct a concept map showing the:
a) examples and features you have listed about Science, Technology and Society
b) interconnections among Science, Technology and Society

Module _1_
Lesson No. ___

Name: ___Abegail Marie A. Libres_______ Yr. & Section __BSCE 2-C__

Elaborate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Over the course of history, evidences of the interconnections among Science, Technology
and Society had been present. Can you identify them?
Create a Timeline of the historical developments which changed the course of Science and
Technology in the world and in the Philippines:
1. In the world: Ancient, Middle and Modern Age
2. In the Philippines

Module _1_
Lesson No. ___

Module _1_
Lesson No. ___

Name: ___Abegail Marie A. Libres_______ Yr. & Section __BSCE 2-C__

Evaluate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Give 3 other major scientific and technological developments in the world or in the
Philippines that created a large impact on your daily life.
What historical antecedents gave rise to the inventions you mentioned?
Describe how the developments in Science and Technology shaped human history.

1. Light bulb
2. Internet
3. Printing Press

When all you have is natural light, productivity is limited to daylight hours. Light
bulbs changed the world by allowing us to be active at night. According to historians, two
dozen people were instrumental in inventing incandescent lamps throughout the 1800s;
Thomas Edison is credited as the primary inventor because he created a completely
functional lighting system, including a generator and wiring as well as a carbon-filament bulb
like the one above, in 1879. As well as initiating the introduction of electricity in homes
throughout the Western world, this invention also had a rather unexpected consequence of
changing people's sleep patterns. Instead of going to bed at nightfall (having nothing else to
do) and sleeping in segments throughout the night separated by periods of wakefulness, we
now stay up except for the 7 to 8 hours allotted for sleep, and, ideally, we sleep all in one go.

The global system of interconnected computer networks known as the Internet is

used by billions of people worldwide. Countless people helped develop it, but the person
most often credited with its invention is the computer scientist Lawrence Roberts. In the
1960s, a team of computer scientists working for the U.S. Defense Department's ARPA
(Advanced Research Projects Agency) built a communications network to connect the
computers in the agency, called ARPANET. It used a method of data transmission called
"packet switching" which Roberts, a member of the team, developed based on prior work of
other computer scientists. ARPANET was the predecessor of the Internet.

The German Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1440. Key to its
development was the hand mold, a new molding technique that enabled the rapid creation
of large quantities of metal movable type. Though others before him — including inventors
in China and Korea — had developed movable type made from metal, Gutenberg was the
first to create a mechanized process that transferred the ink (which he made from linseed oil
and soot) from the movable type to paper. With this movable type process, printing presses
exponentially increased the speed with which book copies could be made, and thus they led
to the rapid and widespread dissemination of knowledge for the first time in history. Twenty
million volumes had been printed in Western Europe by 1500.

Module _1_
Lesson No. ___

Development in science and technology shaped human history in many ways. It

enabled us to share ideas much faster around the country and then around the world. Now
we’re transmitting messages into space in the hope that we’ll contact someone there. It all
started with the basics. Until these was improved by people as time passes. Without the
help of our ancient people, we would not be able to create things that can make our life
easier and comfortable. That started with the wheel, which also allowed us to establish
economies with other places, carting our supplies to and from. We developed boats that let
us actually cross oceans, exchanging supplies and ideas and animals. When the technology
became weapons, it enabled us to conquer other countries and kill far more people far more
rapidly. Science enabled us to eventually save more lives. During the Civil War, Confederate
prisoners who were wounded were more likely to survive than Union wounded, because we
ignored the boys in grey and maggots cleaned up the bacteria in their wounds. Eventually
someone discovered penicillin. People started washing their hands before sticking them in
wounds. Millions of people lived who wouldn’t have before the discovery of antibiotics and
the use of alcohol to kill bacteria. Now, of course, we actually implant technology in the
human body to fix hearts.

The developments in science and technology have been a double edged sword. We
are on the whole healthier, living longer and have a clearer understanding of the world and
universe. We can move around the globe in a day, exchange ideas and get to know people
from all over the world from one’s living room. These developments improve humans in so
many ways. Such as our health and the way of living. All that is valuable in human society
depends upon the opportunity for the development accorded the individual.

Module _1_
Lesson No. ___

Rubrics for Grading

Comprehension Check:

Criteria 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts

Answers are partial or Answers are not Answers are accurate Answers are
incomplete. Key points comprehensive or and complete. Key comprehensive,
are not clear. Question completely stated. Key points are stated and accurate and complete.
not adequately points are addressed, supported. Key ideas are clearly
answered. but not well supported. stated, explained, and
well supported.
Organization and Inadequate Organization is mostly Well organized,
structure detract from organization or clear and question is coherently developed,
Organization the answer. development. Structure partially restated. and restates the
of the answer is not question.
easy to follow.
Displays over five Displays three to five Displays one to three Displays no errors in
Writing errors in spelling, errors in spelling, errors in spelling, spelling, punctuation,
Conventions punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, grammar, and sentence
and sentence structure. and sentence structure. and sentence structure. structure.


Does Not Meet

Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Criteria Expectations
10 pts 13 pts 15 pts
7 pts
Three or more One or two All components are All components are
model is components involved components involved labeled and/or labeled and/or
accurate and in the model are in the model are explained properly. explained properly and
includes all missing or mislabeled. missing or mislabeled. show an extra effort
essential for clarity and detail.

Model is not at all Model is slightly Model is a product of Model is clearly a
model is creative connected to the connected to interest the interest of the product of the interest
and expresses an interest of the student of student. student. of the student and
interest or and is perceived as oozes of passion and
passion of the a burden or drudgery. enthusiasm.

Discussion Paper

Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent

10 pts 15 pts 20 pts 25 pts
Content Student shows little to Student shows slight Student shows some Student shows full
no mastery of topic. mastery of topic. mastery of topic. mastery of topic.

Information Student used Student's information Student's information Student's information

inaccurate or no contains many contains some shows few to no
information. inaccuracies. inaccuracies. inaccuracies.

Spelling/ Paper contains more Paper contains 7 to 9 Paper contains 4 to 7 Paper contains 3 or
Grammar than 10 spelling and spelling and grammar spelling and grammar less spelling and
grammar mistakes. mistakes. mistakes. grammar mistakes.


-Easy to read and Paper is too hard to Paper is very hard to Paper is somewhat Paper is easy to read
read and understand read and understand hard to read and and understand and is

Module _1_
Lesson No. ___

understand and improper structure and contains little understand and structured correctly.
-Structure of is used. correct structure. contains some
paper is correct structural errors.

Essay / Reflection

Module _1_
Lesson No. ___


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