Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Task

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Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Task

Oscar David Acosta Vallejo

Grupo #: 900002_299
Tutor: Laura Estefani García

Inglés A2
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)

Step 1: It is necessary to study the entire e-book which is a great complement for this
course and will help you exercise your communicative skills. This E-Book is in the
learning environment. The specific modules for this task are: 4
Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4
After you study the suggested modules, select and complete only three of the following
listening and reading comprehension exercises. Share the screenshots directly on the forum
Step 2: Read complete the chart and carry out the activities.
Ruth’s routine
When I go to bed, I usually brush my teeth at 8:00 o’clock after dinner, but sometimes I
forget it and then I have to get up in the middle of the night to do so. Occasionally, when
I'm too lazy, I set up an alarm just for that. On the other hand, there is one thing I'll never
be able to do, and it is washing my face before bed, because that always wakes me up. In
the morning, I always wake up and immediately and take a shower, I usually put on shorts
and a t-shirt, sometimes I wear a formal dress when I have to go to work. I often have eggs
for breakfast, but always I must drink a delicious coffee.

A. Complete the chart using the information above.

Ruth’s Routine
Activity Frequency adverb
Brush my teeth at 8:00 o’clock usually
to get up in the middle of the night to brush Occasionally
it is washing my face before bed Never
wake up and immediately and take a Always
put on shorts and a t-shirt usually
wears a formal dress when she has to go to Sometimes
have eggs for breakfast Often
must drink a delicious coffee. Always

B. Write 5 sentences about Ruth’s routine using the frequency adverbs.

Example: She usually brushes her teeth at 8:00 o’clock.
1. she never washes her face before going to bed.
2. she always wakes up and immediately takes a shower
3. she usually wears shorts and a T-shirt.
4. she sometimes wears a formal dress when I have to go to work.
5. she often eats eggs for breakfast

C. Write with the following information sentences with frequency adverbs

(always, sometimes, usually, never) also, write a complement to the sentence.
• Sophia and Joseph / go
Sophia and Joseph sometimes go to the mall
• The dog / bark
The dog sometimes barks at my neighbor.
• My father and I / drink
My father and I always drink water after playing soccer.
• She / eat
She never eats candy
• Liliana and Santiago / speak
Liliana and Santiago usually talk in class.

Step 3: The Recipe

• Choose a typical dish in your region and write the recipe
Typical dish of Cartagena
fish (cleaned red snapper)
1 long onion finely chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
Salt and pepper
¼ cup flour
2 cups vegetable oil for frying
• Topics:

✓ Countable and uncountable nouns.

Countable uncountable
onion fish
Juice of 1 lemon
Salt and pepper
vegetable oil

✓ Sequence adverbs
after that
Last of all
• We suggest you check again the Module 2 Activities 8, 9 y 18
• List of ingredients with measurements.
Amount Ingredient Type Preparation
1 Fish Red Fried
1 Onion Long Sliced
1 Lemon green Juice
As desired Salt and pepper Black and white Freshly
2 vegetable oil Plain None

• Process to prepare the recipe.

firstly, rinse the fish in cold water and dry. Using a sharp knife, make 3-4 cuts on each side
of the fish. Secondly season the fish inside and out with salt and pepper. Rub the fish with
the green onion and lemon juice. Set aside for 10 minutes before cooking; after that, coat
the fish with flour. Pour the oil in a large frying pan, next heat the oil over medium-high
heat. Carefully place the fish in the oil and then lower the heat to medium. Finally, fry the
fish for about 5 to 7 minutes. Turn the fish over and fry for another 5 to 7 minutes or until
the skin is crispy. Last of all, transfer to a plate covered with paper towels and serve with
fried plantains, coconut rice, avocado and lemon slices.

