Gopal Cotton Mills LTD Case Study

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Purva Gulati
MBA(Part Time)2020-23


1. Identification of the Problem: Lack of effective leadership from the supervisor

leading to loss of motivation and enthusiasm among the workers.

2. Establishment of the Problem-Workers didn’t feel motivated enough to work in the

new loom shed even though there were terrible working conditions in the old loom

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shed. They felt pride working in the old loom shed and used to boast about the high

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production rates than the automated looms.

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3. Objective related to the problem- To encourage and guide the workers to work
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efficiently in the new loom shed and ensuring high productivity.

4. Generation of Alternatives –
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 A regular follow up should be done with the workers asking their concerns.
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 Increased wages can lead to motivation among the workers.

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 Make workers feel gratified and honoured of working in the new loom shed

like they felt while working in the old one.

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A new group manager with better communication skills can be hired to


increase motivation among the workers and to ensure work is done in an

organized manner.

5. Development Of Criteria –

 Time

 Cost

 Long Lasting

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6. Evaluation of Alternatives Against Criteria-

Alternative 1- A regular follow to be taken with the workers to ensure all the concerns of

he workers can be resolved and workers can stay motivated

Criteria 1- This can take time as there are a large number of workers.

Criteria 2- No cost is involved to evaluate the feedbacks of the workers.

Criteria 3- This will be really difficult to implement as every aspect will have to be kept in

mind before solving the grievances of the workers but will create a long lasting impact .

Alternative 2- Wages to be increased of the workers or extra incentives to be provided

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based on the productivity.

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Criteria 1- This can be easily implemented as not a a complicated procedure is involved but
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once implemented will create a long lasting impact as workers morale will be boosted.

Criteria 2- This will drive the workers to produce maximum output and give their best
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which would result in good quality products as well.

Criteria 3- This is very time consuming as lengthy procedure is involved to evaluate the
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performances of the workers.

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Alternative 3- Make workers feel gratified and honoured of working in the new loom shed

like they felt while working in the old one

Criteria 1- This can take lot of time as it will not be easy to change the mindset of the


Criteria 2- Easy of the alternative as it does not require large amount of money that needs to


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Criteria 3- This can create a huge impact as workers will feel motivated enough to generate

maximum output.

Alternative 4- A new group manager with b better communication skills can be hired to

increase motivation among the employees and to ensure work is done in an organized


Criteria 1 – This will take less time as other supervisors can focus on other activities while

the new manager can devote the time only for the workers.

Criteria 2- Some cost will be involved as the new manager will also need to be compensated

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for the job.

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Criteria 3 – This can create a huge impact as workers will feel obliged getting this special

service and will boost their confidence level.

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Criterion 1 Criterion 2 Criterion 3 Total

Alternative 1 Not Satisfy Satisfy Not Satisfy 1
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Alternative 2 Not Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy 2

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Alternative 3 Not Satisfy Satisfy Satisfy 2

Alternative 4 Satisfy Not Satisfy Satisfy 2
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7. Prioritization of Alternatives

Priority 1 = Alternative 2

Priority 2 = Alternative 4

Priority 3 = Alternative 1

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Priority 4 = Alternative 3

8. Action Plan

According to the analysis, opting alternative 2which entails increasing wages and providing

additional benefits to the workers will be most effective. This will ensure continuous

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motivation among the workers They might feel obliged to perform better for the company

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and will stay proactive whole year.

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9. Contingency Plan
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Contingency plan would be hiring a new manger with a special skill set for boosting the
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morale of the workers. Good leaders bring the best among the subordinates. This new

manager will have a different perspective and approach of handing the workers which
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will lead to motivation among the workers and this will eventually lead to higher

production rates.
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