Examining The Main Attributes That Compromise Successful Talent Analytics

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Examining the Main Attributes That Compromise Successful

Talent Analytics

Executive Summary
This essay employs a comprehensive approach to examining the main attributes that comprise
successful talent analytics and outlining some of the important roles it plays in talent management
outcomes and business performance. The essay utilizes available literature on human resource
management (HRM) to argue that strategically minded organizations rely a great deal on talent
analytics to effectively plan and develop a workforce with the much needed competencies. To
successfully achieve this, the essay investigates the relationship between talent analytics and talent
performance, key organizational activities, its role in business performance, and how it determines
overall HR outcomes. The first major finding involves the fact that talent analytics remains inextricably
linked to talent performance and allows such organizations to gain and maintain deeper strategic
insight into each of their employees. Second, talent analytics can be used to inform the measurement
of critical elements in human resource management. Third, the best possible talent management plan
remains closely aligned with an organization's strategic performance plans, and thus talent analytics
facilitates the realization of an organization's corporate goals. Another finding is that talent
management improves the HR department's decision framework, allowing managers to fill their critical
management needs, while at the same time, addressing both industry and company changes
promptly. Finally, the essay recommends that companies should embrace talent analytics as key
management tool to enable them attain a competitive edge in the rapidly changing corporate world.
The rapidly changing and highly competitive corporate world continues to revolutionize how both
small-scaled and multinational companies (MNCs) view talent analytics. In essence, talent analytics
has since proved a vital aspect in business management because it plays an integral role in
determining the survival rate of the above-mentioned business entities. As a key HR construct, it
functions by not only developing the most crucial and rare abilities within an organizational, but also
ensures effective marketing and sales creation. As such, corporations and any other firm must be in
the best possible position to make the much needed changes in their talent analytics and the
immediate environment. A business firm is expected to solicit special measures and goal-driven
mechanism that will play a central role in the achievement of competitive market strategies. In many
instances, the HR department usually remains tasked with the responsibility of coordinating output to
rare and special abilities within the affiliated workforce though talent analytics. In response, therefore,
this essay employs a holistic approach to examining the main attributes that comprise successful
talent analytics and outlining some of the important roles it plays in talent management outcomes and
business performance.
Talent Link to Performance
Talent analytics remains inextricably linked to talent performance. Typically, companies gather loads
of information about their workforce. The data sourced exists in a multi-sectored model that
comprises aspects such as demographic information, such as sex and age, employee performance
ratings, school degree, as well information pertaining compensation and associated benefits. In the
event that businesses consider and conduct considerate analysis of such data, the potent force that
actuates success in all of its areas of operation manifests, based on the desired results projected by a
particular enterprise. One of the major methods used to solicit talent in organizations revolves around
analytical aspect, which helps in ensuring accuracy. In this respect, a company's HR department
ought to evaluate the sources of information, their credibility, and accuracy. Through this for instance,
best candidates are evaluated and selected for hire. According to Singh and Sharma (2015, one of
the strongest links or actuators of talent analytics and performance is through successful hiring and
posting. In fact, once an employee with special abilities is absorbed into a corporation's sphere, they
are able to implement the activities that they were hired for and minimize learning and need for
corrections, which more often work collaboratively to improve a firm's productivity. Specialization and
division of labor aspects of commerce come into effect in the hiring and posting of individuals. More
fascinating is the fact that sourcing suitable work "apparels" requires some marketing knowledge.
One of the most feasible examples of marketing as an outcome from talent analytical models is
through the aspect of monitoring individual's fiscal proponents and preferences. Thence, the firm may
develop a suitable motivational tool to enhance increased performance in the firm's activities in terms
of quantitative and qualitative output hence adjustments and enhancements are tailored to attract
better candidates to the site and keep them coming back for more. Strategically minded organizations
further utilize talent analytics to effectively plan and develop a workforce with the required or right
competencies. In essence, it allows such organizations to gain and maintain deeper strategic insight
into each of their employees (Sparrow & Makram, 2015). They then use the same insight to
proactively place the right workforces, based on skills, knowledge, and experience, in segments or
locations where they can effectively and efficiently respond to the emerging and urgent marketplace
needs. Broadly speaking, talent analytics is a critical element of any successful talent management
program. It helps HR managers to skillfully generate talent pools within their companies. With such a
workforce, talent analytics ensures significant improvement in talent performance, particularly when it
comes to the ever-changing market demands and needs.
Talent Analytics and HR Activities
Talent analytics can be used to inform the measurement of critical elements in human resource
management. For example, the data findings made after determining correlation and performing
regression analysis can provide a holistic perspective of an organization's market competiveness. The
data can be assessed through descriptive analytics by using data mining and data aggregation to give
new insights on the performance of an employee's organization in the past (Singh & Sharma, 2015).
Through this approach, an organization can ensure smooth running of its key activities, including
maintain a disciplined and goal-oriented workforce, competitive HRM, and change-driven supply
chain. In addition, a second approach that talent analytics allow organizations to use involves
