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Course Name:-Operations & Supply Chain Management Semester -I

Course Code-GC10103 Credits-3 Marks-100

COURSE OUTCOMES: After completion of this course the students will be able to
CO.GC10103.1: Discover the concept of Operations Management and its application in services.
CO.GC10103.2: Demonstrate ability to do process mapping and process analysis of simple business
CO.GC10 103.3: Identify the various flows in real world supply chains.
CO.GC10 103.4: Explain the key Operational Aspects in SCM.
Module No. of Hours
Module Name Details
No. (L+T+P)
Definition, Evolution from production to
Operations management, manufacturing trends in
India, Services as a part of OM, Operations as a
Introduction to key functional area, OM as a key functional area,
1. Operations OM a system perspective, functions of OM, 6+2+4
Management challenges and current priorities of OM.,
Competitive Dimensions, Order Qualifiers and
Productivity Measures.
Process flowcharting, Generic process planning
premises, Process mapping, Identification of
Operations Process bottleneck through Process Analysis, Process
2. Selection & performance metrics, Defining Capacity, Measures 6+2+4
Capacity Analysis of capacity, Capacity planning framework, Process
mapping & Capacity Analysis, Capacity
Augmentation alternatives.
Determinants of process characteristics, Types of
Design of processes and operations systems, Process-
Manufacturing & Product Matrix, Types of Layouts
Service Systems Definition, Functions of SCM, Evolution from
3. physical distribution to logistics to SCM, Physical 7+2+4
Introducing goods and services perspectives, Generalized
Supply Chain Supply Chain Management Model, key issues in
Management SCM, Collaboration, enterprise extension,
responsiveness, cash to cash conversion.
Supply Chain Integrated framework: Resource base
to end customers, product/service value flow,
Supply Chain information flow, cash flow.Internet Technologies
4. Management and Electronic Commerce in Supply chain. design 6+2+4
Advances and planning.Concept of Service design,
Introduction to Logistics, transportation, Store and
Concept of Inventory, Need for inventory, types of
Inventory, Single and Multi – Period Inventory
Inventory Costs: Concept and behaviour of
Inventory Planning
5. ordering cost, carrying and storage costs 5+2+4
and Control
EOQ: Basic EOQ Model, EOQ with discounts.
Inventory Control: Classification of material. ABC
analysis, VED, HML, FSN GOLF and SOS.
Inventory turns ratios.
Suggested Textbooks:
1. Mahadevan, B. (2007). Operations Management – Theory and Practice, 1st Edition. Pearson Education.
2. Aswathappa, K. (2006). Production & Operation Management, Himalaya Publications Ltd.
3. Chopra, Meindl (2017) Supply Chain Management - Strategy, Planning & Operation, Pearson

Suggested Reference Books:

1. Levi, Kaminsky et. al (1999) Designing & Managing the SC – Concepts, Strategies &
Case studies, 3 Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Chase R et. al. (2014) Operations and supply chain management – McGraw Hill Education.
3. Bowersox D, et. al. (2013) Supply Chain Logistics Management, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Education
4. Basu & Wright, (2008) Total Supply Chain Management, 1st edition, Elsevier.
5. N.Chadrasekaran (2010) Supply Chain Management : Process, System & Practice, Oxford University


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