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L 10 Visionary Teachers and Scientists

- Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

Question 1 Complete the information in the table on the basis of your reading of the
text. (Complete it as HW in cw book)

Question 2 Write the meanings of: (Refer textbook)

Question 3 Reference to the context:

1. Possibly, their great success helped produce an atmosphere of creativity.

Answer: This statement is taken from the lesson 'Visionary Teachers and Scientists'
written by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.

The line refers to the success achieved by personalities like J C Bose, C V Raman,
Meghnad Saha, Srinivasa Ramanujan and Rabindranath Tagore in the years between
1920 and 1925. This 'success' was a result of the urge of these gifted members of a
subject race to express themselves and prove to the world at large, that they were not
inferior to the West in the field of science. The 'atmosphere of creativity' brought
about a spurt of scientific achievements which in turn boosted the confidence of the
freedom fighters.

2. All these three scientists realised the importance of making the political leadership
understand what science could do for the country.

Answer: This statement is taken from the lesson 'Visionary Teachers and Scientists'
written by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.

The three scientists are Dr D S Kothari who founded DRDO, Dr Hoki J Bhabha who
founded DAE and Dr Vikram Sarabhai who founded ISRO. If the political leaders are
made aware about the potential of science, they could coordinate with the scientists
to use products of scientific research for the betterment of the common Indian
citizens. The scientists also convey the message that basic science is fundamental for
the growth of technology and for new developments in scientific and technological

Question 4 Think and answer:

1. Dr Kalam traces the development of mathematics and science in India from the
ancient times. Why does he feel the need to do so?

Answer: Dr Kalam traces the development of mathematics and science in India in

order to prove that India has had a rich heritage of scientific and mathematical
research. This heritage can easily be tapped into further scientific and technological
research and advancement for benefit of the entire country.

2. There are a few examples of benefits of working together in the text. Explain what
Dr Kalam is trying to state about the nature of such relationships.

Answer: Dr Kalam emphasis on the benefits of collaboration while speaking about the
three research institutions established by the physicist Dr D S Kothari, Dr Homi J
Bhabha and Dr Vikram Sarabhai. He mentions that these scientists have realised the
importance of collaboration between the political and the scientific and research units
of a country. He indicates that if the politicians collaborate with the scientists, the
scientific developments could be used to serve the people of the country and improve
their lives, regardless of which political party held power. This would also benefit the
scientific community, as it would help them to be aware of the needs of the common
people and orient their research functions to provide solutions accordingly. This
would aid in the development of science and technology.

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