Step 4: The letter

Read the following letter to my mom and complete the activities below.
Dear Mom.
I am really happy to write to you, last week I was in la Guajira, it is a magical place. I
enjoyed every moment there. On Wednesday, I was landing in Riohacha’s airport at 1:00
pm, I had lunch there in Riohacha and I spent the whole day around. At 3:00 pm I was
eating friche in the main park, it is delicious. Then around 3:30 pm I was walking around to
know the place and buying some souvenirs, at almost 7:00 pm that day I was doing the
check-in in the hotel, it is a wonderful hotel, with a swimming pool and excellent service.
On Thursday I was waking up really early, I was very excited because I was going to travel
to Cabo de la Vela, it is around 3 hours from Riohacha by bus. There in Cabo de la Vela,
the landscapes are really beautiful, I stopped for a minute and I was drinking a delicious
juice in a Rancheria in front of the sea. Then I continued walking and I stopped again in the
Arcoiris beach, an amazing place full of sand colors and very calm. Finally, I went to Ojo
del Agua beach, where I was enjoying of calm and crystal waters to swim, after that, I went
to sleep in a Rancheria, it is a real and a marvelous experience. On Friday the last day of
my traveling, I was visiting El Faro, the most tourist place in Cabo de la Vela and I was
running because I also wanted to visit Punta Gallinas, before coming back and I did it.
There in Punta Gallinas I was visiting The Taroa Dunes where is amazing to see the sand
mountains and at the end of those mountains, there is the gorgeous sea. On Saturday I was
coming back to Cali, were 3 amazing days full of moments and experiences very hard to
I can’t wait to take you there with me dear mum.
A. Complete the chart writing the sentences with the correct tense (Simple
Present, Simple Past, or Past progressive)
Simple Present Past progressive Simple Past
I am really happy I was landing in Riohacha I was in la Guajira
the friche is delicious I was eating friche in the I had lunch there in
main park Riohacha
I was walking around to
know the place and buying
some souvenirs
it is a wonderful hotel I was doing the check-in in
the hotel
On Thursday I was waking
up really early
the landscapes are really I was very excited because I
beautiful was going to travel to Cabo
de la Vela
I was drinking a delicious
juice in a Rancheria in front
of the sea
I stopped in the Arcoiris
I went to Ojo del Agua
it is a real and a marvelous I went to sleep in a
experience Rancheria
I was visiting El Faro
I was running because I also
wanted to visit Punta
I was visiting The Taroa
On Saturday I was coming
back to Cali

B. Write down sentences in simple past with the following information, also write
a complement.
They / become (Affirmative)
They became artists last year.
We / run (negative sentence)
we didn't run the marathon
She / call (Interrogative sentence)
¿does she call her mother?
He / make (Affirmative sentence)
he makes the bed
I / sing (Interrogative sentence)
¿do I sing the anthem?
You / work (negative sentence)
you don't work at night
It / jump (Affirmative sentence)
he jumps the loop

She / try (Interrogative sentence)

¿Does she try to dance?
They / use (negative sentence)
they don't use butter on bread
We / write (Affirmative sentence)
we wrote a book
It / jump (Affirmative sentence)
he jumps 3 meters
She / try (Interrogative sentence)
¿Does she try to run 10 km?

C. Write down sentences in past progressive with the following information, also
write a complement.

We / bend (Negative sentence)

We weren’t bending the t-shirts.
You / blow (Interrogative sentence)
did you was blowing out the candles?
She / hide (Affirmative sentence)
she was hiding the toys
He / sleep (Negative sentence)
he wasn't sleeping at home
It / bite (Interrogative sentence)
¿do was tony biting the bag?
They / drive (Affirmative sentence)
they were driving the bus
I / forget (Negative sentence)
I wasn't forgetting your birthdays

We / let (Interrogative sentence)

we weren't leaving the food

Step 5: Reflection and personal growth

Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal donde usted como estudiante
debe realizar una autoevaluación dando respuesta en español a los siguientes interrogantes:
• ¿Estudié y aprendí los temas sugeridos del e-Book?
• ¿Participé en el foro dentro de los tiempos indicados?
• ¿En cuáles de los siguientes espacios de interacción y aprendizaje participé: Foro de
esta tarea, CIPAS, Web conferencias, grupo de WhatsApp, ¿grupo de telegram?
Foro de tarea
• ¿Qué aprendí de esta tarea?
frequency adverb, Simple present, Past progressive, Simple Past, y elaborar oraciones con
las mismas
• ¿Es importante lo que estoy aprendiendo? ¿por qué?
Si, es muy importante , ya que de alguna manera me servirá más adelante para adquirir más
• ¿Cómo aporta este aprendizaje a mi vida personal y profesional?
Me aporta de forma positiva puesto que el inglés es la lengua más hablada en todo el
mundo y es una base fundamental para todo profesional

Step 6: Online space

Enlace: https://view.genial.ly/622d37d16e8a7b0011ec6fc7/presentation-presentacion-

Nota: cordial saludo tutora, la presente es para informarle que realice la actividad de
manera individual puesto que fue poco productivo hacerla con mis compañeros de

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