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Introduction to Money

1. History of money
2. Nature of money
3. Forms of money
4. Functions of money
5. Roles of money

Financial & money market principles

Prepared by Phan Huy Tam – Finance & Banking Dept - UEL
Development of money through the human history

1. History 2. Nature 3. Forms 4. Functions 5. Roles 2

What could be consider as money

• Widely accepted as a mean of payment

• Easily converted to used mean of payment with little lost in value

Cash Checking account Saving account Gold bar watch

1. History 2. Nature 3. Forms 4. Functions 5. Roles 3

Digital currency
Digital currency is a form of currency that is available only in digital or electronic form. It is also called
digital money, electronic money, electronic currency, or cybercash.

1. History 2. Nature 3. Forms 4. Functions 5. Roles 4

Characteristics of money


Ease of


Ease of carry Scarcity


1. History 2. Nature 3. Forms 4. Functions 5. Roles 5

Based on value Based on materiality

Real money: has full intrinsic value, circulates because Cash: is physical money, specified in terms of shape,
of its own value size, weight, color, name.

Example: gold or silver coin, if the cost of gold and The biggest strength of cash is its highest and fastest
silver mining, the cost of minting gold and silver coins liquidity
change, then the intrinsic value of gold and silver
changes, so its exchange value also changes.

Credit: not circulates based on its intrinsic value, but Book money: is non-physical money, existing in the
because of its trust, social or statutory conventions form of numbers, recorded on a bank account
towards itself.
Book money is made up of balances on deposit
Example: banknotes, coins minted of common metals accounts at banks. The use of book money is done by
such as copper, aluminum, zinc... Exchange value is debit entries and on deposit accounts at the bank.
separate from intrinsic value.

1. History 2. Nature 3. Forms 4. Functions 5. Roles 6

Medium of exchange Unit of account Store of value
Used to pay for goods and services Used to measure value in the Repository of purchasing power
economy over time.
Promotes economic efficiency by
minimizing the time spent in Using money as a unit of account A store of value is used to save
exchanging goods and services reduces transaction costs in an purchasing power from the time
economy by reducing the number of income is received until the time it
The time spent trying to exchange prices that need to be considered. is spent.
goods or services is called a Money is not unique as a store of
transaction cost Formula to calculate the number of value; any asset—whether money,
price with N products is: stocks, bonds, land, houses, art, or
Money is a lubricant that allows the N(N – 1)/2 jewelry—can be used to store
economy to run more smoothly by wealth
lowering transaction costs, thereby
encouraging specialization and the Liquidity: the relative ease and
division of labor speed with which an asset can be
converted into a medium of

1. History 2. Nature 3. Forms 4. Functions 5. Roles 7

1. contribute to the efficiency of the economy
Money improve the efficiency of the economy by its functions.

2. Tools to accumulate and concentrate capital for society

Meet the needs of expanding reproduction and spending.

3. Contributing to the development of international economic relations

Tools for operating foreign economic policies.

4. Macroeconomic management tools

Build national economic development plans.
Build macroeconomic policies: such as financial policy, revenue policy, foreign economic policy and monetary
Build a system of control criteria in terms of value.

1. History 2. Nature 3. Forms 4. Functions 5. Roles 8

Prepared by Phan Huy Tam – Finance & Banking Dept - UEL
Phone: 0798109293

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