predictive analytics, which applies perfectly well to various forecasting techniques and statistical
models to examine the future prospects of employee performance in an organization. Apart from that,
talent analytics functions hand in hand with prescriptive analytics, which places much emphasis in the
use of simulation algorithms and optimization programs to explore the possible outcomes that the HR
department will get if they pursue several choices of strategy.
Talent Analytics and Business Performance
When performing talent analytics, the HR management in an organization should be sure to measure
only those elements that matter to them, especially business performance. Briefly speaking, business
performance management refers to the whole process of setting clear, concise, achievable corporate
goals or objectives, monitoring the various methods employed toward goal achievement, and creating
ways through which individual managers can successfully realize the already established goals
(Collings & Mellahi, 2009). As such, an organization should adopt the best measures of performance.
One can be sure that they are using the right metrics for their HR needs by conducting statistical tests
that would establish whether their chosen metrics have a correlation with the overall performance of
the organization. Through talent analytics, some organizations have established quantitative
measures that they use to assess the levels of employee performance. They then use the bio-data of
individual employees to examine their overall competence by weighing them against the established
quantitative measures (Calvard, 2015). The individual quantitative measures for different employees
can then be subjected to data analysis to determine whether they are correlated with good
performance of the organization. Performance measures for an organization may include improved
customer feedback, rise in sales margins and an increase in repeat sales. Talent analytics introduces
more objective metrics for assessing employee competence for use in influencing the performance of
the organization. The human resource management is able to know where to direct its focus in order
to impact on the organization's performance. When the data from their talent analytics indicate that
they have lower rates of employee satisfaction and employee engagement, they will pursue corrective
action that will improve these aspects of employee performance, and in turn improve the levels of
organizational performance (Cascio, 2018). As a result, it enhances the ability of HR managers to
create and maintain greater employee ownership in the organization's ultimate success.
Outcomes in HR
The HR department applies numerous resources to determine the way an organization is performing.
The talent data help to avoid workers with similar skills that could lead to redundancies or absence of
talent leading to fewer outcomes (Collings & Mellahi, 2009). The organization benchmarks the ways
the human capital is utilized to enhance the tasks and skills match. Further, the commitment to work
can be determined by analyzing the existing information regarding the employees instead of using
face-to-face conversations (Lewis & Heckman, 2006). The employees' communication while at work
is monitored to determine their work ethics, willingness to work, and level of motivation. However, the
workers must be allowed the freedom to communicate, treatment with respect, the feeling of respect,
and other things that could increase their confidence in the organization (Christensen & Rog, 2008).
Thus, the employees' outcome can easily be monitored without having to walk around, which is
expensive and tiresome. Talent management improves the human resource department's decision
framework. The data analytics can be applied to ensure high productivity, engagement, and employee
retention in a firm with a successful talent management strategy that translates ideas into practice
(King, 2016). In particular, that data is applied in the selection of the right employees to complete
various critical assignments. The performance is a function of one's capacity, inspiration, and
opportunity to accomplish the task (Rogers, 2007). Hence, if the correct data is recorded, the decision
to select a particular employee could be very easy to make for the company.
Business Performance Incentives
The company's success is measured by various metrics. Financial analysis is the typical method of
determining how much profit a company is making to understand its level of success. However, it is
not the only factor that could be applied, as the organizational success is a function of other issues,
such as employee job satisfaction, customer feedback, organizational decisions, and many others
(Kehinde, 2012). Talent retention is one of the measures to determine the organizational outcome
and influence the results of the company. According to Sing and Sharma, talent retention is usually
among the organizational strategies and goals, and its achievement is an indicator of success (2015).
Hence, talent analytics data helps with the retention of the appropriate resources. Traditional methods
of hiring employees by considering the college they attended, their result slips, or their participation in
school activities have proved to be less effective nowadays (Green, 2017). Hence, the technology of
talent analytics has helped with the provision of information that could enhance performance.
Besides, it helps in employee retention, which is a measure of success of an organization
(Nemeckova, 2017). Thus, it is prudent to always consider an employee's data in the recruitment and
appraisal processes and overall performance analysis.

In sum, it is evidently clear from the discussion that talent analytics remains a vital element of HR
management. It plays a wide range of roles, which include developing and maintaining strategic talent
pool, improving employee overall performance, and ensuring improved organizational performance.
As a key HR management tool, talent analytics allows organizations to become more proactive,
allowing responsible managers to fill their critical management needs, while at the same time,
addressing both industry and company changes promptly. Additionally, it enables companies to
identify essential skills needed for the development of employees, and thus minimizing training costs
that may be needed in the long term. Equally important, it improves an organization's recruiting
process, enabling personal managers to identify high-quality candidates. Talent analytics further
enhances the ability of HR managers to create and maintain greater employee ownership in the
organization's ultimate success. Therefore, strategically minded organizations should utilize talent
analytics to effectively plan and develop a competent workforce, capable of propelling them to
attaining a competitive edge.
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