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Biology chapter 4-3

Sensory systems
1)The electrical impulses from the sensory receptors that travel towards the brain are all

A) chemically similar B) electrically similar C) physically similar D) Both A & B

2)A blow to the eye makes a person see

A) Butterflies B) birds C) stars D) action potentials

3)Pain receptors respond to _____ but stimulus like _____ can also stimulate pain receptors.

A) light/pressure & thermal B) tissue damage/electrical energy

C) touch/taste & smell D) all of them

4)The photoreceptors of the retina

A) convert light energy into electrical signals B) convert sound waves into electrical signals

C) converts light energy into chemical signals D) convert chemical signals into electrical signals

5) semicircular canals : balance :

A) retina : hearing B) cochlea : hearing C) cochlea : sight D) taste cells : smell

6)Which pathway bypasses the thalamus

A) Hearing B) vision C) taste D) smell

7) Auditory information travels to the

A) brainstem B) cerebral cortex C) thalamus D) all of them

8)Neurons that make up the optic nerve are

A) efferent neurons B) photoreceptors C) motor neurons D) afferent neurons

9)Cone cells

A) are stimulated by bright light B) initiate production of sharp images C) respond to different colors D) all of

10)Touch information is interpreted in

A) frontal B) temporal C) occipital D) parietal

11)Vision information is interpreted in

A) parietal B) temporal C) occipital D) frontal

12)Hearing information is interpreted in

A) occipital. B) temporal C) parietal D) frontal

13)Information about odors is interpreted in

A) temporal. B) frontal C) occipital D) parietal

14) Middle ear contains

A) cochlea B) organ of corti C) hammer, anvil, stirrup D) all of them

15)Sensory receptors that are necessary for balance are located in

A) semicircular canals B) tympanic membrane C) cochlea D) sclera

16)Color blindness is due to the defect in :

A) pupil B) iris C) cone cells D) rod cells

17)The hearing receptors are located in :

A) cornea B) semicircular canals C) cochlea D) cerebellum

18)Iris : amount of the light entering the eyes

A) rods :rate of light entering the eyes B) cornea : shapes the lens

C) lens : focus light onto the retina D) retina : movement of iris muscles

19)Hair cells :

A) are located in the middle ear B) are located in the epithelial layer

C) are important in hearing and balance D) are located in the cerebellum cortex

20)The light enters the eyes first through

A) retina B) pupil C) lens D) cornea

21)Hair cells are :

A) found in middle ear B) found on upper membrane of upper chamber of cochlea

C) located in the mucous lining the epithelium of nasal cavity D) none of the above

22)It is a type of photoreceptor that responds to the dim light

A) retina B) cochlea C) rods D) cones

23) Which of the following is related to semicircular canals?

A) vision B) hearing C) tasting D) balance

24)Taste buds are found in :

A) tongue B) under the tongue C) roof of mouth D) (A&C) together

25)which of the following stimuli affects mechanoreceptors?

A) heat B) light C) pressure D) chemicals

26)Which of the following is correct?

A) rods and cones are specialized neurons

B) cones respond to dim light & rods respond to bright light

C) perception of taste does not involve the thalamus

D) all are incorrect

27)Bones of middle ear

A) vibrate the tympanic membrane B) transfer vibrations to oval window

C) contain hair cells D) Both A & B

28)Mechanoreceptors can be found on the

A) cornea of the eyes B) tongue C) tip of the fingers D) Both B & C

29)Which of the pathways doesn’t pass through centers in the thalamus?

A) taste B) touch C) smell D) vision

30)_____separates the middle ear from the inner ear but ____separates outer ear from middle ear.

A) oval window/tympanic membrane B) cochlea/stirrup C) stirrup/cochlea

D) tympanic membrane /oval window

31)The first bone set in motion by tympanic membrane is

A) anvil B) hammer C) stirrup D) all of them

32)The layers of the eyes from outer to inner are

A) retina, sclera, choroid B) cornea, lens, retina C) cornea, iris, lens, retina D) sclera, choroid, retina

33)The part of the eye that focuses light on the retina?

A) lens B) iris C) pupil D) cornea

34)_____can damage hair like cells in the cochlea.

A) pain receptor B) chemoreceptors C) loud noises D) semicircular canals

35)Taste buds are embedded between bumps called _____ on the tongue.

A) chemoreceptors B) papillae C) brainstem D) none of them

36)The interiors of semicircular canals are lined with hair cells that have tiny particles of _____.

A) calcium phosphate B) calcium carbonate C) sodium carbonate D) calcium sulphate

37)Hair cells in the semicircular canals are moved by

A) inertia B) gravity C) diffusion of ions D) Both A & B

38)Rods contain _____ while cones______.

A) rhodopsin / lack it B) rhodopsin / conopsin C) taste buds /don’t have taste buds D) A & B

39)The bending of hair cells activates

A) tympanic membrane B) Ion channels C) Thalamus D) Both B & C

40)When a sudden change in atmospheric pressure happens, this pressure must be equalized on both side of the
tympanic membrane. This pressure is equalized by

A) tympanic membrane B) eustachian tube C) semicircular canals D) bones in the inner ear

41)The organ of corti rests at ______ in the cochlea and contains _____.

A) the bottom membrane /mechanoreceptors B) the top membrane /mechanoreceptors

C) the bottom membrane /chemoreceptors D) the top membrane /chemoreceptors

42)Heat receptors respond to temperature between :

A) 30C° and 40C° B) 30C° and 45C° C) 25C° and 45C° D) 30C° and 35C°

43)Which of these receptors respond to temperature change

A) chemoreceptors B) photoreceptors C) thermoreceptors D) all of them

44)Vitamin A is used in the formation of rhodopsin and carrots are rich with vitamin A this implies that carrots are

A) for colorful vision B) for dark vision C) for seeing orange colors D) Both A & B

45)which of the following is associated with the semicircular canals?

A) helps maintain body balance B) change sound waves and produce action potentials

C) helps brain to interpret the heads motion and orientation D) Both A & C

46)The hair cells ;

A) are located in the middle ear B) are important for hearing C) are important for balance

D) Both B & C

47)Which of the following(s) is(are) structures of limbic system

A) Olfactory bulb B) olfactory receptors C) amygdala D) Both A & C

48)Which of the following is correct?

A) smell pathway (Olfactory receptors➡️olfactory bulb ➡️cortex ➡️amygdala)

B) vision pathway(neuron in deep part of retina ➡️optic nerve ➡️thalamus ➡️occipital lobe)

C) Hearing pathway (hair cells in cochlea ➡️auditory nerve ➡️brainstem ➡️thalamus ➡️temporal lobe)

D) all of them

49)(receptors on skin➡️spinal cord➡️brainstem➡️thalamus➡️centers in cerebral cortex) this pathway is true for;

A) touch and pressure B) pain and thermal C) auditory and vision D) Both A & B

50) Involuntary response in ;

A) Lens B) Pupil C) Iris D) Both B and C

1 B 11 C 21 D 31 B 41 A

2 C 12 B 22 C 32 D 42 B
3 B 13 B 23 D 33 A 43 C
4 A 14 C 24 D 34 C 44 B
5 B 15 A 25 C 35 B 45 D
6 D 16 C 26 A 36 B 46 D
7 D 17 C 27 B 37 D 47 D
8 D 18 C 28 D 38 A 48 D
9 D 19 C 29 C 39 B 49 D
10 D 20 D 30 A 40 B 50 C

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